how to read a value from filename and insert/replace it in the file? - shell

I have to run many python script which differ just with one parameter. I name them as,, I have the original script, say Then I make all copies that I need by
cat | tee runv{2..20..1}.py
So I have,.., But still the parameter v=1 in all of them.
Q: how can I also replace v parameter to read it from the file name? so e.g in then v=4. I would like to know if there is any one-line shell command or combination of commands. Thank you!
PS: direct editing each file is not a proper solution when there are too many files.

Below for loop will serve your purpose I think
for i in `ls | grep "runv[0-9][0-9]*.py"`
l=`echo $i | tr -d [a-z.]`
sed -i 's/v/'"$l"'/g' runv$
Below command was to pass the parameter to script extracted from the filename itself
ls | grep "runv[0-9][0-9]*.py" | tr -d [a-z.] | awk '{print "./runv"$0".py "$0}' | xargs sh
in the end instead of sh you can use python or bash or ksh.


How to use bash tail command inside a custom pipe command script?

I want to use tail in my custom pipe command.
For example, I want to execute this command:
>ls -1 | tail -n 1 | awk '{print "last file is "$1}'
>last file is test.txt
And I want to make it short by making my own custom script. It looks like this:
>ls -1 | myscript
>last file is test.txt
I know myscript can get input from "ls -1" by this code:
while read line; do
echo last file is $line
But I don't know how to use "tail -n 1" in the custom pipe command code above.
Is there a way to use a pipe command in another pipe command script?
Or do I have to implement the code which does the same process as "tail -n 1" myself?
I hope bash has some solution for this.
Try putting just this in myscript
tail -n 1 | awk '{print "last file is "$1}'
This works as the first command (tail) consumes the stdin of your script. In general, scripts work as though you typed their contest as-is to the terminal.

use of variables in gnu makefile

This is a GNU make question.
Maybe a simple one, but I did search some
textbooks before and didn't find the answer.
Short description of what I want to do:
copy a range of bytes from a file in a temporary file
calculate the checksum of this file with crc32 utility
just print the checksum in the build process for now
delete the temporary file
The problem I see is that every command is done in a separate shell,
but I need a way to get input from the previous command to execute the next one.
/opt/rtems-4.11/bin/arm-rtems4.11-nm -a px_pmc.elf | grep bsp_section_start_begin | awk '{print $$1}'
/opt/rtems-4.11/bin/arm-rtems4.11-nm -a px_pmc.elf | grep _Check_Sum | awk '{print $$1}'
These commands will print in shell the limits of the range of bytes I want,
but how do I store them in two variables, say low_limit/high_limit so I can copy that range
in the temp file in the next make command ?
dd if=px_pmc.bin skip=low_limit bs=(high_limit-low_limit) count=1 of=temp.bin
(in C you can do this with a simple variable, I'm looking for the equivalent here)
You can chain all your shell commands such that they are all executed in the same shell:
cmd1; cmd2; cmd3
If you prefer one command per line you can also use the line continuation (\):
cmd1; \
cmd2; \
(be careful, no spaces after the \). And you can assign the output of a shell command to a shell variable:
So, the only subtlety here is that make will expand the recipe before passing it to the shell and this will eat all $ signs. If you want to preserve them such that they are passed to the shell, you must double them ($$):
a="`cmd1`"; \
b="`cmd2`"; \
cmd3 "$$a" "$$b"
In your case you can try this (untested):
low_limit="`/opt/rtems-4.11/bin/arm-rtems4.11-nm -a px_pmc.elf | grep bsp_section_start_begin | awk '{print $$1}'`"; \
high_limit="`/opt/rtems-4.11/bin/arm-rtems4.11-nm -a px_pmc.elf | grep _Check_Sum | awk '{print $$1}'`"; \
bs="`expr "$$high_limit" - "$$low_limit"`"; \
dd if=px_pmc.bin skip="$$low_limit" bs="$$bs" count=1 of=temp.bin
I added the computation of high_limit-low_limit using expr. This should be more or less compatible with the bourne shell which is the default shell make uses.

Extract specific string from line with standard grep,egrep or awk

i'm trying to extract a specific string from a grep output
uci show minidlna
produces a large list
so i tried to narrow down what i wanted by running
uci show minidlna | grep -oE '\bdb_dir=\S+'
this narrows the output to
what i want is to output only
without the quotes and without the starting "db_dir" so i can run rm /mnt/sda1/usb/db/file.db
i've used the answers found here
How to extract string following a pattern with grep, regex or perl
and that's as close as i got.
EDIT: after using Ed Morton's awk command i needed to pass the output to rm command.
i used:
| ( read DB; (rm $DB/files.db) .
read DB passes the output into the vairable DB.
(...) combines commands.
rm $DB/files.db deletes the the file files.db.
Is this what you're trying to do?
$ awk -F"'" '/db_dir/{print $2}' file
That will work in any awk in any shell on every UNIX box.
If that's not what you want then edit your question to clarify your requirements and post more truly representative sample input/output.
Using sed with some effort to avoid single quotes:
sed -n 's/^minidlna.config.db_dir=\s*\S\(\S*\)\S\s*$/\1/p' input
Well, so you end up having a string like db_dir='/mnt/sda1/usb/db'.
I would first remove the quotes by piping this to
.... | tr -d "'"
Now you end up with a string like db_dir=/mnt/sda1/usb/db.
Say you have this string stored in a variable named confstr, then
gives you just /mnt/sda1/usb/db, since *= denotes everything from the start to the equal sign, and ## denotes removal.
I would do this:
Once you either extracted your line about into file.txt (or pipe it into this command), split the fields using the quote character. Use printf to generate the rm command and pass this into bash to execute.
$ awk -F"'" '{printf "rm %s.db/file.db\n", $2}' file.txt | bash
rm: /mnt/sda1/usb/db.db/file.db: No such file or directory
With your original command:
$ uci show minidlna | grep -oE '\bdb_dir=\S+' | \
awk -F"'" '{printf "rm %s.db/file.db\n", $2}' | bash

More universal alternative to this sed command?

I have a variable called $dirs storing directories in a dir tree:
And I have another variable called $remove for example that holds the names of the directories I want to remove from the dirs variable:
I am using a for loop to do that:
for d in $remove; do
dirs=$(echo "$dirs" | sed "/\b$d\b/d")
After that loop is done, what I should be left with is:
because the loop found rats.
I have tested this approach on 3 systems but it only works as expected on 2.
Is there a more universal approach that would work on all shells?
You are looking for something like
echo "${dirs}" | grep -Ev "rats|crabs"
When you can't store the exclusion list in the format with |, try to change it on the fly:"
echo "${dirs}" | grep -Ev $(echo "${remove}" | tr -s "\n" "|" | sed 's/|$//')
You can use the excludeFile technique without a temp file with
echo "${dirs}" | grep -vf <(echo "${remove}")
I am not sure which of there solutions will be best supported.

bash, execute "edmEventSize" command but it is not found when i tyoe bash

i hava a file in which using the command "edmEventSize" i can
extract a piece of information of that file (it is a number)
but know i have 700 files on which i have to execute that command
and i am trying to do it on a bash script but i cannot event do it for just
one file since i get "edmEventSize command not found", i already look for
more information but since i am new at bash i can not solve this task
Thank you in advanced
this is my script
#/usr/bin/env sh
for i in {1..700};
edmEventSize... $FILE.root > salida${i}.log
head *.log | grep "^File" | cut -f4 > a.txt
rm *.log
As everyone would suggest, you can simplify your script like this:
for i in {1..700}; do
/path/to/EdmEventSize "$FILE.root"
done | awk -F $'\t' '/^File/{print $4}' > a.txt
If your files actually are in the format of Py6_BstoJpsiKs0_7TeV_RECO_Run-####.root maybe the command you really need is:
printf -v FILE 'Py6_BstoJpsiKs0_7TeV_RECO_Run-%04d.root' "$i"
