Can't compare expected result for <nobr> tag - ruby

There is a nobr tag with some text:
I have described it in page-object:
elements(:txtCode, :nobr, :xpath => "//td[#id='phone_prefix']/nobr")
I need to check its value and I use following expectation:
expect(page.txtCode.text).to eql('+380')
But I'm getting the following error:
undefined method `txtCode' for #<Page:0x3071d30>
How do i describe this nobr element to bring the expect() to work?

You're defining an element collection instead of an element because you're using elements instead of element. The only method that creates on your page object is txtCode_elements. Use element instead.
element(:txtCode, :nobr, :xpath => "//td[#id='phone_prefix']/nobr")
You can read more about element collections from this blog post by Justin Ko:


I'm trying to get the "id" of an html tag, but the xpath doesnt work

I'm using selenium and i want to get the "id" of an html tag with "find_elements_by_xpath", but i've got this error :
selenium.common.exceptions.InvalidSelectorException: Message: invalid
selector: The result of the xpath expression
is: [object Attr]. It should be an element.
When i executed this code:
browser.find_elements_by_xpath("//body[contains(#class,'de')]/div/div[contains(#class,'container-fluid default')]/section[contains(#id,'mainContent')]/div[contains(#class,'row-fluid')]/div[contains(#id,'contentContainer row-fluid')]/div[contains(#class,'content')]/div[contains(#class,'ses')]/ul/li/#id")
While the same code without "/#id" work perfectly but i've got only the text in the "li" tag and it's not what i want.
According to the error, the problem comes from the Xpath.
I expected that this code would return all the "id" that are in "li" html tag, but i got the error.
Thank you for your help
#id is an attribute, not an element. The XPath is OK, but the function only returns elements, not attributes. I doubt there's find_attributes_by_xpath, but if you want to find the li element that has the #id defined, you can specify that in the quantifier:
/div/div[contains(#class,'container-fluid default')]
/div[contains(#id,'contentContainer row-fluid')]
You can then call element.get_attribute('id') to retrieve the id of the element.

Cypress:Finding parent element

I got a tree of elements and each element got a toggle icon to expand it -My intention is to click on the toggle icon corresponding to the element have a text for ex "TIME PERIODS"
Currently i write my code like below , Is there a better way to do this?
Please see the screenshot for my element structure.
cy.get('.tree-node',{ timeout: 60000 }).contains('TIME PERIODS',{force: true}).parent().parent().find('.tree-node-collapsed').click()
each() method is available in Using which we can travell through tree of elements and can filter using text. Please follow below code approach:
.each(($el, index, $list) => {
// $el is a wrapped jQuery element
$el.get('.tree-item').contains('TIME PERIODS').siblings('.tree-node-
I have fixed issues -working code given below
cy.get('.tree-node').each(($el, index, $list) => {
// $el is a wrapped jQuery element
cy.wrap($el).get('.tree-item').contains('TIME PERIODS').parent().siblings('.tree-node-collapsed').click();
We can do like shown below also with out using .each

Selenium search bar protected ? " undefined local element or method"

I am using selenium trying to send a key to a search bar.
This is the code of the search bar.
<input type="text" value="XXXXXXX" onblur="ga('send', 'event',
'Search', 'Champ_de_recherche');" name="champs" id="input_search" aria-
label="Recherche" autocapitalize="none" autocorrect="off">
I am unable to locate it with selenium using name / css / class or id selector
element = element.find_element(:id, "input_search")
element = element.find_element(:name, "champs")
both are returning "undefined local variable or method `element' for main:Object (NameError)"
any guess ?
I think it looks like an issue with your code, e.g.:
element = element.find_element
More specifically this bit:
Shouldn't that be:
(or similar) ?
It's saying that you don't have element defined before attempting to call those methods. If you aren't trying to find a child element from an element, use the find_element method off of your driver instance

How to count number of matches using page object?

My application has a list and it's size changes very regularly. So I need to get the li count before starting the test cases. So this is how I used to get the count
b.lis(:xpath => "//ul[#id='global_nav']/li[contains(#id, 'nav-')]").count
Now I need to achieve this in page object way. I declared the list in my page file as below.
list_item(:global_nav_count, :xpath => "//ul[#id='global_nav']/li[contains(#id, 'nav-')]")
If I try to get count as below
It returns method not found error. Can any one suggest any solution to achieve this in page object way ?
The list_item accessor is similar to Watir's li method in that it returns the first matching element. If you want a collection of elements, you need to tell the page object.
The accessor for a collection of li elements is list_items (note the plural):
list_items(:global_nav_count, :xpath => "//ul[#id='global_nav']/li[contains(#id, 'nav-')]")
The method created to access the collection is also pluralized:

Nokogiri Error: undefined method `radiobutton_with' - Why?

I try to access a form using mechanize (Ruby).
On my form I have a gorup of Radiobuttons.
So I want to check one of them.
I wrote:
target_form = (page/:form).find{ |elem| elem['id'] == 'formid'}
target_form.radiobutton_with(:name => "radiobuttonname")[2].check
In this line I want to check the radiobutton with the value of 2.
But in this line, I get an error:
: undefined method `radiobutton_with' for #<Nokogiri::XML::Element:0x9b86ea> (NoMethodError)
The problem occured because using a Mechanize page as a Nokogiri document (by calling the / method, or search, or xpath, etc.) returns Nokogiri elements, not Mechanize elements with their special methods.
As noted in the comments, you can be sure to get a Mechanize::Form by using the form_with method to find your form instead.
Sometimes, however, you can find the element you want with Nokogiri but not with Mechanize. For example, consider a page with a <select> element that is not inside a <form>. Since there is no form, you can't use the Mechanize field_with method to find the select and get a Mechanize::Form::SelectList instance.
If you have a Nokogiri element and you want the Mechanize equivalent, you can create it by passing the Nokogiri element to the constructor. For example:
sel = page.at_xpath('//select[#name="city"]') )
In your case where you had a Nokogiri::XML::Element and wanted a Mechanize::Form:
# Find the xml element
target_form = (page/:form).find{ |elem| elem['id'] == 'formid'}
target_form = target_form )
P.S. The first line above is more simply achieved by target_form = page.at_css('#formid').
