Installing Magento on CentOS nightmare (AVC denial) - magento

I'm trying to install Magento unto my CentOS that I'm running off Hyper-V and it's driving me crazy. I set everything up as per tutorial, but every time I reach the locale page of the setup it says "AVC denial... attempting to write to /var. I'm pretty new with linux but I tried almost everything, I did what the error told me and set the label of the /var directory and all the directories below it to httpd_sys_content_t and made sure it has write permission. After that didn't work I gave up and decided to reposition the server to a custom folder in /usr directory, I changed all the apache config files so it doesn't mention /var directory at all, but the apache process is still attempting to write to it for some reason. Can anybody help me out with this?

grep "denied" /var/log/audit/audit.log
What's there?
And for your information, Magento want to access file on magento folder var, log or report or cache
Go to your Magento folder and you can change it with
sudo chmod -R 777 var
it will give access to write and change file inside there.


Magento command not working on ssh terminal

I logged in to my terminal for run the magento command,after login to ssh on my command prompt and hit the command,and its not returning anything.
here is the command
[root#new-mt5 dev.ia****]# php bin/magento indexer:reindex
[root#new-mt5 dev.ia****]#
after hitting the command it not returning anything, I am using this command to my magento root dir.
how to solve this issue?
Follow this steps:
Try to check the env.php file . check if all the environment settings are correct. make sure your SQL server is running.
try to check the files permission check this docs -> Filesystem permissions
Make sure you PHP version are compatible with your M2 version.
Try to remove cache rm -rf var/cache var/page_cache generated/code generated/metadata
are you on the right directory? check if the magento binary is there. you can do this by listing bin directory (ls bin/)
I know this is old, but this can help someone else
Check your php.ini for memory limits.
You can put something like 6g for a better performance or event -1 for maximum available memory.

Change ownership of vagrant homestead directory

I'm trying to install Magento 2 on a homestead environment and The only sticking block I've hie is one of the requirements for file ownership
The owner of the Magento file system:
Must have full control (read/write/execute) of all files and directories.
Must not be the web server user; it should be a different user.
Is it possible with homestead to change the ownership of a site? I've been searching google fanatically trying to find anyone who has mentioned it and the only result i found is someone mentioning this same quote from Magento themselves while they were trying to run Magento 2 on Homestead, though they never mentioned how they solved the issue.
I tried setting up a new user manually as I would on CentOS with sudo on the vagrant user, but when trying to run chown on the files they don't change from vagrant:vagrant

Installing dropbox (and use Kirby CMS) on openshift

I'm trying to find a way to integrate Kirby CMS with Dropbox running on Openshift using these tutorials:
I already get stuck installing Dropbox, since I assume I don't really have permission while SSHing:
So my question: Is there even any way of achieving all that greatness? If no, not even if we get reaaaally creative? If NO, why not? If yes, how?
Thanks a bunch!
I have no experience with Kirby, but here's how to get Dropbox working on Openshift.
The following is a combination of doing a Dropbox install on a server and doing it in a non-standard location. Everything gets done in $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR because that's where you have write privileges.
First, make sure you're in $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR
Next, download the appropriate version of Dropbox:
wget -O - "" | tar xzf -
This should give you the .dropbox-dist folder in $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR.
Next, tell Dropbox to start the installation process, but tell it that your home directory is actually the $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR:
HOME=$OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR ./.dropbox-dist/dropboxd start -i
Follow the instructions to link your Dropbox account to the Openshift server. After it's linked, it should start syncing everything in your Dropbox account to $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/Dropbox. This might be a bad thing for you because you have too much data in your Dropbox account. If so, then you should exclude folders.
You can do that with the CLI script that Dropbox provides. Still in $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR, download it:
wget -O ""
Make sure it's executable:
chmod +x
You need to run it the same way you would Dropbox:
Hope that helps.
You should be able to download/compile/install things into your OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR (app-root/data) on your gear by using something like ./configure --prefix=~/app-root/data/dropbox, i tried that but i ran into missing the nautilus-whatever package, which i assume you could download and install in the same fashion, but i did not try past that point. As long as whatever you are running can be installed into the app-root/data, and does not require root permissions to run, you should be able to do it. If you get it going, you could also create a downloadable cartridge to run install it more easily.

Joomla 3.1 setup on Ubuntu 12.04 running nginx

My objective is to have Joomla 3.1 running on an Ubuntu server using nginx.
I am testing the setup locally but I keep encountering problems. I think this is concerned with the permissions in my Joomla source files.
I tried to install a package (T3) manually using the "Install From Directory" option. However, I receive the following message:
Warning JFTP: :store: Bad response
JInstaller: :Install: Failed to copy file
Package Install: There was an error installing an extension:
I know that this is the wrong way to set up the server but currently I have all the source files permissions set to 777. When this T3 package tries to install, it creates a folder in plugins/system/ called t3. This has only permissions drwxr-xr-x and thus the reason for the above errors.
My question is: What is the correct method to set up my Joomla 3.1 package such that I can ensure a smooth operation of the site, in a secure manner.
Thanks in advance!
The permissions when t3 installs are correct, it sounds like the problem is with ownership rather than permissions.
I think in ubuntu the system user is www-data so you would need to run the following over ssh
chown -hR www-data:www-data /path/to/joomla/root
Then upload the plugin through the joomla installer (and change folder permissions back to 755 and files to 644).

magento install and chmod 777

Ok so in install of magento in the knowlege-base says to changes permissions to 777. is that right that doesn't sound right to me at all in fact it sounds very insecure what should I do
It depends on what you need to do with the Magento install. If you want to use the Magento Connect Manager built into the administrator interface then you will need 777 permissions. If you don't want this (such as if you're happy to use the command line PEAR installer) then only the var/, media/ and app/etc/ directories need to be 777.
pretty popular requirement, especially when running php as an apache module as, php will run as the same user as webserver (normally nobody or the like). So without chmoding the dir world readable/writable, then the apache daemon cannot write into it. It can be a security issue especially on a shared hosts/servers. There are was of making php run a specific user, but that would probably be best talked about on
It is better to keep chmod 755
