I was thinking to store trees in an std::unordered_set in order to pick the unique trees from a collection of trees. If my tree node has representation like described below, how to come up with the hash function for that?
struct node {
int val;
node *left;
node *right;
Edit: By similar tree, I mean that they have the same values in all the respective nodes. So, compare function will be using the actual trees to compare rather than memory address of root.
If you can use boost, you can use its boost::hash_combine function to mix the hash values. Otherwise, you can write a simple function to do that. You can see a simple recursive function to compute the hash of a tree.
struct node
int val;
node *left;
node *right;
template <typename T>
size_t hash_combine(std::size_t s, const T & n)
s ^= std::hash<T>()(n) + 0x9e3779b9 + (s << 6) + (s >> 2);
return s;
size_t get_hash(const node & n)
if ((n.left == nullptr) && (n.right == nullptr))
return std::hash<int>()(n.val);
else if (n.left == nullptr)
return hash_combine(get_hash(*n.right), std::hash<int>()(n.val));
else if (n.right == nullptr)
return hash_combine(get_hash(*n.left), std::hash<int>()(n.val));
size_t s = std::hash<int>()(n.val);
s = hash_combine(s, get_hash(*n.right));
s = hash_combine(s, get_hash(*n.left));
return s;
namespace std
template <>
struct hash<node>
std::size_t operator()(const node & n) const
return ::get_hash(n);
} // std
How to implement Boost::Multi-index on a list of lists
I have a hierarchical tree as follows:
typedef std::list<struct obj> objList // the object list
typedef std::list<objList> topLevelList // the list of top-level object lists
struct obj
int Id; // globally unique Id
std::string objType;
std::string objAttributes;
topLevelList childObjectlist;
At the top-level, I have a std::list of struct obj
Then, each of these top-level obj can have any number of child objects,
which are contained in a topLevelList list for that object. This can continue, with a child in the nested list also having its own children.
Some objects can only be children, while others are containers and can have children of their own. Container objects have X number of sub-containers, each sub-container having its own list of child objects and that is why I have topLevelList in each obj struct, rather than simply objList.
I want to index this list of lists with boost::Multi-index to obtain random access to any of the objects in either the top-level list or the descendant list by its globally unique Id.
Can this be accomplished? I have searched for examples with no success.
I think the only way to have a flattened master search index by object Ids is to make the lists above to be lists of pointers to the objects, then traverse the completed hierarchical list, and log into the master search index the pointer where each object is physically allocated in memory. Then any object can be located via the master search index.
With Boost::Multi-index, I'd still have to traverse the hierarchy, though hopefully with the ability to use random instead of sequential access in each list encountered, in order to find a desired object.
Using nested vectors instead of lists is a problem - as additions and deletions occur in the vectors, there is a performance penalty as well as the prospect of pointers to objects becoming invalidated as the vectors are reallocated.
I'm almost talking myself into implementing the flattened master objId search index of pointers, unless someone has a better solution that can leverage Boost::Multi-index.
Edit on 1/31/2020:
I'm having trouble with the implementation of nested lists below. I have cases where the code does not properly place top-level parent objects into the top level, and thus in the "bracketed" printout, we don't see the hierarchy for that parent. However, in the "Children of xxx" printout, the children of that parent do display correctly. Here is a section of main.cpp which demonstrates the problem:
auto it=c.insert({170}).first;
auto it141=c.insert({141}).first;
auto it137=insert_under(c,it141,{137}).first;
auto it9=insert_under(c,it137,{9}).first;
auto it5=insert_under(c,it9,{5}).first;
auto it143=insert_under(c,it137,{143}).first;
If you place this code in Main.cpp instead of the demo code and run it you will see the problem. Object 141 is a parent object and is placed at the top level. But it does not print in the "Bracketed" hierarchy printout. Why is this?
Edit on 2/2/2020:
Boost::Serialize often delivers an exception on oarchive, complaining that re-creating a particular object would result in duplicate objects. Some archives save and re-load successfully, but many result in the error above. I have not been able yet to determine the exact conditions under which the error occurs, but I have proven that none of the content used to populate the nested_container and the flat object list contains duplicate object IDs. I am using text archive, not binary. Here is how I have modified the code for nested_container and also for another, separate flat object list in order to do Boost::Serialize:
struct obj
int id;
const obj * parent = nullptr;
{ }
obj(int object)
{ }
int getObjId() const
return id;
bool operator==(obj obj2)
if (this->getObjId() == obj2.getObjId())
return true;
return false;
#if 1
friend class boost::serialization::access;
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const obj &obj);
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int file_version)
ar & id & parent;
struct subtree_obj
const obj & obj_;
subtree_obj(const obj & ob)
{ }
#if 1
friend class boost::serialization::access;
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const subtree_obj &obj);
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int file_version)
ar & obj_;
struct path
int id;
const path *next = nullptr;
path(int ID, const path *nex)
:id(ID), next(nex)
{ }
path(int ID)
{ }
#if 1
friend class boost::serialization::access;
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const path &pathe);
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int file_version)
ar & id & next;
struct subtree_path
const path & path_;
subtree_path(const path & path)
{ }
#if 1
friend class boost::serialization::access;
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const subtree_path &pathe);
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int file_version)
ar & path_;
// My flattened object list
struct HMIObj
int objId;
std::string objType;
:objId(-1), objType("")
{ }
bool operator==(HMIObj obj2)
if (this->getObjId() == obj2.getObjId())
&& this->getObjType() == obj2.getObjType())
return true;
return false;
int getObjId() const
return objId;
std::string getObjType() const
return objType;
#if 1
friend class boost::serialization::access;
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const HMIObj &obj);
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int file_version)
ar & objId & objType;
In case it helps, you can use Boost.MultiIndex to implement a sort of hierarchical container using the notion of path ordering.
Suppose we have the following hierarchy of objects, identified by their IDs:
| |
0 4
|---- |----
| | | | | |
1 2 3 5 8 9
| |
6 7
We define the path of each object as the sequence of IDs from the root down to the object:
0 --> 0
1 --> 0, 1
2 --> 0, 2
3 --> 0, 3
4 --> 4
5 --> 4, 5
6 --> 4, 5, 6
7 --> 4, 5, 7
8 --> 4, 8
9 --> 4, 9
These paths can be ordered lexicographically so that a sequence of objects sorted by path is actually a representation of the underlying hierarchy. If we add a parent pointer to objects to model parent-child relationships:
struct obj
int id;
const obj* parent=nullptr;
then we can define a multi_index_container with both O(1) access by ID and hierarchy-based indexing:
using nested_container=multi_index_container<
where obj_less compares objects according to path ordering. All types of tree manipulations and visitations are possible as exemplified below (code is not entirely trivial, feel free to ask).
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/multi_index_container.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/hashed_index.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/ordered_index.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/identity.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/member.hpp>
#include <iterator>
struct obj
int id;
const obj* parent=nullptr;
struct subtree_obj
const obj& obj_;
struct path
int id;
const path* next=nullptr;
struct subtree_path
const path& path_;
inline bool operator<(const path& x,const path& y)
if(x.id<y.id)return true;
else if(y.id<x.id)return false;
else if(!x.next) return y.next;
else if(!y.next) return false;
else return *(x.next)<*(y.next);
inline bool operator<(const subtree_path& sx,const path& y)
const path& x=sx.path_;
if(x.id<y.id)return true;
else if(y.id<x.id)return false;
else if(!x.next) return false;
else if(!y.next) return false;
else return subtree_path{*(x.next)}<*(y.next);
inline bool operator<(const path& x,const subtree_path& sy)
return x<sy.path_;
struct obj_less
template<typename F>
static auto apply_to_path(const obj& x,F f)
return apply_to_path(x.parent,path{x.id},f);
template<typename F>
static auto apply_to_path(const obj* px,const path& x,F f)
return !px?f(x):apply_to_path(px->parent,{px->id,&x},f);
bool operator()(const obj& x,const obj& y)const
return apply_to_path(x,[&](const path& x){
return apply_to_path(y,[&](const path& y){
return x<y;
bool operator()(const subtree_obj& x,const obj& y)const
return apply_to_path(x.obj_,[&](const path& x){
return apply_to_path(y,[&](const path& y){
return subtree_path{x}<y;
bool operator()(const obj& x,const subtree_obj& y)const
return apply_to_path(x,[&](const path& x){
return apply_to_path(y.obj_,[&](const path& y){
return x<subtree_path{y};
using namespace boost::multi_index;
using nested_container=multi_index_container<
template<typename Iterator>
inline auto insert_under(nested_container& c,Iterator it,obj x)
return c.insert(std::move(x));
template<typename Iterator,typename F>
void for_each_in_level(
nested_container& c,Iterator first,Iterator last, F f)
const obj* parent=first->parent;
auto first_=c.project<1>(first),
auto next=std::next(first_);
template<typename ObjPointer,typename F>
void for_each_child(nested_container& c,ObjPointer p,F f)
auto [first,last]=c.get<1>().equal_range(subtree_obj{*p});
#include <iostream>
auto print=[](const obj& x){std::cout<<x.id<<" ";};
void print_subtree(nested_container& c,const obj& x)
std::cout<<x.id<<" ";
bool visited=false;
for_each_child(c,&x,[&](const obj& x){
std::cout<<"[ ";
if(visited)std::cout<<"] ";
int main()
nested_container c;
auto it=c.insert({0}).first;
auto it2=insert_under(c,it,{5}).first;
std::cout<<"top level:\t";
std::cout<<"children of 0:\t";
std::cout<<"children of 4:\t";
std::cout<<"children of 5:\t";
for_each_in_level(c,c.get<1>().begin(),c.get<1>().end(),[&](const obj& x){
preorder: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
top level: 0 4
children of 0: 1 2 3
children of 4: 5 8 9
children of 5: 6 7
bracketed: 0 [ 1 2 3 ] 4 [ 5 [ 6 7 ] 8 9 ]
Update 2020/02/02:
When accessing top-level elements, I've changed the code from:
This is because index #0 is hashed and does not necessarily show elements sorted by ID.
For instance, if elements with IDs (170,171,173,173,141) are inserted in this order, index #0 lists them as
170,171,173,173,141 (coincidentally, same order as inserted),
while index #1 lists them as
141,170,171,173,173 (sorted by ID).
The way the code is implemented, for_each_in_level(c,c.begin(),c.end(),...); gets internally mapped to index #1 range [170,...,173], leaving out 141. The way to make sure all top elements are included is then to write for_each_in_level(c,c.get<1>().begin(),c.get<1>().end(),...);.
I have a tensor classes of rank N which wrap data stored in an array. For example, a rank-3 tensor would have dimensions (d0,d1,d2) and a unique element would be accessed with the multi-index (i0,i1,i2) from the underlying array of length d0*d1*d2. If d0=d1=d2=10, i0=1, i1=2, i2=3, then element 123 of the array would be accessed.
I've implemented a recursively defined class which computes single array index from the multi-index as follows:
template<size_t N>
class TensorIndex : TensorIndex<N-1> {
size_t d;
TensorIndex( size_t d0, Ds...ds ) : TensorIndex<N-1>( ds... ), d(d0) {}
size_t index( size_t i0, Is...is ) {
return i0+d*TensorIndex<N-1>::index(is...);
struct TensorIndex<1> {
TensorIndex( size_t ) {}
size_t index( size_t i ) { return i; }
Which reverses the desired order.
TensorIndex<3> g(10,10,10);
std::cout << g.index(1,2,3) << std::endl;
outputs 321. What would be a simple way to reverse the order of the arguments for the constructor and index functions?
I tried implementing using the suggested approach of reversing the variadic arguments, but this was suboptimal as it required reversing the arguments for both index and the constructor and the necessary helper functions for these two cases would appear slightly different. The initializer list answer looks more straightforward.
No need of recursion nor to reverse, you can use initializer-list to call an evaluation function that accumulates index from left to right. The function object called in the initalizer-list should have a non-void return type :
#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template<size_t N>
class TensorIndex {
template<typename... Args>
TensorIndex(Args... args) : dims{static_cast<size_t>(args)...}
static_assert(sizeof...(Args) == N,
"incorrect number of arguments for TensorIndex constructor");
template<typename... Args>
size_t index(Args... args) {
static_assert(sizeof...(Args) == N,
"incorrect number of arguments for TensorIndex::index()");
IndexEval eval{dims};
Pass pass{eval(args)...}; // evaluate from left to right : initializer-list
return eval.get_res();
const size_t dims[N];
class IndexEval {
size_t k = 0;
size_t res = 0;
const size_t* dims;
IndexEval(const size_t* dims) : dims{dims} {}
size_t operator()(size_t i) {
return res = res * dims[k++] + i;
size_t get_res() const { return res; }
struct Pass {
template<typename... Args> Pass(Args...) {}
int main()
TensorIndex<3> g(10, 10, 10);
cout << g.index(1, 2, 3) << endl;
I'm trying to use a std::multiset container with strict weak ordering on the EdgeProperties for the EdgeList template parameter of boost::adacency_list
namespace boost {
struct propOrderedMultisetS { };
template <class ValueType>
struct container_gen<propOrderedMultisetS,ValueType> {
struct less {
bool operator() (const ValueType& lhs, const ValueType& rhs) const {
return (lhs.get_property() < rhs.get_property());
typedef std::multiset<ValueType, less> type;
struct MyVertexProp { int v; };
struct MyEdgeProp {
bool operator<(const MyEdgeProp& rhs) const {
return this->weight < rhs.weight;
double weight;
typedef adjacency_list<listS, listS, undirectedS, MyVertexProp, MyEdgeProp,
no_property, propOrderedMultisetS> PropOrderedGraph;
using namespace boost;
int main() {
PropOrderedGraph g;
// ... adding some vertices and edges
for (auto e_range=edges(g); e_range.first != e_range.second; ++e_range.first) {
// works! prints the edges ordered by weight
std::cout << g[*e_range.first].weight << std::endl;
for (auto v_range=vertices(g); v_range.first != v_range.second; ++v_range.first) {
// works! prints all vertices (random order)
std::cout << g[*v_range.first].v << std::endl;
auto first_vertex = *vertices(g).first;
for (auto adj_v_range=adjacent_vertices(first_vertex, g); adj_v_range.first != adj_v_range.second; ++adj_v_range.first) {
// problem: dereferencing causes compiler error, see below
std::cout << g[*adj_v_range.first].v << std::endl;
return 0;
Dereferencing the iterator in the third for-loop causes a compiler error:
/usr/include/boost/graph/detail/adjacency_list.hpp:293:69: error: invalid initialization of reference of type ‘MyEdgeProp&’ from expression of type ‘const MyEdgeProp’
inline Property& get_property() { return m_iter->get_property(); }
Any ideas how I could fix that error or how else I could accomplish the task?
I changed the graph library and now am using LEMON, which provides a class IterableValueMap for my task.