How to find a package name from given call in runtime? - go

For logging purpose I want to write a function which will print a package name.
I can do it for a directory name:
// file is the full file name
// 4 - how many calls we want to go up in a stack trace.
_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(4)
... but can't find a way for package name (package name can be different from directory name).

I came across a similar problem - from a package path how do you get the package name. The best solution I found is to exec the "go list" command. Not ideal but I came up blank elsewhere.
In my case I also had a problem that sometimes the package is an empty directory. With no source files, "go list" throws an error, so I added a function to create a sensible package name from the path.
Here's the code:
func getPackageName(path string) string {
output, err := exec.Command("go", "list", "-f", "{{.Name}}", path).CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return guessPackageName(path)
return strings.TrimSpace(string(output))
func guessPackageName(path string) string {
preferred := path
if strings.HasSuffix(preferred, "/") {
// training slashes are usually tolerated, so we can get rid of one if it exists
preferred = preferred[:len(preferred)-1]
if strings.Contains(preferred, "/") {
// if the path contains a "/", use the last part
preferred = preferred[strings.LastIndex(preferred, "/")+1:]
if strings.Contains(preferred, "-") {
// the name usually follows a hyphen - e.g.
// if the package name contains a "-", use the last part
preferred = preferred[strings.LastIndex(preferred, "-")+1:]
if strings.Contains(preferred, ".") {
// dot is commonly usually used as a version - e.g.
// if the package name contains a ".", use the first part
preferred = preferred[:strings.LastIndex(preferred, ".")]
return preferred


How to get the path to a Go module dependency?

I have two Go modules, let's name them and
Let this be's go.mod:
go 1.12
require ( v0.4.2
In's root directory, there is a file named data.yaml. needs to autogenerate some code as part of its build process. This autogeneration needs to read data.yaml.
How can I in the directory of query for the path of to read that file? I know that after downloading, the module will be somewhere in (go env GOPATH)/pkg/mod but I don't know how the path will be constructed from there as it contains some ! characters that are not part of the import path. I hoped that there is some subcommand of go mod or go list that will output the path, but I haven't found it in the documentation.
I have thought about including data.yaml in Go code via go-bindata (yes I'm aware of //go:embed but I don't want to require Go 1.16 for now) but then I would only have access at run-time when I need it at compile-time.
You can use go list with the -m flag and the -f flag like so:
go list -m -f '{{.Dir}}'
The -m flag:
causes go list to list modules instead of packages. In this mode, the
arguments to go list may be modules, module patterns (containing the
... wildcard), version queries, or the special pattern all, which
matches all modules in the build list. If no arguments are specified,
the main module is listed.
The -f flag:
specifies an alternate format for the output, using the syntax of
package template. The struct being passed to the template, when using
the -m flag, is:
type Module struct {
Path string // module path
Version string // module version
Versions []string // available module versions (with -versions)
Replace *Module // replaced by this module
Time *time.Time // time version was created
Update *Module // available update, if any (with -u)
Main bool // is this the main module?
Indirect bool // is this module only an indirect dependency of main module?
Dir string // directory holding files for this module, if any
GoMod string // path to go.mod file for this module, if any
GoVersion string // go version used in module
Error *ModuleError // error loading module }
type ModuleError struct {
Err string // the error itself
[the above quote was altered for context]
You can figure out the module path like this:
package main
import (
func GetModulePath(name, version string) (string, error) {
// first we need GOMODCACHE
cache, ok := os.LookupEnv("GOMODCACHE")
if !ok {
cache = path.Join(os.Getenv("GOPATH"), "pkg", "mod")
// then we need to escape path
escapedPath, err := module.EscapePath(name)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// version also
escapedVersion, err := module.EscapeVersion(version)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return path.Join(cache, escapedPath+"#"+escapedVersion), nil
func main() {
var path, err = GetModulePath("", "v0.4.7")
if err != nil {
if _, err := os.Stat(path); os.IsNotExist(err) {
fmt.Println("you don't have this module/version installed")
fmt.Println("module found in", path)

How to properly check type of error returned by plugin.Open

I would like to know how can I check the type of error returned by plugin.Open, e.g:
package main
import "plugin"
func main() {
_, err := plugin.Open("./")
// here
I would like to do something different if the error is:
plugin.Open("./"): realpath failed
Which basically means that the file doesn't exist.
Example of desired result:
package main
import "plugin"
func main() {
_, err := plugin.Open("./")
if err.Error() == "plugin.Open(\"./\"): realpath failed" {
// do something different here
} else {
The string that I pass to plugin.Open can have other values, so it needs to be something more smart than that.
Thanks in advance.
Inspection of the code for plugin.Open() reveals the package calls out to some C code to determine whether the path exists. If it doesn't, it returns a plain error value. In particular, the package does not define any sentinel errors which you can compare against, nor does it return its own concrete implementer of the error interface which carries custom metadata. This is the code which produces that error:
return nil, errors.New(`plugin.Open("` + name + `"): realpath failed`)
errors.New is a basic implementation of the error interface which doesn't allow any additional information to be passed. Unlike other locations in the standard library which return errors (such as path non-existent errors from the os package), you can't get such metadata in this instance.
Check whether the module file exists first
My preference would be to verify whether the module exists before attempting to load it, using the native capabilities provided by the os package:
modulePath := "./"
if _, err := os.Stat(modulePath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
// Do whatever is required on module not existing
// Continue to load the module – can be another branch of the if block
// above if necessary, depending on your desired control flow.
Compare a subset of the error values
You could also use strings.Contains to search for the value realpath failed in the returned error value. This is not a good idea in the event that string changes in future, so if you adopt this pattern, at the very least you should ensure you have rigorous tests around it (and even then it's still not great).
_, err := plugin.Open("./")
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "realpath failed") {
// Do your fallback behavior for module not existing
log.Fatalf("module doesn't exist")
} else {
// Some other type of error
log.Fatalf("%+v", err)

Get the parent path

I am creating Go command-line app and I need to generate some stuff in the current directory (the directory which the user execute the commands from)
to get the pwd I need to use
but this give me path like
and I need path like this
which option I've in this case?
Omit the last string after the / or there is better way in Go?
Take a look at the filepath package, particularly filepath.Dir:
wd,err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
parent := filepath.Dir(wd)
Per the docs:
Dir returns all but the last element of path, typically the path's directory.
Another option is the path package:
package main
import "path"
func main() {
s := "/Users/s05333/go/src/appcmd"
t := path.Dir(s)
println(t == "/Users/s05333/go/src")

Go - Iterate through directores/files in current directory

I have the following structure:
I'm trying to iterate through this project structure so that I can read the contents of each file to process them. So I want to say "search through the directory project", then it will search through all the files, and only the first level of directories and their files, so if there was another directory with a file inside of docs/, it would ignore it.
Currently, I've tried to accomplish this with the "path/filepath" library:
func traverse(path string, file os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if file, err := os.Open(file.Name()); err == nil {
defer file.Close()
if fileStat, err := file.Stat(); err == nil {
switch mode := fileStat.Mode(); {
case mode.IsDir():
fmt.Println("it be a directory! lets traverse", file.Name())
filepath.Walk(file.Name(), traverse)
case mode.IsRegular():
fmt.Println("the thingy ", file.Name(), " is a file")
} else {
return errors.New("failed to check status")
return errors.New("failed 2 open file/dir?")
Then I call it from here:
if err := filepath.Walk("project/", traverse); err != nil {
setupErr("%s", err)
Note that I run this executable relative to my test directory, so it's finding the directory okay. My problem is actually when I run it, I get the following:
it be a directory! lets traverse project
it be a directory! lets traverse project
# ^ printed about 20 more times ^
failed 2 open file/dir?
I think my recursion is a little off, and it's not changing into the directory perhaps? Any ideas, if you need any more information just ask and I'll update.
First, it looks like what you want do to contradicts with the code you have. You wrote:
So I want to say "search through the directory project", then it will search through all the files, and only the first level of directories and their files, so if there was another directory with a file inside of docs/, it would ignore it.
Does it mean that you want to iterate only two levels of directories (current and one below) and ignore the rest?
If so then you do not need a recursion, just a simple loop that executes search function over the files within the current directory and for every its subdirectory.
The code that you have walks over the filesystem directory subtree.
Basically, filepath.Walk that you use should do it for you. So you either implement recursive walking or use Walk, but not both.
Second, the recursion is implemented incorrectly in your code. It missing iterating over the directories.
So the code that prints the file names in the current directory and its subdirectories (but not further) is:
package main
import (
func main() {
items, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(".")
for _, item := range items {
if item.IsDir() {
subitems, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(item.Name())
for _, subitem := range subitems {
if !subitem.IsDir() {
// handle file there
fmt.Println(item.Name() + "/" + subitem.Name())
} else {
// handle file there
Walk walks the file tree rooted at root, calling walkFn for each file
or directory in the tree, including root. All errors that arise
visiting files and directories are filtered by walkFn. The files are
walked in lexical order, which makes the output deterministic but
means that for very large directories Walk can be inefficient. Walk
does not follow symbolic links.

check if given path is a subdirectory of another in golang

Say we have two paths:
c:\foo\bar\baz and c:\foo\bar
Is there any package/method that will help me determine if one is a subdirectory of another? I am looking at a cross-platform option.
You could try and use path.filepath.Rel():
func Rel(basepath, targpath string) (string, error)
Rel returns a relative path that is lexically equivalent to targpath when joined to basepath with an intervening separator.
That is, Join(basepath, Rel(basepath, targpath)) is equivalent to targpath itself
That means Rel("c:\foo\bar", "c:\foo\bar\baz") should be baz, meaning a subpath completely included in c:\foo\bar\baz, and without any '../'.
The same would apply for unix paths.
That would make c:\foo\bar\baz a subdirectory of c:\foo\bar.
I haven't found a reliable solution for all types of paths, but the best you can get is by using filepath.Rel as VonC suggested.
It works if both filepaths are either absolute or relative (mixing is not allowed) and works on both Windows and Linux:
func SubElem(parent, sub string) (bool, error) {
up := ".." + string(os.PathSeparator)
// path-comparisons using filepath.Abs don't work reliably according to docs (no unique representation).
rel, err := filepath.Rel(parent, sub)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if !strings.HasPrefix(rel, up) && rel != ".." {
return true, nil
return false, nil
Absolute windows paths that start with a drive letter will require an additional check though.
You can use the function path.filepath.Match()
Match reports whether name matches the shell file name pattern.
For example:
pattern := "C:\foo\bar" + string(filepath.Separator) + "*"
matched, err := filepath.Match(pattern, "C:\foo\bar\baz")
Where matched should be true.
If you first canonicalize both paths by calling filepath.EvalSymlinks() and filepath.Abs() on them, you can simply append a '/' to each one, since the UNIX kernel itself forbids a '/' within a path component. At this point you can simply use strings.HasPrefix() on the two paths, in either order.
Try this code. This checks if either is a sub-directory of the other. Try changing values of both base and path and the results should be valid.
package main
import (
func main() {
base := "/b/c/"
path := "/a/b/c/d"
if len(base) > len(path) {
base, path = path, base
rel, err := filepath.Rel(base, path)
fmt.Printf("Base %q: Path %q: Rel %q Err %v\n", base, path, rel, err)
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(rel, "..") {
