Visual Studio 2015 full completely offline distributive - visual-studio

I'm wondering is there a way to download all external components of VS 2015 (Apache Cordova, Android SDK, Python tools, lots of JS libs etc) to create a complete and offline installer? Preferably I want to find a way to create such "distro" automatically (by running 1-2 commands).
I don't have internet on my work machine and googling, downloading and installing all external dependencies by hand is tedious and I'm not so sure that VS will see them after installation.
PS: Rant - previous VS releases that included all software components in ISO were better.
PPS: This is a complete copy of the question on serverfault - because I thought that installation questions are better suited there... Looks like I was wrong..

You want to use the layout switch
After you download the update executable from the MSDN website to a location on your file system, run the following command at a command prompt: /layout.
This command downloads all the packages for the installation.
By using the /layout switch, you can download all the core installation packages, not just the ones that apply to the download machine. This approach gives you all the files that you need to run this update anywhere and may be useful if you want to install components that weren't installed originally.
After you run the command, you should be prompted for the download location. Enter the location, and then choose Download.
When the package download is successful, you should see a Visual Studio screen that says Setup Successful! All specified components have been acquired successfully.
In the file location that you specified, find the executable file and the package folder. This is everything you need to copy to a shared location or install media.
You can now run the installation from the file location or the install media.
Read more at MSDN


How do I compile a UWP application to a stand-alone EXE file?

I have a UWP application. I can run it inside of Visual Studio by using the Run button. I also know how to create an App Package and distributed it via App Center.
What I can't figure out how to do is build an EXE file that I can run on my own computer without launching Visual Studio (or copy to another computer). I found the EXE in the project folder under bin/x64/Debug (or bin/x64/Release), but it won't run. In fact it does nothing when I double-click on it.
What am I doing wrong?
The easiest way I have found to get apps installed on computers for non-technical users is to give them the output of that Create App Packages submenu, which includes a ps1 script and certificate file. If you give it to them as a zip make sure they unzip the whole folder first, and run the ps1 script from the unzipped folder. If Developer Mode is not enabled on their computer, the settings dialog to enable it will open automatically, and they just have to flip the switch. Otherwise, they are just pressing Y or A in the PowerShell window to continue through the installation process.
It's not too bad, the whole thing takes about 30 seconds if you breeze through it, but I believe you need admin rights on the computer you're installing on, there's a UAC prompt at some point.
I found the EXE in the project folder under bin/x64/Debug (or bin/x64/Release)
The exe file is the uwp executive core, but it could not run directly, because it has some dependencies need to be packed together, so we need use Visual Studio to create package for your app. And this document contains detailed steps you could refer.
After getting the installation package, we need the side-load, and please note:
If you are not publishing your app and simply want to sideload an app package, you first need to trust the package. To trust the package, the certificate must be installed on the user's device.

Creating installation files depended on NuGet packages doesn’t work in Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Installer Projects

Is it possible to get pug in project for Outlook that is depend on NuGet packages to be installed with Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Installer Projects? I’m trying to create an installation file for a plug in for Outlook that have a drag and drop functionality dependent on the Easyhook Nuget package. That the plugin have a taskPane with a webbrowser there are drop Outlook e-mail messages as .msg files.
It works to install the plug in but the drag and drop functionality that is dependent on the NuGet package doesn’t work. That I can drop the message but the webpage doesn’t recognize the drop mails as .msg files or even as uploadable files. While if I try with the trial version of InstallShield 2018 Express Edition everything works including the drag and drop functionality.
I tried to do the same thing with Installer Project as with InstallShield. To output I added content files, debug symbols and primary output. Files I added was the manifest and vsto files for the Plugin and the .dll file for the NuGet Package, Easyhook32.dll. I got an error because the content file included the 64bit for the NuGet Package files, and I’m doing a 32bit installation, and also that the Easyhook32.dll file was duplicate, that it seems that the dll file also was added with the content files.
So, I excluded the 64bit files in the plug In project that should be installed and in the installation project I removed Easyhook32.dll files from the files that should be include in the installation. Also then it worked to install the plugin but the drag and drop functionality didn’t work. I also tried to for example not add the content files and just add the Easyhook32.dll and that also made the installation work except the drag and drop functionality.
I can of course also try other installation programs that is able to add NuGet but also are able to be installed from the Internet and also add registry keys and values. That I also have tried Microsoft Click Once installations program and it was easy to create an installation files but it seems like you need a valid certification if you want users to download the installation file from the Internet.
Also, this is the first time I working with type of installation like this ones and with Outlook Add In so I can have missed some obvious solutions. That at the same time english is not my first language so I can also have missed using the correct terminology.
NuGet is a build-time package manager. You'll need to redistribute any required binaries in your installer package by adding them manually. Typically, required binaries from NuGet packages will be copied to your output folder, so you could add them from those paths just like your project output.

Error in Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) stand alone Installation

While I want to write an app for Windows 10 IoT on Raspberry Pi 3 B I need to install Visual Studio 2015 Community with Windows SDK on a Windows 10 PC.
I already have a Windows 10 with Visual Studio 2015 installed and downloaded Windows SDK 10 stand alone but when I click on sdksetup.exe I encounter this error :
Some Features already installed on this computer are missing from the downloaded setup package.
Download the folowing features before retrying setup on this computer.
OptionId.WindowsSoftware DevelopmentKit
I am a bit confused. Why does it need to have packages that it says already installed and the thing is I want these packages to install I don't have them yet!
I will be appreciated if any body can help me and I will send any extra information if needed.
I had the same issue. I downloaded Windows SDK 10 stand alone with only Debugging Tools as selected. Deleting UserExperienceManifest.xml did not solve my problem. I resolved the issue by performing following steps.
Install following installer(.msi) files, located in Installers folder near sdksetup.exe, by double clicking themone bye one.
\Installers\SDK Debuggers-x86_en-us.msi
\Installers\X86 Debuggers And Tools-x86_en-us.msi
\Installers\X64 Debuggers And Tools-x64_en-us.msi
Confirm and verify whether C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64\cdb.exe and C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x86\cdb.exe are created with all other binaries.
Now, open QtCreator. Go to Tools | Options | Build & Run | Debugger tab.
Verify above cdb.exe files paths are listed under Auto-detected section.
Debugging starts working after this.
This is caused by a bad set of checks in the installer, where you previously have installed an earlier version of the Windows SDK.
None of the solutions I came across worked, but I ended up fixing it.
I used CCleaner to remove bad Registry entries, and went through the registry manually and removed relevant keys that referenced the C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits directory.
After I cleaned up the registry, it still didn't work, so I removed the UserExperienceManifest.xml file, and it ran the installer.
I think the combination of cleaning the registry and deleting that file were both key in getting this installer to work.
Just to be safe, I also ran a repair on my Visual Studio installation.
Hopefully this helps someone else. Been messing with this for hours.
Just set All Option, And download them to local storage,
excepting some option cause triggering error that needs more package.
Only setting method more package is that download from internet on MS.
but this error occur when downloading fails, like when it is offline.
So, just set All Option. And download Setup.
Use it to install.

How do I install a visual studio 2010-built .exe to a specific folder?

I've written a program that needs to be installed a on an external network. The end-user is a sys admin who needs to install the program in a specific location on a server.
I've fiddled with the options in the publish menu a little bit, but can't find out how to specify where the program should install to. I've also tried running setup.exe with an install location as a parameter, as suggested in the link from Microsoft, but this command does not seem to work. (I've tried both with and without the URL prefix)
Also, I considered putting this on Server Fault but I'm assuming there is some easy way to configure the install location in visual studio, I just don't know about it.
Any ideas?

Can I reuse the downloaded files from the VS2010 web installer

I installed VS2010 pro using the web installer, but now need to install it on another machine. As this new install will require the same features as my current install, is it possible to reuse the files already downloaded? And if so, how is this achieved?
You might find some tips here. This is for the older VS web installer for the express editions, but perhaps the concepts are the same.
On my machine, the setup uses files from
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local settings\Temp\30319.01\1033\VS_VSTD
but I don't yet know how to reuse them, or if that directory is the result of unpacking files from somewhere else.
I used filemon to see from where the setup was reading and writing.
