How to point server_x\laravel\submit as root in XAMPP?(windows) - xampp

I need to change it in order for the localhost to change its root directory. it will display the web page by default. I've tried changing the apache httpd.conf but then, apache doesn't run.


How to change index.php to index..php for xampp on kali linux?

I can not able to change the index.php file to index..php for xampp on kali linux(Gnome).
when I right click on the file the rename is not enable to change the name of this file. I think I need the root access to change the file name. but how can i access as a root so that I can change the file?

OXID starting on localhost/source, I want to start it at localhost

My OXID store starts on localhost with http://localhost/source, but I just want it to start with http://localhost.
You need to change the DocumentRoot setting in your httpd.conf file. You also have to change the corresponding Directory Setting in the same file. Both should point to the "source" directory. How do I change the root directory of an Apache server?
In your Oxid installation you then have to change the "sShopURL" setting in to http://localhost/, and additionally you have to change "RewriteBase /source" to "RewriteBase /" in your .htaccess file (both of these files are in the "source" directory of your shop).
Remember that you have to remove the write protection from the file in order to edit it. One more Tip: if you are using xampp you can edit the httpd.conf file and restart apache in the xampp control panel.

Cannot get site loaded with Apache on Mac

I'm running El Capitan and trying to get my website hosted locally for development with Apache (that came with the OS). I followed the instructions here exactly. I made an anthony.conf file and put the Directory text in there, I replaced the actual directory with /Users/anthony/dev/web/unfinished-asteroids/ and then placed my web files in there. I started apache and navigated for localhost/~anthony but I get the
Not Found: The requested URL /~anthony was not found on this server.
standard 404 error. When I navigate to localhost it works fine and I get the "It works" from the index.html that is located in /Library/WebServer/Documents, I even changed that index.html file and it works fine.
Any ideas why I'm not able to see my website using apache? All I did was download this github repository and place it in my unfinished-asteroids folder, the index.html is at the root.
So it looks like there are a couple of extra steps that you need to do. There isn't really anything too special about apache that comes with OSX, so your standard apache configurations will work. but to get Userdir (~username) working on El Capitan,this is what I had to do
Edit /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
on (or near) line 166, uncomment
loadModule userdir_module libexec/apache2/
then on line 493 uncomment
Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-userdir.conf
then edit file /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-userdir.conf
uncomment line 16
Include /private/etc/apache2/users/*.conf
then in /etc/apache2/users/anthony.conf
<Directory "/Users/anthony/Sites/">
Options Indexes MultiViews
Require all granted
then sudo apachectl restart
That should make http://localhost/~anthony point to your sites directory.
Logs are stored in /var/log/apache2
Now if all you want is web access to say your dev directory you can do something like this.. (don't make any of the changes listed above)
in /etc/apache2/other/ create a file called mydev.conf (name doesn't really matter, save it needs to end in .conf')
and put this in that file
Alias /dev /Users/anthony/dev/
<Directory "/Users/anthony/dev">
Options Indexes MultiViews
Require all granted
and reload apache (sudo apachectl restart)
then you will be able to access your dev folder at http://localhost/dev and should be able to access your page at http://localhost/dev/web/unfinished-asteroids/
you can adjust the paths at will above, just need to make sure that the user or group _www has access to it, and that paths in the alias and the directory match. and Index of /magento page shows up

I am trying to install Magento on localhost.
actually, I am a beginner of Magento and stackoverflow.
I have followed guide book and I downloaded Magento sample file.. and unzipped the file at c:/xampp/htdocs/magento
also modified the host file..
whenever I am trying to enter the
index of magento page shows ftp server.
How can I open the Magento file as well guide book..
I do not use xammp so I don't know how it's directory structure looks like, but: it looks like you are installing Magento in a subdirectory, right?
If you do so, you have to edit .htaccess. Change RedirectBase to the name of your subdirectory. So here it should be /magento/ And if the RedirectBase line in .htaccess is commented out delete the # at the beginning of that line.
Once magento zip file is unzipped drag the unzipped file in
c:xampp/htdocs/(magento unzipped folder) --->> this is root directory of magento
Now we web browser hit this url
http://localhost/(magento unzipped folder name)
if you are hitting this url first time it asks for configuration and admin url name
to access admin panel
http://localhost/(magento unzipped folder name)/admin url name
That seems to be related with your webserver configuration, and not Magento. If you have Apache, for instance, have a look at your configuration file httpd.conf, and check the line that starts with "DirectoryIndex".
You need to have "index.php" as a valid index file. If you don't, just add it right after DirectoryIndex, restart Apache and it should work fine.
/etc/httpd/conf -> usual location for the httpd.conf file (standard installation, RedHat/CentOS family)
Depending on configuration in the .htaccess file, you might need to specify index.php in the url as such: localhost/magento/index.php or ( as per your comment) to access it.
Check your virtual host configuration file for the domain name that you are using. If the directory index is missing in the configuration then the apache server will not be able to determine the entry point for the website and will list all of the files.

OS X Lion Server - Apache Question - index.html.en

I've added some additional sites to my apache config today, however the default document root should serve the "It Works" index.html.en apache default page. However I must of altered something by accident as it now displays the directory listing by default instead? If I navigate to index.html.en it successfully loads, but not by default when I enter for example.
I'm sure the .en language files are resolved by httpd-languages.conf, I have doubled checked that files dependancies are included in httpd.conf 'mod_mime' & 'mod_negotiation'.
The problem shouldn't bother me to much but I would like to discover the cause if possible?
Specify your DirectoryIndex by putting:
DirectoryIndex index.html.en
in httpd.conf or .htaccess files.
