Font in R Script - rstudio

While working in RStudio, I accidentally changed the font. (It is changed in my console,the environment tab, everywhere.) I can't seem to figure out how to change in back to the default font. How do you change the font back in an R script?

I guess you may have already solved this for the time being, but I will answer for documentation purposes:
In order to change the font of the R's console and the font used in your scripts, you have to click on the Tools\Global options... menu and then change to Appearance tab (see screenshot below)


Unable to change theme in VS Code?

am not getting any error or anything, but VS code by default always switches to a Dark+ (default dark), even if in my system setting I have selected Light theme (I have a MacBook Air). This is too much frustrating and I also uninstalled and installed VS Code 2-3 times and am unable to change the behaviour. Please let me know if you need any additional info with this question, I will provide it.
An additional point on this problem, when I press CMD +, to open setting, and under appearance, I change the Color Theme, it let me change. And then when I open a file (a python file suppose) or just switch to an opened file it changes back to Dark+ (default dark). I don't know how to solve this behaviour. Please help.
I think VS Code is just doesn't follow the system theme (I observed this in my Windows 10 machine). Also cmd+, is not the place to change VS code theme.
You can try CmdP and enter >color theme to select a theme.
VS code doesn't follow system theme, do cmd + K, then let go of K while holding cmd and press T. Or you can cmd + K THEN cmd + T. There you will get a menu where you will get your color options.
I reset workbench settings to default and then added the following to settings.json and it solved my problem.
"workbench.colorTheme": "GitHub Dark Default",
"window.autoDetectColorScheme": true,
"workbench.preferredDarkColorTheme": "GitHub Dark Default",
"workbench.preferredLightColorTheme": "GitHub Light Default",

How to change FileMerge's font/settings/preferences?

For some time now, I can't change FileMerge's font. Then it suddenly started using a Helvetica-like font (sans serif, variable width) for files it doesn't recognize (like typescript source files). That could be changed temporarily to monaco by changing the font to ... Helvetica. Yes, it's very weird.
But now, it shows all text white on white, and only the changed section is visible because of the different background and I cannot change it. I've tried to locate all the pref files, and reinstalled Xcode, but the text remains white on white.
Does anyone know how to change that, or where which (pref) file to change?
It could be a write permission issue, since I'm running it from a non-admin account.
This feature is completely broken, so you have to edit the theme file manually. It's located here:
The file itself is plaintext XML. Even though it's pretty straightforward, I recommend backing it up first.
For example, if you want to increase the font size from "11.0" to "14.0", just do a find and replace.
You might be tempted to copy in a theme from Xcode. Don't bother. The font sizes don't appear to take effect, and FileMerge expects a white background, so darker themes won't work correctly.
The other answers didn't work for me (as I didn't have any theme files), but the following did:
Open FileMerge
Go to Preferences
Click the 'Set...' button under 'Font'
Click the top of the Fonts window so that it gets focus (this is the key step - if the Fonts window doesn't get focus the changes won't stick). If the Fonts window has focus, you should see your changes reflected in the FileMerge Preferences window live as you make them.
The solution was to delete the folder ~/Library/Developer/FileMerge. It did not solve the font problem (typescript files rendered with proportional font of different size, which causes problems for long files).
For me also the font panel settings have no effect at all. Same problem in XCode "Font & Colors" preferences.
For your colors problem, I would try quitting FileMerge, archiving the preference file, and relaunching:
mv ~/Library/Preferences/ ~/Library/Preferences/
FileMerge has a XCFontAndColorCurrentTheme setting:
defaults read XCFontAndColorCurrentTheme
I've tried setting that:
defaults write XCFontAndColorCurrentTheme "Presentation.xccolortheme"
But I don't see a difference. So maybe Apple is in the middle of revising this feature.
In addition to the answers already given, if those do not work, check that the files you are comparing are plain text and not rich text. If they're rich text, file merge will get the font attributes from the files themselves, hence you will not be able to affect the size of the font. You could instead open the files in a text editor and either convert them to plain text, or increase the size of the font manually.
None of this helped in my case on Big Sur, but this did the job. Requires sudo throughout so be careful.
Make a copy of a theme within the xcode bundle:
sudo cp "/Applications/ (Light).xccolortheme" "/Applications/"
Edit (in xcode for example) ~/Library/Preferences/ Select the new theme by setting the XCFontAndColorCurrentTheme value to fileComp.xccolortheme
Edit the font values in new theme file fileComp.xccolortheme. Quit and restart FileMerge each time to apply.

Increasing fonts in Netbeans 8.2

I have a problem with increasing fonts in Netbeans 8.2. I tried to use screenshot form editor .but Im not able to find Fonts & Colors option in tools or menu.
I also tried to press down Alt+z and scroll up or down (mouse wheel) and also use command + but nothing happens.
With third one --fontsize (I have no idea where I should put it...). Could you help me with making fonts a bit bigger?:)
I just solved problem:) On Mac settings are in a different place:preferences in Netbeans
fonts a color changing. Netbeans
You have to go to the left up corner, near to the apple mark, there you have NetBeans preferences. After clicking on Netbeans preferences just search for 'font' and here is font size changing option.:)
edit: And if you didnt start a project, you need to create a new project on Netbeans then Fonts&Colors section will be available in options menu.
I think you are a mac user.
You need to look at this for config file location.
And I also found this. Try this one too.
1.Use Command + , to open the options
2.Select Fonts & Colors tab
3.Click the button in the Font section (button is next to the Font textbox)
4.Change the Font, style and size as needed
In Mac
simply click on the netbeans (upper left corner)
then-> preferences...
a new window will be open and select the font&color Tab
then on right side there will be a font option then click on the "..." option
and then change according to your wish

Changing colours and fonts in WebStorm 2016.1

I have just downloaded WebStorm 2016.1 for Mac OS X. I would like to configure my editor fonts and colorus.
I understand that you must save the scheme before it becomes editable. This I have done:
but the options still remain unavailable.
Is this a limitation of the trial or something? What have I missed? I have applied the style, and have even closed down WebStorm and re-opened.
If certain style (e.g. "Doc comment" on your screenshot) has Use inherited attributes option checked .. then it re-uses colors from parent option (which is displayed just below it).
The solution is simple:
either edit parent style
or uncheck that Use inherited attributes option and edit your colors here
Trial version has NO limitation in functionality.

How to disable font smoothing in Visual Studio editor?

How can I disable the font smoothing in the text editor of Visual Studio? On some machines I use, this works, but, not in most of them.
The text in the editor on the left is not really sharp. But the font in Windows is.
There is an extension called Text Sharp that allows you to completely disable font smoothing (ClearType) for Visual Studio:
I'm using this combined with the Source Code Pro font for very readable code.
Well, the characters are at least readable. The code itself may be a different story. :)
In Visual Studio 2019 v16.5.4 (possibly lower), there is a new feature under the Text Editor -> Advanced settings called "Text rendering method". This appears to be defaulted to "ClearType" upon installation. On my machine, I've disabled ClearType at the OS level, yet after a fresh install/update, noticed that my fonts were being smoothed.
Simply switch this setting to "Aliased" to get pixel-perfect font rendering back.
Again, this assumes you have already disabled ClearType at the system level. I am unsure if VS settings would ignore/override the system-level ClearType settings or not.
In my case the problem was that I had the text size to 120%, I just change it to 100%.
Is an option located in Display Settings above the Resolution selector. It says:
"Change the size of the text, apps, and other items"
set the value to:
100% (Recommended)
This happened to me when I added a new LCD monitor to my setup.
According to and this post on SuperUser, you may have to disable it in many places, but for VStudio two are enough:
Control Panel > Display > Adjust ClearType Text
Control Panel > System > Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows > Visual Effects > Smooth edges of screen fonts
Don't use Consolas as it always uses ClearType, as Alex K. noted in the comments.
Prefer Lucida Console which is a fixed font (they are bold in VStudio's font list in Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors) and appears not to suffer from the effects of ClearType or smoothed edges.
For those willing to disable anti-aliasing/smooth edges/cleartype on VS Code as of today, there's no official option inside the VS Code program to do it. Instead, I have found this method that works for me, and it's thanks to this article:
Here are the steps:
<img src="" alt="..." />
Disable anti-aliasing VSCode Image:
Right click on VS Code program and go to Proprieties.
In the "target" section of the app, add the following lines: --disable-gpu --enable-use-zoom-for-dsf
Apply the changes and that's it.
I hope it's useful.
For me it helped to switch to "Consolas" font and then back to "Courier New" in Tools->Options->Environment->Fonts and Colors. Don't forget to press "OK" after switching to Consolas.
