Is *.runsettings file compatible with 2010 Visual Studio? is there any mandatory conditions like VS2012 is required? - visual-studio-2010

What is the minimum version of Visual studio is supported for runsettings file?
VS2010 or VS2012?

.testsettings file is no longer included in a unit test project. The newer test framework, introduced in Visual Studio 2012, can be configured using a .runsettings file.
If you use a .testsettings file, the MSTest test framework will be
used to run your tests.
This runs more slowly and does not allow you to run tests from third-party test frameworks.


Get Visual Studio Test to work on a Jenkins server

I have a Jenkins server setup to build a mixed C++/C# application. I've got Visual Studio Test Agent 2017 and Visual Studio Build Tools 2017 installed but I can't build the Visual Studio test projects. The error I get is:
error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'VisualStudio' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft'
It looks as though the appropriate assemblies are not available.
I'm using this SDK to install tools for Visual Studio 2015 which is possible with the 2017 SDK and that part works fine - I can build VS 2015 projects. Except for test projects.
Is there some extra package I need to install in order to make this work? My alternative is to install NUnit but that means rewriting the unit tests.
My solution was to use NUnit, since I was unable to find the right SDK to install VS Test without Visual Studio itself.
NUnit required changes to Resharper, file handling and changing the attributes on the test.

Testing a Visual Studio Extension from VS2017 with the devenv for previous versions of Visual Studio does not work

I have a Visual Studio Extension, and if I test it in VS 2017 with the VS2017 devenv configured, then when I debug it launches an instance of VS2017 with my extension installed. However if I use the devenv for any of the older versions, the instance of visual studio it spins up does not have my extension. In VS2015, I was able to successfully do this with ease.
I suspect it has something to do with the SDK version.
When I inspect %localappdata%/Microsoft/VisualStudio ..., I see an experimental instance for version 15.0 that contains my extension. I believe it should be creating the experimental instance for the version of the targeted devenv.
Is there anything that I can do?
Setting a (experimental) version of Visual Studio to debug in Project properties, Debug tab, Start External Program does not make the MSBuild targets of the VSSDK to deploy the extension to that (experimental) instance after creating the VSIX file in the output folder. That deployment is an independent thing controlled through MSBuild properties in the Visual Studio project file (ex: .csproj) such as "VisualStudioVersion".
You have a complete current guide for VS 2015/2017 here:
Roundtrip Extensions for Visual Studio
And something older in this GitHub project:

Compile windows service without Visual Studio

Is it possible to compile a Windows Service developed in Visual Studio without use the IDE? I need to compile it externally. Could I use MSBuild or other similar tool?
The Microsoft Build Tools 2015 are available as a separate download. They comprise a set of build tools without an IDE.

Can I run TFS automated builds using both VS2010 and VS2012?

We currently use TFS 2010 and have numerous build definitions for our various version of our software. We want to use VS2012 for our next version(still using TFS 2010) so is it possible to have both versions of VS on a build controller and will the build process know which version of VS to use or will we need one build controller for VS2010 and one for VS2012? Also I have custom build templates will that present any issues? Then what happens when we upgrade to TFS 2012? will we be able to run automated builds using both VS2010 and VS2012??
In general - yes. Actually Visual Studio doesn't build anything. It's the underlying MSBuild engine that handles the build tasks.
Furthermore, you can setup a build machine without Visual Studio at all, provided that your project don't hold direct references to Visual Studio references paths (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\ReferenceAssemblies). If there are such references you can copy them to your 3rd party\lib directory in the source control and have the projects refer to that directory as file references.
Other notes:
But Visual Studio will hardly be your biggest hindrance. It's
multi-targeting .NET that will require some extra caffeine :)
The build templates will work as long as you satisfy their custom
references (GAC can used for that matter)
A build controller can be registered with one server at a time
Use a build server for each target framework\VS version

MSTest in Express editions of Visual Studio 2010

I'm leaning toward using MSTest as unit testing framework for a new project but I'm concerned with cutting off developers (maybe even myself in the future and/or in some specific environment) using Express editions of Visual Studio.
I know MSTest wasn't available in VS2008 Express but with Microsoft pushing unit testing in recent years I guess they could've added it to VS2010 Express. However I couldn't find any info on this in the list of Express features and I don't want to download and install express just to verify this.
So, is MSTest supported in Visual Studio 2010 Express?
It does not appear in Microsoft's list of features of Visual Studio Express 2010, and it would appear (according to this blog post) that it is not supported. Since express editions do not allow add-ins, you cannot even use something like to run tests from within Visual Studio Express editions.
If you were to use NUnit for testing, you may get more mileage. That blog post shows a way of running/debugging NUnit tests using a bootstrapper, but an easier way is to set NUnit as the start action (in Project Properties -> Start External Program), and then passing the name of your dll as an argument. This will start and run NUnit when you run/debug your project, allowing you launch your tests from within Visual Studio, and also debug them if needed.
