I am facing some weird issue. Before updating SlimerJS and casperJS every script were working fine but since from yesterday i am not able to run the scripts. when i run this below command to run the script
sudo xvfb-run -a casperjs test --engine=slimerjs testsuite/testing_part1.js --username=user --password=pwd --url=url_of_the_site
every scripts are getting failed
has anybody know what/why this error i am getting?
Currently i am using SlimerJS=SlimerJS 0.9.6 and CasperJS=1.1.0-beta3
Add http:// to your URL like this:http://URL.It will work
Every time I run a meteor command, I get the error:
versions: _extends({}, process.versions)
I think it has something to do with the new meteor update, but I am not sure. I am running windows 10. If anyone has any suggestions, that would be great.
I'm following the blog post here.
I'm using a Windows machine, so I can't follow the exact steps. This is what I've done:
Installed the Tor Browser for Windows
Installed pytorctl
pip install git+https://github.com/aaronsw/pytorctl
Installed Privoxy
Attempted to use the Tor command line. I'm assuming it is the exe file in the directory "Tor Browser\Browser\TorBrowser\Tor"
tor --hash-password *mypassword*
Unfortunately, this command runs but there is no response.
If anyone has any suggestions, much would be appreciated. Do you think this could be a firewall issue?
Apparently this is a known bug that when your run tor.exe from the command line it is running but opens in a hidden window. To get around this, run the following: tor --hash-password *your_password* | more. Hopefully this works. See more about the issue here.
What I'm trying to do
Use selenium and its ruby bindings to open chrome and read a value from the DOM. This portion works great however I need to run it on a linux server headlessly. Seemed easy enough so I ran it using xvfb-run using this command:
export PATH=$PATH:./bin
xvfb-run --server-arg="-screen 0, 1024x768x16" ruby script.rb
The first line adds the binary chromedriver to PATH and the second lines runs the script through xvfb. I got this working on an EC2 ubuntu box which is essentially a dev box. Everything is great.
Now comes time to run it on another EC2 ubuntu box using the same bash script. It spits out an error that the chromedriver binary couldn't be found. Odd since it worked fine on the other box. I checked, the binary is there. I manually add it to the path and run the bash script again, same error. After some troubleshooting and googling I found this:
This advises that the chromedriver needs to be symlink'd to /usr/bin/google-chrome. Again odd since it works fine on the other box and my local machine without this symlink. I symlinked it to this location and now this is the error I'm getting:
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/selenium-webdriver-2.41.0/lib/selenium/webdriver/remote/response.rb:51:in `assert_ok': unknown error: Chrome failed to start: exited abnormally (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownError)
I've never gotten this on my local or dev box. Any ideas? Is this an issue with chromedriver, xvfb or the environment its running in? Some difference in the deploy box that would be different than the dev box I'm missing?
I figured this out. Misunderstanding the directions here. Installed google-chrome in /usr/bin and it worked.
I'm trying to set up CI on my local machine running on Mac. To do so I use Xubuntu virtual machine, Jenkins, and some simple selenium tests. tests on github
I get fresh install of Xubuntu, where I install Jenkins using official manual.
In Jenkins I installed some plugins(git, ruby, rake, rbenv).
In job config I use rbenv wrapper(2.1.0) with ignorance of os versions, also I use this gemlist:
and running that job with
rspec spec
And when I run this job I recieve something like that for every test:
unable to obtain stable firefox connection in 60 seconds (
full output is here
it looks like jenkins user have no access to display to run/see firefox.
Anyone know how to make it work?
We ran into this at work recently and actually opted for Capybara and set the driver to poltergeist. This seemed better than trying to figure out how to run FF on our VM's.
That said, we were able to get a small test suite running by following the instructions here
Answer was not so simple as I think.
The problem is that jenkins service has no access to displays (when it installed via native package). Thats why when I try to start Firefox it's throw me a error. try:
$ sudo su - jenkins && firefox
So it's need access to display to start browser successfully.
This is how I done it:
first of all I used answer form here where I changed to my local user.
Then I installed xvfb plugin to Jenkins, and in my build job preset display to '0' - which is my actual user display. with that option all my tests would run 'headless' but on actual display.
This could be not the best way to solve my problem, but it definitely works for me.
I get this error when I run my cucumber tests:
"*Unable to either launch or connect to Chrome. Please check that ChromeDriver is up-to-date. Using Chrome binary at: /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownError)
I downloaded the chromdriver, unzip it, copy it to the path (/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome ) and sudo chmod +x /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome.
which google-chrome : /usr/bin/google-chrome
which chromedriver : /usr/share/ruby-rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p318/bin/chromedriver
capybara (1.1.2)
cucumber (0.9.4)
cucumber-rails (0.3.2)
selenium-webdriver (2.20.0)
I searched my error but none of the answers worked for me!
When I run my test I do not see chrome starts!
I really dont know what is wrong! I tried two different versions of chromedriver!
Jenkins should run/executes my tests in CI.The tests work when you run them but not when Jenkins runs them? I could run them by another user and then I installed jenkins and I get this error. I get the same error when I run my tests in terminal at terminal as well.Did you read https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/My+software+builds+on+my+computer+but+not+on+Jenkins ? I couldnt find much about my problem here. xvfb: I installed the plugin in the jenkins but in the build environment if I click "run xvfb before the build and shut it down after", I get this error: "FATAL: null java.lang.NullPointerException"
Please provide more details. How does this question relate to Jenkins? Is Jenkins executing the tests? The tests work when you run them but not when Jenkins runs them? You do not go so far as to say that out loud, but I will assume it because it is what people usually need help with.
Did you read https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/My+software+builds+on+my+computer+but+not+on+Jenkins ?
If you are executing Chrome inside a Jenkins job, do you have something like https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Xvfb+Plugin or https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Xvnc+Plugin installed?
chromedriver can be installed in two ways: downloading, decompressing the zip and putting the file in "/usr/bin" or adding the "chromedriver-helper" gem in your Gemfile.
Choose one or another way because doing both many time it causes problems. If you are installing chromedriver from google, be sure to uninstall the gem:
gem uninstall chromedriver-helper
and be sure chromedriver is in your path:
which chromedriver
Give this a try instead => https://github.com/flavorjones/chromedriver-helper
Finally I found the answer:
if you want to run GUI tests on Jenkins CI running on Windows do not
configure it as a windows service instead run it from the command
prompt or set it up as a scheduled task to run on windows logon using
the command “java -jar jenkins.war”
taken from this article