I am trying to implement the Thistlethwaite's algorithm in Haskell, following the descriptions found here, but encountered difficulties.
So far, I have managed to represent the cube, make it move as one likes, and display it on the terminal (a 2-dimensional representation), but I got problems when trying to reduce a general cube to one which can be obtained from a standard cube by moves in the group (R, L, F, B, U2, D2) (notations as in the link), as there are too many cases to consider: how many colors on the up layer are wrongly-oriented, on the middle layer, etc. This is only the first stage in the description, but I found a mess in my codes already, so I must have missed something.
As I am not sure if my description above is clear, I put up the relevant codes below, which are not correct, but indicate the problem.
--To intersect lists, of which the sizes are not very large, I chose to import the Data.List
import Data.List
--Some type declarations
data Colors = R | B | W | Y | G | O
type R3 = (Int, Int, Int)
type Cube = R3 -> Colors
points :: [R3] --list of coordinates of facelets of a cube; there are 48 of them.
mU :: Cube -> Cube --and other 5 moves.
type Actions = [Cube -> Cube]
turn :: Cube -> Actions -> Cube --chains the actions and turns the cube.
edges :: [R3] --The edges of cubes
criterion :: Colors -> R3 -> Bool -- determine if the edges are mis-placed.
criterion co p#(x, y, z) = case co of --W and Y are up and down faces respectively.
R -> not (or [abs(x) == 3, abs(y) == 3])
B -> not (or [abs(y) == 3, abs(z) == 3])
O -> not (or [abs(x) == 3, abs(y) == 3])
G -> not (or [abs(y) == 3, abs(z) == 3])
_ -> True
stage1 :: Cube -> Cube
stage1 c = turn c opes where
wrongs = do
res <- [[]]
eg <- edges
if criterion (c eg) eg
then res
else res ++ [eg]
ups = filter (\(x, y, z) -> y == 3) points
downs = filter (\(x, y, z) -> y == -3) points
middles = filter (\(x, y, z) -> y == 0) points
opes = do
res <- [[]]
case length (intersect middles wrongs) of
0 -> case [length (intersect ups wrongs) == 0, length (intersect downs wrongs) == 0] of
[True, True] -> res
[True, False] -> [mD] --A quarter turn of the downside of the cube.
[False, True] -> [mU]
_ -> [mD, mU]
1 -> let [(x, y, z)] = intersect middles wrongs in
if x == 3 then case [length (intersect ups wrongs) == 0, length (intersect downs wrongs) == 0] of
[True, True] -> if z > 0 then [mR, mU] else [mR, mD]
[True, False] -> if z > 0 then [mD, mR, mU] else [mD, mR, mD]
[False, True] -> if z > 0 then [mU, mR, mU] else [mU, mR, mD]
_ -> if z > 0 then [mD, mU, mR, mU] else [mD, mU, mR, mD]
else []
Then I realized that the above code is wrong as I cannot simply make a quarter turn U or D which makes the correct edges, if any, become incorrect, and I shall discuss 125 = 5 * 5 * 5 cases according to how many wrong edges are on each of the three layers of the cube, which I think of as not "right."
So my question is how to implement an algorithm that can handle so many cases, in a nice way?
If something about the description is unclear, please tell me so that I can explain what I am doing and what my problem is.
Any ideas and suggestions are greatly appreciated, thanks very much in advance.
P.S. I originally wanted to implement Korf's or Kociemba's algorithms, though it turned out that I cannot even handle the simplest case.
One thing - this code:
wrongs = do
res <- [[]]
eg <- edges
if criterion (c eg) eg
then res
else res ++ [eg]
is better written as filter (\eg -> not (criterion (c eg) eg)) edges.
I'm trying to generate all unique digraphs that fit a spec:
each node must have exactly 2 inputs
and are allowed arbitrarily many outputs to other nodes in the graph
My current solution is slow. Eg for 6 nodes, the algo has taken 1.5 days to get where I think it's complete, but it'll probably be checking for a few more days still.
My algorithm for a graph with n nodes:
generate all n-length strings of 0, where one symbol is a 1, eg, for n=3, [[0,0,1], [0,1,0], [1,0,0]]. These can be thought of as rows from an identity matrix.
generate all possible n * n matrixes where each row is all possible combinations of step 1. + step 1.
This is the connectivity matrix where each cell represents a connection from column-index to row-index
So, for n=3, these are possible:
[0,1,0] + [1,0,0] = [1,1,0]
[1,0,0] + [1,0,0] = [2,0,0]
These represent the inputs to a node, and by adding step 1 to itself, the result will always represent 2 inputs.
For ex:
A' [[0,1,1],
B' [0,2,0],
C' [1,1,0]]
So B and C connect to A once each: B -> A', C -> A',
And B connects to itself twice: B => B'
I only want unique ones, so for each connectivity matrix generated, I can only keep it if it is not isomorphic to an already-seen graph.
This step is expensive. I need to convert the graph to a "canonical form" by running through each permutation of isomorphic graphs, sorting them, and considering the first one as the "canonical form".
If anyone dives into testing any of this out, here are the count of unique graphs for n nodes:
2 - 6
3 - 44
4 - 475
5 - 6874
6 - 109,934 (I think, it's not done running yet but I haven't found a new graph in >24 hrs.)
7 - I really wanna know!
Possible optimizations:
since I get to generate the graphs to test, is there a way of ruling them out, without testing, as being isomorphic to already-seen ones?
is there a faster graph-isomorphism algorithm? I think this one is related to "Nauty", and there are others I've read of in papers, but I haven't had the expertise (or bandwidth) to implement them yet.
Here's a demonstrable connectivity matrix that can be plotted at graphonline.ru for fun, showing self connections, and 2 connections to t he same node:
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
here's the code in haskell if you want to play with it, but I'm more concerned about getting the algorithm right (eg pruning down the search space), than the implementation:
-- | generate all permutations of length n given symbols from xs
npermutations :: [a] -> Int -> [[a]]
npermutations xs size = mapM (const xs) [1..size]
identity :: Int -> [[Int]]
identity size = scanl
(\xs _ -> take size $ 0 : xs) -- keep shifting right
(1 : (take (size - 1) (repeat 0))) -- initial, [1,0,0,...]
[1 .. size-1] -- correct size
-- | return all possible pairings of [Column]
columnPairs :: [[a]] -> [([a], [a])]
columnPairs xs = (map (\x y -> (x,y)) xs)
<*> xs
-- | remove duplicates
rmdups :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
rmdups = rmdups' Set.empty where
rmdups' _ [] = []
rmdups' a (b : c) = if Set.member b a
then rmdups' a c
else b : rmdups' (Set.insert b a) c
-- | all possible patterns for inputting 2 things into one node.
-- eg [0,1,1] means cells B, and C project into some node
-- [0,2,0] means cell B projects twice into one node
binaryInputs :: Int -> [[Int]]
binaryInputs size = rmdups $ map -- rmdups because [1,0]+[0,1] is same as flipped
(\(x,y) -> zipWith (+) x y)
(columnPairs $ identity size)
transposeAdjMat :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
transposeAdjMat ([]:_) = []
transposeAdjMat m = (map head m) : transposeAdjMat (map tail m)
-- | AdjMap [(name, inbounds)]
data AdjMap a = AdjMap [(a, [a])] deriving (Show, Eq)
addAdjColToMap :: Int -- index
-> [Int] -- inbound
-> AdjMap Int
-> AdjMap Int
addAdjColToMap ix col (AdjMap xs) =
let conns = foldl (\c (cnt, i) -> case cnt of
1 -> i:c
2 -> i:i:c
_ -> c
(zip col [0..]) in
AdjMap ((ix, conns) : xs)
adjMatToMap :: [[Int]] -> AdjMap Int
adjMatToMap cols = foldl
(\adjMap#(AdjMap nodes) col -> addAdjColToMap (length nodes) col adjMap)
(AdjMap [])
-- | a graph's canonical form : http://mfukar.github.io/2015/09/30/haskellxiii.html
-- very expensive algo, of course
canon :: (Ord a, Enum a, Show a) => AdjMap a -> String
canon (AdjMap g) = minimum $ map f $ Data.List.permutations [1..(length g)]
-- Graph vertices:
vs = map fst g
-- Find, via brute force on all possible orderings (permutations) of vs,
-- a mapping of vs to [1..(length g)] which is minimal.
-- For example, map [1, 5, 6, 7] to [1, 2, 3, 4].
-- Minimal is defined lexicographically, since `f` returns strings:
f p = let n = zip vs p
in (show [(snd x, sort id $ map (\x -> snd $ head $ snd $ break ((==) x . fst) n)
$ snd $ take_edge g x)
| x <- sort snd n])
-- Sort elements of N in ascending order of (map f N):
sort f n = foldr (\x xs -> let (lt, gt) = break ((<) (f x) . f) xs
in lt ++ [x] ++ gt) [] n
-- Get the first entry from the adjacency list G that starts from the given node X
-- (actually, the vertex is the first entry of the pair, hence `(fst x)`):
take_edge g x = head $ dropWhile ((/=) (fst x) . fst) g
-- | all possible matrixes where each node has 2 inputs and arbitrary outs
binaryMatrixes :: Int -> [[[Int]]]
binaryMatrixes size = let columns = binaryInputs size
unfiltered = mapM (const columns) [1..size] in
fst $ foldl'
(\(keep, seen) x -> let can = canon . adjMatToMap $ x in
(if Set.member can seen
then keep
else id $! x : keep
, Set.insert can seen))
([], Set.fromList [])
There are a number of approaches you could try. One thing that I do note is that having loops with multi-edges (colored loops?) is a little unusual, but is probably just needs a refinement of existing techniques.
Filter the output of another program
The obvious candidate here is of course nAUTy/traces (http://pallini.di.uniroma1.it/) or similar (saucy, bliss, etc). Depending on how you want to do this, it could be as simple as run nauty (for example) and output to file, then read in the list filtering as you go.
For larger values of n this could start to be a problem if you are generating huge files. I'm not sure whether you start to run out of space before you run out of time, but still. What might be better is to generate and test them as you go, throwing away candidates. For your purposes, there may be an existing library for generation - I found this one but I have no idea how good it is.
Use graph invariants
A very easy first step to more efficient listing of graphs is to filter using graph invariants. An obvious one would be degree sequence (the ordered list of degrees of the graph). Others include the number of cycles, the girth, and so on. For your purposes, there might be some indegree/outdegree sequence you could use.
The basic idea is to use the invariant as a filter to avoid expensive checks for isomorphism. You can store the (list of ) invariants for already generated graphs, and check the new one against the list first. The canonical form of a structure is a kind of invariant.
Implement an algorithm
There are lost of GI algorithms, including the ones used by nauty and friends. However, they do tend to be quite hard! The description given in this answer is an excellent overview, but the devil is in the details of course.
Also note that the description is for general graphs, while you have a specific subclass of graph that might be easier to generate. There may be papers out there for digraph listing (generating) but I have not checked.
Recently, I am reading the book Purely-functional-data-structures
when I came to “Exercise 3.2 Define insert directly rather than via a call to merge” for Leftist_tree。I implement a my version insert.
let rec insert x t =
match t with
| E -> T (1, x, E, E)
| T (_, y, left, right ) ->
match (Elem.compare x y) with
| n when n < 0 -> makeT x left (insert y right)
| 0 -> raise Same_elem
| _ -> makeT y left (insert x right)
Same_elem -> t
And for verifying if it works, I test it and the merge function offered by the book.
let rec merge m n = match (m, n) with
| (h, E) -> h
| (E, h) -> h
| (T (_, x, a1, b1) as h1, (T (_, y, a2, b2) as h2)) ->
if (Elem.compare x y) < 0
then makeT x a1 (merge b1 h2)
else makeT y a2 (merge b2 h1)
Then I found an interesting thing.
I used a list ["a";"b";"d";"g";"z";"e";"c"] as input to create this tree. And the two results are different.
For merge method I got a tree like this:
and insert method I implemented give me a tree like this :
I think there's some details between the two methods even though I follow the implementation of 'merge' to design the 'insert' version. But then I tried a list inverse ["c";"e";"z";"g";"d";"b";"a"] which gave me two leftist-tree-by-insert tree. That really confused me so much that I don't know if my insert method is wrong or right. So now I have two questions:
if my insert method is wrong?
are leftist-tree-by-merge and leftist-tree-by-insert the same structure? I mean this result give me an illusion like they are equal in one sense.
the whole code
module type Comparable = sig
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
module LeftistHeap(Elem:Comparable) = struct
exception Empty
exception Same_elem
type heap = E | T of int * Elem.t * heap * heap
let rank = function
| E -> 0
| T (r ,_ ,_ ,_ ) -> r
let makeT x a b =
if rank a >= rank b
then T(rank b + 1, x, a, b)
else T(rank a + 1, x, b, a)
let rec merge m n = match (m, n) with
| (h, E) -> h
| (E, h) -> h
| (T (_, x, a1, b1) as h1, (T (_, y, a2, b2) as h2)) ->
if (Elem.compare x y) < 0
then makeT x a1 (merge b1 h2)
else makeT y a2 (merge b2 h1)
let insert_merge x h = merge (T (1, x, E, E)) h
let rec insert x t =
match t with
| E -> T (1, x, E, E)
| T (_, y, left, right ) ->
match (Elem.compare x y) with
| n when n < 0 -> makeT x left (insert y right)
| 0 -> raise Same_elem
| _ -> makeT y left (insert x right)
Same_elem -> t
let rec creat_l_heap f = function
| [] -> E
| h::t -> (f h (creat_l_heap f t))
let create_merge l = creat_l_heap insert_merge l
let create_insert l = creat_l_heap insert l
module IntLeftTree = LeftistHeap(String);;
open IntLeftTree;;
let l = ["a";"b";"d";"g";"z";"e";"c"];;
let lh = create_merge `enter code here`l;;
let li = create_insert l;;
let h = ["c";"e";"z";"g";"d";"b";"a"];;
let hh = create_merge h;;
let hi = create_insert h;;
16. Oct. 2015 update
by observing the two implementation more precisely, it is easy to find that the difference consisted in merge a base tree T (1, x, E, E) or insert an element x I used graph which can express more clearly.
So i found that my insert version will always use more complexity to finish his work and doesn't utilize the leftist tree's advantage or it always works in the worse situation, even though this tree structure is exactly “leftist”.
and if I changed a little part , the two code will obtain the same result.
let rec insert x t =
match t with
| E -> T (1, x, E, E)
| T (_, y, left, right ) ->
match (Elem.compare x y) with
| n when n < 0 -> makeT x E t
| 0 -> raise Same_elem
| _ -> makeT y left (insert x right)
Same_elem -> t
So for my first question: I think the answer is not exact. it can truly construct a leftist tree but always work in the bad situation.
and the second question is a little meaningless (I'm not sure). But it is still interesting for this condition. for instance, even though the merge version works more efficiently but for construct a tree from a list without the need for insert order like I mentioned (["a";"b";"d";"g";"z";"e";"c"], ["c";"e";"z";"g";"d";"b";"a"] , if the order isn't important, for me I think they are the same set.) The merge function can't choose the better solution. (I think the the tree's structure of ["a";"b";"d";"g";"z";"e";"c"] is better than ["c";"e";"z";"g";"d";"b";"a"]'s )
so now my question is :
is the tree structure that each sub-right spine is Empty is a good structure?
if yes, can we always construct it in any input order?
A tree with each sub-right spine empty is just a list. As such a simple list is a better structure for a list. The runtime properties will be the same as a list, meaning inserting for example will take O(n) time instead of the desired O(log n) time.
For a tree you usually want a balanced tree, one where all children of a node are ideally the same size. In your code each node has a rank and the goal would be to have the same rank for the left and right side of each node. If you don't have exactly 2^n - 1 entries in the tree this isn't possible and you have to allow some imbalance in the tree. Usually a difference in rank of 1 or 2 is allowed. Insertion should insert the element on the side with smaller rank and removal has to rebalance any node that exceeds the allowed rank difference. This keeps the tree reasonably balanced, ensuring the desired runtime properties are preserved.
Check your text book what difference in rank is allowed in your case.
I am trying to write a haskell program which can solve rubiks' cube. Firstly I tried this, but did not figure a way out to avoid writing a whole lot of codes, so I tried using an IDA* search for this task.
But I do not know which heuristic is appropriate here: I tried dividing the problem into subproblems, and measuring the distance from being in a reduced state, but the result is disappointing: the program cannot reduce a cube that is three moves from a standard cube in a reasonable amount of time. I tried measuring parts of edges, and then either summing them, or using the maximums... but none of these works, and the result is almost identical.
So I want to know what the problem with the code is: is the heuristic I used non-admissible? Or is my code causing some infinite loops that I did not detect? Or both? And how to fix that? The code (the relevant parts) goes as follows:
--Some type declarations
data Colors = R | B | W | Y | G | O
type R3 = (Int, Int, Int)
type Cube = R3 -> Colors
points :: [R3] --list of coordinates of facelets of a cube; there are 48 of them.
mU :: Cube -> Cube --and other 5 similar moves.
type Actions = [Cube -> Cube]
turn :: Cube -> Actions -> Cube --chains the actions and turns the cube.
edges :: [R3] --The edges of cubes
totheu1 :: Cube -> Int -- Measures how far away the cube is from having the cross of the first layer solved.
totheu1 c = sum $ map (\d -> if d then 0 else 1)
[c (-2, 3, 0) == c (0, 3, 0),
c (2, 3, 0) == c (0, 3, 0),
c (0, 3, -2) == c (0, 3, 0),
c (0, 3, 2) == c (0, 3, 0),
c (0, 2, -3) == c (0, 0, -3),
c (-3, 2, 0) == c (-3, 0, 0),
c (0, 2, 3) == c (0, 0, 3),
c (3, 2, 0) == c (3, 0, 0)]
expandnr :: (Cube -> Cube) -> Cube -> [(Cube, String)] -- Generates a list of tuples of cubes and strings,
-- the result after applying a move, and the string represents that move, while avoiding moving on the same face as the last one,
-- and avoiding repetitions caused by commuting moves, like U * D = D * U.
type StateSpace = (Int, [String], Cube) -- Int -> f value, [String] = actions applied so far, Cube = result cube.
fstst :: StateSpace -> Int
fstst s#(x, y, z) = x
stst :: StateSpace -> [String]
stst s#(x, y, z) = y
cbst :: StateSpace -> Cube
cbst s#(x, y, z) = z
stage1 :: Cube -> StateSpace
stage1 c = (\(x, y, z) -> (x, [sconcat y], z)) t
bound = totheu1 c
t = looping c bound
looping c bound = do let re = search (c, [""]) (\j -> j) 0 bound
let found = totheu1 $ cbst re
if found == 0 then re else looping c found
sconcat [] = ""
sconcat (x:xs) = x ++ (sconcat xs)
straction :: String -> Actions -- Converts strings to actions
search :: (Cube, [String]) -> (Cube -> Cube) -> Int -> Int -> StateSpace
search cs#(c, s) k g bound
| f > bound = (f, s, c)
| totheu1 c == 0 = (0, s, c)
| otherwise = ms
f = g + totheu1 c
olis = do
(succs, st) <- expandnr k c
let [newact] = straction st
let t = search (succs, s ++ [st]) newact (g + 1) bound
return t
lis = map fstst olis
mlis = minimum lis
ms = olis !! (ind)
Just ind = elemIndex mlis lis
I know that this heuristic is inconsistent, but am not sure if it is really admissible, maybe the problem is its non-admissibility?
Any ideas, hints, and suggestions are well appreciated, thanks in advance.
Your heuristic is inadmissible. An admissible heuristic must be a lower bound on the real cost of a solution.
You are trying to use as a heuristic the number of side pieces of the first layer that aren't correct, or perhaps the number of faces of the side pieces of the first layer that aren't correct, which is what you have actually written. Either way the heuristic is inadmissible.
The following cube is only 1 move away from being solved, but 4 of the pieces in the first layer are in incorrect positions and 4 of the faces have the wrong color. Either heuristic would say that this puzzle will take at least 4 moves to solve when it can be solved in only 1 move. The heuristics are inadmissible, because they are not lower bounds on the real cost of the solution.
I am interrested in different ways of implementing a constant grid in a functional language. A perfect solution should provide traversal in pesimistic constant time per step and not use imperative constructs (laziness is ok). Solutions not quite fulfilling those requirements are still welcome.
My proposal is based on four-way linked nodes like so
A fundamental operation would be to construct a grid of given size. It seems that this operation will determine the type, i.e. which directions will be lazy (obviously this data structure cannot be achieved without laziness). So I propose (in OCaml)
type 'a grid =
| GNil
| GNode of 'a * 'a grid Lazy.t * 'a grid Lazy.t * 'a grid * 'a grid
With references ordered: left, up, right, down. Left and up are suspended. I then build the grid diagonal-wise
Here is a make_grid function that constructs a grid of given size with the coordinate tuples as node values. Please note that gl, gu, gr, gd functions allow walking on a grid in all directions and if given GNil, will return GNil.
let make_grid w h =
let lgnil = Lazy.from_val GNil in
let rec build_ur x y ls dls = match ls with
| l :: ((u :: _) as ls') ->
if x = w && y = h then
GNode ((x, y), l, u, GNil, GNil)
else if x < w && 1 < y then
let rec n = lazy (
let ur = build_ur (x + 1) (y - 1) ls' (n :: dls) in
let r = gd ur in
let d = gl (gd r)
in GNode ((x, y), l, u, r, d)
in force n
else if x = w then
let rec n = lazy (
let d = build_dl x (y + 1) (n :: dls) [lgnil]
in GNode ((x, y), l, u, GNil, d)
in force n
let rec n = lazy (
let r = build_dl (x + 1) y (lgnil :: n :: dls) [lgnil] in
let d = gl (gd r)
in GNode ((x, y), l, u, r, d)
in force n
| _ -> failwith "make_grid: Internal error"
and build_dl x y us urs = match us with
| u :: ((l :: _) as us') ->
if x = w && y = h then
GNode ((x, y), l, u, GNil, GNil)
else if 1 < x && y < h then
let rec n = lazy (
let dl = build_dl (x - 1) (y + 1) us' (n :: urs) in
let d = gr dl in
let r = gu (gr d)
in GNode ((x, y), l, u, r, d)
in force n
else if y = h then
let rec n = lazy (
let r = build_ur (x + 1) y (n :: urs) [lgnil]
in GNode ((x, y), l, u, r, GNil)
in force n
else (* x = 1 *)
let rec n = lazy (
let d = build_ur x (y + 1) (lgnil :: n :: urs) [lgnil] in
let r = gu (gr d)
in GNode ((x, y), l, u, r, d)
in force n
| _ -> failwith "make_grid: Internal error"
in build_ur 1 1 [lgnil; lgnil] [lgnil]
It looks pretty complicated as it has to separately handle case when we're going up and when we're going down – build_ur and build_dl auxiliary functions respectively. The build_ur function is of type
build_ur :
int -> int ->
(int * int) grid Lazy.t list ->
(int * int) grid Lazy.t list -> (int * int) grid
It construct a node, given the current position x and y, the list of suspended elements of previous diagonal ls, the list of suspended previous elements of current diagonal urs. The name ls comes from the fact that the first element on ls is the left neighbour of current node. The urs list is needed for construction of the next diagonal.
The build_urs function proceeds with building the next node on the up-right diagonal, passing the current node in a suspension. The left and up neighbour are taken from ls and the right and down neighbours can be accessed through the next node on the diagonal.
Note that I put a bunch of GNils on the urs and ls lists. This is made to always ensure that build_ur and build_dl can consume at least two elements from those lists.
The build_dl function works analogously.
This implementation seems overly complicated for such a simple data structure. In fact I'm suprised it works cause I was driven by faith when writing it and am unable to comprehend completely why it works. Therefore I would like to know a simpler solution.
I was considering building the grid row-wise. This approach has less border cases but I can't eliminate the need of building subsequent rows in different directions. It's because when I go to the end with a row and would like to start building another from the beginning, I would have to somehow know the down node of the first node in current row, which I seemingly can't know until I return from the current function call. And if I can't eliminate bi-directionality, I would need two inner node constructiors: one with suspended left and top and the other with suspended right and top.
Also, here is a gist of this implementation along with omitted functions: https://gist.github.com/mkacz91/0e63aaa2a67f8e67e56f
The datastructure you are looking for if you want a functional solution is a zipper. I've written the rest of the code in Haskell because I find it more to my taste but it's easily ported to OCaml. Here's a gist without the interleaved comments.
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Grid where
import Data.Maybe
We can start by understanding the datastructure for just lists: you can think of a zipper as a pointer deep inside a list. You have wathever is on the left of the element you point at, then the element you point at and finally whatever is on the right.
type ListZipper a = ([a], a, [a])
Given a list and an integer n, you can focus on the element which is at position n. Of course, if n is greater than the lenght of the list, then you just fail. One important thing to notice is that the left part of the list is stored backwards: moving the focus to the left will therefore be possible in constant time. As will moving to the right.
focusListAt :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe (ListZipper a)
focusListAt = go []
go _ _ [] = Nothing
go acc 0 (hd : tl) = Just (acc, hd, tl)
go acc n (hd : tl) = go (hd : acc) (n - 1) tl
Let's move on to Grids now. A Grid will just be a list of rows (lists).
newtype Grid a = Grid { unGrid :: [[a]] }
A zipper for a Grid is now given by a grid representing everything above the current focus, another representing everything below it, and a list zipper (advanced level: notice that this looks a bit like nested list zippers & could be reformulated in more generic terms).
data GridZipper a =
GridZipper { above :: Grid a
, below :: Grid a
, left :: [a]
, right :: [a]
, focus :: a }
By focusing on the right row first, and then the right element we may focus a Grid at some coordinates x and y.
focusGridAt :: Int -> Int -> Grid a -> Maybe (GridZipper a)
focusGridAt x y g = do
(before, line , after) <- focusListAt x $ unGrid g
(left , focus, right) <- focusListAt y line
let above = Grid before
let below = Grid after
return GridZipper{..}
Once we have a zipper, we can move around easily. The code for going either left or right is not suprisingly rather similar:
goLeft :: GridZipper a -> Maybe (GridZipper a)
goLeft g#GridZipper{..} =
case left of
[] -> Nothing
(hd:tl) -> Just $ g { focus = hd, left = tl, right = focus : right }
goRight :: GridZipper a -> Maybe (GridZipper a)
goRight g#GridZipper{..} =
case right of
[] -> Nothing
(hd:tl) -> Just $ g { focus = hd, left = focus : left, right = tl }
When going up or down, we have to be a bit careful because we need to focus on the spot right above (or below) the one we left in the new row. We also have to reassemble the previous row we were focused onto into a good old list (by appending the reversed left to focus : right).
goUp :: GridZipper a -> Maybe (GridZipper a)
goUp GridZipper{..} = do
let (line : above') = unGrid above
let below' = (reverse left ++ focus : right) : unGrid below
(left', focus', right') <- focusListAt (length left) line
return $ GridZipper { above = Grid above'
, below = Grid below'
, left = left'
, right = right'
, focus = focus' }
goDown :: GridZipper a -> Maybe (GridZipper a)
goDown GridZipper{..} = do
let (line : below') = unGrid below
let above' = (reverse left ++ focus : right) : unGrid above
(left', focus', right') <- focusListAt (length left) line
return $ GridZipper { above = Grid above'
, below = Grid below'
, left = left'
, right = right'
, focus = focus' }
Finally, I've also added a couple of helper functions to generate grids (with every cell containing a pair of its coordinates) and instances to be able to display grids and zippers in a terminal.
mkGrid :: Int -> Int -> Grid (Int, Int)
mkGrid m n = Grid $ [ zip (repeat i) [0..n-1] | i <- [0..m-1] ]
instance Show a => Show (Grid a) where
show = concatMap (('\n' :) . concatMap show) . unGrid
instance Show a => Show (GridZipper a) where
show GridZipper{..} =
concat [ show above, "\n"
, concatMap show (reverse left)
, "\x1B[33m[\x1B[0m", show focus, "\x1B[33m]\x1B[0m"
, concatMap show right
, show below ]
main creates a small grid of size 5*10, focuses on the element at coordinates (2,3) and moves around a bit.
main :: IO ()
main = do
let grid1 = mkGrid 5 10
print grid1
let grid2 = fromJust $ focusGridAt 2 3 grid1
print grid2
print $ goLeft =<< goLeft =<< goDown =<< goDown grid2
A simple solution for implementing infinite grids consists in using a hash table indexed by the coordinate pairs.
The following is a sample implementation that doesn't check for integer overflow:
type 'a cell = {
x: int; (* position on the horizontal axis *)
y: int; (* position on the vertical axis *)
value: 'a;
type 'a grid = {
cells: (int * int, 'a cell) Hashtbl.t;
init_cell: int -> int -> 'a;
let create_grid init_cell = {
cells = Hashtbl.create 10;
let hashtbl_get tbl k =
try Some (Hashtbl.find tbl k)
with Not_found -> None
(* Check if we have a cell at the given relative position *)
let peek grid cell x_offset y_offset =
hashtbl_get grid.cells (cell.x + x_offset, cell.y + y_offset)
(* Get the cell at the given relative position *)
let get grid cell x_offset y_offset =
let x = cell.x + x_offset in
let y = cell.y + y_offset in
let k = (x, y) in
match hashtbl_get grid.cells k with
| Some c -> c
| None ->
let new_cell = {
x; y;
value = grid.init_cell x y
} in
Hashtbl.add grid.cells k new_cell;
let left grid cell = get grid cell (-1) 0
let right grid cell = get grid cell 1 0
let down grid cell = get grid cell 0 (-1)
(* etc. *)
As practice, I am trying to write a simulation for the casino game "war" in Haskell.
It is a very simple game with a few rules. It would be an otherwise very simple problem to write in any of the imperative language I know, however I am struggling to write it in Haskell.
The code I have so far:
-- Simulation for the Casino War
import System.Random
import Data.Map
-- stolen from the internet
fisherYatesStep :: RandomGen g => (Map Int a, g) -> (Int, a) -> (Map Int a, g)
fisherYatesStep (m, gen) (i, x) = ((insert j x . insert i (m ! j)) m, gen')
(j, gen') = randomR (0, i) gen
fisherYates :: RandomGen g => g -> [a] -> ([a], g)
fisherYates gen [] = ([], gen)
fisherYates gen l = toElems $ Prelude.foldl
fisherYatesStep (initial (head l) gen) (numerate (tail l))
toElems (x, y) = (elems x, y)
numerate = zip [1..]
initial x gen = (singleton 0 x, gen)
data State = Deal | Tie deriving Show
-- state: game state
-- # cards to deal
-- # cards to burn
-- cards on the table
-- indices for tied players
-- # players
-- players winning
-- dealer's winning
type GameState = (State, Int, Int, [Int], [Int], Int, [Int], Int)
gameRound :: GameState -> Int -> GameState
gameRound (Deal, toDeal, toBurn, inPlay, tied, numPlayers, pWins, dWins) card
| toDeal > 0 =
-- not enough card, deal a card
(Deal, toDeal - 1, 0, card:inPlay, tied, numPlayers, pWins, dWins)
| toDeal == 0 =
-- enough cards in play now
-- here should detemine whether or not there is any ties on the table,
-- and go to the tie state
dealerCard = head inPlay
p = zipWith (+) pWins $ (tail inPlay) >>=
(\x -> if x < dealerCard then return (-1) else return 1)
d = if dealerCard == (maximum inPlay) then dWins + 1 else dWins - 1
(Deal, numPlayers + 1, 0, [], tied, numPlayers, p, d)
gameRound (Tie, toDeal, toBurn, inPlay, tied, numPlayers, pWins, dWins) card
-- i have no idea how to write the logic for the tie state AKA the "war" state
| otherwise = (Tie, toDeal, toBurn, inPlay, tied, numPlayers, pWins, dWins)
main = do
rand <- newStdGen
-- create the shuffled deck
(deck, _) <- return $ fisherYates rand $ [2 .. 14] >>= (replicate 6)
-- fold the state updating function over the deck
putStrLn $ show $ Prelude.foldl gameRound
(Deal, 7, 0, [], [], 6, [0 ..], 0) deck
I understand why extra work has to go towards creating random numbers, but I am pretty sure I am missing some basic construct or concept. It shouldn't be this awkward to keep a collection of states, and run a branching logic over a list of input. I couldn't even figure out a good way to write the logic for the case where there are ties on the table.
I am not asking for complete solutions. It would be real nice if someone could point out what I am doing wrong, or some good reading materials that are relevant.
Thanks in advance.
A useful design pattern for maintaining application state is the so called state monad. You can find a description and some introductory examples here. Also, you might want to consider using a data type with named fields instead of a tuple for GameState, for example:
data GameState = GameState { state :: State,
toDeal :: Int
-- and so on
This will make it easier to access/update individual fields using record syntax.
To make the code more readable, you should break up the structure of the game into meaningful components, and reorganizing your code accordingly. What you've done is to put all the game's state into one data structure. The result is that you have to deal with all the game details all the time.
The game keeps track of scores for each player and the dealer. Sometimes it adds 1 or subtracts 1 from a score. Scores aren't used for anything else. Separate out the score management from the other code:
-- Scores for each player and the dealer
data Score = Score [Int] Int
-- Outcome for each player and the dealer. 'True' means a round was won.
data Outcome = Outcome [Bool] Bool
startingScore :: Int -> Score
startingScore n = Score (replicate n 0) 0
updateScore :: Outcome -> Score -> Score
updateScore (Outcome ps d) (Score pss ds) = Score (zipWith upd pss pos) (update ds d)
where upd s True = s+1
upd s False = s-1
The cards dealt are also associated with players and the dealer. Winning or losing a round is based only on the card values. Separate out the score computation from the other code:
type Card = Int
data Dealt = Dealt [Card] Card
scoreRound :: Dealt -> Outcome
scoreRound (Dealt ps dealerCard) = Outcome (map scorePlayer ps) (dealerCard == maximumCard)
maximumCard = maximum (dealerCard : ps)
scorePlayer p = p >= dealerCard
I would say a game round consists of all steps needed to produce a single Outcome. Reorganize the code accordingly:
type Deck = [Card]
deal :: Int -> Deck -> (Dealt, Deck)
deal n d = (Dealt (take n d) (head $ drop n d), drop (n+1) d) -- Should check whether deck has enough cards
-- The 'input-only' parts of GameState
type GameConfig =
GameConfig {nPlayers :: Int}
gameRound :: GameConfig -> Deck -> (Deck, Outcome)
gameRound config deck = let
(dealt, deck') = deal (nPlayers config) deck
outcome = scoreRound dealt
in (deck', outcome)
This covers most of what was in the original code. You can approach the rest in a similar way.
The main idea you should get is that Haskell makes it easy to decompose programs into small pieces that are meaningful on their own. That is what makes code easier to work with.
Instead of putting everything into GameState, I created Score, Outcome, Dealt, and Deck. Some of these data types came from the original GameState. Others were not in the original code at all; they were implicit in the way complicated loops were organized. Instead of putting the entire game into gameRound, I created updateScore, scoreRound, deal, and other functions. Each of these interacts with only a few pieces of data.
It occurred to me that the recommendation 'use StateT' might be a little opaque so I translated a bit into that jargon, hoping you could see how to go from there. It might be best to include the state of the deck in the game state. gameround below just restates your function in StateT lingo. The previous definition, game uses the deck field of the game state, continuously reduced, and contains the whole game. I introduce IO actions, just to show how it's done, and so you can see the succession of states if you call main in ghci. You 'lift' IO actions into the StateT machinery, to put them on a level with the gets and puts. Note that in mose subcases, we put the new state and then call for the action to be repeated, so that the do block contains the complete recursive operation. (Tie and an empty deck end the game immediately.) Then in the last line of main we runStateT on this self-updating game yielding a function GameState -> IO (GameState,()); then we feed this with a certain starting state including the randomly determined deck to get the IO action which is the main business. (I don't follow how the game is supposed to work, but was mechanically moving things around to get the idea across.)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Monad.Trans
import System.Random
import Data.Map
data Stage = Deal | Tie deriving Show
data GameState =
GameState { stage :: Stage
, toDeal :: Int
, toBurn :: Int
, inPlay :: [Int]
, tied :: [Int]
, numPlayers :: Int
, pWins :: [Int]
, dWins :: Int
, deck :: [Int]} deriving Show
-- deck field is added for the `game` example
type GameRound m a = StateT GameState m a
main = do
rand <- newStdGen
let deck = fst $ fisherYates rand $ concatMap (replicate 6) [2 .. 14]
let startState = GameState Deal 7 0 [] [] 6 [0 ..100] 0 deck
runStateT game startState
game :: GameRound IO ()
game = do
st <- get
lift $ putStrLn "Playing: " >> print st
case deck st of
[] -> lift $ print "no cards"
(card:cards) ->
case (toDeal st, stage st) of
(0, Deal) -> do put (first_case_update st card cards)
game -- <-- recursive call with smaller deck
(_, Deal) -> do put (second_case_update st card cards)
(_, Tie) -> do lift $ putStrLn "This is a tie"
lift $ print st
where -- state updates:
-- I separate these out hoping this will make the needed sort
-- of 'logic' above clearer.
first_case_update s card cards=
s { numPlayers = numPlayers s + 1
, pWins = [if x < dealerCard then -1 else 1 |
x <- zipWith (+) (pWins s) (tail (inPlay s)) ]
, dWins = if dealerCard == maximum (inPlay s)
then dWins s + 1
else dWins s - 1
, deck = cards }
where dealerCard = head (inPlay s)
second_case_update s card cards =
s { toDeal = toDeal s - 1
, toBurn = 0
, inPlay = card : inPlay s
, deck = cards}
-- a StateTified formulation of your gameRound
gameround :: Monad m => Int -> GameRound m ()
gameround card = do
s <- get
case (toDeal s, stage s) of
(0, Deal) ->
put $ s { toDeal = numPlayers s + 1
, pWins = [if x < dealerCard then -1 else 1 |
x <- zipWith (+) (pWins s) (tail (inPlay s)) ]
, dWins = if dealerCard == maximum (inPlay s)
then dWins s + 1
else dWins s - 1}
where dealerCard = head (inPlay s)
(_, Deal) ->
put $ s { toDeal = toDeal s - 1
, toBurn = 0
, inPlay = card : inPlay s}
(_, Tie) -> return ()
fisherYatesStep :: RandomGen g => (Map Int a, g) -> (Int, a) -> (Map Int a, g)
fisherYatesStep (m, gen) (i, x) = ((insert j x . insert i (m ! j)) m, gen')
(j, gen') = randomR (0, i) gen
fisherYates :: RandomGen g => g -> [a] -> ([a], g)
fisherYates gen [] = ([], gen)
fisherYates gen l = toElems $ Prelude.foldl
fisherYatesStep (initial (head l) gen) (numerate (tail l))
toElems (x, y) = (elems x, y)
numerate = zip [1..]
initial x gen = (singleton 0 x, gen)