Installed phpList with joomla and get 404 error - joomla

I recently installed phpList in a folder of my current joomla install (on share server in bluehost). I had to manually install it, and I can access the admin page.
Joomla is installed at the root folder (html_public) and phpList in a folder within it (html_public/phpList).
As said, I can successfully access the admin page of phpList ( and configure it.
The problem is: every time I click on "save" to save an updated configuration, then it re-directs me to a 404 - not found throw by joomla (as it redirects to My updated configuration is correctly saved, and I can easily go back to it pressing the "back" button in the browser. I notice that phpList is not redirecting to the correct folder html_public/phpList/lists but to an incorrect one: html_public/lists.
I think there has to be some tweak to do in joomla and/or phpList to correctly define the folder it should direct the confirmation message.
I'm fully aware of the alternative of installing phpList to a subdomain's root folder, but at this point I'd prefer (if possible) to fix what I actually have.

This is what I ended doing, if it's of help to people looking for solutions.
It seems phpList is somewhat picky about the folder it's installed to.
In order to avoid conflicts with the already existing Joomla install, I had to create a subdomain and then make a clean re-install of it to a folder called lists within that subdomain. Any other solution (for example installing it to lists within html_public of my main domain) didn't work well, producing errors similar to the one described in the question. So, step by step:
Create a subdomain to your site (mine was "")
Install phpList into a folder called lists within that subdomain's html_public folder. Make sure you follow the guide in phpList documentation
Configure and go.


Installing Magento 2 on localhost using WAMP gives me Page Not Found for Backend, no styling for Frontend

I tried to install Magento 2 on localhost using WAMP (php5.5, APACHE2.4.9 and MySQL5.6).
I added the required extension "intl" (by removing (;) in php.ini), but for some reason it didn't work - I had to copy the dll into the Apache bin folder.
I updated xdebug and had to create in php.ini an entry for xdebug.max_nesting_level = 50000;.
After all this I went to do the second phase of installation (database creation, etc...) and at the end it was successful. But upon trying to enter the Backend admin page, I get the error Page Not Found, and the Frontend was broken (no style).
So I installed the version with sample-date and the same thing happened, the only difference was the existence of the photos. I installed using the composer, and got the same error.
I think I did something wrong with the WAMP installation, but I'm not sure.
Another issue I encountered was on the themes in the installation with setup wizard: the app / design / frontend / magento folders are empty, while the github repository has two themes - why is that?
For broken styles and JS, please run php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy. You might want to provide your specific language code as input; default is en_US
Re empty theme folder, there are several methods to deploy and install, based on your needs. The github version is meant for contributing devs, and hence there are themes present in the app/design/ folder. However, if you deployed via composer, or downloaded the zip file from, the app/design folder will be empty, since the themes are loaded via composer, from the vendor/magento folder.

Feared: Blank frontPage yet accessible backend in joomla 1.5.22

I am no expert in Joomla... :)
On my local station using XAMMP, my Joomla 1.5.22 site is running fine but when I upload it to our server online, my problem began, when I visit the frontpage it pulled out nothing but I can still access its backend. I tried to search all over the net, I did some suggested fix but still failed :(
Look for error log in the root folder of your Joomla install, that will give you a hint on why this is happenning.
Also, instead of copying the files and database manually use Akeeba Backup extension for backing up complete site (all files and database) in a single archive. Then use Akeeba Kickstart script for restoring. Akeeba Kickstart will automatically change all configurations needed to run your site on the new server. The extension and the script are free and the process is very simple, look for Youtube videos that show the backup / restore process step by step.
Good luck.
I just get my site back, I just learned that a depreciated module caused the problem, because our server has been upgraded, so I just disabled all my modules on site then single by single I enable it again and find the module that caused the problem, which I did, I'm now replacing that depreciated module with new extension so that the site will be working back.
-- Update --
Now my site is back, I just found out that GD library is not installed on PHP, that's why it shows blank page in the first place, PHEW!

Joomla installation permission errors

So I have been given the task of upgrading one of our companies' old websites that is based on 1.5 to something newer (because a second site of ours on the same version just got hacked).
I know some php and some other web stuff, but I'd never used Joomla.
I have setup a lamp server on a local VM (ubuntu) for me to test it all out on, then upload the upgraded version as is suggested. My problem now is that I know the permissions are not correct because when I tried installing Akeeba Backup, it kept throwing errors such as "could not copy to /var/www/components and /var/www/administrator etc. I went in and chmod'd those 2 (and then the rest of www because of more errors) to 757 (from 755 for the most part) - which i know at that point might as well be 777. Then when I've tried to use Kickstart to restore from the JPA file I have, it just right away throws an error "could not create j_backup/ folder".
I know this slackening of all permissions on the root folder is wrong, but it was the only way to get it to 'work', which it's not even now, so my question is what did I do wrong in the setup and how do i fix it? I'm not great with Linux, but I'm thinking I have to make PHP owner of www? is that right? or terrible practice?
The other issue I see now is that I just installed the latest php and everything and I see Akeepa says not to use php 5.4... not sure how much of a problem that's going to be....
Some direction would be great because I'm more than a little lost.
This is certainly a headache. Most often, as you stated, the issue is the ownership of the files on your server. Files uploaded via FTP will be owned by your FTP user and may not be editable by the Apache/PHP user. Similarly, files created by installing extensions in Joomla! will be owned by the Apache/PHP user and your FTP user will not be able to modify them. Here is an article discussing the problem with a couple of possible solutions:
In the past, I have used an Apache Module called suPHP ( to solve this problem and keep it from reoccurring. suPHP executes PHP scripts with the permissions of their owners.
As for file permissions other than ownership, please refer to the Joomla! documentation for the correct settings: One quick way to handle this (if you can install extensions after correcting the ownership issue) is to use the AdminTools extension ( One of its tools ‘fixes’ the file permissions on your server by resetting them to the Joomla! default.
Good luck!

Joomla administrator redirects to public site

I have a Joomla site running on a windows machine. The site was at 1.6 when some update requests came in. I decided to update the site, but the automated process didn't work, so I started FTPing the files up there manually.
I followed the instructions for the manual upgrade at once I got the site to 1.6.5, but my problems had already started before that.
Now when I go to most images are not there and when I try to log in I get kicked up to my site root rather than the /administrator folder. I took the opportunity to look at the code and none of the image src attributes or the form action attributes include "/administrator".
Soooo I need a little advice as to why this is happening. I would rather not have to restore from my backup and start over at 1.6. I was kinda hoping for this to be my first Joomla 3 site. Thanks in advance.
You said that you had trouble with updating Joomla via the admin panel, however did you check if the folders were writable? Site -> System Information -> Directory Permissions Always check this page once you have installed Joomla as it is the reason why a lot of people are unable to install updates or normal extensions.
You then mentioned that you had to upload the files manually via the FTP, however this is not requires. All that is required it to upload the to the foot of your Joomla site and unzip it.
As for a proper answer, May I suggest that you first update to the Latest version of the 1.6 series (1.6.6), then you download a fresh copy of Joomla 1.6.6, unzip the "administrator" folder, zip that folder, upload via the FTP to your Joomla root folder, then extract it. This will override all the default administrator files.
In the end I had this client move their Joomla install off Windows and onto a Linux machine. Things were just getting worse with the install and I threw in the towel. Thanks to Lodder for trying to help.
This can happen if you are using the JSecure plugin. It requires a token in the URL to enter the admin panel, for example:
I was able to fix this by removing the value that I had in the $live_site variable in the configuration.php file. I am also running this on a Windows server.

Joomla blank after changing server, admin panel good

I did a cPanel move of a Joomla 1.5 website and a PHPBB3 forum from one server to another, and when the DNS changes kicked in all I see is a blank page. The administrator panel works without any problems whatsoever. cPanel works. Website and forum (which is separate from the website) are both blank.
I have then manually downloaded and then uploaded all files (didn't move the databases manually), and some files wouldn't upload because of 555 file permissions. I changed the permissions to 777 temporarily to overwrite the file with the manually uploaded one. So all files are now the same as they were on the old server.
Even when I turn the Site Debugging on, the screen is blank.
There is no hidden index.html or default.html file which could be causing the problem.
The entire account was moved with cPanel so it's the same on the old server and the new server. The hosting provider reports no problems. The DNS changes kicked in two days ago.
PHP is working, as this link works:
In configuration.php, there is nothing specifically pointing to the old site.
var $dbtype = 'WeboMySql';
var $host = 'localhost';
All roads in these cases generally lead to configuration.php Check spelling and punctuation for mistakes. Also, enable one of the default Joomla Templates to be sure that whatever template you're using isn't also using old values.
Problem is solved.
The configuration.php file was to blame, as everyone suggested, but there was no possible way to change it manually and get it right, I had to make the system determine its own configuration.
I installed a fresh version of Joomla in a separate folder, and a fresh version of PHPBB3 in a separate folder.
Then I took the configuration.php and config.php files for those two things and put them in the existing folders of the website which didn't work.
Changed the minor details such as database prefixes (as I couldn't have entered the existing ones while installing), and that's it. Now it works.
So this might be a good workaround for anyone facing the same problem. Install a dummy version of Joomla and use the generated configuration.php file for the old, non-functioning website.
Before starting to debug the server, turn debug-mode on (in the admin CP)
First thing I would try is to delete the cache by running: rm –rf /var/www/html/<your website directory>/var/cache/*
The next thing I would try is to switch to another template - make sure that the template is not the issue.
Also, make sure to check the apache access log - just in case. also, you can check .htaccess for stuff like 301 redirect rules or any other problematic configuration (same applies for httpd.conf and configuration.php)
Good luck!
