Upload public object to Google Cloud Storage with public link - google-api

I've searched everywhere on this but I cannot find a solution, how can I upload a public object to my google cloud storage, I want to have it so once the image is uploaded it can be viewed by anyone in the world.
It seems I can only get this done if I manually click the public link in google storage, but I want to have it so I can automatically make these objects public through googles api .

The web interface doesn't provide a way to make the objects being uploaded public automatically, but you can do one of two things:
If you want to just make objects publicly readable during one particular session you could use gsutil to do it, e.g.,
gsutil -m cp -a public-read dir/* gs://your-bucket
If you want to make objects publicly readable across all future sessions you could set a default object ACL on the bucket, using a command like:
gsutil defacl set public-read gs://your-bucket
If you do that, uploads via the web interface (as well as by any other API requests, e.g., gsutil cp commands) will be made publicly readable automatically.


Can I serve files stored in Google Cloud Storage via a http.FileServer in golang?

I have developed a small web application that runs a web server in golang.
Each user can login, view the list of their docs (previously uploaded) and click on an item to view an html page that shows some fields of the document plus an tag with a src attribute
The src attribute includes an url like "mydocuments/download/123-456-789.pdf"
On the server side I handle the URL ("mydocuments/download/*") via an http Handler
mymux.HandleFunc(pat.Get("/mydocuments/download/:docname"), DocDownloadHandler)
I check that the user has the rights to view the document in the url
Then I create a fileserver that obviously re-maps the url to the real path of the folder where the files are stored on the filesystem of the server
fileServer := http.StripPrefix("/mydocs/download/",http.FileServer(http.Dir("/the-real-path-to-documents-folder/user-specific-folder/)))
and of course I serve the files
fileServer.ServeHTTP(w, r)
IMPORTANT: the directory where the documents are stored is not the static-files directory I sue for the website but a directory where all files end after being uploaded by users.
As I am trying to convert the code for it to work also on Google Cloud, I am trying to change the code so that files are stored in a bucket (or, better in "sub-directories" -as they do not properly exist- of a bucket).
How can I modify the code so to map the real document url as available via the cloud storage bucket?
Can I still use the http.FileServer technique above (if so what should I use instead of http.Dir to map the bucket "sub-folder" path where the documents are stored)?
I hope I was enough clear to explain my issue...
I apologise in advance for any unclear point...
Some options are:
Give the user direct access to the resource using a signed URL.
Write code to proxy the request to GCS.
Use http.FS with an fs.FS backed by GCS.
It's possible that a fs.FS for GCS already exists, but you may need to write one.
You can use http.FileSystem since it is an interface and can be implemented however you like.

Spring Boot: Download file directly from directory with file URI

Assume that I have a directory for uploaded public files like images in /var/my-project/upload/public.
I want to download files in public directory with its name. For example if there is a file named product-image.png in public directory with uri /var/my-project/upload/public/product-image.png, access to this file with this url: http://mysite/public/product-image.png.
I know how to use a controller for this purpose, but I want to know is there a way to directly access these files without using a controller method?
The only acceptable way of doing it is with a ReSTful api. There are other methods such as ftp, but When you use ftp, Files can be added by anyone who knows how. With a ReST controller, you define what can be added beforehand. In fact, with a controller you define just about everything regarding that endpoint.
So the short answer is (especially if you are using Spring boot) use an API, lest you not regret it later.
When I was in College, our website had a built in "back door" to a certain endpoint via ftp. Some kids in one of my classes found out about that back door and let themselves inside. Needless to say' they didnt bother wiping their shoes on the mat on their way in.
The moral: Never assume that your resources aren't worth messing with. All you need to do is make it unsecure, and people will eventually mess with it.

FFMPEG using Google Drive API instead of Shared URL

We are using FFMPEG to stream a Google Drive URL into a node application.
Is there an FFMPEG method or library we can use to stream to FFMPEG using the Google Drive API instead of using the standard public shared URL?
At the moment using the URL works fine if the file size is <100mb but with bigger files we get an error:
https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=fileId: Invalid data found when processing input
This is because we reach the pesky gDrive virus roadblock page:
From your question, I understood that your file is publicly shared. In this case, when the file size becomes large, the endpoint of https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=fileId is required to be processed with 2 steps. Ref This has already been also mentioned in your question.
In this answer, in order to avoid this, I would like to propose to use the method of "Files: get" in Drive API and the API key. When Drive API and API key is used for the publicly shared file, no 2 step flow is required, and it can use it by changing only the URL.
https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files/{fileId}?alt=media&key={your API key}
For example, as a test, when you use curl command, you can use curl "https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files/{fileId}?alt=media&key={your API key}".
Download a file stored on Google Drive
Files: get
Using API keys

Uploading images to Spring Boot and S3 all In-Memory

I have an Angular webapp that uses a Spring Boot REST service as its backing web service.
I am adding a "Profiles" feature for users, and as part of this I want to stand up an endpoint that allows users to upload profile images for themselves and immediately upload those files to S3 (where I will host all the images from).
Looking at several Spring Boot/file upload tutorials :
I update avatar image and display it but the avatar does not change in Spring Boot , why?
Many others
It seems that the standard way of handling such file upload is exposing a controller endpoint that accepts MultipartFiles like so:
public class ProfileController {
public ResponseEntity uploadProfilePhoto(#RequestParam("mpf") MultipartFile mpf)
// ...
Looking at all this code, I can't tell if the MultipartFile instance is in-memory or if Spring sets its location somewhere (perhaps under /tmp?) on the disk.
Looking at the AWS S3 Java SDK tutorial, it seems the standard way to upload a disk-based File is like so:
File file = new File(uploadFileName);
s3client.putObject(new PutObjectRequest(bucketName, keyName, file));
So it looks like I must have a File on disk in order to upload to S3.
I'm wondering if there is a way to keep everything in memory, or whether this is a bad idea and I should stick to disks/File instances!
Is there a way to keep the entire profile image (MultipartFile) in-mempory inside the controller method?
Is there a way to feed (maybe via serialization?!) a MultipartFile instance to S3's PutObjectRequest?
Or is this all a terrible idea (if so, why?!)?
Is there a way to keep the entire profile image (MultipartFile) in-mempory inside the controller method?
No, there is NO way to keep an image File in-memory because File object in java represents a path in file system.
Is there a way to feed (maybe via serialization?!) a MultipartFile instance to S3's PutObjectRequest?
No, from S3's API documentation, there is no way for S3 to deserialize to the image file for you after/during the upload.
Or is this all a terrible idea (if so, why?!)?
It depends on your specific case but it is generally not preferred.
If - there are not many users uploading images at the same time, your memory is probably enough to handle.
Else - You can easily get out-of-memory problems.
If you insist on doing so, S3 API can upload an InputStream (If I remember correctly). You can convert your Multipart File to an InputStream.
This SO thread talks about uploading to S3 with InputStream
You can also take a look at File.createTempFile() to create a temp file.
I have been looking at the same thing. Basically you want a user to be able to be able to upload a photo album and have those photos served from S3 and probably have them secured so only that user can upload/delete/etc.
I believe the simpler answer is in spring boot to get a Pre-signed URL from S3. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/PresignedUrlUploadObjectJavaSDK.html
which basically gives you a token defining the bucket, and object key ("/bobs_profile/smiling_bob.jpg") and a time limit for that image to be uploaded.
Give that to your angular app (or ionic app) to upload the image to that location.
That should do it. but someone let me know if I'm wrong.
The only issue that I see is if bob wants to upload "bobs_nude_photo.jpg" and only wants spring security logged in people to be able to see it... well I'm sure there is an S3 solution for that??

Marking inserted objects as public with GoLang Google Cloud Storage API

I'm using Golang package storage v1 to upload files to Google Cloud Storage,
using the following method:
func (r *ObjectsService) Insert(bucket string, object *Object) *ObjectsInsertCall
Insert: Stores a new object and metadata.
Everything works great except I'm not sure how to publicly expose uploaded files, using Google's developers console I can manually set a file public by clicking the Public link checkbox,
Any idea how do I achieve the same result using the above API? an example would be highly appreciated
There's a PredefinedAcl function on ObjectsInsertCall. Predefined ACLs are described in the API documentation, but one of them is "public-read", which marks the object as globally viewable.
