Why are there no releases of Git for Windows, but only pre-releases instead? - windows

I got to know that msysgit is phased out. But when looking at the release page of Git for Windows, I only see pre-releases. So why are there no final releases of Git for Windows?

See issue 12: the new "git for Windows" is not yet stable enough.
I mentioned it in "Why is it that if you download Git 2.0 from the net, you always get a 1.9.4 installer package?".
Git (for Windows) 2.5 itself still has issue just to be compiled (issues/257)
The first release of Git for Windows is now (August 18th, 2015) available.


Download the older version git for windows

How can I download the git 2.24.1 exe for windows from this link, but I'm not actually sure what to do with them to install.
Never mind. Found it here the Git old version

What will break by using old Git in TortoiseGit 2.7.0?

Release 2.7.0 of TortoiseGit claims it doesn't support Windows Git older than version 2.11 anymore. But it still runs, in my case with Cygwin Git version 2.1.1 (which I can't upgrade yet). What functionality of TortoiseGit could there be that is expected to be broken?
First running old versions of Git are a security thread as those versions contain known security holes (that's also the reason why TortoiseGit dropped support for old versions).
TortoiseGit basically will still run with old versions of Git, however, for some actions TortoiseGit might pass some options which are not known to older versions of Git and these actions will fail (cf. https://gitlab.com/tortoisegit/tortoisegit/commit/7d65e4f55f28ecca370c15bfb48da2c931da5aed; e.g. TortoiseGit used merge -unrelated, --progress for submodule update command, commit amend with "reset time to now", look into the Git release notes when those features were introduced).
Btw. Cygwin Git is also not supported officially by TortoiseGit. Please also note, that Cygwin Git also does not pass the whole test suite on Windows... (cf. https://stackoverflow.com/a/32427897/3906760)

How to install GitFlow for Windows

Is there a way to install Git Flow on Windows? I tried this tutorial but I'm unable to understand it.
I already have Git Installed on my PC, can I use GitFlow from my current Git installation?
Use the recently released Git for Windows 2.5.3 which now ships with git-flow (the AVH edition of it).
If you have Sourcetree OR if you install Sourcetree, you can find GitFlow options there. This is one of the easiest way to use GitFlow.
Once you active GitFlow from their (shown in the above screenshot), you can use all GitFlow commands from the terminal as well.

how to update git client to overcome the latest vulnerability?

Recently GitHub recommended us to update the git client on our machines.
news on vulnerability
So I type in console
git --version //getting 2.0.1
which git //getting /usr/local/git/bin/git
Then I upload one from here(2.2.1, for instance):
The Git core team site
I unzip it and then I cant figure it out where to put unzipped files because files under /usr/local/git are so different,
what do I need to do to install it?
Update: for everyone curious about my question, this particular link have the answers
Since you appear to be using Linux (or maybe Max OSX) you'll need to use one of the package managers. The Download page for Git on Linux has more information.
For Mac OS you'll need to use Homebrew or MacPorts.
Otherwise you'll have to download the source code, make and make install the newest version of Git if the Linux and Mac package managers don't have the newest release listed.
Installing Git

GitHub for Mac no longer installs Git message

I have been using the Github for Mac app and it works great.
This morning while launching the Github app I get the following message:
GitHub for Mac no longer installs Git
OS X 10.9 and later includes Git, so GitHub for Mac will no longer
install Git as part of its command line tools.
The version of Git you have installed through GitHub for Mac is no
longer supported. It's recommended that you uninstall it as soon as
[ Uninstall Git Later] [ Uninstall Git Now ]
Should I uninstall Git? Will I lose my git configs ?
Yes, you can uninstall Git (the one oncluded by GitHub for Mac)
You won't loose any configuration, unless you have been fiddling with git config --system.
Only the "system" config would have been modifying the installation folder of that embedded Git.
