Spring Social LinkedIn - how to conditionally redirect or pass parameters? - spring-social

We're using Spring Social LinkedIn in a single page javascript app to authenticate a user. We're able to successfully authenticate against LinkedIn, but we're having trouble getting that to integrate with our javascript app. It actually breaks down into two issues:
Issue 1:
We're using one API key for a set or related apps - and we use a single sign-in process. We need a way to identifiy which app the user came from and to send them back to the right app after logging in. The problem we're having is LinkedIn only allows one redirect URL and I don't believe it can carry any parameters (that would probably be the solution if it's possible to carry a parameter like the identifier of the app they're in). Do you know of a way to conditionally redirect the person after login?
Issue 2:
When the user is authenticated, we store the user info in our database, but after that we need the log the user into our app and provide the user with a token. Is there a way after the LinkedIn authentication completes to trigger another call to the server to request the token?


How to log in to arbitrary webpage that uses OKTA for auth?

I work for a large company (50K+). Some orgs within the company use OKTA for auth on their servers.
I have a valid user login (via OKTA) for the servers, and can log in through a browser without any issues, but want to access this site programatically.
How can I log into these websites using my OKTA credentials?
I've found this doc: https://developer.okta.com/docs/reference/api/oidc/#authorize
that details how to use an OKTA endpoint, but it requires some info that I do not have. Namely, nonce, state, and client_id. I have no clue how to get this info.
I've found another endpoint that allows a similar login method, but only requires username and password (I forget the doc that referenced this):
I am able to successfully authenticate with OKTA using this endpoint, and receive a session_token. Can I take this session_token and apply it to my arbitrary webpage somehow? I can not find any documentation that says so.
At first glance it appears that many of the API endpoints for OKTA require intimate knowledge of the hosted application (and/or are not meant to be accessed programmatically).
Is it possible to log into an arbitrary webpage that uses OKTA for authentication, with only knowledge that an end user would have (username/password/optional MFA)?
Hi not sure you found the answer yet. from your descriptions i think yours is web app, which is supposed to use authentication code flow. else, you can ask your web developers what authentication flow they use and follow the auth process accordingly.
you need to retrieve id token & access token for authentication.

Strapi - anonymous browsing

I'm developing a mobile app which will allow users to browse without signing up. I would like to have all my endpoints secured via token.
How would we go about allowing anonymous browsing? i.e. provide a token to anonymous users.
Not sure to understand your case, why do you need a token if your users aren't registered and your API opens to everyone?
The authentication system of Strapi has been built to only send token to registered users. However, the easiest way to make it work for you is to register every visitor coming in your app based on their IP or something unique as a username and set the same password for each one of them. Then, every time the user comes back, you can call the /auth/local URL to sign-in the user and get the token or use the token stored in the local storage.

confused on usage/difference of SSO/OAUTH/SOCIAL LOGIN

I have an app idea and need to implement authentication. Because of the nature of my app, I only want linkedin users to be able to access my app.
After reading a bit about spring oauth / spring social / etc, it seems its definitely possible to use something like Linkedin to access MY app. I want a user to see linkedins login button on the first view of my app, create my own version of this user in my app, and then allow the user to use my app.
After my findings I have found the generic flow
*user authenticates via social login button
*client app redirects user to service provider to receive a token
*client uses token and makes another request to service provider to receive auth token
*now my client app can make calls to service provider with auth token of user(this is the part where I am a bit confused)
*I want to use this token to validate calls against MY api NOT linkedins(is this wrong)
I don't really care to make calls to Linkedin on behalf of the user(except to pull user information). I ONLY want linkedin auth so that I know that users who use my auth are valid linkedin users. I thought something similar to Tinder where you MUST have a facebook account, I want to copy that design but couldn't find any hints from google. It seems the examples I find online all use the social login to ultimately use the service providers API.
I also read some stuff about SSO which sounds like what I want, but I definitely plan to add at least 1 more social login down the road. My clients will use a browser or mobile app.
I guess the main question here is once I authenticate a user using social login, am I supposed to use his existing connection to make calls to my API or create a new connection somehow. My goal is when a user does a social login, he now can access MY app, I want to reuse their existing connection without authenticating them into mine(only store their info). I want to follow best practices.

Is it ok if yodlee user get register through app?

We are building a finance app and integration Yodlee in it and we have come to situation where we need user's loging.
Now we have two scenarion,
Ask user to login & use token for API call. But as userSessionToken expires after every 30 minutes, we need to open yodlee login screen.
We can register yodlee user when any user sign-up on our site and use his credential from back-end to get yodlee userSessionToken
Scenario 2 has data protecting issue. Is there any way where we can get new token with a single user login.
Please suggest me if there is any alternative way.
You should use second approach, as you don't want user to register twice.
Once user registers to your site you should internally call register3 API to register that user with Yodlee. There is no data protecting issue, unless you don't have required security standards in place.

How to generate facebook access token for given app key and secret key using spring social facebook?

I would like to access my own facebook news feeds using spring social facebook. I have registered my app and i could able to get app key and secret key. How to generate facebook access token for given app key and secret key using spring social facebook(programmatically)?
Now i'm using the link https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer generate the temporary access token which is valid only for 60 minutes.
How to generate the access token in my java application itself without having any login page redirecting to facebook redirecting back, etc.
If you're wanting to use the token to access user-owned resources at Facebook (e.g., the user's timeline, friends, etc) there's no way to get a token without involving the user. That's on purpose so that you aren't allowed to fetch data or write data to Facebook without getting the user's permission to do so.
But if that's what you want, then you must redirect the user to Facebook and back. This is OAuth 2's authorization code grant. Spring Social's ConnectController can help you with this.
You might be able to do it via the JS API, but it's been awhile since I've done it that way and I know a few things have changed at Facebook in that regard. And it probably relies on OAuth 2 Implicit Grant (which involves a redirect).
There is another way to obtain an access token without redirecting: Via OAuth 2's client credentials grant. But I don't think that's what you want. Such a token can only be used to work with non-user resources (such as Facebook's Insights API). But if that's what you want, then you can use OAuth2Template's authenticateClient() method.
Again, to be perfectly clear, it is very much by design that you can't obtain a user access token without involving the user. And with Facebook, that will require redirects.
