haxelib to install with haxe in a custom directory - installation

I'm trying to set up haxe development environment. I'd prefer not to install haxe in /usr, so I edited haxe Makefile so that the install directory is a local one:
However, now I cannot use haxelib:
% PATH=/home/liori/Programy/haxe.install/bin:$PATH haxelib setup /home/liori/Programy/haxe.install/haxelib
Standard library not found
How to execute haxelib in these circumstances?

Since the error mentioned "Standard library not found", probably the "std" folder is misplaced somehow.
The haxe standard lib folder, "std", should be placed right next to the "haxe" executable. If you want to have an alternative setup, you should set up an env variable, HAXE_STD_PATH, which points to the "std" folder. Try set it up and run haxelib again.
If that still doesn't work, try to open the haxelib executable in a text editor, it should be a script that runs haxe. See if any of the arguments is wrong.
Yet another option is to make haxelib, which will produce a compiled haxelib executable instead of the script based one.


Installing without package manager, why does executable binary fail with "command not found" unless I make the commands start with "./"?

I'm learning to use GNU/Linux and I want to know how to install programs that cannot be installed with the package manager.
I downloaded the tarball with the Linux 64-bit Binaries (including one called "haxelib"), extracted it, changed directory in the terminal to their location (~/Downloads/things/haxe_20201231082044_5e33a78aa/), and used chmod to make them executable.
If I try a command such as haxelib list, then the terminal returns
haxelib: command not found
If I try ./haxelib list (the same command but with ./ at the start) instead, then the command works as expected.
Why can't I use it without the ./? Programs installed with the package manager can be used without the ./.
Edit: I should probably also ask: where should I put the files from the tarball? Should they all go together in the same place? I have a feeling that a folder named "things" in my Downloads folder is not the best place for them.

install library using a .sh script; the default location won't work

I'm trying to compile the library at this site http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/f_src/prob/prob.html
You can find the library by searching for the text prob.f90
The library comes with a shell script to compile it, called prob.sh
When I use sudo bash prob.sh at the terminal (I am using OSX Lion) I get told that the directory ~/bin//f90split doesn't exist.
If I open prob.sh in a text editor it looks like the shell script is trying to compile the library to ~/bin/$ARCH/f90split
Is it ok for me to simply change this line of the shell script to /usr/lib/ and install the library there instead?
Yes, you can edit the script as you suggest. Personally I wouldn't compile the library directly to /usr/lib in a first attempt, I'd compile to some other directory which I could easily clear out if things go awry.

Creating .deb to install bash script program

I was wondering if the following is possible.
I have a BASH script that I want to make available for some people but I wanted them to only have to "install" the program and not messing around with terminal, so I thought a .deb would be cool.
So what would the "install" do?
Simple. I want to move the script and an icon to a folder (any folder, but I was wondering some hidden folder in Home) and then run a script that creates a launcher in the Applications menu for the first script. It seems there isn't much to it, but for what I've searched, there doesn't seem to be a lot of info...
How can I accomplish this?
By the way, I'm using Ubuntu 11.04.
Basically (install and) run dh-make to set up the debian/ directory, edit the generated files (mainly remove the many you do not need, and fill in a package description and any dependencies in debian/control), then debuild-us -uc -b.
You may also have to set up a simple Makefile for debian/rules to call; it probably only needs an install target to copy the binary to $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin.
Binaries install into /usr/bin and you should not try to override that. The way to have a menu is to add a .desktop file.
Once you have a good .deb you will need to set up a repo for distributing it. The simplest solution is probably to set up a launchpad.net account and create a personal PPA there.
It's not hard to find more information on these topics, but of course, you need to know what to look for. The canonical documentation is the Debian New Maintainer's Guide.
Found this video on youtube that explains IN FULL the process of creating a *.deb for a script or program and even mentions how to do it for a C program.
Full guide in how to build simple *.deb package
Has one bug, btw, that the author, during the making of the *.deb, didn't notice. The path in the *.desktop file for the EXEC parameter is wrong in the example.


I'm creating a Linux tgz self-extracting installer using CPack and I'd like the installer to run a script or sequence of commands after all files have been installed. CPack documentation contains the following guidance:
CPACK_INSTALL_COMMANDS Extra commands to install components.
I set this variable in my CMakeLists.txt file and I see it set in the resulting CPackConfig.cmake file, but the commands I embed in this variable do not appear anywhere in the final .sh install script. What am I missing?
You're not missing anything, that's simply not how the CPACK_INSTALL_COMMANDS variable works.
On a typical project, CPack does a "make install" into a temporary location, in order to build the final installer based on the "make install" tree. The CPACK_INSTALL_COMMANDS variable is meant to be set for projects that would rather run some other command sequence, instead of the typical "make install" in order to produce the install tree.
So, CPack should be running your commands as it generates the package. It will not run your commands on the end user's machine at the end of him/her running the generated installation script...
There are per-generator ways of running installed executables and/or scripts at the end of the end user installation, but it will require some customization on your part. In this case, I'd recommend attempting to override the CPack.STGZ_Header.sh.in input file that is used when CPack generates the STGZ self-extracting script. Customize that file and add your calls to the bottom of it, above the line:
exit 0
To override the file, provide your own copy of it in your source tree, perhaps in a ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake directory, and then in your CMakeLists.txt file, add:
(Actually, as I'm writing this, I'm wondering if that's sufficient, or if the module path also needs to be set at the time that CPack runs... Try this, and let us know if your customization gets used by CPack or not. If not, I'll investigate a bit further and add some more advice here.)

How to install SWIG?

Noob question ahead...
I'm trying to install SWIG on Windows. According to the INSTALL document, I have to
cd to the directory containing the package's source code and type ./configure to configure the package for your system.
I tried the command in both the root directory and in the /CCache directory (these are the only ones that have the configure and configure.in files), however, the shell reports back that
'.' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
What am I missing?
no installation is needed. you just have to set the environment variable to point to the "swig" 's executable which is under the root directory of swig
On the SWIG site, you can download for example the swigwin-2.0.7 zip directory for windows's swig. unzip it in a directory of your choice for example on "C:\Program Files" directory if you want. After this, you have the swig executable in the "C:\Program Files\swigwin-2.0.7" directory: "C\Program Files\swigwin-2.0.7\swig"
you have to set now the environment variable "path" to point to this swig exec: add for this the "C:\Program Files\swigwin-2.0.7" path to the "path"variable according to my example; that is all you need to use swig on windows. You can now play with swig so, open a prompt "cmd" and just type "swig --help" on this prompt you can see a list of the differents options you can use with swig.
If you d'ont have visual c++, you can use for example codeblock, that is my case so the link below could be a help for you : http://wiki.codeblocks.org/index.phptitle=Adding_support_for_non_C/C%2B%2B_files_to_the_build_system
The page http://www.swig.org/download.html has a specific download for Windows with a pre-built version of swig.exe. You can download it and avoid the hassle of compiling swig by yourself.
If you really need to, you can consult the file Doc/Manual/Windows.html that contain Windows-specific instructions to build SWIG.
Finally, to answer your specific question, the syntax
is a UNIX-style command that means 'execute the program named configure in the current directory' (the dot)
On Windows, you would type
or even simpler, as all files are executable on Windows, only
... BUT this will not work as the said 'configure' script is a bash script that will not run in a Windows shell.
Download Miniconda.
Then follow this guide and do: conda install -c anaconda swig
