Bash parallelization for double for loop - bash

So I have a function that request REST API and that takes in two arguments: instances and dates. I am given a list of instances and a range of dates which need to be iterated with two for loops. One constraint is that the only one instance can be requested at a time.
I have tried using & and wait, and my pseudocode looks like this.
for each date:
for each instance:
do-something "$date" "$instance" &
This actually works perfectly since only one instance is requested at a time and only progress when all instances are processed and therefore no instance gets requested at the same time.
The problem is that some request for certain instance takes a long time, so other instances that have been processed earlier are idling. How can I solve this problem?

Define a function which will process a given instance for each date sequentially:
for_each_date () {
for d in "$#"; do
some_command "$d" "$instance"
Now, spawn a background process to run this function for each instance.
dates=(2015-07-21 2015-07-22 2015-07-23) # For example
instances=(inst1 inst2 inst3)
for instance in "${instances[#]}"; do
for_each_date "$instance" "${dates[#]}" &
Each background job will run some-command for a different instance, and will never run more than one process at a time, so you meet your first constraint. At the same time, for_each_date starts a new request for its instance as soon as the old one completes, keeping your machine as busy as possible.

With GNU Parallel you would do:
parallel do-something ::: d a t e s ::: i n s t a n c e s


Resource management in Bash for running processes in parallel

We have shared server with multiple GPU nodes without resource manager. We make agreements that: "this week you can use nodes ID1,ID2 and ID5". I have a program that gets this ID as a parameter.
When I need to run my program ten times with ten different sets of parameters $ARGS1, $ARGS2, ..., $ARGS10, I run first three commands
programOnGPU $ARGS1 -p ID1 &
programOnGPU $ARGS2 -p ID2 &
programOnGPU $ARGS3 -p ID5 &
Then I must wait for any of those to finish and if e.g ID2 finishes first, I then run
programOnGPU $ARGS4 -p ID2 &
As this is not very convenient when you have a lot of processes I would like to automatize the process. I can not use parallel as I need to reuse IDs.
First use case is a script that needs to execute apriori known 10 commands of the type
programOnGPU $PARAMS -p IDX
when any of them finishes to assign its ID to another one in the queue. Is this possible using bash without too much overhead of the type of the SLURM? I don't need to check the state of physical resource.
General solution would be if I can make a queue in the bash or simple command line utility to which I will submit commands of the type
programABC $PARAMS
and it will add the GPU ID parameter to it and manage the queue that will be preconfigured to be able to use just given IDs and one ID at once. Again I don't want this layer to touch physical GPUs, but to ensure that it executes consistently over allowed ID's.
This is very simple with Redis. It is a very small, very fast, networked, in-memory data-structure server. It can store sets, queues, hashes, strings, lists, atomic integers and so on.
You can access it across a network in a lab, or across the world. There are clients for bash, C/C++, Ruby, PHP, Python and so on.
So, if you are allocated nodes 1, 2 and 5 for the week, you can just store those in a Redis "list" with LPUSH using the Redis "Command Line Interface"* for bash:
redis-cli lpush VojtaKsNodes 1 2 5
If you are not on the Redis host, add its hostname/IP-address into the command like this:
redis-cli -h lpush VojtaKsNodes 1 2 5
Now, when you want to run a job, get a node with BRPOP. I specify an infinite timeout with the zero at the end, but you could wait a different amount of time:
# Get a node with infinite timeout
node=$(redis-cli brpop VojtaKsNodes 0)
run job on "$node"
# Give node back
redis-cli lpush VojtaKsNodes "$node"
I would:
I have a list of IDS=(ID1 ID2 ID5)
I would make 3 files, one with each IDs.
Run <arguments xargs -P3 programOnGPUFromLockedFile so run 3 processes for each of your argument.
Each of the processes will nonblockingly try to flock the 3 files in a loop, endlessly (ie. you can run more processes then 3, if you wanna).
When they succeed to flock,
they read the ID from the file
run the action on that ID
When they terminate, they will free flock, so the next process may flock the file and use the ID.
Ie. it's a very, very basic mutex locking. There are also other ways you can do it, like with an atomic fifo:
Create a fifo
Spawn one process for each argument you want to run with that will:
Read one line from the fifo
That line will be the ID to run on
Do the job on that ID
Output one line with the ID to the fifo back
And then write one ID per line to the fifo (in 3 separate writes! so that it's hopefully atomic), so 3 processes may start.
wait until all except 3 child processes exit
read 3 lines from fifo
wait until all child processes exit

How limiting background jobs works?

while looking on how to parallelize bash tasks, I've stumbles over a code like this:
for item in "${items[#]}"
((i=i%THREADS)); ((i++==0)) && wait
process_item $item &
Where process_item is some king of function/program that works with item and the THREADS var contain the maximum number of background processes that can run simultaneously.
Can someone explain to me how this works? I understand that i=i%THREADS ensures that i is between 0 and THREADS-1, and that i++==0 increments i and checks whether it is 0. But is wait bound to all sub processes? Or how does it know that is has to wait until the previous batch stopped processing?
It's an obfuscated way of writing
for item in "${items[#]}"
# Every THREADSth job, stop and wait for everything
# to complete.
if (( i % THREADS == 0 )); then
process_item $item &
It also doesn't actually work terribly well. It doesn't ensure that there are always $THREADS jobs running, only that no more than $THREADS jobs are running at once.
i++==0 checks and increments, not the opposite. wait waits for all currently active child processes. So, each iteration (but the first, thanks to the ((i++==0))) first waits for the process launched by the previous iteration and launches a new process.

Getting Thread not to run until join in ruby

I am getting into ruby and have been using threads for a little while now with out fully understanding them. I notice that when adding a thread to an array and if I add a sleep() command as the first command the thread does not run until I do a join which is mostly what I want. So I have 2 questions.
1.Is that suppose to happen?
2.Is there a better way to do that other then the way I'm doing it. Here is a sample code that I have to show what I'm talking about.
job =
10.times do |n|
job << do
sleep 0.001
puts "done #{n}"
#job.each do |t|
puts "End of script"
Output is
End of script
If I remove the comments output is
done 1
done 0
done 7
done 6
done 5
done 4
done 3
done 2
done 9
done 8
End of script
So I use this now but I don't understand why it does that. Sometimes I notice even doing something like `echo hi` instead of sleep does the trick.
Thanks in advance.
Timing of threads isn't a defined behavior. Once you put them to sleep, they will be put in a queue to be run later. You can't ever expect it to run one way or another.
Your main program doesn't take very long to run, so it is likely to happen to finish before your other threads get picked back up to run again. Really, when you think about it, 0.001 seconds is quite a long time to computer, so spinning off 10 threads in that time is likely to happen -- but even if it takes longer, there is no guarantee the thread will resume immediately after .001 seconds. Often there's really no guarantee it won't start before .001 seconds, either, but sleep calls usually don't end early.
When you add the join calls, you are introducing additional time into your main thread which allows the other threads time to run, so this behavior is expected.

Ruby and Rails Async

I need to perform long-running operation in ruby/rails asynchronously.
Googling around one of the options I find is Sidekiq.
class WeeklyReportWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
def perform(user, product, year =, week =
report =, product, year, week)
# call WeeklyReportWorker.perform_async('user', 'product')
Everything works great! But there is a problem.
If I keep calling this async method every few seconds, but the actual time heavy operation performs is one minute things won't work.
Let me put it in example.
5.times { WeeklyReportWorker.perform_async('user', 'product') }
Now my heavy operation will be performed 5 times. Optimally it should have performed only once or twice depending on whether execution of first operaton started before 5th async call was made.
Do you have tips how to solve it?
Here's a naive approach. I'm a resque user, maybe sidekiq has something better to offer.
def perform(user, product, year =, week =
# first, make a name for lock key. For example, include all arguments
# there, so that another perform with the same arguments won't do any work
# while the first one is still running
lock_key_name = make_lock_key_name(user, product, year, week)
Sidekiq.redis do |redis| # sidekiq uses redis, let us leverage that
res = redis.incr lock_key_name
return if res != 1 # protection from race condition. Since incr is atomic,
# the very first one will set value to 1. All subsequent
# incrs will return greater values.
# if incr returned not 1, then another copy of this
# operation is already running, so we quit.
# finally, perform your business logic here
report =, product, year, week)
redis.del lock_key_name # drop lock key, so that operation may run again.
I am not sure I understood your scenario well, but how about looking at this gem:
So instead of doing:
5.times { WeeklyReportWorker.perform_async('user', 'product') }
You can do:
5.times { WeeklyReportWorker.delay.perform('user', 'product') }
Out of the box, this will make the worker process the second job after the first job, but only if you use the default settings (because by default the worker process is only one).
The gem offers possibilities to:
Put jobs on a queue;
Have different queues for different jobs if that is required;
Have more than one workers to process a queue (for example, you can start 4 workers on a 4-CPU machine for higher efficiency);
Schedule jobs to run at exact times, or after set amount of time after queueing the job. (Or, by default, schedule for immediate background execution).
I hope it can help you as you did to me.

How can I performance test using shell scripts - tools and techniques?

I have a system to which I must apply load for the purpose of performance testing. Some of the load can be created via LoadRunner over HTTP.
However in order to generate realistic load for the system I also need to simulate users using a command line tool which uses a non HTTP protocol* to talk to the server.
* edit: actually it is HTTP but we've been advised by the vendor that it's not something easy to record/script and replay. So we're limited to having to invoke it using the CLI tool.
I have the constraint of not having the licences for LoadRunner to do this and not having the time to put the case to get the license.
Therefore I was wondering if there was a tool that I could use to control the concurrent execution of a collection of shell scripts (it needs to run on Solaris) which will be my transactions. Ideally it would be able to ramp up in accordance with a predetermined scehdule.
I've had a look around and can't tell if JMeter will do the trick. It seems very web oriented.
You can use bellow script to trigger load test for HTTP/S requests,
#define variables
set -x # run in debug mode
DURATION=60 # how long should load be applied ? - in seconds
TPS=20 # number of requests per second
#start load
while [ $SECONDS -lt $end ];
for ((i=1;i<=$TPS;i++)); do
curl -X POST <url> -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxx' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{}' --cacert /path/to/cert/cert.crt -o /dev/null -s -w '%{time_starttransfer}\n' >> response-times.log &
sleep 1
#end load
echo "Load test has been completed"
You may refer this for more information
If all you need is starting a bunch of shell scripts in parallel, you can quickly create something of your own in perl with fork, exec and sleep.
for $i (1..1000)
if (fork == 0)
exec ("");
sleep 1;
For anyone interested I have written a Java tool to manage this for me. It references a few files to control how it runs:
1) Schedules File - defines various named lists of timings which controls the length of sequential phases.
e.g. MAIN,120,120,120,120,120
This will result in a schedule named MAIN which has 5 phases each 120 seconds long.
2) Transactions File - defines transactions that need to run. Each transaction has a name, a command that should be called, boolean controlling repetition, integer controlling pause between repetitions in seconds, data file reference,schedule to use and increments.
e.g. Trans1,/path/to/trans1.ksh,true,10,,MAIN,0,10,0,10,0
This will result in a transaction running trans1.ksh, repeatedly with a pause of 10 seconds between repetitions. It will reference the data in During phase 1 it will increment the number of parallel invocations by 0, phase 2 will add 10 parallel invocations, phase 3 none added and so on. Phase times are taken from the schedule named MAIN.
3) Data Files - as referenced in the transaction file, this will be a CSV with a header. Each line of data will be passed to subsequent invocations of the transaction.
These get passed to the transaction scripts via environment variables (e.g. PASSWORD=ILoveHorses), a bit klunky, but workable.
My Java simply parses the config files, sets up a manager thread per transaction which itself takes care of setting up and starting executor threads in accordance with the configuration. Managers take care of adding executors linearly so as not to totally overload it.
When it runs, it just reports every second on how many workers each transaction has running and which phase it's in.
It was a fun little weekend project, it's certainly no load runner and I'm sure there are some massive flaws in it that I'm currently blissfully unaware of, but it seems to do ok.
So in summary the answer here was to "roll ya own".
