Could not locate property of name - stripes

Continuously displaying in server logs why these INFO are displaying logs please help me any one. log file size increased and getting memory leak. I really appreciate any one respond
Could not locate property of name [gstCategory-3355753] on Bean class com.casb.stripes.sep.PrReqSupActionBean$$EnhancerByGuice$$ed30caad does not contain a property called 'gstCategory-3355753'. As a result the following expression could not be evaluated: gstCategory-3355753

It looks like you are feeding an action bean (com.casb.stripes.sep.PrReqSupActionBean) a parameter (gstCategory-3355753) that it doesn't know about (not declared in the class definition). It duly reports that it refuses to deal with that, and no variable binding occurs.
You could solve this by not feeding that action bean the parameter with the form submission request, declaring the field in the action bean, or tightening logging to WARN, up from INFO.


How to detect if a bean is instantiated on each HTTP request ?

I'm using the #Scope annotation with value of "request".
How do I check if the given object with the "Scope" annotation is instantiated on each http request ?
Do the object (bean) have some identifier (hashcode ) ? And, I don't mean the bean id.
Print the hashes and check the objects are the same or not.
You gotta believe!
No, I'm kidding. Methods I used so far:
In eclipse if you stop application on a breakpoint you can check the id of every object in Variables tab. Every new instance of object has new id. You probably can find a place in your code that is executed after every (or some) request.
If you can set some fields of this bean via a web page, go and do it and then open the same page in new tab in your web browser. If request scope is working, fields you set should have old values (the one that are set on creation of object).
Maybe these are not uber-pro methods, but may be enough in some cases and you don't have to add anything in your code.

Application-wide process in SpringMVC

Suppose I have a certain operation that should be available to every process running in Spring MVC.
Say string normalization--
i need to run a method that normalizes the string fields before doing anything else on that form/data.
One thing specific to do is, to normalize the String fields on every input form before
they are dispatched to the back-end services. Likewise, that operation (normalization)
should be run on data from the back-end before it is dispatched to the view component.
One way of doing this that I can think of is:
Code a bean doing it-- the normalization. Then, define this bean somewhere at the top in
the context hierarchy of Spring-- ApplicationContext.xml or WebApplicationContext.xml(?),
so that it will be visible and can be used
accross all the processes/servlets in the application.
Then, Whenever and from wherever needed, invoke that method on the bean defined up there.
Or, inject it to the relevant fields in the bean definitions(?)
In this case, is there a way to call it before or during a HandlerMapping is running? if so, how?
Another i can come up with is:
Code a validator (implement Validator) to run that process and "validate" the String fields for you.
But i dont see how this would be of good help.
From what i know, a validator runs on specific object types. I can define that type generically(?)
but then I'm operating on the fields-- not objects as a whole each.
Coding validator(s) seems too costly to me for this use-- even if it is an option here.
I'm new to Spring. pls bear with me on this.

Displaying Data Table And Submiting Form In One Page Struts

I'm new in Struts, currently I'm using struts 1.3 to build simple Contact application
I want to display data table contains contact list from the database, in the same page I want to create a form for creating new contact and then insert it to database.
I'm using Spring bean and hibernate to do database operation and logic. So here is my flow, my action class will call spring bean, and the spring bean will call dao classes for database operation do some logic, then my action class will put the list into request object named contactList, then in jsp file I'm iterate it using logicLiterate tag.
Displaying the table and submiting all works fine, but when I do validating in ActionForm, and I want to display the error message, I have an error 500. This is because the jsp cannot find attribute named contactList in the request object, because if there is an error in ActionForm classes, Struts not calling the method at my Action class that will read the database and put it into the request object. I can try calling the spring bean in my ActionForm, but I'm afraid it not appropriate, because if there is no error then I will call the spring bean twice for the same work. What do you suggest me to do?
My bad not to read the doc carefully, now i understand that action tag in struts-config.xml have "input" attribute, this attribute specifies the physical page to which the request has to be forwarded if there is an error.
In my case, i just have to specified the input attribute to current path (eg. /, etc) so the Action class can do its Action method.
Please note that, this request is forward requuest, not redirect.

How to prevent #ModelAttribute from creating command objects from request parameters?

I.e. I only want a nice way to retrieve existing objects from my Model (mostly some SessionAttributes).
I don't want new objects to be created and I especially don't want objects to be instantiated from request parameters and put into the model. This just sounds like a back door to me.
It would also be great if an Exception can be thrown if no matching parameter is in the model.
I got the answer to this by reading the source code. According to the implementation of, a new bind Object will not be created if the name of the model attribute is declared as a session attribute using the #SessionAttributes annotation.
If the attribute is not present in the session, an Exception will be thrown.
So it is relatively safe to bind session attributes this way.

Spring - how to handle exception

I am using Spring with Velocity. At times velocity produces an exception like
Error in interpolating string literal : org.apache.velocity.exception.MethodInvocationException: Invocation of method 'getMessage' in class threw exception class org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException : No message found under code 'XX' for locale 'en_US'.
Question is - can I instruct spring to suppress NoSuchMessageException ? I am pretty new to Spring so do not know if I can create a exception handler which will not throw a exception if the message is not found? In my use case, it is a valid use case of not finding some of the messages in the file.
[EDIT] - I found a way to supply an even handler to velocity. I am however not sure how to register it with Spring.
It would be better, I think, to address the problem directly, rather than trying to suppress the exception, which could lead to avoid behaviour and uncompleted operations.
However, you didn't tell us how you'd want the system to respond in cases where the message is not defined for a given code. Do you want a blank String, or should the code itself be used as the default message?
I'm assuming that somewhere in your Spring context you have a defined a messageSource bean of some sort. These MessageSource beans usually have a property useCodeAsDefaultMessage. This defaults to false, but when set to true they will return the code itself as the message, in cases where no message is defined.
Alternatively, you can subclass the MessageSource class (whichever one you're using), and override the getDefaultMessage() method to handle cases where the code cannot be resolved.
