Issue assign plugin in sonarqube - sonarqube

When configuring issue assign plugin in sonarqube I found examples using the word key.
example - Key: sonar.issueassign.default.assignee
Can you please explain to me how to use this feature and how to use this key to fill the configuration.

The plugin will assign issue to this user, when can not determine who is the author of change. You should fill it with SonarQube user name.


How to prevent SonarQube not check specific vulnerability

I have some code that want to SonarQube not check this vulnerability while every deployment.
Any method for add rule for not check X type vulnerability with some error text ?
I found an answer and want to inform for who need answer
Need to copy existing SonarQube built-in profile and deactivate/add new rule in new profile,
after that go to project settings and change Quality Profile.

Sonarqube project tagging via properties

Is there a way to set project tags similar to project key (sonar.projectKey) in the for tags to be automatically added during project creation?
I was looking through the docs:
and wasn't able to find info
It can be done via the API.
It is there a bit hidden under Project Information, Description it is possible to add the tags there... I was a bit lost for this myself... SQ is not great in terms of UI. You can type your tags and they will be possible to filter them.

How can I get the open new issues, confirmed new issues, false positive new issues?

This is a screen where we configure our project, SonarQube shows new issues open, confirmed which is highlighted in yellow, I am using the SonarQube API in my application and want to dump the data to my DB. Accordingly I will create the report. But In Sonar Metrics document I do not find how could I get these value using API.
api/issues/search should get you all you need. Check out the documentation embedded in your SonarQube server (linked at the footer).
From the use-case you describe, parameters sinceLeakPeriod or createdAfter / createdInLast can help out with date filtering. Not to mention other filters like resolved and componentKeys. Exchaustive listing is in the WebAPI documentation.

Automatic Issue Assignment in sonarQube 5.6.6 - Not working

I'm using sonarqube 5.6.6 and I've installed the sonar-scm-svn-plugin-1.3. The author of the committer is available in the source code. Can any one please describe the step in detail for auto assign the issue to the last committer.
Creating the project name as login credential and adding the SCM account name for the particular project.
Sangeetha k
Make sure sonarqube can perform a mapping between the author of the commit and a user in the sonarqube DB. The field "login" and "email" are automatically taken into account and you can specify additional SCM Accounts.
You could also update the SVN Plugin, the current version is

Why property "sonar.profile" marked as deprecated?

I am looking for a Sonar Property to attach the quality profile during the build. In previous versions of Sonar there was a property -Dsonar.profile which is deprecated now. Can anyone please help me to get the property to attach the quality profile at runtime.
I am using Sonar version 4.5.7. Any help is highly appreciated.
It has been marked as deprecated with no replacement.
Quoting page :
Note that only parameters set through the UI are stored in the
database. For example, if you override the sonar.profile parameter via
command line for a specific project, it will not be stored in the
database. Local analyses in Eclipse, for example, would still be run
against the default quality profile.
And the latest version of the same page has link to ticket about deprecation that contains other details -
In other words - profile should be configured via UI or using web services.
