Upgrading Magnento/Patching - magento

First - does upgrading also patch?
Second - this is the main problem area, last time I tried upgrading magnento through the /downloader I lost my entire site and had to start from square one.
Most of my files are currently at the version - and are needing to be upgraded to 1.9.2 - is there a specific order which these need to be upgraded in? What is the most efficient and effective way to get those upgrades on there.
Patching - We had our host dev try and patch our site with the SUPEE-6285 and he butchered that.. Any patches we try to do in addition to it now are useless and have no effect on our site. Is there a way to remove that patch and patch the with the newest one - being SUPEE-6482

About your first question: Yes.
About second one: always create a backup before updating and patching, and before test on a testing server never try to upgrade your shop on production server because there might be some extensions conflict.
And yes there is a specific order about patch files, if you want install all of them. because sometimes some of them are required to install a specific patch.
To revert an installed patch use this command:
sh patch-file-name.sh -R
To check installed patches history, check applied.patches.list located in app/etc/
For more information and to learn how to install and revert a patch check these links out:


Is there a way to tell Composer to install a package regardless of it's requirements?

I am working on a CakePHP 3.0 project which I want to update to 3.1-RC1. When I try do so I get an error:
Problem 1
- akkaweb/cakephp-facebook dev-master requires cakephp/cakephp 3.0.x-dev -> satisfiable by cakephp/cakephp[3.0.x-dev].
Now this plugin in question hasn't been updated in 6 months and I suspect it might work OK in CakePHP 3.1, so I would like to try it out.
How do I tell Composer to ignore this particular version incompatibility and proceed to update my CakePHP package?
I am aware of version aliases, but I only want the exception to be for the plugin in question, and not for everything else.
You should be frightened when you want to use a software that isn't maintained, hasn't released any tagged versions, and depends on developer branch versions of other important software. I wouldn't use this package at all. It will harm you in the long term, even if you made Composer install it.
If the current author does not respond to your contact attempts, you should be able to fork the project (in compliance with the license it gave you) and start maintaining the package by fixing the problems you have. Because that's what you'd have to do anyways when using unmaintained software. It will allow you to use this package in a much cleaner way, instead of coming up with a dirty Composer hack to make it install.

Enabling auto-updates in RubyMine

Is there a way to enable autoupdating in RubyMine? According to this page, you can
Use this page [i.e. "File | Settings | Appearance and Behavior | System Settings | Updates"] to:
Enable automatic update of RubyMine and specify to which kind of release you want it updated.
However, when I actually look at that menu, all I see is this:
Further searching yields no results. Since the page is labelled as "RubyMine 7.1.0 Help", I'd assume that it's up-to-date for 7.1.2, so how can I enable autoupdates? Did they simply forget to update this little chunk of the help documentation?
All of my Google searches turned up absolutely nothing - all the results are about autocompletion or updates in general (i.e. the page I linked at the top) or updating manually or something entirely unrelated in a different IDE or... this question. Huh. Hi, Google!
Note: Yes, it is possible to manually update it from this menu, by clicking Check Now. I'm explicitly not looking for that. I want RubyMine to search for updates and install them on its own, preferably when it starts.
TL;DR version: RubyMine can and will check for updates very regularly, if you select the type of update you'd like.
As far as I know, it will not install it, without asking, but it will automatically check for an update upon starting the app.
Longer version:
First of all 7.1.2 is the most current version of RubyMine, so I wouldn't expect RubyMine to update.
As far as I understand the RubyMine versioning "New Major Releases" means a change in the first number of a version. With that setting you'd get an update information for version 8. If you prefer to get updates more frequently, try one of the other option the Update-Settings provide (see screenshot)
On my machine 7.1.2 installed upon starting RubyMine (but after asking whether I wanted the update to happen). So, it didn't autoinstall without asking for permission.
Currently, Rubymine is in version 2016.1.1b and full transparent auto-update isn't still implemented as far I could see in my Linux (Ubuntu-based distro).
Here, the auto-update is more a auto-detect updates feature, who will ask me to accept the update and let it installs and restart automatically.
Which isn't currently a straightforward method also, because I installed it on /opt and to have right permission to update and it notifies me, I have to call manually rubymine.sh as root and then accept the update - sudo mine won't work.

Correct way to run upgrade script

I am running a module that was written by someone else. Inside the sql folder, I saw
and the <version> inside config.xml is 0.1.4. Do run the correct upgrade script, do I need to make the <version> value start at 0.1.0, run the app, then move the version to 0.1.1, and run the app again .. so on. Or can I just run the app at version '0.1.4', and Magento will understand that it need to run all other previous upgrade script?
Thank you very much
You can just leave the version to 0.1.4.
Here is how it works.
When installing a module, magento looks for the install script with the biggest version that is lower or equal to the version of the module and executes it. Read this for more details.
Then it looks for all the upgrade scripts with versions between the install script determined above and the version you declared in config.xml.
So, in your case it will run all the scripts in the exact order you listed them in the question if you leave the version to 0.1.4.
The version is checked with the "core_resource" table in the database, and if the version is old then, magento searches for the necessary sql scripts to upgrade the module. To verify which version you are currently using, go to the core_resource table and check the version number for the module. Like wise if you remove the column associated with the module, then the next time any part of your magento installation is accessed, magento searches for the module, and gradually upgrades each one one by one.

Error after upgrading Joomla 3.1.5 to 3.2.3 - what's the proper method?

I've tried every method I can think of to update from 3.1.5 to 3.2.3 and each time it pretty much kills my site and leaves me with the error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method JLoader::registerAlias() in /homepages/.../libraries/cms.php on line 61
At which point I just clobber the rest of the site and reinstall my backup (oh man you GOTTA LOVE Akeeba).
I've upgraded Joomla successfully and unsuccessfully about 100 times over the past few years on various sites and this is the first time I'm stumped as how to move forward.
One interesting piece of data is in the Admin Control Panel of the 3.1.5 is that the Joomla version says "Unknown" even though the System Information lists it as 3.1.5.
So, anyway, what is the ABSOLUTE, BLESSED method for moving from 3.1.5 to 3.2.3? If I should simply be able to install the 3.2.3 upgrade zip file then I guess I'm toast. In that case, what would happen if I left the database as is and cleared out all the files and then installed the 3.2.3 full stable package? Would that work?
Do you have Akeeba backup installed? You need to make sure it is updated first before updating joomla.
So if yo have a back up, restore that, update Akeeba, then update Joomla again.
The solution was pretty easy, though unexpected. See here.

Should I upgrade Magento before changing the theme?

I have a Magento store running on and the client wants to give the site a facelift. Would it be better to stay with the current version and just modify the current version or should I migrate to a newer version?
Additionally, is it possible to backup the existing store on ver. and just do a fresh install of a newer version and restore?
Upgrading from 1.3.x to 1.6.x will not be as straight forward as you may think.
My suggestion is to setup a copy of your existing site, and attempt the upgrade BEFORE a redesign. Unless your client is okay with staying with the same version of Magento.
You can also create a copy of the database and upload the latest version of Magento, you'll then need to copy over your app/etc/local.xml file from your installation and modify it to use your duplicate database.
More reading:
Would it be better to stay with the current version and just modify the current version or should I migrate to a newer version?
Modify the current version unless your client can pay you to perform the upgrade.
Additionally, is it possible to backup the existing store on ver. and just do a fresh install of a newer version and restore?
Of course.
A bunch of stuff changed in 1.4 with regards to the layout/design system. We had to change several things to get the update right so I'd suggest you upgrade first.
