remove/hide Layered Navigation when using static block only in Magento - magento

When using option of 'Static block only' on the Category Page how can the Layered Navigation be hidden to create more room for the static blocks and then be visible if navigating to the same category page using a direct link in the url pointing to attribute?

You can remove it through layout update
<reference name="left">
<remove name="catalog.leftnav" />


Magento different cms home for themes

we use a custom template and try to add rwd template for mobile use.
We add an exception for the mobile devices but need now to use an different "home" cms for the rwd template.
Where can I define the cms which is used for the homepage?
I have tried to change the cms.xml
<reference name="content">
<block type="core/template" name="default_home_page" template="cms/default/homeown.phtml"/>
and created the cms page homeown
please add your code under <cms_index_index> tag
<reference name="content">
<block type="core/template" name="default_home_page" template="cms/default/homeown.phtml"/>

How to remove or hide breadcrumbs for a particular page in magento

I am trying to hide the (Home > Catalog Advanced Search > Results) breadcrumbs alone in magento during the advanced search results. I don't want to navigate through the breadcrumbs in result page. Anybody help me to make this possible.
Try using
<remove name="breadcrumbs" />
Within specific handle of your layout xml file.
For example
<remove name="breadcrumbs" />
Or try using that within the cms page layout form in backend under CMS->Pages.
You can do by the admin:
CMS-> Pages:
Page Information
Custom Design
Custom Layout Update XML: <remove name="breadcrumbs" />
Magento 2 Code to remove breadcrumbs for CMS Page
<referenceContainer name="">
<referenceBlock name="breadcrumbs" remove="true" />
You can remove breadcrumbs in various ways in Magento.
For example if you want remove from a specific action like (Home > Catalog Advanced Search > Results) you just update catalogsearch_advanced_result in catalogsearch.xml file from your theme with:
<catalogsearch_advanced_result translate="label">
<remove name="breadcrumbs" />
If you want to remove from all dynamic pages add this
<remove name="breadcrumbs" />
If you want to remove from a CMS page, you just configure from admin panel. Go to
system->configuration and then web->Show Breadcrumbs for CMS Pages.
Refresh your cache and check.
For Magento 2.1
Goto Admin->Store->General->Web->Default Pages->Show Breadcrumbs for CMS Pages
Select Option No for breadcrumbs
For Magento2 Remove from specific CMS page. Add following on Design >>Layout section of you CMS page
<referenceContainer name="">
<referenceBlock name="breadcrumbs" remove="true"/>
Edit catalogsearch.xml in /app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/
Add <remove name="breadcrumbs" /> within
<catalogsearch_advanced_result translate="label">
<label>Advanced Search Result</label>
<update handle="page_two_columns_right" />
<remove name="breadcrumbs" />
Refresh and check... Breadcrumbs will be removed in advanced search result alone.
In layout update xml, per cms page:
<reference name="root">
<remove name="breadcrumbs"/>

Display my account navigation links

I have created custom page and added that link to my account page. But if I click on that link side bar disappears. How can I show my account navigation sidebar in my custom module page?
use update handle e.g.
<cevent_index_index> --- your custom module handle in layout.xml
<update handle="customer_account"/> -- check customer.xml
<reference name="my.account.wrapper"> ---- block in customer_account handle
<block type="cevent/cevent" name="cevent" template="cevent/cevent.phtml"/>

How do I add the recently viewed products box to the homepage?

It is a totally easy problem, but Im not able to solve it.
I tried the following:
add layout xml to the update layout field in the backend for this cms page:
<reference name="right">
<block type="reports/product_viewed" before="right.permanent.callout" name="right.reports.product.viewed" template="reports/product_viewed.phtml" />
or the same in the local.xml
<reference name="right">
<block type="reports/product_viewed" before="right.permanent.callout" name="right.reports.product.viewed" template="reports/product_viewed.phtml" />
Thanks a lot, I know its not complicated, but I cant get it.
Here is some checks:
Check if your page is using two-column-right or three-column layout.
Clearing cache
Add your layout update to cms.xml directly and clearing cache.
Hope this help
You might have missed to echo the block in the custom home page template file?
echo $this->getChildHtml('right.reports.product.viewed');
Or may be your home page is using 2-template left or other templates where there is no 'right' content block.

Add category page effects on homepage in Magento

in Magento 1.7 I have added Infinite scroll effect on my category page using this effect
Now I want to add the effect on my Homepage. I am displaying all products on my homepage using the below code in cms-> pages->Home->custom layout in admin Panel.
<reference name="content">
<block type="catalog/product_list" name="featured" template="catalog/product/list.phtml">
This displays all categories on my homepage.
I want to add on Homepage. as I am new in Magento. Any help is appreciated
