Kernel scheduling after local_irq_enable - linux-kernel

In the below piece of kernel code, if there are interrupts or Exception between local_irq_enable(); and preempt_enable();. Will it result in "Scheduling while atomic" log.
Because once the interrupts are enabled, scheduler will be called and preemption is disabled.
PREEMPT_CONFIG is enabled and in power PC arch.
static inline void __raw_spin_unlock_irq(raw_spinlock_t *lock)
spin_release(&lock->dep_map, 1, _RET_IP_);


Apache Ignite server crashes after incorporating Auditing events

In start, it works fine, but after a certain time (1-2 hours) it crashes with the following exception in server logs.
ERROR 1 --- [-ignite-server%] : JVM will be halted immediately due to the failure: [failureCtx=FailureContext [type=CRITICAL_ERROR, err=class o.a.i.i.IgniteDeploymentCheckedException: Failed to obtain deployment for class: com.event.audit.AuditEventListener$$Lambda$1484/0x0000000800a7ec40]]
public static void remoteListener(Ignite ignite) {
// This optional local callback is called for each event notification
// that passed remote predicate listener.
IgniteBiPredicate<UUID, CacheEvent> locLsnr = new IgniteBiPredicate<UUID, CacheEvent>() {
#Override public boolean apply(UUID nodeId, CacheEvent evt) {
System.out.println("Listener caught an event");
//--- My custom code to persists the event in another cache
IgnitePredicate<CacheEvent> remoteListener = cacheEvent -> {
return true;
// Register event listeners on all nodes to listen for task events.
As I understand you, you try to perform cache operations in event listener:
//--- My custom code to persists the event in another cache
Event listeners are called under the locks and this is bad idea to make any other cache operations in listeners. I suppose it could be the root cause of your issue.
Try to change you design, for example you can add your caught event in a queue and then read this queue in another thread and save the data in another cache.

Proteus always error at certain time (in this case 1.75 sec)

I recently using FreeRTOS for college project, but somehow my proteus always had this fatal error (every time its difference error but always fatal error, sometime violation module DSIM.dll, sometime other .dll(s)). At first I thought it has something to do with my code, so I try to use another example code (simple template from the internet that does blinking LED, nothing complex) but its still error at the exact 1.75 sec even though at that guy's demo works splendidly. I think it has to do with xTaskDelay cause when I commented the delay line the tasks (its singular task I suppose cause the only running task is only the one with the higher priority) the program works. Thanks in advance
#include <Arduino_FreeRTOS.h>
void setup()
//Initialize the Serial Monitor with 9600 baud rate
Serial.println(F("In Setup function"));
//Set the digital pins 8 to 11 as digital output pins
//Create three tasks with labels Task1, Task2 and Task3 and assign the priority as 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
//We also create the fourth task labeled as IdelTask when there is no task in
//operation and it has the highest priority.
xTaskCreate(MyTask1, "Task1", 100, NULL, 1, NULL);
xTaskCreate(MyTask2, "Task2", 100, NULL, 2, NULL);
xTaskCreate(MyTask3, "Task3", 100, NULL, 3, NULL);
xTaskCreate(MyIdleTask, "IdleTask", 100, NULL, 0, NULL);}
//We can change the priority of task according to our desire by changing the numeric’s //between NULL texts.
void loop()
//There is no instruction in the loop section of the code.
// Because each task executes on interrupt after specified time
//The following function is Task1. We display the task label on Serial monitor.
static void MyTask1(void* pvParameters)
//Similarly this is task 2
static void MyTask2(void* pvParameters)
{ digitalWrite(8,LOW);
//Similarly this is task 3
static void MyTask3(void* pvParameters)
//This is the idle task which has the lowest priority and calls when no task is running.
static void MyIdleTask(void* pvParameters)
Serial.println(F("Idle state"));
Source for the code
it turns out the Proteus app is kinda corrupted so I went to google to download those .dll(s) files

Using native plugin with callbacks in Unity editor (OS X)

I have a native plugin that has callbacks back to the C# code. This is how the callbacks are setup:
C# Side (Unity):
public delegate void Callback(int value);
public static extern void setup_callback(Callback callback);
private static void OnCallback(int value)
Debug.Log("Callback called with value: " + value);
void Start()
The Objective-C side (with C wrapper so you'd be able to call it from C#):
typedef void(*Callback)(int);
Callback _callback = NULL;
void setup_callback(Callback callback)
_callback = callback;
void on_something_happened(int value)
Now, most of the time the above code works ok, and I receive the correct values in Unity. But sometimes when I make changes to any one of my C# scripts, Unity crashes with this:
Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00000000ffffffa9
Looking at Unity's Editor logs I found out that when I make changes to a C# script it recompiles Assembly-CSharp.dll and reloads it togheter with some other C# assemblies. So that made me think that this might cause the pointer saved in the native plugin to now point to an invalid address (because Assembly-CSharp.dll is now probably in a different address space). Note that it does not happen every time the dll gets reloaded, is it possible that it gets reloaded to the exact same address space sometimes?
Can I get an event from Unity when the editor reloads the DLL and then re-register the callbacks (assuming that this is the real problem)? Is this even the correct way to setup a callback from native code?

Emiting code with Exception support

I need to generate code at runtime that do the following:
auto v_cleanup = std::shared_ptr<void>(nullptr, [](void *){ cleanup(); });
or C equivalent:
__try {
} __finally {
The cleanup() function is guaranteed to be exception free, however do_some_danger_thing() may throw exception. This runtime code MUST not use stack, which means when calling do_some_danger_thing() the stack must in the same status as when we enter the runtime code, except that the return address set to the runtime code (the original value was saved to a "jmp" target, in order to return to the caller).
Because we are using dynamic machine code, the target platform is fixed to WIN32 on x86 CPU, the x64 CPU is not currently in focus.
To do this we have to process any exceptions. In WIN32 C++ exception is SEH based, so we have to due with it. The trouble is that we cannot find a way to do this and make it compatible with other code. We have tried a couple of solutions but none of them works, sometimes the user-installed exception handler was never called, sometimes the outer exception handlers was bypassed and we received an "unhandled exception" error.
It seems to be the case that SEH exception handler chain supports code within the EXE image only. If the exception handler pointed to my generated code it will never been called. What I have to do is to create a static exception handler function stub, and then let it call the generated handler.
I am now have an implementation that is slightly different with the above. Actually, the pseudo code looks like (in C++11):
std::exception_ptr ex;
try {
} catch (...) {
ex = std::current_exception();
This is not 100% the same as the above C equivalent because the call of cleanup() occurs before stack unwinding, usually this is not a problem, but the exact exception context could be lost.
I implemented an internal exception handler as the helper function, like the following:
_declspec(thread) void *real_handler = nullptr;
void **get_real_handler_addr(){
return &real_handler;
__declspec(naked) int exception_handler(...){
__asm {
call get_real_handler_addr;
mov eax, [eax];
jmp eax;
The trick here is that this handler must not be generated at runtime, so the stub has to find out where the "real" handler is. We use a thread local storage to do this.
Now the generated code will get the exception handler chain from FS:[0]. However, the chain must be stack based so I use the following code to replace the handler:
void **exception_chain;
__asm {
mov eax, fs:[0]
mov exception_chain, eax
void *saved_handler = exception_chain[1];
exception_chain[1] = exception_handler;
*get_real_handler_addr() = generated_code->get_exception_handler();
The generated exception handler can then do the cleanup. However, in case that any current exception handler returns EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH, the handler will be called twice. My strategy is just restore the original exception handler within the first call.

How is async network I/O handled with a WP7 Scheduled Task?

With Mango, it's possible to create a scheduled task to update the ShellTiles data.
It's up to the task to call NotifyComplete() when it's done.
Given that I/O on the phone should be asynchronous, how do you ensure that your I/O is complete prior to calling NotifyComplete()?
Via synchronization primatives? Or will the I/O be allowed to complete once the Task has notified the phone's OS it's complete?
Sync primatives is the obvious answer, but on the phone, blocking isn't really a good choice.
Scheduled tasks are not executed synchronously. They are started and then have 15 seconds to call NotifyComplete (or abort) before they are forcefully terminated.
In direct answer to your question, you would use the asynchronous IO methods and then call NotifyComplete from the complete event or callback.
Here's an example. I've used the Microsoft.Phone.Reactive stuff but you can use Begin/EndGetResponse in the traditional way if you prefer.
public class SampleTask : ScheduledTaskAgent
protected override void OnInvoke(ScheduledTask task)
HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.CreateHttp("");
.Subscribe(response =>
// Process the response
}, ex =>
// Process the error
Abort(); // Unschedules the task (if the exception indicates
// the task cannot run successfully again)
// Synchronous control flow will continue and exit the OnInvoke method

