Cannot escape path in bash file - bash

I'm trying to run some command with looping through all files in a directory. The code is:
shopt -s nullglob
: ${INPUT_DIR:="."}
: ${OUTPUT_DIR:="."}
for file in $files
ttf2woff "$file" "$output" || exit 1
I'd expect the double qoutes around $INPUT_DIR/*.ttf would do the magic but apparently it's not:
$> ttf2woff_multi "/Users/ozan/Dropbox/Graphic Library/Google Fonts/fonts-master/ofl/raleway"
Can't open input file (/Users/ozan/Dropbox/Graphic)
and when I print out $FILES I get: /Users/ozan/Dropbox/Graphic Library/Google
What am I missing here?
Edit: files="$INPUT_DIR"/*.ttf instead of files="$INPUT_DIR/*.ttf" doesn't work either...

In addition to the array solution, (which is a good solution), you can also make use of read with process substitution:
[ -d "$INPUT_DIR" -a -d "$OUTPUT_DIR" ] || {
printf "error: invalid directory specified (INPUT_DIR or OUTPUT_DIR)\n"
exit 1
while IFS= read -r file; do
ttf2woff "$file" "$output" || exit 1
done < <(find "$INPUT_DIR" -type f -iname "*.ttf")

Since you want to loop through a list of files, better store them in an array:
for file in "${files[#]}"
ttf2woff "$file" "$output" || exit 1
Note you were saying "$INPUT_DIR/*.ttf" whereas I am suggesting "$INPUT_DIR"/*.ttf. This is to allow the globbing to behave as intended and expand properly.
The key point here, as Cyrus mentions in comments, is the fact of not quoting, since they prevent globbing.
See an example with some files.
$ ls f*
f1 f2 f3
Store with double quotes... it just matches the string itself:
$ files=("f*")
$ for f in "${files[#]}"; do echo "$f"; done
See how it is expanded if we do not quote:
$ files=(f*)
$ for f in "${files[#]}"; do echo "$f"; done


How to include escape characters in grep results [duplicate]

I want to iterate over a list of files. This list is the result of a find command, so I came up with:
getlist() {
for f in $(find . -iname "foo*")
echo "File found: $f"
# do something useful
It's fine except if a file has spaces in its name:
$ ls
foo bar baz.txt
$ getlist
File found: foo_bar_baz.txt
File found: foo
File found: bar
File found: baz.txt
What can I do to avoid the split on spaces?
You could replace the word-based iteration with a line-based one:
find . -iname "foo*" | while read f
# ... loop body
There are several workable ways to accomplish this.
If you wanted to stick closely to your original version it could be done this way:
getlist() {
for file in $(find . -iname 'foo*') ; do
printf 'File found: %s\n' "$file"
This will still fail if file names have literal newlines in them, but spaces will not break it.
However, messing with IFS isn't necessary. Here's my preferred way to do this:
getlist() {
while IFS= read -d $'\0' -r file ; do
printf 'File found: %s\n' "$file"
done < <(find . -iname 'foo*' -print0)
If you find the < <(command) syntax unfamiliar you should read about process substitution. The advantage of this over for file in $(find ...) is that files with spaces, newlines and other characters are correctly handled. This works because find with -print0 will use a null (aka \0) as the terminator for each file name and, unlike newline, null is not a legal character in a file name.
The advantage to this over the nearly-equivalent version
getlist() {
find . -iname 'foo*' -print0 | while read -d $'\0' -r file ; do
printf 'File found: %s\n' "$file"
Is that any variable assignment in the body of the while loop is preserved. That is, if you pipe to while as above then the body of the while is in a subshell which may not be what you want.
The advantage of the process substitution version over find ... -print0 | xargs -0 is minimal: The xargs version is fine if all you need is to print a line or perform a single operation on the file, but if you need to perform multiple steps the loop version is easier.
EDIT: Here's a nice test script so you can get an idea of the difference between different attempts at solving this problem
#!/usr/bin/env bash
mkdir -p "$dir"
cd "$dir"
touch 'file not starting foo' foo foobar barfoo 'foo with spaces'\
'foo with'$'\n'newline 'foo with trailing whitespace '
# while with process substitution, null terminated, empty IFS
getlist0() {
while IFS= read -d $'\0' -r file ; do
printf 'File found: '"'%s'"'\n' "$file"
done < <(find . -iname 'foo*' -print0)
# while with process substitution, null terminated, default IFS
getlist1() {
while read -d $'\0' -r file ; do
printf 'File found: '"'%s'"'\n' "$file"
done < <(find . -iname 'foo*' -print0)
# pipe to while, newline terminated
getlist2() {
find . -iname 'foo*' | while read -r file ; do
printf 'File found: '"'%s'"'\n' "$file"
# pipe to while, null terminated
getlist3() {
find . -iname 'foo*' -print0 | while read -d $'\0' -r file ; do
printf 'File found: '"'%s'"'\n' "$file"
# for loop over subshell results, newline terminated, default IFS
getlist4() {
for file in "$(find . -iname 'foo*')" ; do
printf 'File found: '"'%s'"'\n' "$file"
# for loop over subshell results, newline terminated, newline IFS
getlist5() {
for file in $(find . -iname 'foo*') ; do
printf 'File found: '"'%s'"'\n' "$file"
# see how they run
for n in {0..5} ; do
printf '\n\ngetlist%d:\n' $n
eval getlist$n
rm -rf "$dir"
There is also a very simple solution: rely on bash globbing
$ mkdir test
$ cd test
$ touch "stupid file1"
$ touch "stupid file2"
$ touch "stupid file 3"
$ ls
stupid file 3 stupid file1 stupid file2
$ for file in *; do echo "file: '${file}'"; done
file: 'stupid file 3'
file: 'stupid file1'
file: 'stupid file2'
Note that I am not sure this behavior is the default one but I don't see any special setting in my shopt so I would go and say that it should be "safe" (tested on osx and ubuntu).
find . -iname "foo*" -print0 | xargs -L1 -0 echo "File found:"
find . -name "fo*" -print0 | xargs -0 ls -l
See man xargs.
Since you aren't doing any other type of filtering with find, you can use the following as of bash 4.0:
shopt -s globstar
getlist() {
for f in **/foo*
echo "File found: $f"
# do something useful
The **/ will match zero or more directories, so the full pattern will match foo* in the current directory or any subdirectories.
I really like for loops and array iteration, so I figure I will add this answer to the mix...
I also liked marchelbling's stupid file example. :)
$ mkdir test
$ cd test
$ touch "stupid file1"
$ touch "stupid file2"
$ touch "stupid file 3"
Inside the test directory:
readarray -t arr <<< "`ls -A1`"
This adds each file listing line into a bash array named arr with any trailing newline removed.
Let's say we want to give these files better names...
for i in ${!arr[#]}
newname=`echo "${arr[$i]}" | sed 's/stupid/smarter/; s/ */_/g'`;
mv "${arr[$i]}" "$newname"
${!arr[#]} expands to 0 1 2 so "${arr[$i]}" is the ith element of the array. The quotes around the variables are important to preserve the spaces.
The result is three renamed files:
$ ls -1
find has an -exec argument that loops over the find results and executes an arbitrary command. For example:
find . -iname "foo*" -exec echo "File found: {}" \;
Here {} represents the found files, and wrapping it in "" allows for the resultant shell command to deal with spaces in the file name.
In many cases you can replace that last \; (which starts a new command) with a \+, which will put multiple files in the one command (not necessarily all of them at once though, see man find for more details).
I recently had to deal with a similar case, and I built a FILES array to iterate over the filenames:
eval FILES=($(find . -iname "foo*" -printf '"%p" '))
The idea here is to surround each filename with double quotes, separate them with spaces and use the result to initialize the FILES array.
The use of eval is necessary to evaluate the double quotes in the find output correctly for the array initialization.
To iterate over the files, just do:
for f in "${FILES[#]}"; do
# Do something with $f
In some cases, here if you just need to copy or move a list of files, you could pipe that list to awk as well.
Important the \"" "\" around the field $0 (in short your files, one line-list = one file).
find . -iname "foo*" | awk '{print "mv \""$0"\" ./MyDir2" | "sh" }'
Ok - my first post on Stack Overflow!
Though my problems with this have always been in csh not bash the solution I present will, I'm sure, work in both. The issue is with the shell's interpretation of the "ls" returns. We can remove "ls" from the problem by simply using the shell expansion of the * wildcard - but this gives a "no match" error if there are no files in the current (or specified folder) - to get around this we simply extend the expansion to include dot-files thus: * .* - this will always yield results since the files . and .. will always be present. So in csh we can use this construct ...
foreach file (* .*)
echo $file
if you want to filter out the standard dot-files then that is easy enough ...
foreach file (* .*)
if ("$file" == .) continue
if ("file" == ..) continue
echo $file
The code in the first post on this thread would be written thus:-
getlist() {
for f in $(* .*)
echo "File found: $f"
# do something useful
Hope this helps!
Another solution for job...
Goal was :
select/filter filenames recursively in directories
handle each names (whatever space in path...)
#!/bin/bash -e
## #Trick in order handle File with space in their path...
files=($(find ${INPUT_DIR} -type f -name "*.md"))
for filename in ${files[*]}
# do your stuff
# ....

Cannot reference a file name that has spaces in a unix shell script [duplicate]

I want to iterate over a list of files. This list is the result of a find command, so I came up with:
getlist() {
for f in $(find . -iname "foo*")
echo "File found: $f"
# do something useful
It's fine except if a file has spaces in its name:
$ ls
foo bar baz.txt
$ getlist
File found: foo_bar_baz.txt
File found: foo
File found: bar
File found: baz.txt
What can I do to avoid the split on spaces?
You could replace the word-based iteration with a line-based one:
find . -iname "foo*" | while read f
# ... loop body
There are several workable ways to accomplish this.
If you wanted to stick closely to your original version it could be done this way:
getlist() {
for file in $(find . -iname 'foo*') ; do
printf 'File found: %s\n' "$file"
This will still fail if file names have literal newlines in them, but spaces will not break it.
However, messing with IFS isn't necessary. Here's my preferred way to do this:
getlist() {
while IFS= read -d $'\0' -r file ; do
printf 'File found: %s\n' "$file"
done < <(find . -iname 'foo*' -print0)
If you find the < <(command) syntax unfamiliar you should read about process substitution. The advantage of this over for file in $(find ...) is that files with spaces, newlines and other characters are correctly handled. This works because find with -print0 will use a null (aka \0) as the terminator for each file name and, unlike newline, null is not a legal character in a file name.
The advantage to this over the nearly-equivalent version
getlist() {
find . -iname 'foo*' -print0 | while read -d $'\0' -r file ; do
printf 'File found: %s\n' "$file"
Is that any variable assignment in the body of the while loop is preserved. That is, if you pipe to while as above then the body of the while is in a subshell which may not be what you want.
The advantage of the process substitution version over find ... -print0 | xargs -0 is minimal: The xargs version is fine if all you need is to print a line or perform a single operation on the file, but if you need to perform multiple steps the loop version is easier.
EDIT: Here's a nice test script so you can get an idea of the difference between different attempts at solving this problem
#!/usr/bin/env bash
mkdir -p "$dir"
cd "$dir"
touch 'file not starting foo' foo foobar barfoo 'foo with spaces'\
'foo with'$'\n'newline 'foo with trailing whitespace '
# while with process substitution, null terminated, empty IFS
getlist0() {
while IFS= read -d $'\0' -r file ; do
printf 'File found: '"'%s'"'\n' "$file"
done < <(find . -iname 'foo*' -print0)
# while with process substitution, null terminated, default IFS
getlist1() {
while read -d $'\0' -r file ; do
printf 'File found: '"'%s'"'\n' "$file"
done < <(find . -iname 'foo*' -print0)
# pipe to while, newline terminated
getlist2() {
find . -iname 'foo*' | while read -r file ; do
printf 'File found: '"'%s'"'\n' "$file"
# pipe to while, null terminated
getlist3() {
find . -iname 'foo*' -print0 | while read -d $'\0' -r file ; do
printf 'File found: '"'%s'"'\n' "$file"
# for loop over subshell results, newline terminated, default IFS
getlist4() {
for file in "$(find . -iname 'foo*')" ; do
printf 'File found: '"'%s'"'\n' "$file"
# for loop over subshell results, newline terminated, newline IFS
getlist5() {
for file in $(find . -iname 'foo*') ; do
printf 'File found: '"'%s'"'\n' "$file"
# see how they run
for n in {0..5} ; do
printf '\n\ngetlist%d:\n' $n
eval getlist$n
rm -rf "$dir"
There is also a very simple solution: rely on bash globbing
$ mkdir test
$ cd test
$ touch "stupid file1"
$ touch "stupid file2"
$ touch "stupid file 3"
$ ls
stupid file 3 stupid file1 stupid file2
$ for file in *; do echo "file: '${file}'"; done
file: 'stupid file 3'
file: 'stupid file1'
file: 'stupid file2'
Note that I am not sure this behavior is the default one but I don't see any special setting in my shopt so I would go and say that it should be "safe" (tested on osx and ubuntu).
find . -iname "foo*" -print0 | xargs -L1 -0 echo "File found:"
find . -name "fo*" -print0 | xargs -0 ls -l
See man xargs.
Since you aren't doing any other type of filtering with find, you can use the following as of bash 4.0:
shopt -s globstar
getlist() {
for f in **/foo*
echo "File found: $f"
# do something useful
The **/ will match zero or more directories, so the full pattern will match foo* in the current directory or any subdirectories.
I really like for loops and array iteration, so I figure I will add this answer to the mix...
I also liked marchelbling's stupid file example. :)
$ mkdir test
$ cd test
$ touch "stupid file1"
$ touch "stupid file2"
$ touch "stupid file 3"
Inside the test directory:
readarray -t arr <<< "`ls -A1`"
This adds each file listing line into a bash array named arr with any trailing newline removed.
Let's say we want to give these files better names...
for i in ${!arr[#]}
newname=`echo "${arr[$i]}" | sed 's/stupid/smarter/; s/ */_/g'`;
mv "${arr[$i]}" "$newname"
${!arr[#]} expands to 0 1 2 so "${arr[$i]}" is the ith element of the array. The quotes around the variables are important to preserve the spaces.
The result is three renamed files:
$ ls -1
find has an -exec argument that loops over the find results and executes an arbitrary command. For example:
find . -iname "foo*" -exec echo "File found: {}" \;
Here {} represents the found files, and wrapping it in "" allows for the resultant shell command to deal with spaces in the file name.
In many cases you can replace that last \; (which starts a new command) with a \+, which will put multiple files in the one command (not necessarily all of them at once though, see man find for more details).
I recently had to deal with a similar case, and I built a FILES array to iterate over the filenames:
eval FILES=($(find . -iname "foo*" -printf '"%p" '))
The idea here is to surround each filename with double quotes, separate them with spaces and use the result to initialize the FILES array.
The use of eval is necessary to evaluate the double quotes in the find output correctly for the array initialization.
To iterate over the files, just do:
for f in "${FILES[#]}"; do
# Do something with $f
In some cases, here if you just need to copy or move a list of files, you could pipe that list to awk as well.
Important the \"" "\" around the field $0 (in short your files, one line-list = one file).
find . -iname "foo*" | awk '{print "mv \""$0"\" ./MyDir2" | "sh" }'
Ok - my first post on Stack Overflow!
Though my problems with this have always been in csh not bash the solution I present will, I'm sure, work in both. The issue is with the shell's interpretation of the "ls" returns. We can remove "ls" from the problem by simply using the shell expansion of the * wildcard - but this gives a "no match" error if there are no files in the current (or specified folder) - to get around this we simply extend the expansion to include dot-files thus: * .* - this will always yield results since the files . and .. will always be present. So in csh we can use this construct ...
foreach file (* .*)
echo $file
if you want to filter out the standard dot-files then that is easy enough ...
foreach file (* .*)
if ("$file" == .) continue
if ("file" == ..) continue
echo $file
The code in the first post on this thread would be written thus:-
getlist() {
for f in $(* .*)
echo "File found: $f"
# do something useful
Hope this helps!
Another solution for job...
Goal was :
select/filter filenames recursively in directories
handle each names (whatever space in path...)
#!/bin/bash -e
## #Trick in order handle File with space in their path...
files=($(find ${INPUT_DIR} -type f -name "*.md"))
for filename in ${files[*]}
# do your stuff
# ....

How to concatenate a list of folder paths within a variable that have spaces in them in shell script [duplicate]

I want to iterate over a list of files. This list is the result of a find command, so I came up with:
getlist() {
for f in $(find . -iname "foo*")
echo "File found: $f"
# do something useful
It's fine except if a file has spaces in its name:
$ ls
foo bar baz.txt
$ getlist
File found: foo_bar_baz.txt
File found: foo
File found: bar
File found: baz.txt
What can I do to avoid the split on spaces?
You could replace the word-based iteration with a line-based one:
find . -iname "foo*" | while read f
# ... loop body
There are several workable ways to accomplish this.
If you wanted to stick closely to your original version it could be done this way:
getlist() {
for file in $(find . -iname 'foo*') ; do
printf 'File found: %s\n' "$file"
This will still fail if file names have literal newlines in them, but spaces will not break it.
However, messing with IFS isn't necessary. Here's my preferred way to do this:
getlist() {
while IFS= read -d $'\0' -r file ; do
printf 'File found: %s\n' "$file"
done < <(find . -iname 'foo*' -print0)
If you find the < <(command) syntax unfamiliar you should read about process substitution. The advantage of this over for file in $(find ...) is that files with spaces, newlines and other characters are correctly handled. This works because find with -print0 will use a null (aka \0) as the terminator for each file name and, unlike newline, null is not a legal character in a file name.
The advantage to this over the nearly-equivalent version
getlist() {
find . -iname 'foo*' -print0 | while read -d $'\0' -r file ; do
printf 'File found: %s\n' "$file"
Is that any variable assignment in the body of the while loop is preserved. That is, if you pipe to while as above then the body of the while is in a subshell which may not be what you want.
The advantage of the process substitution version over find ... -print0 | xargs -0 is minimal: The xargs version is fine if all you need is to print a line or perform a single operation on the file, but if you need to perform multiple steps the loop version is easier.
EDIT: Here's a nice test script so you can get an idea of the difference between different attempts at solving this problem
#!/usr/bin/env bash
mkdir -p "$dir"
cd "$dir"
touch 'file not starting foo' foo foobar barfoo 'foo with spaces'\
'foo with'$'\n'newline 'foo with trailing whitespace '
# while with process substitution, null terminated, empty IFS
getlist0() {
while IFS= read -d $'\0' -r file ; do
printf 'File found: '"'%s'"'\n' "$file"
done < <(find . -iname 'foo*' -print0)
# while with process substitution, null terminated, default IFS
getlist1() {
while read -d $'\0' -r file ; do
printf 'File found: '"'%s'"'\n' "$file"
done < <(find . -iname 'foo*' -print0)
# pipe to while, newline terminated
getlist2() {
find . -iname 'foo*' | while read -r file ; do
printf 'File found: '"'%s'"'\n' "$file"
# pipe to while, null terminated
getlist3() {
find . -iname 'foo*' -print0 | while read -d $'\0' -r file ; do
printf 'File found: '"'%s'"'\n' "$file"
# for loop over subshell results, newline terminated, default IFS
getlist4() {
for file in "$(find . -iname 'foo*')" ; do
printf 'File found: '"'%s'"'\n' "$file"
# for loop over subshell results, newline terminated, newline IFS
getlist5() {
for file in $(find . -iname 'foo*') ; do
printf 'File found: '"'%s'"'\n' "$file"
# see how they run
for n in {0..5} ; do
printf '\n\ngetlist%d:\n' $n
eval getlist$n
rm -rf "$dir"
There is also a very simple solution: rely on bash globbing
$ mkdir test
$ cd test
$ touch "stupid file1"
$ touch "stupid file2"
$ touch "stupid file 3"
$ ls
stupid file 3 stupid file1 stupid file2
$ for file in *; do echo "file: '${file}'"; done
file: 'stupid file 3'
file: 'stupid file1'
file: 'stupid file2'
Note that I am not sure this behavior is the default one but I don't see any special setting in my shopt so I would go and say that it should be "safe" (tested on osx and ubuntu).
find . -iname "foo*" -print0 | xargs -L1 -0 echo "File found:"
find . -name "fo*" -print0 | xargs -0 ls -l
See man xargs.
Since you aren't doing any other type of filtering with find, you can use the following as of bash 4.0:
shopt -s globstar
getlist() {
for f in **/foo*
echo "File found: $f"
# do something useful
The **/ will match zero or more directories, so the full pattern will match foo* in the current directory or any subdirectories.
I really like for loops and array iteration, so I figure I will add this answer to the mix...
I also liked marchelbling's stupid file example. :)
$ mkdir test
$ cd test
$ touch "stupid file1"
$ touch "stupid file2"
$ touch "stupid file 3"
Inside the test directory:
readarray -t arr <<< "`ls -A1`"
This adds each file listing line into a bash array named arr with any trailing newline removed.
Let's say we want to give these files better names...
for i in ${!arr[#]}
newname=`echo "${arr[$i]}" | sed 's/stupid/smarter/; s/ */_/g'`;
mv "${arr[$i]}" "$newname"
${!arr[#]} expands to 0 1 2 so "${arr[$i]}" is the ith element of the array. The quotes around the variables are important to preserve the spaces.
The result is three renamed files:
$ ls -1
find has an -exec argument that loops over the find results and executes an arbitrary command. For example:
find . -iname "foo*" -exec echo "File found: {}" \;
Here {} represents the found files, and wrapping it in "" allows for the resultant shell command to deal with spaces in the file name.
In many cases you can replace that last \; (which starts a new command) with a \+, which will put multiple files in the one command (not necessarily all of them at once though, see man find for more details).
I recently had to deal with a similar case, and I built a FILES array to iterate over the filenames:
eval FILES=($(find . -iname "foo*" -printf '"%p" '))
The idea here is to surround each filename with double quotes, separate them with spaces and use the result to initialize the FILES array.
The use of eval is necessary to evaluate the double quotes in the find output correctly for the array initialization.
To iterate over the files, just do:
for f in "${FILES[#]}"; do
# Do something with $f
In some cases, here if you just need to copy or move a list of files, you could pipe that list to awk as well.
Important the \"" "\" around the field $0 (in short your files, one line-list = one file).
find . -iname "foo*" | awk '{print "mv \""$0"\" ./MyDir2" | "sh" }'
Ok - my first post on Stack Overflow!
Though my problems with this have always been in csh not bash the solution I present will, I'm sure, work in both. The issue is with the shell's interpretation of the "ls" returns. We can remove "ls" from the problem by simply using the shell expansion of the * wildcard - but this gives a "no match" error if there are no files in the current (or specified folder) - to get around this we simply extend the expansion to include dot-files thus: * .* - this will always yield results since the files . and .. will always be present. So in csh we can use this construct ...
foreach file (* .*)
echo $file
if you want to filter out the standard dot-files then that is easy enough ...
foreach file (* .*)
if ("$file" == .) continue
if ("file" == ..) continue
echo $file
The code in the first post on this thread would be written thus:-
getlist() {
for f in $(* .*)
echo "File found: $f"
# do something useful
Hope this helps!
Another solution for job...
Goal was :
select/filter filenames recursively in directories
handle each names (whatever space in path...)
#!/bin/bash -e
## #Trick in order handle File with space in their path...
files=($(find ${INPUT_DIR} -type f -name "*.md"))
for filename in ${files[*]}
# do your stuff
# ....

Sequentially numbering of files in different folders while keeping the name after the number

I have a lot of ogg or wave files in different folders that I want to sequentially number while keeping everything that stands behind the prefixed number. The input may look like this
Folder1/01 Insbruck.ogg
02 From Milan to Rome.ogg
03 From Rome to Naples.ogg
Folder2/01 From Naples to Palermo.ogg
02 From Palermo to Syracrus.ogg
03 From Syracrus to Tropea
The output should be:
Folder1/01 Insbruck.ogg
02 From Milan to Rome.ogg
03 From Rome to Naples.ogg
Folder2/04 From Naples to Palermo.ogg
05 From Palermo to Syracrus.ogg
06 From Syracrus to Tropea.ogg
The sequential numbering across folders can be done with this BASH script that I found here:
find . | (i=0; while read f; do
let i+=1; mv "$f" "${f%/*}/$(printf %04d "$i").${f##*.}";
But this script removes the title that I would like to keep.
Like this, using find and perl rename:
rename -n 's#/\d+#sprintf "/%0.2d", ++$::c#e' Folder*/*
Drop -n switch if the output looks good.
With -n, you only see the files that will really be renamed, so only 3 files from Folder2.
Going further
The variable $::c (or $main::c is a package variable) is a little hack to avoid the use of more complex expressions:
rename -n 's#/\d+#sprintf "/%0.2d", ++our $c#e' Folder*/*
rename -n '{ no strict; s#/\d+#sprintf "/%0.2d", ++$c#e; }' Folder*/*
rename -n '
do {
use 5.012;
state $c = 0;
s#/\d+#sprintf "/%0.2d", ++$c#e
' Folder*/*
Thanks go|dfish & Grinnz on freenode
A bash script for this job would be:
for src; do
base=$(basename "$src")
dir=$(dirname "$src")
if ! [[ $base =~ ^[0-9]+\ .*\.(ogg|wav)$ ]]; then
echo "$src: Unexpected file name. Skipping..." >&2
printf -v dest "$dir/%0${width}d ${base#* }" $((++n))
echo "moving '$src' to '$dest'"
# mv -n "$src" "$dest"
and could be run as
./renum Folder*/*
assuming the script is saved as renum. It will just print out source and destination file names. To do actual moving, you should drop the # at the beginning of the line # mv -n "$src" "$dest" after making sure it will work as expected. Note that the mv command will not overwrite an existing file due to the -n option. This may or may not be desirable. The script will print out a warning message and skip unexpected file names, that is, the file names not fitting the pattern specified in the question.
The sequential numbering across folders can be done with this BASH script that I found here:
find . | (i=0; while read f; do
let i+=1; mv "$f" "${f%/*}/$(printf %04d "$i").${f##*.}";
But this script removes the title that I would like to keep.
Not as robust as the accepted answer but this is the improved version of your script and just in case rename is not available.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
[[ -n $1 ]] || {
printf >&2 'Needs a directory as an argument!\n'
exit 1
while IFS= read -r files; do
if [[ $files =~ ^(.+)?\/([[:digit:]]+[^[:blank:]]+)(.+)$ ]]; then
printf -v int '%02d' "$((n++))"
[[ -e "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}/$int${BASH_REMATCH[3]}" ]] && {
printf '%s is already in sequential order, skipping!\n' "$files"
echo mv -v "$files" "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}/$int${BASH_REMATCH[3]}"
done < <(find "${directory[#]}" -type f | sort )
Now run the script with the directory in question as the argument.
./myscript Folder*/
./myscript Folder1/
./myscript Folder2/
or a . the . is the current directory.
./myscript .
and so on...
Remove the echo if you're satisfied with the output.

rename all the files in the current directory whose name conatains upper-case into all lower case

Iam trying a shell script which will rename all the files in the current directory whose name contains upper-case characters into all lower case. For example, if the directory contains a file whose name is CoUnt.c, it should be renamed to count.c.
for f in *;
if [ -f "$f" ]; then
tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'
but it is not working.
is there is any better solution for this?
You are not passing any data into the tr program, and you are not capturing any output either.
If you are using sh:
for f in *[A-Z]*
if [ -f "$f" ]; then
new_name=$(echo "$f"|tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')
mv "$f" "$new_name"
Note the indentation - it makes code easier to read.
If you are using bash there is no need to use an external program like tr, you can use bash expansion:
for f in *[A-Z]*
if [[ -f $f ]]; then
mv "$f" "$new_name"
The problem is tr accepts values from stdin. So in order to translate upper to lower in each filename, you could do something like:
for f in *
[ -f "$f" ] || continue
flc=$(echo "$f" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z') ## form lower-case name
[ "$f" != "$flc" ] && echo mv "$f" "$flc"
(note: remove the echo before mv to actually move the files after you are satisfied with the operation)
Since I am unable to add comment posting here,
Used sed and it works for me
for i in *
if [ -f $i ]
kar=$(echo "$i" | sed 's/.*/ \L&/')
mv "$i" "$kar"
The following code works fine.
for f in *
if [ -f $f ]; then
echo "$f" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' >/dev/null
I would recommend rename because it is simple, efficient and also will check for clashes when two different files resolve to the same result:
You can use it with a Perl regex:
rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *
Documentation and examples available here.
