Why does lldb produce a memory dump file way larger than requested? - xcode

Running the following command in lldb debugger in Xcode
memory read pArr --outfile ~/pArr.dump --count 5081160 --force
produces a file of size around 25MB, instead of the expected 5MB. And it's not exactly 5 times larger than the requested size, just close to it.
Am I doing something wrong, or may it be a problem with lldb?

A typical memory read, not dumping to file, writes a hex dump. That is, it's not writing the raw bytes from memory, it's formatting them to a human-readable representation. Have you looked at your file? I suspect that's what you'll find, in which case it's obvious why it's much larger than the number of bytes dumped. Each byte of memory is represented by several characters (bytes) in the output representation.
There's a -b/--binary option to memory read that may do what you are apparently expecting.


How to fix Run Time Error '7' Out of memory in visual basic 6?

I am trying to ZIP a folder with sub folders and files in vb6. For that I read each file and store them one by one in byte array using Redim Preserve. But large folders having size larger than 130MB throw an Out of Memory error.I have 8 GB of RAM in my PC so it shouldn't be a problem.So, is this some limitation by visual basic 6 that we can't use more than 150MB memory?
'Length of a particular File is determined
lngFileLen = FileLen(a_strFilePath)
If lngFileLen <> 0 Then
m_lngPtr = m_lngPtr + lngFileLen
'Next line Throws error once m_lngPtr reaches around 150 MB
ReDim Preserve arrFileBuffer(1 To m_lngPtr)
First of all, VB6 arrays can only be resized to a maximum of 2,147,483,647 elements. However, since that's also the upper limit of a Long in VB6, it seems like that's unlikely to be the problem. However, even though it may be allowed to make an array that big, it's running in a 32-bit process, so it's still subject to the limit of 2GB of addressable memory for the whole process. Since the VB6 run-time has some overhead, it's using some of that memory for other things, and since your program is likely doing other things too, that will be using up some memory too.
In addition to that, when you create an array, the system has to find that number of bytes of contiguous memory. So, even when there is enough memory available, within the 2GB limit, if it's sufficiently fragmented, you can still get out of memory errors. For that reason, creating gigantic arrays is always a concern.
Next, you are using ReDim Preserve, which requires twice the memory. When you resize the array like that, what it actually has to do, under the hood, is create a second array of the new size and then copy all of the other data out of the old array into the new one. Once it's done copying all the data out of the source array, it can then delete it, but while it's performing the copy, it needs to hold both the old array and the new array in memory simultaneously. That means that in a best case scenario, even if there was no other allocated memory or fragmentation, the maximum memory size of an array that you could resize would be 1GB.
Finally, in your example, you never showed what the data type of the array was. If it's an array of bytes, you should be good, I think (where the memory size of the array would only be slightly more than it's length in elements). However, if, for instance, it's an array of strings or variants, then I believe that's going to require a minimum of 4 bytes per element, thereby more-than-quadrupling the memory size of the array.

Why does Unix block size increase with bigger memory size?

I am profiling binary data which has
increasing Unix block size (one got from stat > Blocks) when the number of events are increased as in the following figure
but the byte distance between events stay constant
I have noticed some changes in other fields of the file which may explain the increasing Unix block size
The unix block size is a dynamic measure.
I am interested in why it is increasing with bigger memory units in some systems.
I have had an idea that it should be constant.
I used different environments to provide the stat output:
Debian Linux 8.1 with its default stat
OSX 10.8.5 with Xcode 6 and its default stat
Greybeard's comment may have the answer to the blocks behaviour:
The stat (1) command used to be a thin CLI to the stat (2) system
call, which used to transfer relevant parts of a file's inode. Pretty
early on, the meaning of the st_blksize member of the C struct
returned by stat (2) was changed to "preferred" blocksize for
efficient file system I/O, which carries well to file systems with
mixed block sizes or non-block oriented allocation.
How can you measure the block size in case (1) and (2) separately?
Why can the Unix block size increase with bigger memory size?
"Stat blocks" is not a block size. It is number of blocks the file consists of. It is obvious that number of blocks is proportional to size. Size of block is constant for most file systems (if not all).

Fortran array memory management

I am working to optimize a fluid flow and heat transfer analysis program written in Fortran. As I try to run larger and larger mesh simulations, I'm running into memory limitation problems. The mesh, though, is not all that big. Only 500,000 cells and small-peanuts for a typical CFD code to run. Even when I request 80 GB of memory for my problem, it's crashing due to insufficient virtual memory.
I have a few guesses at what arrays are hogging up all that memory. One in particular is being allocated to (28801,345600). Correct me if I'm wrong in my calculations, but a double precision array is 8 bits per value. So the size of this array would be 28801*345600*8=79.6 GB?
Now, I think that most of this array ends up being zeros throughout the calculation so we don't need to store them. I think I can change the solution algorithm to only store the non-zero values to work on in a much smaller array. However, I want to be sure that I'm looking at the right arrays to reduce in size. So first, did I correctly calculate the array size above? And second, is there a way I can have Fortran show array sizes in MB or GB during runtime? In addition to printing out the most memory intensive arrays, I'd be interested in seeing how the memory requirements of the code are changing during runtime.
Memory usage is a quite vaguely defined concept on systems with virtual memory. You can have large amounts of memory allocated (large virtual memory size) but only a small part of it actually being actively used (small resident set size - RSS).
Unix systems provide the getrusage(2) system call that returns information about the amount of system resources in use by the calling thread/process/process children. In particular it provides the maxmimum value of the RSS ever reached since the process was started. You can write a simple Fortran callable helper C function that would call getrusage(2) and return the value of the ru_maxrss field of the rusage structure.
If you are running on Linux and don't care about portability, then you may just open and read from /proc/self/status. It is a simple text pseudofile that among other things contains several lines with statistics about the process virtual memory usage:
VmPeak: 9136 kB
VmSize: 7896 kB
VmLck: 0 kB
VmHWM: 7572 kB
VmRSS: 6316 kB
VmData: 5224 kB
VmStk: 88 kB
VmExe: 572 kB
VmLib: 1708 kB
VmPTE: 20 kB
Explanation of the various fields - here. You are mostly interested in VmData, VmRSS, VmHWM and VmSize. You can open /proc/self/status as a regular file with OPEN() and process it entirely in your Fortran code.
See also what memory limitations are set with ulimit -a and ulimit -aH. You may be exceeding the hard virtual memory size limit. If you are submitting jobs through a distributed resource manager (e.g. SGE/OGE, Torque/PBS, LSF, etc.) check that you request enough memory for the job.

file paging when insert 1 byte early in file

what happens when i open a 100 MB file, and insert 1 byte somewhere near the beginning, then save it? does the Linux kernel literally shift everything back 1 byte (thus altering every page), & then re-saves every byte after the insertion? that seems highly inefficient!
or i suppose the kernel could insert a 1-byte page just to hold this insertion, but i've never heard of that happening. i thought all pages had to be a standard size (e.g., 4 KB or 4 MB but not 1 byte)
i have checked in numerous linux/OS bks (bovet/cesati, kerrisk, tanenbaum), & have played around with the kernel code a bit, and can't seem to figure this out.
The answer is that OSes don't typically allow you to insert an arbitrary number of bytes at an arbitrary position within a file. Your analysis shows why - it just isn't an efficient operation on the typical implementation of a file.
Normally you can only add or remove bytes at the end of a file.

Examining Erlang crash dumps - how to account for all memory?

I've been poring over this Erlang crash dump where the VM has run out of heap memory. The problem is that there is no obvious culprit allocating all that memory.
Using some serious black awk magic I've summed up the fields Stack+heap, OldHeap, Heap unused and OldHeap unused for each process and ranked them by memory usage. The problem is that this number doesn't come even close to the number that is representing the total memory for all the processes processes_used according to the Erlang crash dump guide.
I've already tried the Crashdump Viewer and either I'm missing something or there isn't much help there for my kind of problem.
The number I get is 525 MB whereas the processes_used value is at 1348 MB. Where can I find the rest of the memory?
Edit: The Heap unused and OldHeap unused shouldn't have been included since they are a sub-part of Stack+Heap and OldHeap, that plus the fact that the number displayed for Stack+Heap and OldHeap are listed as number of words, not bytes, was the problem.
There is an module called crashdump_viewer which is great for these kinds of analysis.
Another thing to keep in mind is that Heap+Stack is afaik in words, not bytes which would mean that you have to multiply Heap+Stack with 4 on 32 and 8 on 64 bit. Can't find a reference in the manual for this but Processes talks about it a bit.
