Does Kafka have Durable Subscriptions feature? - jms

I'm interested to use Kafka in one of my projects, but there is a requirement that the messaging broker have to keep the the messages when one of the subscriber (consumer) is disconnected.
I see that JMS have this feature.
In the website it said that Kafka had durability features.
Is it the same like JMS or is it have different meaning ?

Consumer pulls the data from kafka (brokers). Consumer specifies the offset from where it wants to gather the data. If Consumer disconnects and comes back, it can continue where it left. It can also start consuming data from earlier point (changing the offset).

Kafka does support a durable consumer style pattern, but there are a few ways to achieve it.
First you need to understand the concept of Offsets and Consumer Position
Kafka maintains a numerical offset for each record in a partition.
This offset acts as a unique identifier of a record within that
partition, and also denotes the position of the consumer in the
partition. For example, a consumer which is at position 5 has consumed
records with offsets 0 through 4 and will next receive the record with
offset 5. There are actually two notions of position relevant to the
user of the consumer: The position of the consumer gives the offset of
the next record that will be given out. It will be one larger than the
highest offset the consumer has seen in that partition. It
automatically advances every time the consumer receives messages in a
call to poll(Duration).
The committed position is the last offset that has been stored
securely. Should the process fail and restart, this is the offset that
the consumer will recover to. The consumer can either automatically
commit offsets periodically; or it can choose to control this
committed position manually by calling one of the commit APIs (e.g.
commitSync and commitAsync).
The offset can be stored/persisted on either the Kafka server or the client side:
Kafka Server persists/holds the consumers position, in this case there are 2 sub options:
Consumer explicitly commits the message consumption
Consumer automatically commits the message consumption
Client application persists/holds
the consumers position
This is all as per


Polling behavior when using ReactiveKafkaConsumerTemplate

I have a Spring Boot application using ReactiveKafkaConsumerTemplate for consuming messages from Kafka.
I've consume messages using kafkaConsumerTemplate.receive() therefore I'm manually acknowledging each message. Since I'm working in an asynchronous manner, messages are not processed sequentially.
I'm wondering how does the commit and poll process work in this scenario - If I polled 100 messages but acknowledged only 99 of them (message not acknowledged is in the middle of the 100 messages I polled, say number 50), what happens on the next poll operation? Will it actually poll only after all 100 messages are acknowledged (and offset is committed) and until then I'll keep getting the un-acknowledged messages over and over to my app until I acknowledge it?
Kafka maintains 2 offsets for a consumer group/partition - the current position() and the committed offset. When a consumer starts, the position is set to the last committed offset.
Position is updated after each poll, so the next poll will never return the same record, regardless of whether it has been committed (unless a seek is performed).
However, with reactor, you must ensure that commits are performed in the right order, since records are not acknowledged individually, just the committed offset is retained.
If you commit out of order and restart your app, you may get some processed messages redelivered.
We recently added support in the framework for out-of-order commits.
The current version is 1.3.11, including this feature.

Kafka consumption rate is low as compare to message publish on topic

Hi I am new to Spring Boot #kafkaListener. Service A publishes message on kafka topic continuously. My service consume the message from that topic. Partitions of topic in both service (Service A and my service) is same, but rate of consuming the message is low as compare to publishing the message. I can see consumer lag in kafka.
How can I fill that lag? Or how can I increase the rate of consuming the message?
Can I have separate thread for processing message. I can consume a message in Queue (acknowledge after adding into queue) and another thread will read from that queue to process that message.
Is there any settings or property provides by Spring to increase the rate of consumption?
Lag is something you want to reduce, not "fill".
Can you consume faster? Yes. For example, changing the consumer max.poll.records can be increased from the default of 500, per your I/O rates (do your own benchmarking) to fetch more data at once from Kafka. However, this will increase the surface area for consumer error handling.
You can also consume and immediately ack the offsets, then toss records into a queue for processing. There is possibility for skipping records in this case, though, as you move processing off the critical path for offset tracking.
Or you could only commit once per consumer poll loop, rather than ack every record, but this may result in duplicate record processing.
As mentioned before, adding partitions is the best way to scale consumption after distributing producer workload
You generally will need to increase the number of partitions (and concurrency in the listener container) if a single consumer thread can't keep up with the production rate.
If that doesn't help, you will need to profile your consumer app to see where the bottleneck is.

What will happen if my kafka consumer group is changed after each restart

Let’s say for instance, my kafka consumer (in Consumer Group 1) is reading messages from Kafka Topic A.
Now if that consumer consumes 12 messages before failing.
When the consumer starts up again, and now it has different consumer group (i.e. consumer group 2),
Question 1 -? On restart, will it continue from where it left off in the offset (or position) because that offset is stored by Kafka and/or ZooKeeper or will it start consuming messages from 1st message.
Question 2-> Is there a way to ensure that on restart (When consumer has different consumer group), it still start consuming from where it left off before restarting?
Just to give you the context, i am trying to update in-memory caches in each node/server on receiving a message on kafka topic. In order to do that, i am using a different consumer group for each node/server so that each message is consumed by all the nodes/servers to update in-memory cache. Please let me know if there are better ways to do this. Thanks!
Consumer offsets are maintained per consumer group and hence if you have a different consumer group on each restart you can make use of the auto.offset.reset property
The auto.offset.reset property specifies
What to do when there is no initial offset in Kafka or if the current offset does not exist any more on the server (e.g. because that data has been deleted): earliest: automatically reset the offset to the earliest offsetlatest: automatically reset the offset to the latest offsetnone: throw exception to the consumer if no previous offset is found for the consumer's groupanything else: throw exception to the consumer.
Having informed about the current approach - I believe you should relook at the design and it would be better to have a different consumer group per node but ensure to keep the same consumer group name per node even after a restart. This is a suggestion based on the info provided but there could be better solutions as well after going into the detail of the design/implementation.

Read latest message from kafka - segmentio/kafka-go

I'm using segmentio/kafka-go client to read messages from a topic.
I'm unable to find.. how to start reading from last/new message.
Everytime I start the code, it starts reading from beginning offset in that partition.
What you need to know about consuming messages from Kafka is that each consumer client is part of a Consumer Group. Kafka stores the already processed offset for each Consumer Group at Topic-Partition level in an internal Kafka topic called __consumer_offsets. This enables a consumer of a Consumer Group to continue consumption from where it left off after a re-start.
In your case it means you need to set the Consumer Group (in the KafkaConsumer API it is the configuration "") and keep it constant. Only then you will be able to continue reading from the latest/new est message and not start from beginning after a re-start.

how to handle consumer recovery by offset with shopify sarama

I've read that kafka provides a consumer client library that allows recovery by saving the last offset read in zookeeper (not 100% sure about where it's stored).
Is it possible to do the same with Sarama consumers?
Let's say that I'm reading until offset 550, my consumer crashes for 5 min, we are now at offset 700 but I want to resume consuming from offset 550.
Is that possible without having to save the state by myself?
I would assume it does but I don't understand how.
I've found sarama.OffsetNewest/Oldestbut that's not what I'm looking for...
Kafka consumers used to store offsets in Zookeeper but now they store them directly in Kafka. See the Consumer section in the Kafka docs.
Sarama handles that very well and Sarama consumers will commit (store) offsets in Kafka by default.
Have a look at the Sarama Consumer example. Initially this example starts at the end of the topic but upon restarting, it will restart from its last position.
