How can I fake a response to Capybara/poltergeist using webmock? - ruby

I'm testing a webscraper and I'd like to use Webmock to deliver fake websites for faster testing. When I mock a website, Ruby's native HTTP library works fine, but Capybara doesn't seem capable of receiving the mocked response. I know that webmock is stubbing low level HTTP requests, and I assume it matters which one capybara uses and which one webmock is configured to use. However, I need to know how Capybara makes HTTP requests and how I can configure webmock to stub that particular method set.
require 'capybara/poltergeist'
require 'webmock'
require 'pry'
include WebMock::API
Capybara.register_driver :poltergeist do |app|, js_errors: false)
# Configure Capybara to use Poltergeist as the driver
Capybara.default_driver = :poltergeist
Capybara.javascript_driver = :poltergeist
U = /
b = Capybara.current_session
stub_request(:any, U).
with(:headers => {'Accept'=>'*/*', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3', 'User-Agent'=>'Ruby'}).
to_return(status:200, body:"abc", headers:{})
puts Net::HTTP.get(U,'/') #=> This returns "abc"
b.visit U
puts b.html #=> Throws error
The error I'm getting is as follows:
command': Request failed to reach server, check DNS and/or server status (Capybara::Poltergeist::StatusFailError)
I've tried using FakeWeb as well, but that simply was not capable of registering URIs. I'm open to using other APIs besides webmock if you think this is the wrong tool for the job.
Thanks in advance :)

Tom Walpole is correct. You can use WebMock to mock things your server is connecting to, but the browser makes its own connections and is unaffected by the changes you make to the server.
If you want to fake responses that the browser requests from other servers try something like Puffing Billy. Take a look at the Caching capability which can be setup to re-play results (much like VCR).
If you're working with something VERY simple you could try just loading the data you need with Capybara.string. But that's probably too limited for what you want.

Capybara doesn't make web requests, it tells the browser where to visit and the browser in turn makes the request. The way to do what you want is to use a proxy that can redirect specific browser requests to your own app

There is a newer and better way of doing this.
# spec/spec_helper.rb
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.before(:each) do |example|
if example.metadata[:type] == :feature
config.after(:suite) do
Then use the capybara_webmock JavaScript driver:
# Use Chrome Driver
Capybara.javascript_driver = :capybara_webmock_chrome


Blacklist URLs with headless Chrome

I'm trying to block URLs in my specs, achieving something like I had when using capybara_webkit:
Capybara::Webkit.configure do |config|
After reading this article, I tried to do something like:
require 'webmock/rspec'
module WebmockConfig
def self.default_disabled_urls
WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow_localhost: true)
WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow: WebmockConfig.default_disabled_urls)
but I'm getting
Real HTTP connections are disabled. Unregistered request: POST
even if that should be solved by WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow_localhost: true).
When running the specs without WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow: WebmockConfig.default_disabled_urls), everything is working fine.
The capybara-webkit white/blacklisting affects the requests made by the browser, whereas WebMock can only affect requests made by your app. This means WebMock is useless for what you want since it wouldn't actually stop your browser from loading anything from google, etc. To do that while using the selenium driver you need to use a programmable proxy like puffing-billy which will allow you to customize the responses for any matching requests the browser makes.
To configure a driver using headless chrome and puffing_billy you could do something like
Capybara.register_driver :headless_chrome do |app|
browser_options =
browser_options.add_argument("--proxy-server=#{}:#{Billy.proxy.port}"), browser: :chrome, options: browser_options)
Whether or not you need any other options is dependent on your system config, etc but you should be able to tell by looking at your current driver registration.
The allow_localhost: true settings are overwritten by allow: WebmockConfig.default_disabled_urls you have to call WebMock.disable_net_connect! once with both settings or by adding 'localhost', '' entries into self.default_disabled_urls

Using Capybara live without RSpec

I'd like to use Capybara for live testing, outside RSpec. Just as I'd do using pure Selenium. Is it possible to build scenarios and do logs this way? If not and I have to stick with Selenium - how can I create scenarios and do logs using Ruby?
You can manually create a Capybara session and use that to interact with your production website. For example, the following will go to Google and get the text:
require 'capybara'
session =
puts session.text
Note that neither Capybara nor RSpec require the system under test to be a local Ruby project. For example, the following RSpec test goes to Google and checks that the word "Google" appears:
require 'capybara/rspec'
Capybara.current_driver = :selenium
Capybara.app_host = ''
feature "google", :js => true do
scenario "should have text" do
page.should have_content(/Google/)

Block or redirect requests to specific path or domain in Selenium

I'm using Selenium through Capybara to automate tests run with Cucumber. I'm loading some pages that reference content on a CDN. I have no interest in creating more requests than necessary and hitting the CDN without reason. I'd like to configure Selenium to ignore requests to that domain somehow.
Celerity has a method like this:
Browser.ignore_pattern("regex pattern")
That will ignore any requests created that match. I'd like to replicate this feature in some manner. Is there a way to override DNS to go to or some other way to configure the internal Selenium proxy?
You should be able to use the browsermob-proxy-rb gem found at to blacklist your CDN.
The following was largely stolen from the github listing's README:
require 'selenium/webdriver'
require 'browsermob/proxy'
server ="/path/to/download/browsermob-proxy") #=> #<BrowserMob::Proxy::Server:0x000001022c6ea8 ...>
proxy = server.create_proxy #=> #<BrowserMob::Proxy::Client:0x0000010224bdc0 ...>
profile = #=> #<Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Profile:0x000001022bf748 ...>
# This is the line I added
profile.proxy = proxy.selenium_proxy
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox, :profile => profile
driver.get ""

Writing unit tests in Ruby for a REST API

I've written a basic REST API using sinatra.
Does anyone know the best way to write tests for it? I would like to do so using Ruby.
I've done my initial testing using curl. But I'd like to do something more robust. This is my first API - is there anything specific I should be testing?
The best way is a matter of opinion :) Personally, I like simple and clean. With tools like minitest, Watir and rest-client, you can put together a very simple test of both your REST interface as well as testing your web service through actual browsers (all major browsers are supported).
# Requires that you have installed the following gem packages:
# json, minitest, watir, watir-webdrive, rest-client
# To use Chrome, you need to install chromedriver on your path
require 'rubygems'
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
require 'pp'
require 'minitest/autorun'
require 'watir'
require 'watir-webdriver'
class TestReportSystem < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
def setup
#browser = :chrome # Defaults to firefox. Can do Safari and IE too.
# Log in here.....
def teardown
def test_report_lists # For minitest, the method names need to start with test
response = RestClient.get 'http://localhost:8080/reporter/reports/getReportList'
assert_equal response.code,200
parsed = JSON.parse response.to_str
assert_equal parsed.length, 3 # There are 3 reports available on the test server
def test_on_browser
#browser.goto 'http://localhost:8080/reporter/exampleReport/simple/genReport?month=Aug&year=2012'
assert(#browser.text.include?('Report for Aug 2012'))
Run the test cases by simply executing the script. There are many other testing systems and REST clients for Ruby which can be put to work in a similar way.
You might have a look at this approach
although many might say that using Cucumber is really more application or Acceptance testing and not unit testing, it does contain an approach to creating the HTTP headers and forming the http request, which I'm guessing might be where you are stuck?
Personally I don't have a problem with that since if you are truely going to unit test the API, you'd likely have to mock any units of code the api might be talking with (e.g. however you are persisting the data)
Seeing as I'm a QA guy not a dev, I'd be perfectly happy with using cucumber and testing it at that level, but I also greatly appreciate it when devs unit test, so while you might use rSpec instead of Cuke, perhaps the tip towards 'rack test' will be useful to what you are trying to accomplish.
You can try using airborne which is a framework written for just this purpose:
You can test against either a live API, or against a Sinatra, Grape, Rails application.
I would use fakeweb gem to do unit testing with web services.
I would suggest client-api gem - it has loads of useful features specific to api automation which is easy to use and to maintain scripts.
Interestingly, this gem binds an api automation framework within itself. So, you don't even need a framework setup.
Key Features of client-api library:
Custom Header, URL, and Timeout support
URL query string customization
Datatype and key-pair value validation
Single key-pair response validation
Multi key-pair response validation
JSON response schema validation
JSON response content validation
JSON response size validation
JSON response is empty? validation
JSON response has specific key? validation
JSON response array-list sorting validation (descending, ascending)
Response headers validation
JSON template as body and schema
Support to store JSON responses of each tests for the current run
Logs support for debug
Custom logs remover
Auto-handle SSL for http(s) schemes
Example specs:
Add this config snippet in the spec_helper.rb file:
ClientApi.configure do |config|
config.base_url = ''
config.headers = {'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Accept' => 'application/json'}
config.basic_auth = {'Username' => '', 'Password' => 'myp#ssw0rd'}
config.json_output = {'Dirname' => './output', 'Filename' => 'test'}
config.time_out = 10 # in secs
config.logger = {'Dirname' => './logs', 'Filename' => 'test', 'StoreFilesCount' => 2}
RSpec test scenarios look like,
api =
it "GET request" do
expect(api.status).to eq(200)
expect(api.message).to eq('OK')
it "POST request" do'/api/users', {"name": "prashanth sams"})
expect(api.status).to eq(201)
Note: This is an active project handling issues and new features based on user requirements

POSTing an HTML form to remote.cgi - written in Ruby?

I am working on a website hosted on microsoft's office live service. It has a contact form enabling visitors to get in touch with the owner. I want to write a Ruby script that sits on a seperate sever and which the form will POST to. It will parse the form data and email the details to a preset address. The script should then redirect the browser to a confirmation page.
I have an ubuntu hardy machine running nginx and postfix. Ruby is installed and we shall see about using Thin and it's Rack functionality to handle the script. Now it's come to writing the script and i've drawn a blank.
It's been a long time and if i remember rightly the process is something like;
read HTTP header
parse parameters
send email
send redirect header
Broadly speaking, the question has been answered. Figuring out how to use the answer was more complicated than expected and I thought worth sharing.
First Steps:
I learnt rather abruptly that nginx doesn't directly support cgi scripts. You have to use some other process to run the script and get nginx to proxy requests over. If I was doing this in php (which in hind sight i think would have been a more natural choice) i could use something like php-fcgi and expect life would be pretty straight forward.
Ruby and fcgi felt pretty daunting. But if we are abandoning the ideal of loading these things at runtime then Rack is probably the most straight forward solution and Thin includes all we need. Learning how to make basic little apps with them has been profoundly beneficial to a relative Rails newcomer like me. The foundations of a Rails app can seem hidden for a long time and Rack has helped me lift the curtain that little bit further.
Nonetheless, following Yehuda's advice and looking up sinatra has been another surprise. I now have a basic sinatra app running in a Thin instance. It communicates with nginx over a unix socket in what i gather is the standard way. Sinatra enables a really elegant way to handle different requests and routes into the app. All you need is a get '/' {} to start handling requests to the virtual host. To add more (in a clean fashion) we just include a routes/script.rb into the main file.
# cgi-bin.rb
# main file loaded as a sinatra app
require 'sinatra'
# load cgi routes
require 'routes/default'
require 'routes/contact'
# 404 behaviour
not_found do
"Sorry, this CGI host does not recognize that request."
These route files will call on functionality stored in a separate library of classes:
# routes/contact.rb
# contact controller
require 'lib/contact/contactTarget'
require 'lib/contact/contactPost'
post '/contact/:target/?' do |target|
# the target for the message is taken from the URL
msg =, target)
redirect msg.action, 302
The sheer horror of figuring out such a simple thing will stay with me for a while. I was expecting to calmly let nginx know that .rb files were to be executed and to just get on with it. Now that this little sinatra app is up and running, I'll be able to dive straight in if I want to add extra functionality in the future.
The ContactPost class handles the messaging aspect. All it needs to know are the parameters in the request and the target for the email. ContactPost::action kicks everything off and returns an address for the controller to redirect to.
There is a separate ContactTarget class that does some authentication to make sure the specified target accepts messages from the URL given in request.referrer. This is handled in ContactTarget::accept? as we can guess from the ContactPost::action method;
# lib/contact/contactPost.rb
class ContactPost
# ...
def action
return failed unless #target.accept? #request.referer
if send?
# ...
ContactPost::successful and ContactPost::failed each return a redirect address by combining paths supplied with the HTML form with the request.referer URI. All the behaviour is thus specified in the HTML form. Future websites that use this script just need to be listed in the user's own ~/cgi/contact.conf and they'll be away. This is because ContactTarget looks in /home/:target/cgi/contact.conf for the details. Maybe oneday this will be inappropriate, but for now it's just fine for my purposes.
The send method is simple enough, it creates an instance of a simple Email class and ships it out. The Email class is pretty much based on the standard usage example given in the Ruby net/smtp documentation;
# lib/email/email.rb
require 'net/smtp'
class Email
def initialize(from_alias, to, reply, subject, body)
#from_alias = from_alias
#from = ""
#to = to
#reply = reply
#subject = subject
#body = body
def send
Net::SMTP.start('localhost', 25) do |smtp|
smtp.send_message to_s, #from, #to
def to_s
From: #{#from_alias}
To: #{#to}
Reply-To: #{#from_alias}
Subject: #{#subject}
Date: #{DateTime::now().to_s}
All I need to do is rack up the application, let nginx know which socket to talk to and we're away.
Thank you everyone for your helpful pointers in the right direction! Long live sinatra!
It's all in the Net module, here's an example:
#net = '', 80
#params = {:name => 'doris', :email => ''}
# Create HTTP request
req = 'script.cgi', {} )
req.set_form_data #params
# Send request
response = #net.start do |http|
http.read_timeout = 5600
http.request req
Probably the best way to do this would be to use an existing Ruby library like Sinatra:
require "rubygems"
require "sinatra"
get "/myurl" do
# params hash available here
# send email
You'll probably want to use MailFactory to send the actual email, but you definitely don't need to be mucking about with headers or parsing parameters.
CGI class of Ruby can be used for writing CGI scripts. Please check:
By the way, there is no need to read the HTTP header. Parsing parametres will be easy using CGI class. Then, send the e-mail and redirect.
