NSToolbarItem stretch to minimum width - macos

I've added a NSToolbar to my window and inserted some items. Two of them contain a custom view (NSTextFiled as a label and a NSButton). I've set a maximum and minimum width for both these items and they display fine but they are much larger than needed making the label and especially the button annoyingly big with undesired space.
I'm looking for a way to set the width of button and its item to the minimum required by the text it contains.

After playing around I've added an outlet also for the NSToolbarItem and used the following function to change the text:
#IBOutlet weak var manageSessionItem: NSToolbarItem!
#IBOutlet weak var manageSession: NSButton!
func setManageSessionTitle(title: String) {
let s: NSString = title
let attr=[NSFontAttributeName: manageSession.font!]
//Add width to compensate for button graphics
let w=s.sizeWithAttributes(attr).width + 20
manageSession.frame.size.width = w
manageSessionItem.minSize.width = w
manageSessionItem.maxSize.width = w
manageSession.title = title


Autolayout support for custom text view

This question is about supporting a variable-height, custom text view using constraints and the view's intrinsicContentSize for autolayout. Before you click that 'duplicate' button, hear me out.
I have a custom text view (from scratch, inherits from NSView). It supports many of the usual NSTextView features, the most relevant here being multiple lines and laying out its content based on width available. The app it's built for loads a couple of these text views into each row of a table view. The issue is that the height doesn't get set properly according to its intrinsicContentSize.
I created a sample project that simplifies the problem. It uses a "pseudo" text view with a fixed number and size of characters used to determine width/height required. In the sample, there is a table view of one column whose cell view has only one subview, a PseudoTextView. The text view is pinned to the edges of its cell view with a little padding. How can I get the system to recognize that the text view should abide by the constraints that define the width while allowing the text view to grow in height, wrapped tightly by the cell view? Here's the text view code:
class PseudoTextView: NSView {
#IBInspectable var characterCount: Int = 0
#IBInspectable var characterWidth: CGFloat = 5
#IBInspectable var characterHeight: CGFloat = 8
#IBInspectable var background: NSColor = .blue {
didSet {
layer?.backgroundColor = background.cgColor
required init?(coder decoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: decoder)
wantsLayer = true
layer?.backgroundColor = background.cgColor
override var intrinsicContentSize: NSSize {
let requiredWidth = characterWidth * CGFloat(characterCount)
let lineCount = (requiredWidth / frame.width).rounded(.up)
let usedHeight = lineCount * characterHeight
let charactersPerLine = (frame.width / characterWidth).rounded(.down)
let usedWidth = charactersPerLine * characterWidth
return NSSize(width: usedWidth, height: usedHeight)
This version returns the appropriate size based on the frame of the view. This obviously doesn't work because it's accessed during the updateConstraints phase of layout when the frame hasn't been set. I've also tried using NSView.noIntrinsicMetric for the width, but this will drive the text view to zero width and the height never recovers. There are an enormous number of other attempts I've made, but I won't bore you with them all.
NSTextField does something different (assuming 'Editable' is off, 'Wrap' is on). It's intrinsicContentSize reports the full width of the text on a single line (even if it's much longer than the width available), but it is somehow resized to the correct width. Once resized, the intrinsicContentWidth then still reports the full single-line width, but the height is adjusted to account for multiple lines. There is some magic somewhere I haven't been able to divine.
I've read every line of related documentation. If there's a blog post on the topic, I've probably read it. If there's a question on SO on the topic, I've probably read it. If you wrote a book on the topic, I've probably bought it. All of these sources tease at the problem I'm having, but none of them answer the question of how to handle this particular situation. Desperate.
After reading an old blog post by Jonathon Mah (http://devetc.org/code/2014/07/07/auto-layout-and-views-that-wrap.html) I created an example that uses his approach. Here's another project that mimics his technique and works correctly. This is the top portion of the app. It's a fixed container view that's adjusted with a slider. The patchwork are the pseudo characters of the custom view whose background is the pink color.
However, when inserted into a self-sizing table view, the custom view correctly matches the width of its cell, but the cell is not adjusted to respect the intrinsic height. If you change the custom view's bottom constraint to be optional (say, with a >= relation) the custom view does shrink to the correct height, but the cell view remains fixed. How do I convince the cell view to shrink its height to respect the intrinsicContentSize.height of its subview?
I have a solution for your problem, although it may not be optimal, since I do not have too much experience with macos specifics. So, first of all, let's define that the table view should use automatic row heights:
override func awakeFromNib() {
tableView.usesAutomaticRowHeights = true
In your second sample the tableView outlet was not not connected to TableViewController, but it probably should be, so do not forget to connect it.
Now, in your WrappingCellView, you override layout(), but the value that you set for preferredMaxLayoutWidth is incorrect. I think it should be the width of the superview:
override func layout() {
// 16 is used for the sake of example
wrappingView.preferredMaxLayoutWidth = (superview?.frame.width ?? 16) - 16
Next part is the one I am not sure about:
func tableViewColumnDidResize(_ notification: Notification) {
There should be a better API to recalculate row heights. I hope you or someone else can suggest something :)
These three adjustments result in proper recalculation of the cell height:

Animate View Movement for OS X app using Swift

I have two scroll views, one of them with constraints that make it take up the full parent view, and the other right next to it, but hidden outside the bounds of the parent view. I want to animate both sliding left until the second scroll view takes up the full parent view, and the first scroll view is now out of bounds on the left. How do I do this for an OS X app using Swift?
Figured this one out with a little hunting and piecing things together.
Create an IBOutlet for the constraints that you want to change in the animation. In this case, use the leading constraint for each scroll view.
#IBOutlet weak var ScrollView1LeadingConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
#IBOutlet weak var ScrollView2LeadingConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
Then, use the following:
NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup({ (context) -> Void in
context.duration = //length of the animation time in seconds
self. ScrollView1LeadingConstraint.animator().constant = //negative width of scroll view
self.ScrollView2LeadingConstraint.animator().constant = 0
}, completionHandler: { () -> Void in
//insert any completion code here
This will animate the first scroll view out of frame on the left, and move the second scroll view into its former place.

How can I easily move containers with swift

I have 4 containers and need to move them up 40 pixels together. Can i move all of them at once.
I have tried changing the rect of them one by one, but when rotation occurs everything is messed up.
It is very easy actually. In IB create your top, bottom, left and right constraints with heights as well. And then ctrl drag the top constraint with connects the top view to the top of the superview.
Go to your class and just give the desired constant value as you wish.
#IBOutlet weak var moveConstant: NSLayoutConstraint!
and then
#IBAction func moveTop(sender: AnyObject) {
moveConstant.constant = 40

How to resize NSTextField when content increase in NSTextField

i have NSTextField but content that i have to show is not fixed , it will grow dynamically.
is there any way in simple way through which we can change size dynamically.
Thanks in Advance :)
The text field's delegate needs to update the size as the text changes.
The trick is you have to manually update the stringValue property, to avoid bugs:
override func controlTextDidChange(obj: NSNotification) {
guard let field = obj.object as? NSTextField else {
// re-apply the string value, this is necessary for the text field to correctly calculate it's width
field.stringValue = field.stringValue
// calculate the new dimensions
let maxWidth: CGFloat = 500
let maxHeight: CGFloat = 50
let size = renameField.sizeThatFits(NSSize(width: maxWidth, height: maxHeight))
// apply them
field.frame = NSRect(x: field.frame.origin.x, y: field.frame.origin.y, width: size.width, height: size.height)
If you're just showing content, as opposed to typing in the text field, then you should use a label, which can be set in IB to "Size To Fit Content". This will cause the label to be just big enough for the content.
There is no option to set through Interface Builder.
However you can do through codes:
You can set a delegate on the NSTextField which implements
- (void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)aNotification;
Every time the delegate gets called resize the control per your idea above.
Also, this one.
There is a great category on NSString/NSAttributedString by Jerry Krinock which allows you to calculate the height of text based on its width and vice versa:
Edit March 2016 :
Now as Autolayout feature is there for Mac OS applications that helps to increase and decrease the size of textfield and even NSWindow, so you can use them it very easy to use. Just put constraints from either side of the Window, and set the constraints something as ( >= desiredMinimumSize ) and you are done!

Can NSCollectionView autoresize the width of its subviews to display one column

I have an NSCollectionView that contains a collection of CustomViews. Initially it tiled the subviews into columns and rows like a grid. I then set the Columns property in IB to 1, so now it just displays them one after another in rows. However, even though my CustomView is 400px wide, it's set to autoresize, the NSCollectionView is 400px wide, and it's set to 1 column, the subviews are drawn about 80px wide.
I know I can get around this by calling:
CGFloat width = collectionView.bounds.size.width;
NSSize size = NSMakeSize(width, 85);
[collectionView setMinItemSize:size];
[collectionView setMaxItemSize:size];
But putting this code in the awakeFromNib method of my WindowController only sets the correct width when the program launches. When I resize the window (and the NSCollectionView autoresizes as I've specified), the CustomViews stay at their initially set width.
I'm happy to take care of resizing the subviews myself if need be, but I'm quite new to Cocoa and can't seem to find any articles explaining how to do such a thing. Can someone point me in the right direction?
The true answer is to set the maxItemSize to 0,0(NSZeroSize). Otherwise, it is computed.
[self.collectionView setMaxItemSize:NSZeroSize];
This can be set in awakeFromNib.
I couldn't get this to work with a default layout - but it is fairly easy to implement a custom layout:
/// Simple single column layout, assuming only one section
class SingleColumnLayout: NSCollectionViewLayout {
/// Height of each view in the collection
var height:CGFloat = 100
/// Padding is wrapped round each item, with double an extra bottom padding above the top item, and an extra top padding beneath the bottom
var padding = EdgeInsets.init(top: 5, left: 10, bottom: 5, right: 10)
var itemCount:Int {
guard let collectionView = collectionView else {
return 0
return collectionView.numberOfItems(inSection:0)
override func shouldInvalidateLayout(forBoundsChange newBounds: NSRect) -> Bool {
return true
override open func layoutAttributesForItem(at indexPath: IndexPath) -> NSCollectionViewLayoutAttributes? {
let attributes = NSCollectionViewLayoutAttributes(forItemWith: indexPath)
guard let collectionView = collectionView else {
return attributes
let bounds = collectionView.bounds
let itemHeightWithPadding = height + padding.top + padding.bottom
let row = indexPath.item
attributes.frame = NSRect(x: padding.left, y: itemHeightWithPadding * CGFloat(row) + padding.top + padding.bottom , width: bounds.width - padding.left - padding.right , height: height)
attributes.zIndex = row
return attributes
//If you have lots of items, then you should probably do a 'proper' implementation here
override open func layoutAttributesForElements(in rect: NSRect) -> [NSCollectionViewLayoutAttributes] {
var attributes = [NSCollectionViewLayoutAttributes]()
if (itemCount>0){
for index in 0...(itemCount-1) {
if let attribute = layoutAttributesForItem(at: NSIndexPath(forItem: index, inSection: 0) as IndexPath) {
return attributes
override open var collectionViewContentSize: NSSize {
guard let collectionView = collectionView else {
return NSSize.zero
let itemHeightWithPadding = height + padding.top + padding.bottom
return NSSize.init(width: collectionView.bounds.width, height: CGFloat(itemCount) * itemHeightWithPadding + padding.top + padding.bottom )
then all you need is
var layout=SingleColumnLayout()
collectionView.collectionViewLayout = layout
I know this is a very late response but I got the same problem and hope my solution will help somebody. Solution is to access bounds of enclosing scroll view not of collection view itself. So to solve it you need to replace first line with:
CGFloat width = collectionView.enclosingScrollView.bounds.size.width;
another late one - I just switched to using an NSTableView and providing an NSView by the delegate method.
Autoresizing comes for free, one column is easy, and it renders massively faster.
Lets say you want your CollectionViewItem with a size of 200x180px, then you should set:
[myCollectionView setMinItemSize:NSMakeSize(200, 180)];
[myCollectionView setMaxItemSize:NSMakeSize(280, 250)];
Your Max-Size should be big enough to look good and give enough space for stretching to fit the collectionView-Width.
If you have a fixed number of columns, you can probably use (0,0), but if you want a dynamic number of rows and columns like I wanted.. you should set a fixed min-size and a bigger max.size.
While you might get a collection view to behave as you want, I think you have a design problem
You should use a NSTableView and set columns to 1 and their sizing to anything but "None". NSTableView is intended for tabular data, plus it can recycle cells which gives a great performance boost for large amount of items. NSCollectionView is more like a linear layout which arranges items in a grid, with vertical scrolling. It is useful when the column number can change dynamically to allow more items to be shown on screen, usually depending on device orientation and screen size.
I tried all of solutions proposed here and none of them helped. If you use flow layout (it's used by default) you can extend it with the following code and delegate's sizeForItem method will be called on each change
class MyCollectionViewFlowLayout: NSCollectionViewFlowLayout {
override func shouldInvalidateLayout(forBoundsChange newBounds: NSRect) -> Bool {
return true
override func invalidationContext(forBoundsChange newBounds: NSRect) -> NSCollectionViewLayoutInvalidationContext {
let context = super.invalidationContext(forBoundsChange: newBounds) as! NSCollectionViewFlowLayoutInvalidationContext
context.invalidateFlowLayoutDelegateMetrics = true
return context
Hope it helps someone as it took me couple of evenings to find solution
Matt Gallagher's wonderful blog Cocoa with Love is about to address this. This week, he shared the bindings details of a one-column view like the one in question:
Next entry, he promises to share the rest of the implementation, which should give you what you're looking for.
(I should note that he is subclassing NSView directly and re-implementing many of NSCollectionView's features. This seems to be common though; not many people are fond of subclassing NSCollectionView.)
Edit: Seems he broke his promise... we never did receive that post. See tofutim's answer below instead.
