Hibernate, Oracle, Play: Unable to build EntityManagerFactory error - oracle

I'm getting a really vague exception from Hibernate when trying to use it with Oracle.(it works normally with MySQL)
I have the following configuration:
Play Framework: 2.3.7
Hibernate: 4.3.8.Final
I'm using Oracle 10i
The application manages to connect, but fails when trying to build the Entity Manager.
I tried to build it manually, but I got the same error when using Play's annotation #play.db.jpa.Transactional
For example: Accessing via raw JDBC works normally.
My database settings in application.conf:
My Persistence.xml:
<persistence xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence"
<persistence-unit name="defaultPersistenceUnit" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
<property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect" />
Here's the exception:
play.api.UnexpectedException: Unexpected exception[PersistenceException: Unable to build entity manager factory]
at play.core.ReloadableApplication$$anonfun$get$1$$anonfun$apply$1$$anonfun$1.apply(ApplicationProvider.scala:166) ~[play_2.11-2.3.7.jar:2.3.7]
at play.core.ReloadableApplication$$anonfun$get$1$$anonfun$apply$1$$anonfun$1.apply(ApplicationProvider.scala:130) ~[play_2.11-2.3.7.jar:2.3.7]
at scala.Option.map(Option.scala:145) ~[scala-library-2.11.1.jar:na]
at play.core.ReloadableApplication$$anonfun$get$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(ApplicationProvider.scala:130) ~[play_2.11-2.3.7.jar:2.3.7]
at play.core.ReloadableApplication$$anonfun$get$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(App licationProvider.scala:128) ~[play_2.11-2.3.7.jar:2.3.7]
Caused by: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Unable to build entity manager factory
at org.hibernate.jpa.HibernatePersistenceProvider.createEntityManagerFactory(HibernatePersistenceProvider.java:83) ~[hibernate-entitymanager-4.3.8.Final.jar:4.3.8.Final]
at org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence.createEntityManagerFactory(HibernatePersistence.java:54) ~[hibernate-entitymanager-4.3.8.Final.jar:4.3.8.Final]
at javax.persistence.Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(Persistence.java:55) ~[hibernate-jpa-2.1-api-1.0.0.Final.jar:1.0.0.Final]
at javax.persistence.Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(Persistence.java:39) ~[hibernate-jpa-2.1-api-1.0.0.Final.jar:1.0.0.Final]
at play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin.onStart(JPAPlugin.java:38) ~[play-java-jpa_2.11-2.3.7.jar:2.3.7]
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal.JdbcServicesImpl.configure(JdbcServicesImpl.java:244) ~[hibernate-core-4.3.8.Final.jar:4.3.8.Final]
at org.hibernate.boot.registry.internal.StandardServiceRegistryImpl.configureService(StandardServiceRegistryImpl.java:111) ~[hibernate-core-4.3.8.Final.jar:4.3.8.Final]
at org.hibernate.service.internal.AbstractServiceRegistryImpl.initializeService(AbstractServiceRegistryImpl.java:234) ~[hibernate-core-4.3.8.Final.jar:4.3.8.Final]
at org.hibernate.service.internal.AbstractServiceRegistryImpl.getService(AbstractServiceRegistryImpl.java:206) ~[hibernate-core-4.3.8.Final.jar:4.3.8.Final]
at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildTypeRegistrations(Configuration.java:1887) ~[hibernate-core-4.3.8.Final.jar:4.3.8.Final]
The properties that hibernate receives are:
0 = {HashMap$Node#10729} "gopherProxySet" -> "false"
1 = {HashMap$Node#10730} "awt.toolkit" -> "sun.lwawt.macosx.LWCToolkit"
2 = {HashMap$Node#10731} "file.encoding.pkg" -> "sun.io"
3 = {HashMap$Node#10732} "java.specification.version" -> "1.8"
4 = {HashMap$Node#10733} "sun.cpu.isalist" ->
5 = {HashMap$Node#10734} "sun.jnu.encoding" -> "UTF-8"
6 = {HashMap$Node#10735} "hibernate.dialect" -> "org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect"
7 = {HashMap$Node#10736} "java.class.path" -> "/Users/rodrigoarantes1/Library/Application Support/IntelliJIdea14/Scala/launcher/sbt-launch.jar:/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA 14.app/Contents/lib/idea_rt.jar"
8 = {HashMap$Node#10737} "java.naming.provider.url" -> "/"
9 = {HashMap$Node#10738} "sbt.global.base" -> "/private/var/folders/8l/k806t46d2fl5sq2rt6gzp7z00000gp/T/sbt-global-plugin1stub"
10 = {HashMap$Node#10739} "java.vm.vendor" -> "Oracle Corporation"
11 = {HashMap$Node#10740} "sun.arch.data.model" -> "64"
12 = {HashMap$Node#10741} "jline.shutdownhook" -> "false"
13 = {HashMap$Node#10742} "java.vendor.url" -> "http://java.oracle.com/"
15 = {HashMap$Node#10744} "javax.persistence.jdbc.user" -> "USERNAME"
16 = {HashMap$Node#10745} "hibernate.transaction.factory_class" -> "class org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.jdbc.JdbcTransactionFactory"
17 = {HashMap$Node#10746} "javax.persistence.jdbc.url" -> "jdbc:oracle:thin:#"
18 = {HashMap$Node#10747} "jline.terminal" -> "none"
19 = {HashMap$Node#10748} "os.name" -> "Mac OS X"
20 = {HashMap$Node#10749} "java.vm.specification.version" -> "1.8"
21 = {HashMap$Node#10750} "sun.java.launcher" -> "SUN_STANDARD"
23 = {HashMap$Node#10752} "sun.boot.library.path" -> "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib"
24 = {HashMap$Node#10753} "sun.java.command" -> "xsbt.boot.Boot run"
25 = {HashMap$Node#10754} "http.nonProxyHosts" -> "local|*.local|169.254/16|*.169.254/16"
26 = {HashMap$Node#10755} "sun.cpu.endian" -> "little"
27 = {HashMap$Node#10756} "user.home" -> "/Users/rodrigoarantes1"
28 = {HashMap$Node#10757} "user.language" -> "en"
29 = {HashMap$Node#10758} "java.specification.vendor" -> "Oracle Corporation"
30 = {HashMap$Node#10759} "java.home" -> "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home/jre"
31 = {HashMap$Node#10760} "file.separator" -> "/"
32 = {HashMap$Node#10761} "line.separator" -> "\n"
33 = {HashMap$Node#10762} "java.vm.specification.vendor" -> "Oracle Corporation"
34 = {HashMap$Node#10763} "java.specification.name" -> "Java Platform API Specification"
35 = {HashMap$Node#10764} "java.awt.graphicsenv" -> "sun.awt.CGraphicsEnvironment"
36 = {HashMap$Node#10765} "javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" -> "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
37 = {HashMap$Node#10766} "sun.boot.class.path" -> "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/resources.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/rt.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/sunrsasign.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/jsse.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/jce.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/charsets.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/jfr.jar:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/classes"
38 = {HashMap$Node#10767} "jline.esc.timeout" -> "0"
39 = {HashMap$Node#10768} "sun.management.compiler" -> "HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers"
40 = {HashMap$Node#10769} "ftp.nonProxyHosts" -> "local|*.local|169.254/16|*.169.254/16"
41 = {HashMap$Node#10770} "java.runtime.version" -> "1.8.0_45-b14"
42 = {HashMap$Node#10771} "java.naming.factory.initial" -> "tyrex.naming.MemoryContextFactory"
43 = {HashMap$Node#10772} "user.name" -> "rodrigoarantes1"
44 = {HashMap$Node#10773} "path.separator" -> ":"
45 = {HashMap$Node#10774} "os.version" -> "10.10.4"
46 = {HashMap$Node#10775} "java.endorsed.dirs" -> "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/endorsed"
47 = {HashMap$Node#10776} "java.runtime.name" -> "Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment"
48 = {HashMap$Node#10777} "sbt.log.noformat" -> "true"
49 = {HashMap$Node#10778} "hibernate.ejb.persistenceUnitName" -> "oraclePersistenceUnit"
50 = {HashMap$Node#10779} "file.encoding" -> "UTF8"
51 = {HashMap$Node#10780} "sun.nio.ch.bugLevel" ->
52 = {HashMap$Node#10781} "java.vm.name" -> "Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM"
53 = {HashMap$Node#10782} "java.vendor.url.bug" -> "http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport/"
54 = {HashMap$Node#10783} "java.io.tmpdir" -> "/var/folders/8l/k806t46d2fl5sq2rt6gzp7z00000gp/T/"
55 = {HashMap$Node#10784} "java.version" -> "1.8.0_45"
57 = {HashMap$Node#10786} "os.arch" -> "x86_64"
58 = {HashMap$Node#10787} "java.vm.specification.name" -> "Java Virtual Machine Specification"
59 = {HashMap$Node#10788} "java.awt.printerjob" -> "sun.lwawt.macosx.CPrinterJob"
60 = {HashMap$Node#10789} "sun.os.patch.level" -> "unknown"
61 = {HashMap$Node#10790} "java.library.path" -> ":/Library/Oracle/instantclient_11_2:/Users/rodrigoarantes1/Library/Java/Extensions:/Library/Java/Extensions:/Network/Library/Java/Extensions:/System/Library/Java/Extensions:/usr/lib/java:.:/Users/rodrigoarantes1/SourceTree-Repos/Project/target/native_libraries/64bits"
62 = {HashMap$Node#10791} "java.vendor" -> "Oracle Corporation"
63 = {HashMap$Node#10792} "java.vm.info" -> "mixed mode"
64 = {HashMap$Node#10793} "java.vm.version" -> "25.45-b02"
65 = {HashMap$Node#10794} "hibernate.bytecode.use_reflection_optimizer" -> "false"
66 = {HashMap$Node#10795} "hibernate.connection.datasource" -> "OracleDS"
67 = {HashMap$Node#10796} "sun.io.unicode.encoding" -> "UnicodeBig"
68 = {HashMap$Node#10797} "java.ext.dirs" -> "/Users/rodrigoarantes1/Library/Java/Extensions:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/ext:/Library/Java/Extensions:/Network/Library/Java/Extensions:/System/Library/Java/Extensions:/usr/lib/java"
69 = {HashMap$Node#10798} "javax.persistence.jdbc.password" -> "ROOT"
70 = {HashMap$Node#10799} "java.class.version" -> "52.0"
71 = {HashMap$Node#10800} "socksNonProxyHosts" -> "local|*.local|169.254/16|*.169.254/16"
More Details:
The metadata generated by hibernate is:
connection = {OracleConnection#10996}
url = {String#10997} "jdbc:oracle:thin:#"
user = {String#10998} "USER_NAME"
password = {String#10999} "ROOT"
database = {String#11000} ""
auto_commit = true
protocol = {String#11001} "thin"
db_access = {TTC7Protocol#11002}
conversion = {TTCConversion#11003}
lob_dbaccess = null
XA_wants_error = false
UsingXA = false
m_txn_mode = 0
fdo = null
big_endian = null
statement_table = {Hashtable#11004} size = 0
closed = false
m_clientIdSet = false
m_clientId = null
default_batch = 1
default_row_prefetch = 10
report_remarks = false
include_synonyms = false
restrict_getTables = false
m_accumulateBatchResult = true
m_j2ee13Compliant = false
m_v8compatible = false
looseTimestampDateCheck = false
dataSizeScale = 1
noCachingBuffer = false
trans_level = 2
map = null
m_javaObjectMap = {Hashtable#11005} size = 0
descriptorCache = {Hashtable#11006} size = 0
statement_holding_line = null
m_dbMetaData = {OracleDatabaseMetaData#10994}
connection = {OracleConnection#10996}
url = {String#10997} "jdbc:oracle:thin:#"
user = {String#10998} "USER_NAME"
password = {String#10999} "ROOT"
database = {String#11000} ""
auto_commit = true
protocol = {String#11001} "thin"
db_access = {TTC7Protocol#11002}
conversion = {TTCConversion#11003}
lob_dbaccess = null
XA_wants_error = false
UsingXA = false
m_txn_mode = 0
fdo = null
big_endian = null
statement_table = {Hashtable#11004} size = 0
closed = false
m_clientIdSet = false
m_clientId = null
default_batch = 1
default_row_prefetch = 10
report_remarks = false
include_synonyms = false
restrict_getTables = false
m_accumulateBatchResult = true
m_j2ee13Compliant = false
m_v8compatible = false
looseTimestampDateCheck = false
dataSizeScale = 1
noCachingBuffer = false
trans_level = 2
map = null
m_javaObjectMap = {Hashtable#11005} size = 0
descriptorCache = {Hashtable#11006} size = 0
statement_holding_line = null
m_dbMetaData = {OracleDatabaseMetaData#10994}
connection = {OracleConnection#10996}
url = {String#10997} "jdbc:oracle:thin:#"
user = {String#10998} "USER_NAME"
password = {String#10999} "ROOT"
database = {String#11000} ""
auto_commit = true
protocol = {String#11001} "thin"
db_access = {TTC7Protocol#11002}
conversion = {TTCConversion#11003}
lob_dbaccess = null
XA_wants_error = false
UsingXA = false
m_txn_mode = 0
fdo = null
big_endian = null
statement_table = {Hashtable#11004} size = 0
closed = false
m_clientIdSet = false
m_clientId = null
default_batch = 1
default_row_prefetch = 10
report_remarks = false
include_synonyms = false
restrict_getTables = false
m_accumulateBatchResult = true
m_j2ee13Compliant = false
m_v8compatible = false
looseTimestampDateCheck = false
dataSizeScale = 1
noCachingBuffer = false
trans_level = 2
map = null
m_javaObjectMap = {Hashtable#11005} size = 0
descriptorCache = {Hashtable#11006} size = 0
statement_holding_line = null
m_dbMetaData = {OracleDatabaseMetaData#10994}
physicalStatus = true
logicalHandle = false
m_opc = null
m_opc_oc = null
m_osql = {OracleSql#11007}
m_warning = null
m_readOnly = false
m_startTime = 0
statementCache = null
m_stmtClearMetaData = false
m_process_escapes = true
m_defaultAutoRefetch = true
m_occ = null
m_privData = null
defaultFixedString = false
m_svptStmt = null
wrapper = null
connectionProperties = {Properties#11008} size = 3
timeout = null
m_clientData = null
m_sessionTimeZone = null
m_dbTzCalendar = null
procedureResultUnknown = 0
procedureNoResult = 1
procedureReturnsResult = 2
procedureColumnUnknown = 0
procedureColumnIn = 1
procedureColumnInOut = 2
procedureColumnOut = 4
procedureColumnReturn = 5
procedureColumnResult = 3
procedureNoNulls = 0
procedureNullable = 1
procedureNullableUnknown = 2
columnNoNulls = 0
columnNullable = 1
columnNullableUnknown = 2
versionColumnUnknown = 0
versionColumnNotPseudo = 1
versionColumnPseudo = 2
importedKeyCascade = 0
importedKeyRestrict = 1
importedKeySetNull = 2
typeNoNulls = 0
typeNullable = 1
typeNullableUnknown = 2
typePredNone = 0
typePredChar = 1
typePredBasic = 2
typeSearchable = 3
tableIndexStatistic = 0
tableIndexClustered = 1
tableIndexHashed = 2
tableIndexOther = 3
attributeNoNulls = 0
attributeNullable = 1
attributeNullableUnknown = 2
sqlStateXOpen = 1
sqlStateSQL99 = 2
physicalStatus = true
logicalHandle = false
m_opc = null
m_opc_oc = null
m_osql = {OracleSql#11007}
isV8Compatible = false
current_argument = 1
parameterCount = 0
i = 26
length = 26
c = 'E' 69
first = false
in_string = false
odbc_sql = {String#11009} "SET TRANSACTION READ WRITE"
oracle_sql = {StringBuffer#11010} "SET TRANSACTION READ WRITE"
token_buffer = {StringBuffer#11011} ""
isLocate = false
m_warning = null
m_readOnly = false
m_startTime = 0
statementCache = null
m_stmtClearMetaData = false
m_process_escapes = true
m_defaultAutoRefetch = true
m_occ = null
m_privData = null
defaultFixedString = false
m_svptStmt = null
wrapper = null
connectionProperties = {Properties#11008} size = 3
0 = {Hashtable$Entry#11018} "user" -> "USER_NAME"
1 = {Hashtable$Entry#11019} "dll" -> "ocijdbc9"
2 = {Hashtable$Entry#11020} "protocol" -> "thin"
timeout = null
m_clientData = null
m_sessionTimeZone = null
m_dbTzCalendar = null
procedureResultUnknown = 0
procedureNoResult = 1
procedureReturnsResult = 2
procedureColumnUnknown = 0
procedureColumnIn = 1
procedureColumnInOut = 2
procedureColumnOut = 4
procedureColumnReturn = 5
procedureColumnResult = 3
procedureNoNulls = 0
procedureNullable = 1
procedureNullableUnknown = 2
columnNoNulls = 0
columnNullable = 1
columnNullableUnknown = 2
versionColumnUnknown = 0
versionColumnNotPseudo = 1
versionColumnPseudo = 2
importedKeyCascade = 0
importedKeyRestrict = 1
importedKeySetNull = 2
typeNoNulls = 0
typeNullable = 1
typeNullableUnknown = 2
typePredNone = 0
typePredChar = 1
typePredBasic = 2
typeSearchable = 3
tableIndexStatistic = 0
tableIndexClustered = 1
tableIndexHashed = 2
tableIndexOther = 3
attributeNoNulls = 0
attributeNullable = 1
attributeNullableUnknown = 2
sqlStateXOpen = 1
sqlStateSQL99 = 2
physicalStatus = true
logicalHandle = false
m_opc = null
m_opc_oc = null
m_osql = {OracleSql#11007}
isV8Compatible = false
current_argument = 1
parameterCount = 0
i = 26
length = 26
c = 'E' 69
first = false
in_string = false
odbc_sql = {String#11009} "SET TRANSACTION READ WRITE"
oracle_sql = {StringBuffer#11010} "SET TRANSACTION READ WRITE"
token_buffer = {StringBuffer#11011} ""
isLocate = false
m_warning = null
m_readOnly = false
m_startTime = 0
statementCache = null
m_stmtClearMetaData = false
m_process_escapes = true
m_defaultAutoRefetch = true
m_occ = null
m_privData = null
defaultFixedString = false
m_svptStmt = null
wrapper = null
connectionProperties = {Properties#11008} size = 3
timeout = null
m_clientData = null
m_sessionTimeZone = null
m_dbTzCalendar = null
procedureResultUnknown = 0
procedureNoResult = 1
procedureReturnsResult = 2
procedureColumnUnknown = 0
procedureColumnIn = 1
procedureColumnInOut = 2
procedureColumnOut = 4
procedureColumnReturn = 5
procedureColumnResult = 3
procedureNoNulls = 0
procedureNullable = 1
procedureNullableUnknown = 2
columnNoNulls = 0
columnNullable = 1
columnNullableUnknown = 2
versionColumnUnknown = 0
versionColumnNotPseudo = 1
versionColumnPseudo = 2
importedKeyCascade = 0
importedKeyRestrict = 1
importedKeySetNull = 2
typeNoNulls = 0
typeNullable = 1
typeNullableUnknown = 2
typePredNone = 0
typePredChar = 1
typePredBasic = 2
typeSearchable = 3
tableIndexStatistic = 0
tableIndexClustered = 1
tableIndexHashed = 2
tableIndexOther = 3
attributeNoNulls = 0
attributeNullable = 1
attributeNullableUnknown = 2
sqlStateXOpen = 1
sqlStateSQL99 = 2
The Exception being thrown by Hibernate:
File: JdbcServicesImpl.java
Method: meta.supportsNamedParameters();
SQLState = null
vendorCode = 17023
next = null
detailMessage = {String#13599} "Unsupported feature"
cause = {SQLException#13595} "java.sql.SQLException: Unsupported feature"
stackTrace = {StackTraceElement[0]#13600}
suppressedExceptions = {Collections$UnmodifiableRandomAccessList#13601} size = 0
Could someone help me figuring out what the problem might be and how to solve it?
Any help is really appreciated.
Thank you

Since I havent used play, my answer is not a copy and paste but it will show you the way how to do it.
It seems that you are missing a lot of properties in your persistence unit. You are not providing required fields such as username, password, url schema etc. Please have a look at:
An example for hsqldb is from the docs above:
<persistence-unit name="manager1" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" value="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"/>
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.user" value="sa"/>
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.password" value=""/>
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:hsqldb:."/>
<property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect"/
<property name="hibernate.max_fetch_depth" value="3"/>
<!-- cache configuration -->
<property name="hibernate.ejb.classcache.org.hibernate.ejb.test.Item" value="read-write"/>
<property name="hibernate.ejb.collectioncache.org.hibernate.ejb.test.Item.distributors" value="read-write, RegionName"/>
<!-- alternatively to <class> and <property> declarations, you can use a regular hibernate.cfg.xml file -->
<!-- property name="hibernate.ejb.cfgfile" value="/org/hibernate/ejb/test/hibernate.cfg.xml"/ -->

The issue was related to the Oracle driver.
My original configuration works fine with the driver ojdbc7.jar
So my play/jpa configuration remained as:
<persistence xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence"
<persistence-unit name="defaultPersistenceUnit" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
<property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect" />
I hope it helps someone
I also tried with ojdbc14.jar because I needed to connect o an oracle 8i server.
You only need to add the following property to your persistence.xml
<property name="hibernate.temp.use_jdbc_metadata_defaults" value="false"/>


Error with the message "Cannot cast (inet::physicallayer::Ieee80211DimensionalTransmission*) to type 'const inet::physicallayer::IScalarSignal *'"

I use Omnet++ and Inet 4.4, I want to simulate a scenario to investigate the effect of interference, which is as follows:
In a network consisting of two pairs of nodes including a node called source and a node called destination, in which node source sends packets to node destination and is tuned in channel 2 of Ieee802.11b/g, let's examine the second pair consisting of node Node1 and node Node2, which node Node1 sends packets to node Node 4 and is tuned in channel 4.
But recently a problem appear very often and the simulations are stopped, the error is this:
check_and_cast(): Cannot cast (inet::physicallayer::Ieee80211DimensionalTransmission*) to type 'const inet::physicallayer::IScalarSignal *' -- in module (inet::physicallayer::Ieee80211Radio) AnalogModelShowcaseDistanceNetworkRM.source.wlan[1].radio (id=200), at t=0.001s, event #24
My omnetpp.ini is as:
[Config Distance]
network = AnalogModelShowcaseDistanceNetworkRM
sim-time-limit = 5s
# Maryam **.radio.packetErrorRate.result-recording-modes = +vector
# Maryam **.radio.bitErrorRate.result-recording-modes = +vector
# application parameters
*.source.numApps = 1
*.source.app[0].typename = "UdpBasicApp"
*.source.app[*].destAddresses = "destination"
*.source.app[*].destPort = 1000
*.source.app[*].messageLength = 1000byte
*.source.app[*].sendInterval = 1ms
*.destination.numApps = 1
*.destination.app[0].typename = "UdpSink"
*.destination.app[*].localPort = 1000
*.Node1.numApps = 1
*.Node1.app[0].typename = "UdpBasicApp"
*.Node1.app[*].destAddresses = "Node2"
*.Node1.app[*].destPort = 1001
*.Node1.app[*].messageLength = 1000byte
*.Node1.app[*].sendInterval = 1ms
*.Node2.numApps = 1
*.Node2.app[0].typename = "UdpSink"
*.Node2.app[*].localPort = 1001
*.source.numWlanInterfaces = 2
*.destination.numWlanInterfaces = 2
*.Node1.numWlanInterfaces = 2
*.Node2.numWlanInterfaces = 2
*.source.wlan[*].radio.typename = "Ieee80211DimensionalRadio"
*.destination.wlan[*].radio.typename = "Ieee80211DimensionalRadio"
*.Node*.wlan[*].radio.typename = "Ieee80211DimensionalRadio"
*.source.wlan[*].radio.centerFrequency = 2.412GHz
*.source.wlan[*].radio.bandwidth = 2MHz
*.source.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.power = 2mW
*.source.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.bitrate = 2Mbps
*.source.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.preambleDuration = 0s
*.source.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.headerLength = 96b
*.source.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.modulation = "BPSK"
*.source.wlan[*].radio.receiver.sensitivity = -85dBm
*.source.wlan[*].radio.receiver.energyDetection = -85dBm
*.source.wlan[*].radio.receiver.snirThreshold = 4dB
*.destination.wlan[*].radio.centerFrequency = 2.412GHz
*.destination.wlan[*].radio.bandwidth = 2MHz
*.destination.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.power = 2mW
*.destination.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.bitrate = 2Mbps
*.destination.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.preambleDuration = 0s
*.destination.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.headerLength = 96b
*.destination.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.modulation = "BPSK"
*.destination.wlan[*].radio.receiver.sensitivity = -85dBm
*.destination.wlan[*].radio.receiver.energyDetection = -85dBm
*.destination.wlan[*].radio.receiver.snirThreshold = 4dB
*.Node*.wlan[*].radio.centerFrequency = 2.412GHz
*.Node*.wlan[*].radio.bandwidth = 2MHz
*.Node*.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.power = 2mW
*.Node*.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.bitrate = 2Mbps
*.Node*.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.preambleDuration = 0s
*.Node*.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.headerLength = 96b
*.Node*.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.modulation = "BPSK"
*.Node*.wlan[*].radio.receiver.sensitivity = -85dBm
*.Node*.wlan[*].radio.receiver.energyDetection = -85dBm
*.Node*.wlan[*].radio.receiver.snirThreshold = 4dB
*.source.wlan[0].radio.channelNumber = 2
*.destination.wlan[0].radio.channelNumber = 2
*.Node1.wlan[0].radio.channelNumber = 4
*.Node2.wlan[0].radio.channelNumber = 4
# mobility parameters
*.destination.mobility.typename = "LinearMobility"
*.destination.mobility.initialMovementHeading = 0deg
*.destination.mobility.speed = 200mps
*.destination.mobility.constraintAreaMinX = 500m
*.destination.mobility.constraintAreaMaxX = 1200m
# wlan
*.source.**.transmitter.power = 12mW
*.source.**.displayCommunicationRange = true
**.backgroundNoise.power = -105dBm
**.wlan*.mac.*.rateSelection.dataFrameBitrate = 54Mbps
**.wlan*.mac.dcf.channelAccess.pendingQueue.packetCapacity = 14
# visualizer parameters
*.visualizer.*.numStatisticVisualizers = 2
*.visualizer.*.statisticVisualizer[0].signalName = "packetSentToUpper"
*.visualizer.*.statisticVisualizer[0].statisticExpression = "packetErrorRate"
*.visualizer.*.statisticVisualizer[0].sourceFilter = "*.destination.wlan[*].radio"
*.visualizer.*.statisticVisualizer[0].format = "packetErrorRate(Maryam): %v"
*.visualizer.*.statisticVisualizer[1].signalName = "packetSentToUpper"
*.visualizer.*.statisticVisualizer[1].statisticExpression = "minimumSnir"
*.visualizer.*.statisticVisualizer[1].sourceFilter = "*.destination.wlan[*].radio"
*.visualizer.*.statisticVisualizer[1].format = "SNIR(Maryam): %v"
*.visualizer.*.statisticVisualizer[1].placementHint = "topLeft"
*.visualizer.*.dataLinkVisualizer[0].displayLinks = true
*.visualizer.*.packetDropVisualizer[0].displayPacketDrops = true
*.visualizer.*.packetDropVisualizer[0].nodeFilter = "destination"
*.visualizer.*.packetDropVisualizer[0].labelFormat = "(Maryam) %r"
*.visualizer.*.infoVisualizer[0].displayInfos = true
*.visualizer.*.infoVisualizer[0].modules = "*.destination.app[0]"
How do I solve this?
You need to set the radioMedium type to dimensional as well
radioMedium: Ieee80211DimensionalRadioMedium {
In the NED file.

mysql_query_rules defined in proxysql.cnf but not loaded

My proxysql.cnf contains:
# ...
active = 1
match_digest = "^SHOW.*"
destination_hostgroup = 3
apply = 0
active = 1
match_digest = "^SELECT.*"
destination_hostgroup = 3
apply = 0
active = 1
match_digest = "^SELECT.* FOR UPDATE"
destination_hostgroup = 2
apply = 1
# ...
But when proxysql starts, the mysql_query_rules defintion is not loaded.
select * from mysql_query_rules;
Empty set (0.001 sec)
How to make proxysql loads the mysql_query_rules definition from the proxysql.cnf file at startup?
The rule_id field is mandatory.
active = 1
match_digest = "^SHOW.*"
destination_hostgroup = 3
apply = 0

tensorflow: After adding a rnn the whole work doesn't work

I have downloaded a code of FCN for image segmentation and it ran well. Now I want to add a rnn layer attempting to refine the result according to the work "ReSeg: A Recurrent Neural Network-Based Model for Semantic Segmentation". My code shows as follows:
This part is for the inference:
def inference(image, keep_prob):
Semantic segmentation network definition
:param image: input image. Should have values in range 0-255
:param keep_prob:
print("setting up vgg initialized conv layers ...")
#model_data = utils.get_model_data(FLAGS.model_dir, MODEL_URL)
model_data = scipy.io.loadmat("H:/Deep Learning/FCN.tensorflow-master/imagenet-vgg-verydeep-19.mat")
mean = model_data['normalization'][0][0][0]
mean_pixel = np.mean(mean, axis=(0, 1))
weights = np.squeeze(model_data['layers'])
processed_image = utils.process_image(image, mean_pixel)
with tf.variable_scope("inference"):
image_net = vgg_net(weights, processed_image)
conv_final_layer = image_net["conv5_3"]
pool5 = utils.max_pool_2x2(conv_final_layer)
W6 = utils.weight_variable([7, 7, 512, 4096], name="W6")
b6 = utils.bias_variable([4096], name="b6")
conv6 = utils.conv2d_basic(pool5, W6, b6)
relu6 = tf.nn.relu(conv6, name="relu6")
if FLAGS.debug:
relu_dropout6 = tf.nn.dropout(relu6, keep_prob=keep_prob)
W7 = utils.weight_variable([1, 1, 4096, 4096], name="W7")
b7 = utils.bias_variable([4096], name="b7")
conv7 = utils.conv2d_basic(relu_dropout6, W7, b7)
relu7 = tf.nn.relu(conv7, name="relu7")
if FLAGS.debug:
relu_dropout7 = tf.nn.dropout(relu7, keep_prob=keep_prob)
W8 = utils.weight_variable([1, 1, 4096, NUM_OF_CLASSESS], name="W8")
b8 = utils.bias_variable([NUM_OF_CLASSESS], name="b8")
conv8 = utils.conv2d_basic(relu_dropout7, W8, b8)
# annotation_pred1 = tf.argmax(conv8, dimension=3, name="prediction1")
# now to upscale to actual image size
deconv_shape1 = image_net["pool4"].get_shape()
W_t1 = utils.weight_variable([4, 4, deconv_shape1[3].value, NUM_OF_CLASSESS], name="W_t1")
b_t1 = utils.bias_variable([deconv_shape1[3].value], name="b_t1")
conv_t1 = utils.conv2d_transpose_strided(conv8, W_t1, b_t1, output_shape=tf.shape(image_net["pool4"]))
#fuse_1 = tf.add(conv_t1, image_net["pool4"], name="fuse_1")
deconv_shape2 = image_net["pool3"].get_shape()
W_t2 = utils.weight_variable([4, 4, deconv_shape2[3].value, deconv_shape1[3].value], name="W_t2")
b_t2 = utils.bias_variable([deconv_shape2[3].value], name="b_t2")
conv_t2 = utils.conv2d_transpose_strided(conv_t1, W_t2, b_t2, output_shape=tf.shape(image_net["pool3"]))
#fuse_2 = tf.add(conv_t2, image_net["pool3"], name="fuse_2")
shape = tf.shape(image)
deconv_shape3 = tf.stack([shape[0], shape[1], shape[2], NUM_OF_CLASSESS])
W_t3 = utils.weight_variable([16, 16, NUM_OF_CLASSESS, deconv_shape2[3].value], name="W_t3")
b_t3 = utils.bias_variable([NUM_OF_CLASSESS], name="b_t3")
conv_t3 = utils.conv2d_transpose_strided(conv_t2, W_t3, b_t3, output_shape=deconv_shape3, stride=8)
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////this is from where i added the rnn
shape_5 = tf.shape(image)
W_a = 224
H_a = 224
p_size_a = NUM_OF_CLASSESS
# x = tf.reshape(conv_t1, [shape_5[0],H_a,W_a, p_size_a])
x = tf.transpose(conv_t3, perm=[0,2,1,3])
x = tf.reshape(x,[-1,H_a,p_size_a])
mat = tf.unstack(x, H_a, 1)
lstm_fw_cell = rnn.BasicLSTMCell(N_HIDDEN, forget_bias=1.0)
lstm_bw_cell = rnn.BasicLSTMCell(N_HIDDEN, forget_bias=1.0)
#with tf.variable_scope('rnn1_1'):
outputs, _, _ = rnn.static_bidirectional_rnn(lstm_fw_cell, lstm_bw_cell, mat,
except Exception: # Old TensorFlow version only returns outputs not states
outputs = rnn.static_bidirectional_rnn(lstm_fw_cell, lstm_bw_cell, mat,
outputs1 = tf.reshape(outputs,[H_a, shape_5[0], W_a, 2 * N_HIDDEN])
outputs1 = tf.transpose(outputs1,(1,0,2,3))
x_1 = tf.reshape(outputs1,[-1,W_a,2 * N_HIDDEN])
mat_1 = tf.unstack(x_1, W_a, 1)
lstm_lw_cell = rnn.BasicLSTMCell(N_HIDDEN, forget_bias=1.0)
lstm_rw_cell = rnn.BasicLSTMCell(N_HIDDEN, forget_bias=1.0)
#with tf.variable_scope('rnn1_2'):
outputs2, _, _ = rnn.static_bidirectional_rnn(lstm_lw_cell, lstm_rw_cell, mat_1,
dtype=tf.float32,scope = 'rnn1_2')
except Exception: # Old TensorFlow version only returns outputs not states
outputs2 = rnn.static_bidirectional_rnn(lstm_lw_cell, lstm_rw_cell, mat_1,
outputs2 = tf.reshape(outputs,[W_a, shape_5[0], H_a, 2 * N_HIDDEN])
outputs2 = tf.transpose(outputs2,(1,2,0,3))
///////////////////////////////////////////////////till here
annotation_pred = tf.argmax(outputs2, dimension=3, name="prediction")
return tf.expand_dims(annotation_pred, dim=3), outputs2
and this part is for the training:
def train(loss_val, var_list):
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(FLAGS.learning_rate)
grads = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss_val, var_list=var_list)
if FLAGS.debug:
# print(len(var_list))
for grad, var in grads:
utils.add_gradient_summary(grad, var)
return optimizer.apply_gradients(grads)
def main(argv=None):
keep_probability = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="keep_probabilty")
image = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE, 3], name="input_image")
annotation = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None, IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE, 1], name="annotation")
pred_annotation, logits = inference(image, keep_probability)
tf.summary.image("input_image", image, max_outputs=2)
tf.summary.image("ground_truth", tf.cast(annotation, tf.uint8), max_outputs=2)
tf.summary.image("pred_annotation", tf.cast(pred_annotation, tf.uint8), max_outputs=2)
loss = tf.reduce_mean((tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits,
labels=tf.squeeze(annotation, squeeze_dims=[3]),
tf.summary.scalar("entropy", loss)
trainable_var = tf.trainable_variables()
if FLAGS.debug:
for var in trainable_var:
train_op = train(loss, trainable_var)
print("Setting up summary op...")
summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all()
print("Setting up image reader...")
train_records, valid_records = scene_parsing.read_dataset(FLAGS.data_dir)
print("Setting up dataset reader")
image_options = {'resize': True, 'resize_size': IMAGE_SIZE}
if FLAGS.mode == 'train':
train_dataset_reader = dataset.BatchDatset(train_records, image_options)
validation_dataset_reader = dataset.BatchDatset(valid_records, image_options)
sess = tf.Session()
print("Setting up Saver...")
saver = tf.train.Saver()
summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(FLAGS.logs_dir, sess.graph)
ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(FLAGS.logs_dir)
if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path:
saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)
print("Model restored...")
if FLAGS.mode == "train":
for itr in xrange(MAX_ITERATION):
train_images, train_annotations = train_dataset_reader.next_batch(FLAGS.batch_size)
feed_dict = {image: train_images, annotation: train_annotations, keep_probability: 0.85}
sess.run(train_op, feed_dict=feed_dict)
if itr % 10 == 0:
train_loss, summary_str = sess.run([loss, summary_op], feed_dict=feed_dict)
print("Step: %d, Train_loss:%g" % (itr, train_loss))
summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, itr)
if itr % 500 == 0:
valid_images, valid_annotations = validation_dataset_reader.next_batch(FLAGS.batch_size)
valid_loss = sess.run(loss, feed_dict={image: valid_images, annotation: valid_annotations,
keep_probability: 1.0})
print("%s ---> Validation_loss: %g" % (datetime.datetime.now(), valid_loss))
saver.save(sess, FLAGS.logs_dir + "model.ckpt", itr)
elif FLAGS.mode == "visualize":
valid_images, valid_annotations = validation_dataset_reader.get_random_batch(FLAGS.batch_size)
pred = sess.run(pred_annotation, feed_dict={image: valid_images, annotation: valid_annotations,
keep_probability: 1.0})
valid_annotations = np.squeeze(valid_annotations, axis=3)
pred = np.squeeze(pred, axis=3)
for itr in range(FLAGS.batch_size):
utils.save_image(valid_images[itr].astype(np.uint8), FLAGS.logs_dir, name="inp_" + str(5+itr))
utils.save_image(valid_annotations[itr].astype(np.uint8), FLAGS.logs_dir, name="gt_" + str(5+itr))
utils.save_image(pred[itr].astype(np.uint8), FLAGS.logs_dir, name="pred_" + str(5+itr))
print("Saved image: %d" % itr)
The error was described as:
Not found: Key inference/rnn1_2/fw/basic_lstm_cell/weights not found in checkpoint
So i think there must be something wrong with the variables.
I'll be very appreciate if someone could tell me how to fix it!
looking forward to your help!

converting UTF-8 string to ASCII in pure LUA

I have a question about sending and receiving data with special chars. (German Umlauts)
When I send the string "Café Zeezicht" with the code below, then on the server-side the string is oke.
But how can I receive and decode the receiving data that containing the same chars? Now it look likes "Caf? Zeezicht"
I am searching for a pure LUA function, because I have no ability to load libraries.
-- Function voor converting ASCII naar UTF8
-- return char as utf8 string
local function CodeToUTF8 (Unicode)
if (Unicode == nil) then
return ""
if (Unicode < 0x20) then return ' '; end;
if (Unicode <= 0x7F) then return string.char(Unicode); end;
if (Unicode <= 0x7FF) then
local Byte0 = 0xC0 + math.floor(Unicode / 0x40);
local Byte1 = 0x80 + (Unicode % 0x40);
return string.char(Byte0, Byte1);
if (Unicode <= 0xFFFF) then
local Byte0 = 0xE0 + math.floor(Unicode / 0x1000);
local Byte1 = 0x80 + (math.floor(Unicode / 0x40) % 0x40);
local Byte2 = 0x80 + (Unicode % 0x40);
return string.char(Byte0, Byte1, Byte2);
return ""; -- ignore UTF-32 for the moment
-- convert ascii string to utf8 string
function AsciiToUTF8(str)
result = ""
for i = 1, #str do
result = result .. CodeToUTF8(string.byte(str, i, i+1))
return result
-- Einde Function voor converting ASCII naar UTF8
local char, byte, pairs, floor = string.char, string.byte, pairs, math.floor
local table_insert, table_concat = table.insert, table.concat
local unpack = table.unpack or unpack
local function unicode_to_utf8(code)
-- converts numeric UTF code (U+code) to UTF-8 string
local t, h = {}, 128
while code >= h do
t[#t+1] = 128 + code%64
code = floor(code/64)
h = h > 32 and 32 or h/2
t[#t+1] = 256 - 2*h + code
return char(unpack(t)):reverse()
local function utf8_to_unicode(utf8str, pos)
-- pos = starting byte position inside input string (default 1)
pos = pos or 1
local code, size = utf8str:byte(pos), 1
if code >= 0xC0 and code < 0xFE then
local mask = 64
code = code - 128
local next_byte = utf8str:byte(pos + size) or 0
if next_byte >= 0x80 and next_byte < 0xC0 then
code, size = (code - mask - 2) * 64 + next_byte, size + 1
code, size = utf8str:byte(pos), 1
mask = mask * 32
until code < mask
-- returns code, number of bytes in this utf8 char
return code, size
local map_1252_to_unicode = {
[0x80] = 0x20AC,
[0x81] = 0x81,
[0x82] = 0x201A,
[0x83] = 0x0192,
[0x84] = 0x201E,
[0x85] = 0x2026,
[0x86] = 0x2020,
[0x87] = 0x2021,
[0x88] = 0x02C6,
[0x89] = 0x2030,
[0x8A] = 0x0160,
[0x8B] = 0x2039,
[0x8C] = 0x0152,
[0x8D] = 0x8D,
[0x8E] = 0x017D,
[0x8F] = 0x8F,
[0x90] = 0x90,
[0x91] = 0x2018,
[0x92] = 0x2019,
[0x93] = 0x201C,
[0x94] = 0x201D,
[0x95] = 0x2022,
[0x96] = 0x2013,
[0x97] = 0x2014,
[0x98] = 0x02DC,
[0x99] = 0x2122,
[0x9A] = 0x0161,
[0x9B] = 0x203A,
[0x9C] = 0x0153,
[0x9D] = 0x9D,
[0x9E] = 0x017E,
[0x9F] = 0x0178,
[0xA0] = 0x00A0,
[0xA1] = 0x00A1,
[0xA2] = 0x00A2,
[0xA3] = 0x00A3,
[0xA4] = 0x00A4,
[0xA5] = 0x00A5,
[0xA6] = 0x00A6,
[0xA7] = 0x00A7,
[0xA8] = 0x00A8,
[0xA9] = 0x00A9,
[0xAA] = 0x00AA,
[0xAB] = 0x00AB,
[0xAC] = 0x00AC,
[0xAD] = 0x00AD,
[0xAE] = 0x00AE,
[0xAF] = 0x00AF,
[0xB0] = 0x00B0,
[0xB1] = 0x00B1,
[0xB2] = 0x00B2,
[0xB3] = 0x00B3,
[0xB4] = 0x00B4,
[0xB5] = 0x00B5,
[0xB6] = 0x00B6,
[0xB7] = 0x00B7,
[0xB8] = 0x00B8,
[0xB9] = 0x00B9,
[0xBA] = 0x00BA,
[0xBB] = 0x00BB,
[0xBC] = 0x00BC,
[0xBD] = 0x00BD,
[0xBE] = 0x00BE,
[0xBF] = 0x00BF,
[0xC0] = 0x00C0,
[0xC1] = 0x00C1,
[0xC2] = 0x00C2,
[0xC3] = 0x00C3,
[0xC4] = 0x00C4,
[0xC5] = 0x00C5,
[0xC6] = 0x00C6,
[0xC7] = 0x00C7,
[0xC8] = 0x00C8,
[0xC9] = 0x00C9,
[0xCA] = 0x00CA,
[0xCB] = 0x00CB,
[0xCC] = 0x00CC,
[0xCD] = 0x00CD,
[0xCE] = 0x00CE,
[0xCF] = 0x00CF,
[0xD0] = 0x00D0,
[0xD1] = 0x00D1,
[0xD2] = 0x00D2,
[0xD3] = 0x00D3,
[0xD4] = 0x00D4,
[0xD5] = 0x00D5,
[0xD6] = 0x00D6,
[0xD7] = 0x00D7,
[0xD8] = 0x00D8,
[0xD9] = 0x00D9,
[0xDA] = 0x00DA,
[0xDB] = 0x00DB,
[0xDC] = 0x00DC,
[0xDD] = 0x00DD,
[0xDE] = 0x00DE,
[0xDF] = 0x00DF,
[0xE0] = 0x00E0,
[0xE1] = 0x00E1,
[0xE2] = 0x00E2,
[0xE3] = 0x00E3,
[0xE4] = 0x00E4,
[0xE5] = 0x00E5,
[0xE6] = 0x00E6,
[0xE7] = 0x00E7,
[0xE8] = 0x00E8,
[0xE9] = 0x00E9,
[0xEA] = 0x00EA,
[0xEB] = 0x00EB,
[0xEC] = 0x00EC,
[0xED] = 0x00ED,
[0xEE] = 0x00EE,
[0xEF] = 0x00EF,
[0xF0] = 0x00F0,
[0xF1] = 0x00F1,
[0xF2] = 0x00F2,
[0xF3] = 0x00F3,
[0xF4] = 0x00F4,
[0xF5] = 0x00F5,
[0xF6] = 0x00F6,
[0xF7] = 0x00F7,
[0xF8] = 0x00F8,
[0xF9] = 0x00F9,
[0xFA] = 0x00FA,
[0xFB] = 0x00FB,
[0xFC] = 0x00FC,
[0xFD] = 0x00FD,
[0xFE] = 0x00FE,
[0xFF] = 0x00FF,
local map_unicode_to_1252 = {}
for code1252, code in pairs(map_1252_to_unicode) do
map_unicode_to_1252[code] = code1252
function string.fromutf8(utf8str)
local pos, result_1252 = 1, {}
while pos <= #utf8str do
local code, size = utf8_to_unicode(utf8str, pos)
pos = pos + size
code = code < 128 and code or map_unicode_to_1252[code] or ('?'):byte()
table_insert(result_1252, char(code))
return table_concat(result_1252)
function string.toutf8(str1252)
local result_utf8 = {}
for pos = 1, #str1252 do
local code = str1252:byte(pos)
table_insert(result_utf8, unicode_to_utf8(map_1252_to_unicode[code] or code))
return table_concat(result_utf8)
local str1252 = "1\128" -- "one euro" in latin-1
local str_utf8 = str1252:toutf8() -- "1\226\130\172" -- one euro in utf-8
local str1252_2 = str_utf8:fromutf8()

Need help trying to get gateway running ( mx.rpc.events::FaultEvent #0 )

I followed the setup for http://www.zamfbrowser.org/documentation.html
When I access http://www.zamfbrowser.org/zamf_demo/gateway.php
When I access the http://localhost/gateway.php I get this error message which
There was an error loading the server's info. Error: (mx.rpc.events::FaultEvent)#0
bubbles = false
cancelable = true
currentTarget = (mx.rpc.remoting.mxml::RemoteObject)#1
channelSet = (mx.messaging::ChannelSet)#2
authenticated = false
channelIds = (Array)#3
[0] (null)
channels = (Array)#4
[0] (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#5
authenticated = false
channelSets = (Array)#6
connected = false
connectTimeout = -1
enableSmallMessages = true
endpoint = "http://localhot/gateway.php"
failoverURIs = (Array)#7
id = (null)
mpiEnabled = false
netConnection = (flash.net::NetConnection)#8
client = (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#5
connected = false
maxPeerConnections = 8
objectEncoding = 3
proxyType = "none"
uri = (null)
piggybackingEnabled = false
polling = false
pollingEnabled = true
pollingInterval = 3000
protocol = "http"
reconnecting = false
recordMessageSizes = false
recordMessageTimes = false
requestTimeout = -1
uri = "http://localhot/gateway.php"
url = "http://localhot/gateway.php"
useSmallMessages = false
clustered = false
connected = false
currentChannel = (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#5
heartbeatInterval = 0
initialDestinationId = (null)
messageAgents = (Array)#9
[0] (mx.rpc::AsyncRequest)#10
authenticated = false
autoConnect = true
channelSet = (mx.messaging::ChannelSet)#2
clientId = (null)
connected = false
defaultHeaders = (null)
destination = "AMF"
id = "1D3472F3-161B-0099-5187-B4A799F5FC4C"
priority = -1
reconnectAttempts = 0
reconnectInterval = 0
requestTimeout = -1
subtopic = ""
concurrency = "multiple"
convertParametersHandler = (null)
convertResultHandler = (null)
destination = "AMF"
endpoint = "http://localhot/gateway.php"
getServices = (mx.rpc.remoting.mxml::Operation)#11
argumentNames = (Array)#12
arguments = (Object)#13
concurrency = "multiple"
lastResult = (null)
makeObjectsBindable = true
name = "getServices"
operationManager = (null)
properties = (null)
resultElementType = (null)
resultType = (null)
service = (mx.rpc.remoting.mxml::RemoteObject)#1
showBusyCursor = true
makeObjectsBindable = true
managers = (null)
operations = (Object)#14
getServices = (mx.rpc.remoting.mxml::Operation)#11
requestTimeout = -1
showBusyCursor = true
source = "ZendAmfServiceBrowser"
eventPhase = 2
fault = (mx.rpc::Fault)#15
content = (Object)#16
errorID = 0
faultCode = "Client.Error.DeliveryInDoubt"
faultDetail = "Channel disconnected before an acknowledgement was received"
faultString = "Channel disconnected"
message = "faultCode:Client.Error.DeliveryInDoubt faultString:'Channel disconnected' faultDetail:'Channel disconnected before an acknowledgement was received'"
name = "Error"
rootCause = (mx.messaging.events::ChannelEvent)#17
bubbles = false
cancelable = false
channel = (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#5
channelId = (null)
connected = false
currentTarget = (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#5
eventPhase = 2
reconnecting = true
rejected = false
target = (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#5
type = "channelDisconnect"
headers = (null)
message = (mx.messaging.messages::ErrorMessage)#18
body = (Object)#16
clientId = (null)
correlationId = "3407DB24-F4AD-C634-0E23-B4A799F60FC9"
destination = ""
extendedData = (null)
faultCode = "Client.Error.DeliveryInDoubt"
faultDetail = "Channel disconnected before an acknowledgement was received"
faultString = "Channel disconnected"
headers = (Object)#19
messageId = "FB5C929F-69E4-8573-F628-B4A79AFE514B"
rootCause = (mx.messaging.events::ChannelEvent)#17
timestamp = 0
timeToLive = 0
messageId = "FB5C929F-69E4-8573-F628-B4A79AFE514B"
statusCode = 0
target = (mx.rpc.remoting.mxml::RemoteObject)#1
token = (mx.rpc::AsyncToken)#20
message = (mx.messaging.messages::RemotingMessage)#21
body = (Array)#22
clientId = (null)
destination = "AMF"
headers = (Object)#23
DSEndpoint = (null)
DSId = "nil"
messageId = "3407DB24-F4AD-C634-0E23-B4A799F60FC9"
operation = "getServices"
source = "ZendAmfServiceBrowser"
timestamp = 0
timeToLive = 0
responders = (null)
result = (null)
type = "fault"
A lot of information and I don't really know what any of it means
When accessing http://localhost/gateway.php I get the message Zend Amf Endpoint
This seemed to be a windows 7 issue, the same code worked on my linux server, although I didn't solve it I'll just move on.
thanks M$
