Add Step Debugging to Release Build - visual-studio

I have a C++ project experiencing one of those annoying problems that show up in Release but not Debug build.
So I want to create a third build configuration that is identical to Release except that it generates the PDB files (anything else?) that are needed to support step debugging and value inspection within a VS debug session when it hits an exception.
What Compiler and Linker settings do I need to change to enable this?

Once you enable optimizations, you aren't able to inspect things that are optimized away.
When you see such an entity, switching to Assembly mode with source lines alongside and looking at the processor instructions can give you hints where it went (e.g. a variable could have been moved into a register, then you can inspect the register instead).
PDB generation is enabled by default in Release configuration in VS2008. If not, the linked question lists the relevant settings.


TwinCAT Is there a difference when building a project in release or debug mode?

I've always wondered if there is a difference if you build a PLC project in the Debug or Release configuration. I don't think there is since the .compileinfo file in the _CompileInfo folder is the same size and it has the same filename (some hash I guess). Also when I log in after building with the other configuration, I do not get the prompt if I want to log in with online changes.
Does anyone know if the build configuration has an influence on the compiled code?
Short answer:
No, there is no change to the built code.
Long Answer:
The Build Configuration Tools that are referred to are primarily designed for implementation with general text based languages, rather than the TwinCAT layer that Beckhoff has stacked on top of Visual Studio.
Under standard languages there are a lot of properties that can be managed at the project level, and these properties are what are being modified when you change from debug to release configuration.
Twincat projects however are made up of two separate projects (proj_a.tsproj, proj_a.plcproj), and Visual Studio only recognizes one of these as a project file that can be modified, the .tsproj.
So if you want to see what properties will be modified by swapping between debug and release, have a look at what properties are available from the .tsproj file.
If you want to test this yourself you can disable a project file (proj_a.tsproj) and swap between debug/release to see the disabled status change as a result of swapping between the two build configurations.

Why can the .exe file under the Release folder be used to debug in VC++?

I'm using Visual C++ 2010 to develop a Win32 application (without MFC). When I pressed F5 to debug my application, a new .exe file was produced under the Release folder rather than the Debug folder, because the project configuration in the current active solution configuration(which was Debug) was Release for some reason.
I was wondering why the .exe under Release folder, which seemed to be of a smaller size than the one under the Debug folder, could also be debugged.
Debug and Release are just a configuration names and a debugger knows nothing about which one is intended for debugging purposes right now.
Internally they are equal. The default property values is the only difference. You can easily swap them manually in order to debug optimized code, for example.
1) In Debug mode there are no optimizations performed by the compiler, while in Release mode there are optimizations. In release mode compiler performs some low-level changes to the code ,so that some pieces of code gets modified to achieve optimization.
2)In debug mode we have few settings enabled by default with help in generation of debug symbols and files related to it like Map file, PDB etc .These files are essential in debugging a crash dump .

Error loading some.dll: Unable to load the test container 'e:\some.dll' or one of its dependencies

I have a VS2010 C# project, that references a large set of native .dll's (a commercial java runtime). These file are referenced as 'Content' files in the project, since the need to be copied with the project.
The code in these libraries is called using PInvoke, there is no assembly reference.
Every time I compile the solution, the Visual Studio testing framework tries to load all the referenced dll files, expecting to find .net assemblies which may contain unit tests. Since the are no .net assemblies, the following exception is thrown:
Error loading some.dll: Unable to load the test container 'e:\some.dll' or one of its dependencies. If you build your test project assembly as a 64 bit assembly, it cannot be loaded. When you build your test project assembly, select "Any CPU" for the platform. To run your tests in 64 bit mode on a 64 bit processor, you must change your test settings in the Hosts tab to run your tests in a 32 bit process. Error details: Could not load file or assembly 'file:///e:\some.dll' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest.
This takes a whole lot of time, and I would like to tell Visual Studio to not try to load these files.
How can I tell Visual Studio to stop trying to load these files?
Correct me if I got this wrong:
You are including the P/Invoke target binaries in to the VS solution because you want the binaries to be copied over to the target directory when the solution is built. You want this because the project will execute from the target directory as soon as the VS solution is built. Correct?
Often times VS packages (both default and 3rd party) try to get smart about the solution content and will follow certain triggers (which are difficult to contain and control by ourselves) and load the solution and project content in their own ways. Fighting the battle in this area has poor ROI than employing a simpler work around (below).
While I can't provide you with an authoritative answer on how to tell VS's test package to not load all binaries, I suggest removing such binaries from the project as 'content' and leave them in your source control where they are today. Add a post-build task that will copy the said binaries over to the target. This will still give you the same result as it is working today but, takes those binaries out of reach for the test probes.
You must check out configuration settings by just right clicking on your solution name and click on "Configuration Manager"
It will open a pop up window for Configuration Manager.
Check not for the platform your projects are using it is better to choose any CPU.
Hope this can help.Give it a try:)
Because thats what your exeception says as you have quoted
I tried to repro this issue and found that the root cause is that you have set your test project to be compiled as !AnyCpu. Is there any particular reason why you would want this for managed test code?
So unless you change this you will continue to see this message.
If you want to continue using this configuration for your test project you would need to update your .testsettings file as suggested in the message.
Sorry if this seems remedial. I am including it for the sake of completeness.
General library behavior
A library can be referenced either in the project file (and so the compiler injects to code to load the references) or dynamically at runtime with LoadLibrary() or PInvoke calls. When a referenced library is loaded, a function at the entry point is run can in turn load any libraries it depends on. When loading the library, there is a well-known set of paths that Windows will search, including %WINDIR%\Assembly and the current directory. There's a lot of good conceptual information on Wikipedia about this. I recommend reading it.
Possible Root Causes
I can't tell from your question if you are having trouble building the application, building the tests, or executing either. Generally I would not expect PInvoke to cause compile errors.
Error during app build: VS generally will show you that you have a reference to a DLL it can't find. However, you may be missing a DLL that is needed to satisfy all the dependencies. To resolve, just add the reference to the missing DLL. (This is the simplest issue, so I'm guessing this isn't what you're seeing.)
Error during test build: Since your test will reference your application/library, it also needs to have the same reference. Usually the easiest way to ensure you are getting everything is to remove all references and add a reference to the project you are testing. It's possible you some additional libraries are necessary for some tests, but not your app/lib itself. These need to be added separately.
Error during app execution: This can happen when starting the application, or later when an call to the external library is made if late binding is used.
Error during test execution: This can happen the same as with app execution. However, tests can also be "partially built" to only execute a small number of tests. In these cases, some files may not be copied. Using the [DeploymentItem()] attribute, you can specify that a test requires the presence of certain files in the test or app/lib project to function. MSDN describes how this can be done.
For #1 & #2 the solution lies in adjusting the references in the project.
For #3 & #4, it may get trickier. There is a similar question to yours regarding Windows Mobile here which you may find useful, especially referring to using dumpbin to list out library dependencies. You can also use procmon from SysInternals to monitor file access during compile or load to see which files are not found. Then you can either include the missing file, or remove the library referencing it.
Good luck. Hope this helps.

Why have separate Debug and Release folders in Visual Studio?

By default, of course, Visual Studio creates separate bin folders for Debug and Release builds. We are having some minor issues dealing with those from the perspective of external dependencies, where sometimes we want release binaries and sometimes debug. It would make life slightly easier to just have a single bin folder on all projects and make that the target for both Debug and Release. We could then point our external scripts, etc. at a single location.
A co-worker questioned why we couldn't just do that--change the VS project settings to go to the same bin folder? I confess I couldn't really think of a good reason to keep them, other than easily being able to see on my local filesystem which are Debug and which are Release. But so what; what does that gain?
My question(s):
How do you leverage having distinct Debug and Release folders? What processes does this enable in your development?
What bad thing could happen if you fail to retain this distinction?
Inversely, if you have gone the "single folder" route, how has this helped you?
I am NOT asking why have separate Debug and Release builds. I understand the difference, and the place of each. My question concerns placing them in separate folders.
Dave, if you will compile Debug and Release to single folder, you may encounter the situation where some dll-s will not be recompiled after switching from Release to Debug and vice versa because dll files will be newer than source files. Yes, the "Rebuild" should help you, but if you forget this - you can have a few extra hours of debugging.
The way I see it, this is simply a convenience on the developer's machine allowing them to compile and run both Debug and Release builds simultaneously.
If you have scripts or tools running inside Visual Studio, the IDE allows you to use the ConfigurationName and other macros to obtain paths which are configuration-independent.
If you are running scripts and tools externally from the command-line (i.e. you are structuring some kind of release or deployment process around it), it is better to do this on a build server, where the distinction between Debug and Release goes away.
For example, when you invoke msbuild from the command-line (on the build server) you can specify the Configuration property for Debug or Release, and the OutputPath property to build to one location only (regardless of the Configuration).
One reason I use separate folders is that it guarantees that I only generate installers that use Release-build code. I use WiX, which allows me to specify the exact path to the files I want to include in the installer, so I end up specifying the path in the Release folder. (Of course, you can do the same using normal VS installers, so that isn't really the point.) If you forget to switch your project to Release before building, the installer doesn't build unless you have old code in the Release folder, in which case you end up with an old installer, so that's a bit of a pitfall. The way I get around that is to use post-build event on the WiX installer project that clears out the release folder after the WiX installer builds.
In a previous company we got round this problem by changing the names of the debug executable and dlls by appending a "D". So
MainProgram.exe & library.dll
MainProgramD.exe & libraryD.dll
This meant that they could co-exist in the same output folder and all scripts, paths etc. could just reference that. The intermediate files still need to go to separate folders as the names of these can't be changed.
Obviously you need to change all your references to point to the modified name for debug - which you will forget to do at some point.
I usually compile in Debug mode, but sometimes need to compile in Release mode. Unfortunately, they don't behave exactly the same in certain error situations. By having separate folders, I don't need to recompile everything just to change modes (and a full recompile of our stuff in Release mode will take a while).
I have an experience from somewhat bigger project. If there are few solutions using file references to other solutions, you have to point the reference to ONE directory, so obviously it has to be the "release" one for continuous/night build. Now you can imagine what happens if developer wants to work with debug versions - all the references point to release ones. If it pointed to the same directory, switching to debug would be only matter of recompiling all related stuff in debug mode and the file references would automatically point to debug versions since then.
On the other side, I don't see the point why developer would ever want to work with release versions (and switching back and forth) - the release mode is only useful for full/nighlty builds, so the solutions in VS can stay by default in debug mode, and build script (anyway) always does clean, release build.
Occasionally one may run into a particularly-nasty uninitialized memory problem that only occurs with a release build. If you are unable to maintain (as ChrisF suggests) separate names for your debug vs. release binaries it's really easy to loose track of which binary you're currently using.
Additionally, you may find yourself tweaking the compiler settings (i.e. optimization level, release-with-debug symbols for easy profiling, etc.) and it's much easier to keep these in order with separate folders.
It's all a matter of personal preference though - which is why Visual Studio makes it easy to change the options.
Visual Studio kinds of IDEs works what best for the crowd. They create the default project structure, binary folders. You could map the binaries to the single folder. Then you need to educate the other developers that Release/Debug files are stored in the same folder.
Developers would ask you, who you do like that?
In VC++, we have different libraries generated and you need to link the appropriate versions. Otherwise you will get linker error.
Being consistent in your assemblies is a good thing. You don't want to deal with issues around conditional compilation/etc. where your release and debug dlls are incompatible, but you're trying to run them against each other.
What everyone elsesaid about technical aspects are important. Another aspect is that you may run into race conditions if one build relies on the single-output-location build, but there's no synchronization between the two builds. If the first build can be re-run (especially in a different mode) after the second build starts, you won't really know if you're using a debug of release build.
And don't forget the human aspect: it's far easier to know what you're working with (and fix broken builds) if the two builds output to different locations.

Attaching to a foreign executable in Visual C++ 2003

I have an executable (compiled by someone else) that is hitting an assertion near my code. I work on the code in Visual C++ 2003, but I don't have a project file for this particular executable (the code is used to build many different tools). Is it possible to launch the binary in Visual C++'s debugger and just tell it where the sources are? I've done this before in GDB, so I know it ought to be possible.
Without the PDB symbols for that application you're going to have a tough time making heads or tails of what is going on and where. I think any source code information is going to be only in that PDB file that was created when whoever built that application.
This is assuming that the PDB file was EVER created for this application - which is not the default configuration for release mode VC++ projects I think. Since you're asserting, I guessing this is a debug configuration?
Short of any other answers, I would try attaching to the executable process in Visual Studio, setting a break point in your code and when you step into the process you don't have source to, it should ask for a source file.
Yes, it's possible. Just set up an empty project and specify the desired .exe file as debug target. I don't remember exactly how, but I know it's doable, because I used to set winamp.exe as debug target when I developed plug-ins for Winamp.
Since you don't have the source file it will only show the assembly code, but that might still be useful as you can also inspect memory, registers, etc.
If you are debugging an assertion in your own program you should be able to see the source just fine, since the path to the source file is stored in the executable when you compile it with debug information.
