Easy prolog queries - prolog

I am very new to prolog and although I’ve read some books I can definitely tell that my programming brain can’t think the Prolog way. The problem I would like to solve is pretty simple (I believe). I will describe it via an example.
Let’s say that I have a graph that contains 4 “types” of nodes and 3 edges that connect the nodes. The types can be A, B, C or D and as you can see from the image below (see Figure 1), A can be connected with B and C (A_To_B and A_To_C edges respectively), while C can be connected to D (C_To_D edge). There’s also an additional rule not shown on the picture: A can be connected to at most 1 C.
I would like to express these simple rules in Prolog to solve the problem shown in the second picture. There are 3 nodes which type is missing (labeled X?, Y? and Z?). By applying the above rules in my mind I can easily find that X? and Z? are of B type (as A can connect to no more than 1 Cs) and Y? is of type D as C can only connect to D.
Could please provide me any help on that? I am not writing just to pick the solution. I would like to learn Prolog as well so any suggestion on a book that explains Prolog to people who have never worked on such concepts before like me would be very welcome.
EDIT: Example that fails
I came up with the following two examples:
For example 1, the rules are
The possible solutions returned are [b,c] which is correct as we request at most 1 link from A to C meaning that 0 links is also acceptable.
In example 2 the rules change to the following:
Running the code here returns [c] which is wrong. b is also an acceptable solution as we require again at most 2 A to C links which means that having only 1 is OK.
I spent this weekend trying to figure out the solution. First of all, I believe that it works as intended in Example 1 simply because there's no link from A to C instantiated in the proposed solution (where checking if 2 can be b), so the can_connect(a,c,1) is not checked so the proposed solution is getting accepted. In Example 2, there's one A to C link already there so the can_connect(a,c,2) is checked and the solution where node 2 has type b is rejected as the rule checks if there are exactly 2 and not at most 2 links from A to C.
I find a solution which works at these scenarios but fails at some others. Here it is:
% value #3 is the lower bound and #4 is the upper bound.
% A C node can be connected by 0, 1 or 2 A nodes
%The same as previous solution
% No change here
% No change here
node_type(N, NT) :-
type(N, NT),
!. % assume a node has only one type
% No change here
node_type(N, NT) :-
maplist(check_connections(Typed), Typed),
memberchk(N:NT, Typed).
% No change here
assoc_types(Typed) :-
findall(N, type(N, _), L),
maplist(typed, L, Typed).
% No change here
typed(N, N:T) :-
type(N, T),
member(T, [a,b,c]).
% Changes here
check_connections(Graph, N:NT) :-
forall(link(N, M), (
memberchk(M:MT, Graph),
can_connect(NT, MT, L, U),
findall(X, (link(N, X), memberchk(X:MT, Graph)), Ts),
mybetween(L, U, Ts),
forall(can_connect(NT, Y, LM, UM), (
findall(P, (link(N,P),memberchk(P:Y, Graph)), Ss),
length(Ss, SsSize ),
% It is used to find if the length of a list is between two limits.
mybetween(Lower, Upper, MyList) :-
length(MyList, MySize),
This solution fails in this example
In this example, X? must be always b, Y? must always be C and Z? must always be D. It finds X? and Y? correctly but not Z?. I believe after some debugging that this is due the fact that in the current implementation I only check the can_connect rules that are related with links that start from a node and not that end to a node. However, I am not sure at all about that.
Any help is appreciated.

the representation of the problem needs to disambiguate nodes names, so we can express the links appropriately
now we can write
The underscore (anonymous variable) in Prolog plays a role similar to NULL in SQL, it can assume any value.
So, a first snippet
node_type(N, NT) :- type(N, NT), nonvar(NT), !. % assume a node has only one type
can be used to express what we know about the problem.
Facts can_connect/3 then can be read like
a can connect to any number of b
a can connect to just 1 c
Where we don't know the node type, a complex rule is needed, that infers the type of source node from the type of target node, and accounts for the counting constraint, something like
node_type(N, NT) :-
link(M, N),
type(M, MT),
can_connect(MT, NT, C),
aggregate(count, Y^(link(M, Y), type(Y, NT)), C).
?- forall(between(1,8,N), (node_type(N,T),writeln(N:T))).
edit if your Prolog doesn't have library(aggregate), from where aggregate/3 has been loaded, you can try
node_type(N, NT) :-
link(M, N),
type(M, MT),
can_connect(MT, NT, C),
findall(t, (link(M, Y), type(Y, NT)), Ts), length(Ts, C).
edit first of all, the updated graph, marked with types where known:
my previous code worked only under very restricted assumptions. Here is something more general, that checks the constraints over the full graph (as was suggested by #false comment), with a 'generate and test' approach.
node_type(N, NT) :-
maplist(check_connections(Typed), Typed),
memberchk(N:NT, Typed).
assoc_types(Typed) :-
findall(N, type(N, _), L),
maplist(typed, L, Typed).
typed(N, N:T) :- type(N, T), member(T, [a,b,c,d]).
check_connections(Graph, N:NT) :-
forall(link(N, M), (
memberchk(M:MT, Graph),
can_connect(NT, MT, C),
aggregate(count, X^(link(N, X), memberchk(X:MT, Graph)), C)
now ?- node_type(4,X). fails...


Prolog order of clauses causes pathfinding to fail

I am developing a path finding algorithm in Prolog, giving all nodes accessible by a path from a starting node. To avoid duplicate paths, visited nodes are kept in a list.
Nodes and neighbors are defined as below:
neighbor(X,Y) :- edge(X,Y).
neighbor(X,Y) :- edge(Y,X).
The original algorithm below works fine:
path2(X,Y) :-
pathHelper(X,Y,L) :-
\+ member(Y,L).
pathHelper(X,Y,H) :-
\+ member(Z,H),
This works fine
[debug] ?- path2(a,X).
X = b ;
X = c ;
X = d ;
X = d ;
X = c ;
however, when changing the order of the two clauses in the second definition, such as below
pathHelper(X,Y,L) :-
\+ member(Y,L),
When trying the same here, swipl returns the following:
[debug] ?- path2(a,X).
The query doesn't work anymore, and only returns false. I have tried to understand this through the tracecommand, but still can't make sense of what exactly is wrong.
In other words, I am failing to understand why the order of neighbor(X,Y)and \+ member(Y,L)is crucial here. It makes sense to have neighbor(X,Y) first in terms of efficiency, but not in terms of correctness to me.
You are now encountering the not so clean-cut borders of pure Prolog and its illogical surroundings. Welcome to the real world.
Or rather, not welcome! Instead, let's try to improve your definition. The key problem is
\+ member(Y, [a]), Y = b.
which fails while
Y = b, \+ member(Y,[a]).
succeeds. There is no logic to justify this. It's just the operational mechanism of Prolog's built-in (\+)/1.
Happily, we can improve upon this. Enter non_member/2.
non_member(_X, []).
non_member(X, [E|Es]) :-
dif(X, E),
non_member(X, Es).
?- non_member(Y, [a]).
Mark this answer, it says: Yes, Y is not an element of [a], provided Y is different from a. Think of the many solutions this answer includes, like Y = 42, or Y = b and infinitely many more such solutions that are not a. Infinitely many solutions captured in nine characters!
Now, both non_member(Y, [a]), Y = b and Y = b, non_member(Y, [a]) succeed. So exchanging them has only influence on runtime and space consumption. If we are at it, note that you check for non-memberness in two clauses. You can factor this out. For a generic solution to this, see closure/3. With it, you simply say: closure(neighbor, A,B).
Also consider the case where you have only edge(a,a). Your definition fails here for path2(a,X). But shouldn't this rather succeed?
And the name path2/2 is not that fitting, rather reserve this word for an actual path.
The doubt you have is related to how prolog handle negation. Prolog uses negation as failure. This means that, if prolog has to negate a goal g (indicate it with not(g)), it tries to prove g by executing it and then, if the g fails, not(g) (or \+ g, i.e. the negation of g) succeeds and viceversa.
Keep in mind also that, after the execution of not(g), if the goal has variables, they will not be instantiated. This because prolog should instantiate the variables with all the terms that makes g fail, and this is likely an infinite set (for example for a list, not(member(A,[a]) should instantiate the variable A with all the elements that are not in the list).
Let's see an example. Consider this simple program:
L = [a,b,c],
and run it with ?- trace, test. First of all you get a Singleton variable in \+: A warning for the reason i explained before, but let's ignore it and see what happens.
Call:_5204=[a, b]
Exit:[a, b]=[a, b]
Call:lists:member(_5204, [a, b])
Exit:lists:member(a, [a, b]) % <-----
You see at the highlighted line that the variable A is instantiated to a and so member/2 succeeds and so \+ member(A,L) is false.
So, in your code, if you write pathHelper(X,Y,L) :- \+ member(Y,L), neighbor(X,Y)., this clause will always fail because Y is not sufficiently instantiated. If you swap the two terms, Y will be ground and so member/2 can fail (and \+member succeeds).

How to write a Prolog program

I don't know how to write a Prolog program for the following scenario.
1. If any two person having same hobby then they like each other.
2. Every gardener likes the Sun.
I did this but I don't know whether it is correct or not.
Please help me to solve it.
Prolog rules follow the "reversed-IF" template:
Head :- Goal1, ..., GoalN.
means (roughly), "Head holds if Goal1, ..., GoalN all hold".
Put the other way around it means, "if Goal1, ..., GoalN all hold, then Head also holds".
This fits exactly your first sentence, thus it can be encoded as a rule:
likes(A, B) :- % Head :-
hobby( A, HobbyA), % Goal1,
hobby( B, HobbyB), % Goal2,
same( HobbyA, HobbyB), % Goal3,
dif( A, B). % Goal4.
% different persons, not the same one
The second sentence too fits the same template:
likes(A, sun) :-
isA(A, gardner).
With the most natural encoding of isA( X, Y) as simply a unification X = Y, this becomes equivalent to the fact that you wrote. Facts are rules with no body.

Collect all "minimum" solutions from a predicate

Given the following facts in a database:
foo(a, 3).
foo(b, 2).
foo(c, 4).
foo(d, 3).
foo(e, 2).
foo(f, 6).
foo(g, 3).
foo(h, 2).
I want to collect all first arguments that have the smallest second argument, plus the value of the second argument. First try:
find_min_1(Min, As) :-
setof(B-A, foo(A, B), [Min-_|_]),
findall(A, foo(A, Min), As).
?- find_min_1(Min, As).
Min = 2,
As = [b, e, h].
Instead of setof/3, I could use aggregate/3:
find_min_2(Min, As) :-
aggregate(min(B), A^foo(A, B), Min),
findall(A, foo(A, Min), As).
?- find_min_2(Min, As).
Min = 2,
As = [b, e, h].
This only gives the same results if I am looking for the minimum of a number. If an arithmetic expression in involved, the results might be different. If a non-number is involved, aggregate(min(...), ...) will throw an error!
Or, instead, I can use the full key-sorted list:
find_min_3(Min, As) :-
setof(B-A, foo(A, B), [Min-First|Rest]),
min_prefix([Min-First|Rest], Min, As).
min_prefix([Min-First|Rest], Min, [First|As]) :-
min_prefix(Rest, Min, As).
min_prefix(_, _, []).
?- find_min_3(Min, As).
Min = 2,
As = [b, e, h].
Finally, to the question(s):
Can I do this directly with library(aggregate)? It feels like it should be possible....
Or is there a predicate like std::partition_point from the C++ standard library?
Or is there some easier way to do this?
To be more descriptive. Say there was a (library) predicate partition_point/4:
partition_point(Pred_1, List, Before, After) :-
partition_point_1(List, Pred_1, Before, After).
partition_point_1([], _, [], []).
partition_point_1([H|T], Pred_1, Before, After) :-
( call(Pred_1, H)
-> Before = [H|B],
partition_point_1(T, Pred_1, B, After)
; Before = [],
After = [H|T]
(I don't like the name but we can live with it for now)
find_min_4(Min, As) :-
setof(B-A, foo(A, B), [Min-X|Rest]),
partition_point(is_min(Min), [Min-X|Rest], Min_pairs, _),
pairs_values(Min_pairs, As).
is_min(Min, Min-_).
?- find_min_4(Min, As).
Min = 2,
As = [b, e, h].
What is the idiomatic approach to this class of problems?
Is there a way to simplify the problem?
Many of the following remarks could be added to many programs here on SO.
Imperative names
Every time, you write an imperative name for something that is a relation you will reduce your understanding of relations. Not much, just a little bit. Many common Prolog idioms like append/3 do not set a good example. Think of append(As,As,AsAs). The first argument of find_min(Min, As) is the minimum. So minimum_with_nodes/2 might be a better name.
Do not use findall/3 unless the uses are rigorously checked, essentially everything must be ground. In your case it happens to work. But once you generalize foo/2 a bit, you will lose. And that is frequently a problem: You write a tiny program ; and it seems to work.
Once you move to bigger ones, the same approach no longer works. findall/3 is (compared to setof/3) like a bull in a china shop smashing the fine fabric of shared variables and quantification. Another problem is that accidental failure does not lead to failure of findall/3 which often leads to bizarre, hard to imagine corner cases.
Untestable, too specific program
Another problem is somewhat related to findall/3, too. Your program is so specific, that it is quite improbable that you will ever test it. And marginal changes will invalidate your tests. So you will soon give up to perform testing. Let's see what is specific: Primarily the foo/2 relation. Yes, only an example. Think of how to set up a test configuration where foo/2 may change. After each change (writing a new file) you will have to reload the program. This is so complex, chances are you will never do it. I presume you do not have a test harness for that. Plunit for one, does not cover such testing.
As a rule of thumb: If you cannot test a predicate on the top level you never will. Consider instead
minimum_with(Rel_2, Min, Els)
With such a relation, you can now have a generalized xfoo/3 with an additional parameter, say:
xfoo(o, A,B) :-
xfoo(n, A,B) :-
and you most naturally get two answers for minimum_with(xfoo(X), Min, Els). Would you have used findall/3 instead of setof/3 you already would have serious problems. Or just in general: minmum_with(\A^B^member(A-B, [x-10,y-20]), Min, Els). So you can play around on the top level and produce lots of interesting test cases.
Unchecked border cases
Your version 3 is clearly my preferred approach, however there are still some parts that can be improved. In particular, if there are answers that contain variables as a minimum. These should be checked.
And certainly, also setof/3 has its limits. And ideally you would test them. Answers should not contain constraints, in particular not in the relevant variables. This shows how setof/3 itself has certain limits. After the pioneering phase, SICStus produced many errors for constraints in such cases (mid 1990s), later changed to consequently ignoring constraints in built-ins that cannot handle them. SWI on the other hand does entirely undefined things here. Sometimes things are copied, sometimes not. As an example take:
setof(A, ( A in 1..3 ; A in 3..5 ), _) and setof(t, ( A in 1..3 ; A in 3.. 5 ), _).
By wrapping the goal this can be avoided.
call_unconstrained(Goal_0) :-
call_residue_vars(Goal_0, Vs),
( Vs = [] -> true ; throw(error(representation_error(constraint),_)) ).
Beware, however, that SWI has spurious constraints:
?- call_residue_vars(all_different([]), Xs).
Xs = [_A].
Not clear if this is a feature in the meantime. It has been there since the introduction of call_residue_vars/2 about 5 years ago.
I don't think that library(aggregate) covers your use case. aggregate(min) allows for one witness:
min(Expr, Witness)
A term min(Min, Witness), where Min is the minimal version of Expr over all solutions, and Witness is any other template applied to solutions that produced Min. If multiple solutions provide the same minimum, Witness corresponds to the first solution.
Some time ago, I wrote a small 'library', lag.pl, with predicates to aggregate with low overhead - hence the name (LAG = Linear AGgregate). I've added a snippet, that handles your use case:
integrate(min_list_associated, Goal, Min-Ws) :-
State = term(_, [], _),
forall(call(Goal, V, W), % W stands for witness
( arg(1, State, C), % C is current min
arg(2, State, CW), % CW are current min witnesses
( ( var(C) ; V #< C )
-> U = V, Ws = [W]
; U = C,
( C == V
-> Ws = [W|CW]
; Ws = CW
nb_setarg(1, State, U),
nb_setarg(2, State, Ws)
arg(1, State, Min), arg(2, State, Ws).
It's a simple minded extension of integrate(min)...
The comparison method it's surely questionable (it uses less general operator for equality), could be worth to adopt instead a conventional call like that adopted for predsort/3. Efficiency wise, still better would be to encode the comparison method as option in the 'function selector' (min_list_associated in this case)
edit thanks #false and #Boris for correcting the bug relative to the state representation. Calling nb_setarg(2, State, Ws) actually changes the term' shape, when State = (_,[],_) was used. Will update the github repo accordingly...
Using library(pairs) and [sort/4], this can be simply written as:
?- bagof(B-A, foo(A, B), Ps),
sort(1, #=<, Ps, Ss), % or keysort(Ps, Ss)
group_pairs_by_key(Ss, [Min-As|_]).
Min = 2,
As = [b, e, h].
This call to sort/4 can be replaced with keysort/2, but with sort/4 one can also find for example the first arguments associated with the largest second argument: just use #>= as the second argument.
This solution is probably not as time and space efficient as the other ones, but may be easier to grok.
But there is another way to do it altogether:
?- bagof(A, ( foo(A, Min), \+ ( foo(_, Y), Y #< Min ) ), As).
Min = 2,
As = [b, e, h].

Find All Relatives with Prolog

I'm having trouble wrapping my head around how I would return a list of everyone related to a certain person. So, if I say relatives(A,B), A would be a person and B is a list of all of the people related to that person. I can write any additional rules needed to assist in doing this. Here is what I have so far.
parent(milan, mary).
parent(tim, milan).
parent(mary, lily).
parent(mary, joe).
parent(mary, matt).
parent(chris, rosie).
parent(eugene, mary).
parent(eugene, chris).
cousins(A, B) :- parent(C, A), parent(D, B), parent(E, C), parent(E, D), not(parent(C, B)), not(parent(D, A)), A \=B.
paternalgrandfather(A, C) :- man(A), man(B), parent(B, C), parent(A, B).
sibling(A, B) :- parent(C, A), parent(C, B), A \= B.
Can someone guide me as to how I would go about doing this? Thanks.
I think that you should concentrate on the 'true' relation, i.e. parent(Old,Jung), other predicates are irrelevant here. The obvious assumption it's that atoms occurring in parent/2 are identifiers (i.e. names are unique). From this picture seems that all persons here are relatives:
Then your problem should be equivalent to find all connected vertices in parent relation. You can implement a depth first visit, passing down the list of visited nodes to avoid loops (note that you need to go back to parents and down to children!), something like
relatives(Person, Relatives) :-
relatives([], Person, [Person|Relatives]).
relatives(Visited, Person, [Person|Relatives]) :-
findall(Relative, immediate(Person, Visited, R), Immediates),
... find relatives of immediates and append all in relatives.
immediate(Person, Visited, R) :-
(parent(Person, R) ; parent(R, Person)),
\+ member(R, Visited).
See if you can complete this snippet. Note the order of arguments in relatives/3 is choosen to easy maplist/3.
If you are willing to study more advanced code, SWI-Prolog library(ugraph) offers a reachable(+Vertex, +Graph, -Vertices) predicate that does it on a list based graph representation.
Here the SWI-Prolog snippet to get the image (a file to be feed to dot):
graph(Fact2) :-
format('digraph ~s {~n', [Fact2]),
forall(call(Fact2, From, To), format(' ~s -> ~s;~n', [From, To])),
you can call in this way:
?- tell('/tmp/parent.gv'),graph(parent),told.
and then issue on command line dot -Tjpg /tmp/parent.gv | display
I think you should use builtin predicate findall/3 and maybe sort/2 to avoid duplicates
It would go along these lines:
relatives(Person, Relatives):-
findall(Relative, is_relative(Person, Relative), LRelatives),
sort(LRelatives, Relatives).
is_relative(Person, Relative):-
(cousins(Person, Relative) ; paternalgrandfather(Person, Relative) ; sibling(Person, Relative)).
You might want to add more clauses to is_relative to get more relationships.

studying for prolog/haskell programming exam

I starting to study for my upcoming exam and I'm stuck on a trivial prolog practice question which is not a good sign lol.
It should be really easy, but for some reason I cant figure it out right now.
The task is to simply count the number of odd numbers in a list of Int in prolog.
I did it easily in haskell, but my prolog is terrible. Could someone show me an easy way to do this, and briefly explain what you did?
So far I have:
odd(X):- 1 is X mod 2.
Your definition of odd/1 is fine.
The fact for the empty list is also fine.
IN the recursive clause you need to distinguish between odd numbers and even numbers. If the number is odd, the counter should be increased:
countOdds([X|Xs],Y1) :- odd(X), countOdds(Xs,Y), Y1 is Y+1.
If the number is not odd (=even) the counter should not be increased.
countOdds([X|Xs],Y) :- \+ odd(X), countOdds(Xs,Y).
where \+ denotes negation as failure.
Alternatively, you can use ! in the first recursive clause and drop the condition in the second one:
countOdds([X|Xs],Y1) :- odd(X), !, countOdds(Xs,Y), Y1 is Y+1.
countOdds([X|Xs],Y) :- countOdds(Xs,Y).
In Prolog you use recursion to inspect elements of recursive data structs, as lists are.
Pattern matching allows selecting the right rule to apply.
The trivial way to do your task:
You have a list = [X|Xs], for each each element X, if is odd(X) return countOdds(Xs)+1 else return countOdds(Xs).
countOdds([], 0).
countOdds([X|Xs], C) :-
!, % this cut is required, as rightly evidenced by Alexander Serebrenik
countOdds(Xs, Cs),
C is Cs + 1.
countOdds([_|Xs], Cs) :-
countOdds(Xs, Cs).
Note the if, is handled with a different rule with same pattern: when Prolog find a non odd element, it backtracks to the last rule.
ISO Prolog has syntax sugar for If Then Else, with that you can write
countOdds([], 0).
countOdds([X|Xs], C) :-
countOdds(Xs, Cs),
( odd(X)
-> C is Cs + 1
; C is Cs
In the first version, the recursive call follows the test odd(X), to avoid an useless visit of list'tail that should be repeated on backtracking.
edit Without the cut, we get multiple execution path, and so possibly incorrect results under 'all solution' predicates (findall, setof, etc...)
This last version put in evidence that the procedure isn't tail recursive. To get a tail recursive procedure add an accumulator:
countOdds(L, C) :- countOdds(L, 0, C).
countOdds([], A, A).
countOdds([X|Xs], A, Cs) :-
( odd(X)
-> A1 is A + 1
; A1 is A
countOdds(Xs, A1, Cs).
