Removing mutations for D metaprogramming/compiletime array generation - c++11

My plan is to write a mutation-less code in D-language so that my values are available by runtime. Someone spoke to me about loop-unrolling and compile time code generation but I have no clear idea how to do that. I have made the D-template below but it has no guarantee to be evaluated at compile-time because on the two assignment statements(mutations) . Advice would be greatly appreciated. Suggestions could be preferably in D or C++ without macros.
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.conv;
const string pattern="ABA";
I[C] computeAtCompileTime(S ,C,I)( const S pattern ){
I[C] table1;
const int size = to!int(pattern.length) ;//Length of the pattern to be matched
foreach( c; ALPHABET){ //Initialise array
table1[c] = size;
foreach(i; 0..size-1){
table1[pattern[i]] = size -i-1;
return table1;
enum TableFromCompiler = computeAtCompileTime!(const string ,char, int)(pattern);
void main(){
// enum TableFromCompiler = computeAtCompileTime!(const string ,char, int)(pattern);

import std.stdio;
immutable char[] ALPHABET = "ABFCDFRGHDSTHFG";
int[char] compute(in string pattern)
int[char] table;
foreach (c; ALPHABET) {
table[c] = cast(int)pattern.length;
foreach (i, c; pattern) {
table[c] = cast(int)(pattern.length - i - 1);
return table;
void main()
enum table = compute("ABA");
['A':0, 'B':1, 'C':3, 'D':3, 'F':3, 'G':3, 'H':3, 'R':3, 'S':3, 'T':3]
Code on dpaste.


Sort a List<object> by two properties one in ascending and the other in descending order in dart

I saw examples where I can sort a list in dart using one property in flutter(dart).
But how can I do the functionality which an SQL query does like for example:
order by points desc, time asc
You can sort the list then sort it again..
Here is a sample I made from
void main() {
Object x = Object(name: 'Helloabc', i: 1);
Object y = Object(name: 'Othello', i: 3);
Object z = Object(name: 'Avatar', i: 2);
List<Object> _objects = [
x, y, z
_objects.sort((a, b) =>;
/// second sorting
// _objects.sort((a, b) => a.i.compareTo(b.i));
for (Object a in _objects) {
class Object {
final String name;
final int i;
Object({, this.i});
I was able to find an answer for this. Thanks to #pskink and the url
I implemented the Comparable to sort by the two properties.
class Sample implements Comparable<Sample> {
final int points;
final int timeInSeconds;
int compareTo(Sample other) {
int pointDifference = points- other.points;
return pointDifference != 0
? pointDifference
: other.timeInSeconds.compareTo(this.timeInSeconds);

What is the Java 8 way to pull an object from a set?

I'd like to pull an item out of a set, and keep it, based on a predicate. It sure seems like this should be possible, but I can't find a way to prevent going thru the list twice. Such an operation could be used to 'pop' an object based on a dynamic priority.
Perhaps I should stick with an iterator.
Here's an example:
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
public class RemoveAndUse {
class A {
int x;
A(int x) { this.x = x;}
class B {
int y;
B(int y) { this.y = y;}
public void removeHappyPath() {
Set<A> aList = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(new A(1), new A(2), new A(3)));
B b = new B(2);
// remove and keep an A that matches b
A found =
.filter( a -> a.x == b.y )
aList.removeIf( a -> a.x == b.y);
// or: aList.remove(found);
assert(found.x == b.y);
Any other ideas?
A found;
for (Iterator<A> it = aList.iterator();it.hasNext();) {
A a =;
if (a.x == b.y) {
found = a;
O(n) is guaranteed;

Feature Detection Opencv/Javacv not working

I am trying to run the feature detection program of javacv to compare the similar features in 2 images however I am getting a runtimeexception. Since I am completely new to javacv I don't know how to resolve this.
The exception trace is
OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (queryDescriptors.type() == trainDescCollection[0].type()) in unknown function, file ..\..\..\src\opencv\modules\features2d\src\matchers.cpp, line 351
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: ..\..\..\src\opencv\modules\features2d\src\matchers.cpp:351: error: (-215) queryDescriptors.type() == trainDescCollection[0].type()
at com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_features2d$DescriptorMatcher.match(Native Method)
at Ex7DescribingSURF.main(
Here is the source code
import static com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_core.NORM_L2;
import static com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_core.cvCreateImage;
import static com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_features2d.drawMatches;
import static com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_highgui.cvLoadImage;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import com.googlecode.javacv.CanvasFrame;
import com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_core.CvMat;
import com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_core.CvScalar;
import com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_core.CvSize;
import com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_core.IplImage;
import com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_features2d.BFMatcher;
import com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_features2d.DMatch;
import com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_features2d.DescriptorExtractor;
import com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_features2d.DrawMatchesFlags;
import com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_features2d.KeyPoint;
import com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_nonfree.SURF;
public class Ex7DescribingSURF {
* Example for section "Describing SURF features" in chapter 8, page 212.
* Computes SURF features, extracts their descriptors, and finds best
* matching descriptors between two images of the same object. There are a
* couple of tricky steps, in particular sorting the descriptors.
public static void main(String[] args) {
IplImage img = cvLoadImage("A.jpg");
IplImage template = cvLoadImage("B.jpg");
IplImage images[] = { img, template };
// Setup SURF feature detector and descriptor.
double hessianThreshold = 2500d;
int nOctaves = 4;
int nOctaveLayers = 2;
boolean extended = true;
boolean upright = false;
SURF surf = new SURF(hessianThreshold, nOctaves, nOctaveLayers,
extended, upright);
DescriptorExtractor surfDesc = DescriptorExtractor.create("SURF");
KeyPoint keyPoints[] = { new KeyPoint(), new KeyPoint() };
CvMat descriptors[] = new CvMat[2];
// Detect SURF features and compute descriptors for both images
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
surf.detect(images[i], null, keyPoints[i]);
// Create CvMat initialized with empty pointer, using simply `new
// CvMat()` leads to an exception.
descriptors[i] = new CvMat(null);
surfDesc.compute(images[i], keyPoints[i], descriptors[i]);
// Create feature matcher
BFMatcher matcher = new BFMatcher(NORM_L2, true);
DMatch matches = new DMatch();
// "match" is a keyword in Scala, to avoid conflict between a keyword
// and a method match of the BFMatcher,
// we need to enclose method name in ticks: `match`.
matcher.match(descriptors[0], descriptors[1], matches, null);
System.out.println("Matched: " + matches.capacity());
// Select only 25 best matches
DMatch bestMatches = selectBest(matches, 25);
// Draw best matches
IplImage imageMatches = cvCreateImage(new CvSize(images[0].width()
+ images[1].width(), images[0].height()), images[0].depth(), 3);
drawMatches(images[0], keyPoints[0], images[1], keyPoints[1],
bestMatches, imageMatches, CvScalar.BLUE, CvScalar.RED, null,
CanvasFrame canvas = new CanvasFrame("");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Select only the best matches from the list. Return new list. */
private static DMatch selectBest(DMatch matches, int numberToSelect) {
// Convert to Scala collection for the sake of sorting
int oldPosition = matches.position();
DMatch a[] = new DMatch[matches.capacity()];
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
DMatch src = matches.position(i);
DMatch dest = new DMatch();
copy(src, dest);
a[i] = dest;
// Reset position explicitly to avoid issues from other uses of this
// position-based container.
// Sort
DMatch aSorted[] = a;
Arrays.sort(aSorted, new DistanceComparator());
// DMatch aSorted[]=sort(a);
// Create new JavaCV list
DMatch best = new DMatch(numberToSelect);
for (int i = 0; i < numberToSelect; i++) {
// Since there is no may to `put` objects into a list DMatch,
// We have to reassign all values individually, and hope that API
// will not any new ones.
copy(aSorted[i], best.position(i));
// Set position to 0 explicitly to avoid issues from other uses of this
// position-based container.
return best;
private static void copy(DMatch src, DMatch dest) {
// TODO: use Pointer.copy() after JavaCV/JavaCPP 0.3 is released
// (
// dest.put(src)
static class DistanceComparator implements Comparator<DMatch> {
public int compare(DMatch o1, DMatch o2) {
if (
return -1;
return 1;
Does anybody know what I might need more to make this work.. Any help appreciated
As the error clearly says that descriptor types does not match. You have to check for the condition if the descriptor types match.
A simple if statement before matcher.match would solve your problem
if (descriptors[0].type() == descriptors[1].type())
matcher.match(descriptors[0], descriptors[1], matches, null);
System.out.println("Matched: " + matches.capacity());
The CvMat was not initialized properly which was giving the error.
descriptors[i] = new CvMat(null);
Instead I put it like this which solved the problem.
descriptors[i] = CvMat.create(1, 1);
Don't know if still needed, but I found answer. In code there's problem with this loop:
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
surf.detect(images[i], null, keyPoints[i]);
// Create CvMat initialized with empty pointer, using simply `new
// CvMat()` leads to an exception.
descriptors[i] = new CvMat(null);
surfDesc.compute(images[i], keyPoints[i], descriptors[i]);
i is just 0, than the loop exits and you try to use object descriptors[1] which is absent.
Change it to for( int i = 0, i < 2, i++) {

AS3 random algorithm

I need a suggestion. I want to have a function that returns random numbers from let say 1 to 100, with condition to not repeat the chosen number. It is something like chess table that will be filled with something random and not one thing over another thing... If someone can tell a suggestion I'll be very happy. Thanks.
Create an Array of 100 numbers (1..100), then 'sort' the Array by 'random'. You can then pull out the numbers one at a time working your way through the array.
I haven't tested the code below but I had these snippets available that you could piece together to achieve the intended result.
public static function randomNumber(min:Number, max:Number):Number{
var rnd:Number = Math.floor((Math.random()*((max+1)-min))+min);
return rnd;
public static function randomize(arr:Array):Array{
var len:Number = arr.length;
var rnd:Number;
var tmp:Object;
for(var i:Number=0;i<len;i++){
rnd = randomNumber(0,(len-1));
tmp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[rnd];
arr[rnd] = tmp;
return arr;
var setOfNumbers:Array = new Array();
for(var i:int=0;i<100;i++){
setOfNumbers[i] = (i+1);
var shuffledSetOfNumbers:Array = randomize(setOfNumbers);
For the purists this "randomizing" isn't "truly" random (if you're writing a Card shuffler for a Vegas gambling machine you'll want to use something different - case in point!)
My randomNumber and randomize functions above are static as I've typically included them that way in the apps I've needed them but you don't have to use it this way
My original lib used Number vs int or uint for some of the variables for more options when used but feel free to clean that up
also like that...
import flash.display.Sprite;
* ...
* #author Vadym Gordiienko
public class Main extends Sprite
public function Main():void
if (stage) init();
else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
private function init(e:Event = null):void
removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
// entry point
var startArray:Array = generateNumberArray(100);
var randomArray:Array = randomArray(startArray);
trace("startArray = " + startArray);
trace("randomArray = " + randomArray);
* generate Array of numbers by length
* #param length
* #return Array of numbers
public static function generateNumberArray(length:int):Array
var numberArray:Array = [];
for (var i:int = 0; i < length; i++)
numberArray[i] = i+1;
return numberArray;
* generate randomly mixed array by input array
* #param inputArray - simple not mixed array
* #return Array - mixed array
public static function randomArray(inputArray:Array):Array
var randomArray:Array = [];
var tempArray:Array = [];
for (var i:int = 0; i < inputArray.length; i++)
while (tempArray.length)
var randomNumber:int = Math.round(Math.random() * (tempArray.length - 1));// get random number of left array
randomArray.push( tempArray[randomNumber] );
tempArray.splice(randomNumber, 1); // remove randomed element from temporary aarray
tempArray = null;
delete [tempArray];
return randomArray;

How to find a word from arrays of characters?

What is the best way to solve this:
I have a group of arrays with 3-4 characters inside each like so:
{p, {a, {t, {m,
q, b, u, n,
r, c v o
s } } }
I also have an array of dictionary words.
What is the best/fastest way to find if the array of characters can combine to form one of the dictionary words? For example, the above arrays could make the words:
"pat","rat","at","to","bum"(lol)but not "nub" or "mat"Should i loop through the dictionary to see if words can be made or get all the combinations from the letters then compare those to the dictionary
I had some Scrabble code laying around, so I was able to throw this together. The dictionary I used is sowpods (267751 words). The code below reads the dictionary as a text file with one uppercase word on each line.
The code is C#:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace SO_6022848
public struct Letter
public const string Chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
public static implicit operator Letter(char c)
return new Letter() { Index = Chars.IndexOf(c) };
public int Index;
public char ToChar()
return Chars[Index];
public override string ToString()
return Chars[Index].ToString();
public class Trie
public class Node
public string Word;
public bool IsTerminal { get { return Word != null; } }
public Dictionary<Letter, Node> Edges = new Dictionary<Letter, Node>();
public Node Root = new Node();
public Trie(string[] words)
for (int w = 0; w < words.Length; w++)
var word = words[w];
var node = Root;
for (int len = 1; len <= word.Length; len++)
var letter = word[len - 1];
Node next;
if (!node.Edges.TryGetValue(letter, out next))
next = new Node();
if (len == word.Length)
next.Word = word;
node.Edges.Add(letter, next);
node = next;
class Program
static void GenWords(Trie.Node n, HashSet<Letter>[] sets, int currentArrayIndex, List<string> wordsFound)
if (currentArrayIndex < sets.Length)
foreach (var edge in n.Edges)
if (sets[currentArrayIndex].Contains(edge.Key))
if (edge.Value.IsTerminal)
GenWords(edge.Value, sets, currentArrayIndex + 1, wordsFound);
static void Main(string[] args)
const int minArraySize = 3;
const int maxArraySize = 4;
const int setCount = 10;
const bool generateRandomInput = true;
var trie = new Trie(File.ReadAllLines("sowpods.txt"));
var watch = new Stopwatch();
var trials = 10000;
var wordCountSum = 0;
var rand = new Random(37);
for (int t = 0; t < trials; t++)
HashSet<Letter>[] sets;
if (generateRandomInput)
sets = new HashSet<Letter>[setCount];
for (int i = 0; i < setCount; i++)
sets[i] = new HashSet<Letter>();
var size = minArraySize + rand.Next(maxArraySize - minArraySize + 1);
while (sets[i].Count < size)
sets = new HashSet<Letter>[] {
new HashSet<Letter>(new Letter[] { 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S' }),
new HashSet<Letter>(new Letter[] { 'A', 'B', 'C' }),
new HashSet<Letter>(new Letter[] { 'T', 'U', 'V' }),
new HashSet<Letter>(new Letter[] { 'M', 'N', 'O' }) };
var wordsFound = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < sets.Length - 1; i++)
GenWords(trie.Root, sets, i, wordsFound);
wordCountSum += wordsFound.Count;
if (!generateRandomInput && t == 0)
foreach (var word in wordsFound)
Console.WriteLine("Elapsed per trial = {0}", new TimeSpan(watch.Elapsed.Ticks / trials));
Console.WriteLine("Average word count per trial = {0:0.0}", (float)wordCountSum / trials);
Here is the output when using your test data:
Elapsed per trial = 00:00:00.0000725
Average word count per trial = 19.0
And the output when using random data (does not print each word):
Elapsed per trial = 00:00:00.0002910
Average word count per trial = 62.2
EDIT: I made it much faster with two changes: Storing the word at each terminal node of the trie, so that it doesn't have to be rebuilt. And storing the input letters as an array of hash sets instead of an array of arrays, so that the Contains() call is fast.
There are probably many way of solving this.
What you are interested in is the number of each character you have available to form a word, and how many of each character is required for each dictionary word. The trick is how to efficiently look up this information in the dictionary.
Perhaps you can use a prefix tree (a trie), some kind of smart hash table, or similar.
Anyway, you will probably have to try out all your possibilities and check them against the dictionary. I.e., if you have three arrays of three values each, there will be 3^3+3^2+3^1=39 combinations to check out. If this process is too slow, then perhaps you could stick a Bloom filter in front of the dictionary, to quickly check if a word is definitely not in the dictionary.
EDIT: Anyway, isn't this essentially the same as Scrabble? Perhaps try Googling for "scrabble algorithm" will give you some good clues.
The reformulated question can be answered just by generating and testing. Since you have 4 letters and 10 arrays, you've only got about 1 million possible combinations (10 million if you allow a blank character). You'll need an efficient way to look them up, use a BDB or some sort of disk based hash.
The trie solution previously posted should work as well, you are just restricted more by what characters you can choose at each step of the search. It should be faster as well.
I just made a very large nested for loop like this:
for(NSString*s1 in [letterList objectAtIndex:0]{
for(NSString*s2 in [letterList objectAtIndex:1]{
8 more times...
Then I do a binary search on the combination to see if it is in the dictionary and add it to an array if it is
