GCC 5 error, maybe used uninitialized - gcc

How do I initialize ua in this struct?
static int clk_init_vdd_class(struct device *dev, struct clk *clk, int num,
unsigned long *fmax, int *uv, int *ua)
Here is is rest of code, krait-8974.c

Found answer,
Line # 683
Edited by adding
int *uv = 0, *ua = 0;
Here is full code
static int
clock_krait_8974_driver_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
struct clk *c;
int speed, pvs, pvs_ver, config_ver, rows, cpu;
unsigned long *freq, cur_rate, aux_rate;
int *uv = 0, *ua = 0;
u32 *dscr = NULL, vco_mask, config_val;
int ret;
vdd_l2.regulator[0] = devm_regulator_get(dev, "l2-dig");
if (IS_ERR(vdd_l2.regulator[0])) {
dev_err(dev, "Unable to get l2-dig regulator!\n");
return PTR_ERR(vdd_l2.regulator[0]);


BUG: Unable to handle kernel paging request at error for the sample kernel module

I am writing a sample kernel module which reads data sent through ioctl call from application and prints them.
I am passing structure "ioctl_struct" through ioctl from the application and in the kernel module, I will be printing its member variables.
this works absolutely fine in a few machines. In a few machines
"BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at"
the error is thrown while accessing "name and testStruct's id1 and id2".
I don't think this module is hardware/kernel dependent.
I am not sure where it's going wrong. any help would be appreciated.
Driver.c kernel module
static const char DEVICE_NAME[]="testipc";
static struct proc_dir_entry * proc_ipc = NULL;
struct test
int id1;
int id2;
struct ioctl_struct
__user struct test *testStruct;
__user int * id;
__user char * name;
int cmd;
static int __init etx_driver_init(void);
static void __exit etx_driver_exit(void);
static long etx_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
static struct file_operations fops =
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
.read = etx_read,
.write = etx_write,
.open = etx_open,
.unlocked_ioctl = etx_ioctl,
.release = etx_release,
.unlocked_ioctl = etx_ioctl,
static long etx_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
printk("reached ioctl....\n");
struct ioctl_struct buf;
if (copy_from_user(&buf, (void *)arg, sizeof(buf)))
return -EFAULT;
printk("id %d\n",buf.id);
printk("cmd %d\n",buf.cmd);
printk("filename %s\n",buf.name);
printk("token %d\n",buf.testStruct->id1);
printk("token %d\n",buf.testStruct->id2);
return 0;
static int __init etx_driver_init(void)
printk("new test driver loaded..");
proc_ipc = proc_create(DEVICE_NAME, 0, NULL, &fops);
if (!proc_ipc)
printk(KERN_ALERT "Unable to create /proc/%s\n", DEVICE_NAME);
return 1;
return 0;
void __exit etx_driver_exit(void)
if (proc_ipc)
proc_ipc = NULL;
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("A simple driver");
and following is my application file
#include <stdio.h>
# define __user
static int fd=NULL;
#define TEST_IOCTL _IOWR('z', 80, struct ioctl_struct)
struct test
int id1;
int id2;
struct ioctl_struct
__user struct test *testStruct;
__user int * id;
__user char * name;
int cmd;
void init()
printf("\nOpening Driver\n");
fd = open("/proc/testipc", O_RDWR);
if(fd < 0) {
printf("Cannot open device file...\n");
return 0;
void send()
int id=5;
int *pid=id;
char name[10]={'H','e','l','l','o'};
struct test testStruct;
struct ioctl_struct request;
request.name = name ;
request.id = pid;
request.cmd = 33;
request.testStruct = &testStruct;
ioctl(fd, TEST_IOCTL, &request);
void finish()
printf("Closing Driver\n");
int main()
return 0;
In dmesg,
id 5,
cmd 33,
should be printed

There is no entry for device under /dev even after class_create and device_create

I am making one simple char driver and I learnt that there are 2 ways I can get Major number for my driver to pair with - alloc_chrdev_region(and register_chrdev_region) and register_chrdev. I initially started with register_chrdev and it gave me my major number and also created entry in /dev (class and device create used).
But when I change for register_chrdev to alloc_chrdev_region to acquire major number (using chrdev_init and chrdev_add), leaving rest of the entry function same, I don't see an entry in /dev, though when I make it manually with mknode, and run the test application to use the driver, it works fine.
Below is the code of entry point that does not produce the /dev entry
#include <linux/version.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/kdev_t.h>
#define DEVICE_NAME "myCharDevice"
#define MODULE_NAME "myCharDriver"
#define CLASS_NAME "myCharClass"
static char *bufferMemory;
static int bufferPointer;
static int bufferSize = 15;
static dev_t myChrDevid;
static struct cdev *myChrDevCdev;
static struct class *pmyCharClass;
static struct device *pmyCharDevice;
int majorNumber = 0;
static int charDriverOpen(struct inode *inodep, struct file *filep);
static int charDriverClose(struct inode *inodep, struct file *filep);
static ssize_t charDriverWrite(struct file *filep, const char *buffer, size_t len, loff_t *offset);
static ssize_t charDriverRead(struct file *filep, char *buffer, size_t len, loff_t *offset);
static int charDriverEntry(void);
static void charDriverExit(void);
static ssize_t attrShowData(struct device*, struct device_attribute*, char*);
static ssize_t attrStoreData(struct device*, struct device_attribute*, const char*, size_t);
static ssize_t attrShowBuffer(struct device*, struct device_attribute*, char*);
static ssize_t attrStoreBuffer(struct device*, struct device_attribute*, const char*, size_t);
/* The following function is called when the file placed on the sysfs is accessed for read*/
static ssize_t attrShowData(struct device* pDev, struct device_attribute* attr, char* buffer)
printk(KERN_INFO "MESG: The data has been accessed through the entry in sysfs\n");
if (bufferPointer == 0)
printk(KERN_WARNING "Thre is no data to read from buffer!\n");
return -1;
strncpy(buffer, bufferMemory, bufferPointer);
/* Note : Here we can directly use strncpy because we are already in kernel space and do not need to translate address*/
return bufferPointer;
static ssize_t attrStoreData(struct device* pDev, struct device_attribute* attr, const char* buffer, size_t length)
printk(KERN_INFO "Writing to attribute\n");
bufferPointer = length;
strncpy(bufferMemory, buffer, length);
return length;
static ssize_t attrShowBuffer(struct device* pDev, struct device_attribute* attr, char* buffer)
int counter;
int temp = bufferSize;
char bufferSizeArray[4] = {0};
counter = 3;
//printk(KERN_INFO "Buffer = %d\n",bufferSize % 10);
bufferSizeArray[counter] = '0' + (bufferSize % 10);
//printk(KERN_INFO "Character at %d is : %c\n",counter,bufferSizeArray[counter]);
bufferSize /= 10;
while(counter != -1);
strncpy(buffer, bufferSizeArray, 4);
bufferSize = temp;
/* Note : Here we can directly use strncpy because we are already in kernel space and do not need to translate address*/
return 4;
static ssize_t attrStoreBuffer(struct device* pDev, struct device_attribute* attr, const char* buffer, size_t length)
int counter;
bufferPointer = length;
//printk(KERN_INFO "Length : %d With first char %c\n",length,buffer[0]);
bufferSize = 0;
for (counter = 0; counter < length-1 ; counter++)
bufferSize = (bufferSize * 10) + (buffer[counter] - '0') ;
//printk(KERN_INFO "Buffer size new : %d\n",bufferSize);
return length;
/* These macros converts the function in to instances dev_attr_<_name>*/
/* Defination of the macro is as follows : DEVICE_ATTR(_name, _mode, _show, _store) */
/* Note the actual implementation of the macro makes an entry in the struct device_attribute. This macro does that for us */
static DEVICE_ATTR(ShowData, S_IRWXU, attrShowData, attrStoreData); // S_IRUSR gives read access to the user
static DEVICE_ATTR(Buffer, S_IRWXU, attrShowBuffer, attrStoreBuffer); // S_IRUSR gives read access to the user
static struct file_operations fops =
.open = charDriverOpen,
.release = charDriverClose,
.read = charDriverRead,
.write = charDriverWrite,
static int __init charDriverEntry()
int returnValue;
//majorNumber = register_chrdev(0, DEVICE_NAME, &fops);
returnValue = alloc_chrdev_region(&myChrDevid, 0, 1, DEVICE_NAME);
/* This function takes 4 arguments - dev_t address, start of minor number, range/count of minor number, Name; Note - unlike register_chrdev fops have not
yet been tied to the major number */
if (returnValue < 0)
printk(KERN_ALERT "ERROR : can not aquire major number! error %d",returnValue);
return -1;
printk(KERN_INFO "Aquired Major Number! : %d\n", MAJOR(myChrDevid));
myChrDevCdev = cdev_alloc();
if (IS_ERR(myChrDevCdev))
printk(KERN_ALERT "Failed to allocate space for CharDev struct\n");
unregister_chrdev_region(myChrDevid, 1);
return -1;
myChrDevCdev->owner = THIS_MODULE;
//myChrDevCdev->ops = &fops;/* this function inits the c_dev structure with memset 0 and then does basic konject setup and then adds fops to cdev struct*/
/* this function adds the cdev to the kernel structure so that it becomes available for the users to use it */
// Now we will create class for this device
pmyCharClass = class_create(THIS_MODULE,CLASS_NAME);
if (IS_ERR(pmyCharClass))
printk(KERN_ALERT "Failed to Register Class\n");
unregister_chrdev_region(myChrDevid, 1);
return -1;
printk(KERN_INFO "Class created!\n");
pmyCharDevice = device_create(pmyCharClass, NULL, MKDEV(majorNumber,0),NULL,DEVICE_NAME);
if (IS_ERR(pmyCharDevice))
printk(KERN_ALERT "Failed to Register Class\n");
unregister_chrdev_region(myChrDevid, 1);
return -1;
printk(KERN_INFO "Device created!\n");
returnValue = cdev_add(myChrDevCdev, myChrDevid, 1);
if (returnValue < 0)
printk(KERN_ALERT "Failed to add chdev \n");
return -1;
/* We now have created the class and we have aquired major numer. But we have not yet tied out created fileops with anything.
We will do that now */
//returnValue = cdev_init(cdev)
printk(KERN_INFO "Now We will create the attribute entry in sysfs\n");
/* the function used is device_create_file(struct device *, struct device_attribute*) */
device_create_file(pmyCharDevice, &dev_attr_ShowData); // The second argumnet is the structure created by the DEVICE_ATTR macro
device_create_file(pmyCharDevice, &dev_attr_Buffer);
return 0;
static void __exit charDriverExit()
device_remove_file(pmyCharDevice, &dev_attr_Buffer);
device_remove_file(pmyCharDevice, &dev_attr_ShowData);
device_destroy(pmyCharClass, MKDEV(majorNumber,0));
unregister_chrdev_region(myChrDevid, 1);
printk(KERN_INFO "Unmounting module done !\n");
static int charDriverOpen(struct inode *inodep, struct file *filep)
if ((filep->f_flags & O_ACCMODE) != O_RDWR)
printk(KERN_ALERT "WARNING : This driver can only be opened in both read and write mode\n");
return -1;
bufferMemory = kmalloc(bufferSize,GFP_KERNEL);
bufferPointer = 0;
return 0;
static int charDriverClose(struct inode *inodep, struct file *filep)
return 0;
static ssize_t charDriverWrite(struct file *filep, const char *buffer, size_t len, loff_t *offset)
// Here we will only allow to write one byte of data
if (len > bufferSize)
printk(KERN_WARNING "Attempted to write data larger than 15 byte!\n");
return 0;
//bufferMemory[bufferPointer] = *buffer;
copy_from_user(bufferMemory, buffer, len);
bufferPointer += len;
return len;
static ssize_t charDriverRead(struct file *filep, char *buffer, size_t len, loff_t *offset)
if(len > bufferSize || len > bufferPointer)
printk(KERN_WARNING "Attempting to read more than buffer size ! Deny\n");
return 0;
copy_to_user(buffer, bufferMemory, len);
// buffer[0] = bufferMemory[0];
bufferPointer -= len;
return len;
module_param(bufferSize, int, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR);
MODULE_PARM_DESC(bufferSize, "Buffer Memory Size [15]");
Now if I replace the while alloc_chrdev_region, cdev_init and cdev_add with just register_chrdev(), The entry in /dev pops up. I am unable to figure out what more does register_chrdev() do that the former combination does not.
Thank you
Edit : Found the issue.
it was due to using MKDEV(majorNumber, 0); Without actually storing major number in the majorNumber variable using MAJOR();
Not deleting the question as someone can find it useful

in kernel driver, why does not mmap work in procfs?

I implement mmap function, and mount it to file operation.
And create a file in /proc.
but when I insmod, it responses "mmap_example2: Unknown symbol _page_cachable_default
insmod: can't insert 'mmap_example2.ko': unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter"
when i remove mmap function from file operations, it can be inserted.
so do i neglect something? how to make mmap work in procfs?
the code is below
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/mm.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
#define FILE_NAME "test"
typedef enum ALLOC_TYPE
} eAllocType;
static unsigned char array[10]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
static unsigned char *buffer;
static int file_open(struct inode *pInode, struct file *pFile)
printk("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
return 0;
static int file_release(struct inode *pInode, struct file *pFile)
printk("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
return 0;
static int file_mmap(struct file *pFile, struct vm_area_struct* pVMA)
unsigned long page;
unsigned char i;
unsigned long start = (unsigned long)pVMA->vm_start;
unsigned long size = (unsigned long)(pVMA->vm_end - pVMA->vm_start);
page = virt_to_phys(buffer);
return -1;
buffer[i] = array[i];
return 0;
struct file_operations file_ops =
.open = file_open,
.release = file_release,
.mmap = file_mmap,
static int mmap_example2_init(void)
struct proc_dir_entry* entry = NULL;
printk("%s init\n", __FUNCTION__);
if(!(entry = create_proc_entry(FILE_NAME,0666,NULL)))
printk("%s fail to create proc file\n",__FUNCTION__);
return -EINVAL;
entry->proc_fops = &file_ops;
buffer = kmalloc(10,GFP_KERNEL);
if (!buffer)
printk("allocate mem error\n");
return -1;
return 0;
static void mmap_example2_exit(void)
printk("%s exit\n", __FUNCTION__);
To add file_operations use proc_create instead of create_proc_entry and pass it your file_operation object
static struct file_operations myops =
.read = myread,
.mmap = mymmap,
static int simple_init(void)
printk(KERN_ALERT "hello, module %d...\n",irq);
return 0;

Need logic to allocate memory for nested structures

I am not able to allocate memory for nested structures using pointers.
What syntax should I use to allocate the memory for lots of structures that have pointers to other structures? How should I go about accessing the values in the structures once the memory is allocated?
struct A {
int *a;
struct B *b;
struct B {
int *b;
struct C *c;
struct C {
int *c;
struct D *d;
struct D {
int *d;
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
struct A* foo;
/* Structure allocation */
/* use of structures */
I can't go beyond 2 nested structures. Beyond that I start getting Segmentation fault.
I tried something like this:
typedef struct file f1;
typedef struct command c1;
typedef struct arguments a1;
typedef struct ccity ccity;
typedef struct csub csub;
struct arguments {
char *argname;
struct arguments *next;
struct command {
char *cmdname;
struct arguments *args;
struct file{
int fileid;
char *filename;
struct command *cmd;
struct sub{
char *subname;
struct city {
char *city_name;
struct sub *s11;
struct road{
char *name;
struct city *next_city;
int main()
char name[] = "HELLO ";
struct file *f1;
struct city *c1 = NULL;
struct road *r1 = NULL;
struct sub *s1 = NULL;
f1 = malloc(10*sizeof(struct file ));
f1->filename = (char *)malloc(10*sizeof(char *));
c1 = malloc(sizeof(c1));
r1 = malloc(sizeof(r1));
s1 = malloc(sizeof(s1));
r1->name = malloc(100*sizeof(char *));
r1->next_city = malloc(100*sizeof(r1->next_city));
c1->city_name = malloc(100*sizeof(char *));
c1->s11 = malloc(100*sizeof(c1->s11));
c1->s11->subname = calloc(120,sizeof(char*));
(*c1).s11->subname = "text";
(*r1).next_city->s11->subname =
malloc(10 * sizeof((*r1).next_city->s11->subname));
r1->name = malloc(sizeof(char *));
c1->city_name = malloc(sizeof(char *));
r1->next_city = malloc(sizeof(char *));
r1->next_city->city_name = "Hello";
printf("name is %s\n",(f1->filename));
c1->cmdname = (char *)malloc(10*sizeof(c1->cmdname));
printf("name is %s\n",f1[0].cmd[0].cmdname);
printf("name is %s\n",f1[0].cmd[1].cmdname);
printf("name is %s\n",f1[0].cmd[2].cmdname);
printf("name is %s\n",f1[0].cmd[2].args[0].argname);
printf("name is %s\n",f1[0].cmd[2].args[1].argname);
(f1[0].cmd[0].args[0]).argname = malloc(20*sizeof(char*));
printf("name is %s\n",(f1[0].cmd[0].args[0]).argname);

ffmpeg c++/cli wrapper for using in c# . AccessViolationException after call dll function by it's pointer

My target is to write a c++/cli wrap arount ffmpeg library, using by importing ffmpeg functions from dll-modules.
Later I will use this interface in c#.
This is my challenge, don't ask me why))
So i've implemented Wrap class, which is listed below:
namespace FFMpegWrapLib
public class Wrap
//wstring libavcodecDllName = "avcodec-56.dll";
//wstring libavformatDllName = "avformat-56.dll";
//wstring libswscaleDllName = "swscale-3.dll";
//wstring libavutilDllName = "avutil-54.dll";
HMODULE libavcodecDLL;
HMODULE libavformatDLL;
HMODULE libswsscaleDLL;
HMODULE libavutilDLL;
AVFormatContext **pFormatCtx = nullptr;
AVCodecContext *pCodecCtxOrig = nullptr;
AVCodecContext *pCodecCtx = nullptr;
AVCodec **pCodec = nullptr;
AVFrame **pFrame = nullptr;
AVFrame **pFrameRGB = nullptr;
AVPacket *packet = nullptr;
int *frameFinished;
int numBytes;
uint8_t *buffer = nullptr;
struct SwsContext *sws_ctx = nullptr;
void Init();
void AVRegisterAll();
void Release();
bool SaveFrame(const char *pFileName, AVFrame * frame, int w, int h);
bool GetStreamInfo();
int FindVideoStream();
bool OpenInput(const char* file);
AVCodec* FindDecoder();
AVCodecContext* AllocContext3();
bool CopyContext();
bool OpenCodec2();
AVFrame* AllocFrame();
int PictureGetSize();
void* Alloc(size_t size);
int PictureFill(AVPicture *, const uint8_t *, enum AVPixelFormat, int, int);
SwsContext* GetSwsContext(int, int, enum AVPixelFormat, int, int, enum AVPixelFormat, int, SwsFilter *, SwsFilter *, const double *);
int ReadFrame(AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt);
int DecodeVideo2(AVCodecContext *avctx, AVFrame *picture, int *got_picture_ptr, const AVPacket *avpkt);
int SwsScale(struct SwsContext *c, const uint8_t *const srcSlice[], const int srcStride[], int srcSliceY, int srcSliceH, uint8_t *const dst[], const int dstStride[]);
void PacketFree(AVPacket *pkt);
void BufferFree(void *ptr);
void FrameFree(AVFrame **frame);
int CodecClose(AVCodecContext *);
void CloseInput(AVFormatContext **);
bool SeekFrame(AVFormatContext *s, int stream_index, int64_t timestamp, int flags);
bool GetVideoFrame(char* str_in_file, char* str_out_img, uint64_t time);
public ref class managedWrap
~managedWrap(){ delete unmanagedWrap; }
bool GetVideoFrameToFile(char* str_in_file, char* str_out_img, uint64_t time)
return unmanagedWrap->GetVideoFrame(str_in_file, str_out_img, time);
static Wrap* unmanagedWrap = new Wrap();
So the imports to libavcodec and etc. are succesful.
The problem is in AccessViolationException during calling dll func, for example, in OpenInput (i.e. av_open_input in native ffmpeg library)
The OpenInput func code is below:
bool FFMpegWrapLib::Wrap::OpenInput(const char* file)
typedef int avformat_open_input(AVFormatContext **, const char *, AVInputFormat *, AVDictionary **);
avformat_open_input* pavformat_open_input = (avformat_open_input *)GetProcAddress(libavformatDLL, "avformat_open_input");
if (pavformat_open_input == nullptr)
throw exception("Unable to find avformat_open_input function address in libavformat module");
return false;
//pin_ptr<AVFormatContext *> pinFormatContext = &(new interior_ptr<AVFormatContext *>(pCodecCtx));
pFormatCtx = new AVFormatContext*;
//*pFormatCtx = new AVFormatContext;
int ret = pavformat_open_input(pFormatCtx, file, NULL, NULL); // here it fails
return ret == 0;
So the problem, i think, is that class-fields of Wrap class are in secure memory. And ffmpeg works with native memory, initialising pFormatCtx variable by it's address.
Can I avoid this, or it is impossible?
Got the same problem, you need to initialise AVFormatContext object.
Good Example:
AVFormatContext *pFormatCtx = avformat_alloc_context();
Bad example:
AVFormatContext *pFormatCtx = NULL;
