Azure Mobile App Application Key - windows

i have an Mobile App on Azure. All Works like Charm, but the i can´t configure the Access. There is an Application Key, this one should prevent the Mobile App. But it doesen´t. I can directly send a request to the mobile app and an answer returned, without prompting for the Application Key set in the azure preview portal.
Things i tried:
Regenerate Key
Restart Gateway
Restart mobile app code
the same project as Mobile Service works perfect, but as mobile app there are only ghost errors.

The migration process isn't perfect yet, so if it's working for you as a Mobile Service, you may just want to stick with it for now. (which you discovered) But if you need the features of Mobile Apps now, Mobile Apps work a bit more like Web Apps. There's still a way to generate codes on the preview portal, but try looking here for a different set of authorizations: There's a troubleshooting link at the bottom there too if you run into other issues with the Mobile Apps.


Custom Teams app not showing in mobile client

I have created a custom Teams app using Teams Toolkit for VS Code. I published the app to our company store and it is showing up and working in the Teams desktop and web client.
But somehow it is not showing up in the mobile client on iOS. I even created an App Setup Policy to have the app pinned by default. This is also working in desktop an web client but again nothing shows up in the mobile client.
What could prevent my app from showing up in a mobile Teams client
Ok, I was able to resolve this by updating the manifest Version from 1.11 to 1.14 and redeploying to the Teams App Store.

Test GMail marketplace app flow

So here I am again, exploring new Google platform and hunting down information and docs.
I'm trying to build a skeleton of a flow before I write any business logic code with actual use of the APIs, and as expected from Google, this process is excruciatingly painful.
I've tried to follow this doc:
Packaged the zip, put the flag DOMAIN_INSTALLABLE flag as was instructed in order for the app to be installible from the marketplace. In the dashboard of PRICING & DISTRIBUTION I've selected Private and added testers to the list of testers.
Now when I click View in Chrome Web Store (seen in image) it takes me to the extensions web store, and not to the marketplace store.
How can I get to the GSuite Marketplace flow, rather than the extension flow? Do I need to alter my manifest.json in some way that is not mentioned in the docs?
it's true that the publishing flow is too complicated now. We are working on improvements and in the future everything will be in one place.
Unfortunately G Suite Marketplace does not support trusted testers (yet), that's why it doesn't show up.
What you might be able to do, is modify the url a bit after you clicked on 'View in Chrome Web Store'.
Just remove everything after the webstore id
I use this url:
xxxx should be your webstore id
You should be able to show your unlisted app in the Gsuite Marketplace, where you can initiate the install flow.
It works for me, but my test app

Google SignIn in Android and IOS with backend server

I am developing an app in Android and IOS. I want to use the Google Sign In to login in the app.
In Android I use the client ID of the backend server, but in IOS I have to use the IOS app client ID to login.
Is not possible to use the backend server client ID in the IOS app?
Google Documentation
I work on the team at Google: yes, unfortunately, this is a known deficiency and inconsistency of the iOS SDK for Google Sign-In. We're working on some changes and I'll update this answer when this is resolved.
For now, your backend server will have to determine what client the token is coming from and check appropriate audience. Very sorry for the trouble :/

Does app store or Play Store allow apps that have a WebView only to my site?

I want to publish an app witch contains a WebView to my site only
and thats the whole app. Like Mobile Web app but comes from the stores.
Does app store or Play Store allow apps that have a WebView only to my site?
Yes, you can published an app which contains just a WebView of your own website. Please note that according to Google Play Developer Program Policies, it's not allowed to publish apps that provide a WebView of a website you don't own or administer:
Do not post an app where the primary functionality is to:
Provide a webview of a website not owned or administered by you (unless you have permission from the website owner/administrator to do so)
According to Apple's App Store Review Guidelines,
apps which are just web views are not allowed:
4.2 Minimum Functionality
Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website. If your app is not particularly useful, unique, or “app-like,” it doesn’t belong on the App Store.
Yes You can but when you implement webview in your application few things must keep in mind
Webviews and Affiliate Spam
We don’t allow apps whose primary purpose is to drive affiliate traffic to a website or provide a webview of a website without permission from the website owner or administrator.
Here are some examples of common violations:
An app whose primary purpose is to drive referral traffic to a website to receive credit for user sign-ups or purchases on that website.
Apps whose primary purpose is to provide a webview of a website without permission:
Google play Developer Policy Center link

Facebook API Implementation in Windows Phone

I have an application. I have created a facebook page for it . Now when I look at the Facebook API , It asks me this
1)Select how your app integrates with Facebook
Website with Facebook Login(Log in to my website using Facebook.),
App on Facebook (Use my app inside,
Mobile Web (Bookmark my web app on Facebook mobile.),
Native iOS App ( Publish from my iOS app to Facebook.),
Native Android App ( Publish from my Android app to Facebook.),
Page Tab (Build a custom tab for Facebook Pages.),
2)What exactly I want to do is when my user opens up my app for the first time, I want to use his credentials and post using my app on his behalf.
3)I want to implement the API so that after the user allows my app to connect to his profile, I use my app while he shares anything through my app to post on his behalf.
Kindly help me in all these circumstances with the perfect code as I am novoice to OAuth
Take a look on official Facebook C# SDK Sample for Windows Phone 7
