Differential backup issue using comparison with md5sum in shell script - bash

Hello I have a quick question. I am trying to implement a differential backup but where I am having trouble is comparing the hash from md5sum.txt to diffmd5.txt
I am getting the following error:
Currently the command runs and gives no errors but files are not being replaced and not backing up any files
destgen=`find $bkdest/* -exec md5sum {} + > diffmd5.txt`
sourcegen=`find $bksource/* -exec md5sum {} + > md5sum.txt`
$(cat diffmd5.txt) | while read f;
if [ $(grep f md5sum.txt | wc -l) -lt 1 ]
# Code to backup the file that has changed or is not on record
cp $(cut -d ' ' -f2-- <<< $f) $bkdest
# Afterwards, update md5hashes to list newly backed up files
Please help me out on figuring out where I went wrong. Thank you!
Guess this is my error when running in debug mode
Try 'cp --help' for more information.
grep: md5sum.txt: No such file or directory
cut: invalid byte, character or field list
Try 'cut --help' for more information.
cp: missing destination file operand after ‘/home/dmitriy/backup/differential/backup_diff’

Lets try with:
cd $bkdest
find . -type f -exec md5sum {} \; > /tmp/md5dest.txt
cd $bksource
find . -type f -exec md5sum {} \; | while read c f; do
if fgrep "$c" /tmp/md5dest.txt | fgrep -q "$f"; then
echo "$f" ignored
cp $f $bkdest


sed to replace string in file only displayed but not executed

I want to find all files with certain name (Myfile.txt) that do not contain certain string (my-wished-string) and then do a sed in order to do a replace in the found files. I tried with:
find . -type f -name "Myfile.txt" -exec grep -H -E -L "my-wished-string" {} + | sed 's/similar-to-my-wished-string/my-wished-string/'
But this only displays me all files with wished name that miss the "my-wished-string", but does not execute the replacement. Do I miss here something?
With a for loop and invoking a shell.
find . -type f -name "Myfile.txt" -exec sh -c '
for f; do
grep -H -E -L "my-wished-string" "$f" &&
sed -i "s/similar-to-my-wished-string/my-wished-string/" "$f"
done' sh {} +
You might want to add a -q to grep and -n to sed to silence the printing/output to stdout
You can do this by constructing two stacks; the first containing the files to search, and the second containing negative hits, which will then be iterated over to perform the replacement.
find . -type f -name "Myfile.txt" > stack1
while read -r line;
[ -z $(sed -n '/my-wished-string/p' "${line}") ] && echo "${line}" >> stack2
done < stack1
while read -r line;
sed -i "s/similar-to-my-wished-string/my-wished-string/" "${line}"
done < stack2
With some versions of sed, you can use -i to edit the file. But don't pipe the list of names to sed, just execute sed in the find:
find . -type f -name Myfile.txt -not -exec grep -q "my-wished-string" {} \; -exec sed -i 's/similar-to-my-wished-string/my-wished-string/g' {} \;
Note that any file which contains similar-to-my-wished-string also contains the string my-wished-string as a substring, so with these exact strings the command is a no-op, but I suppose your actual strings are different than these.

Rename files to unique names and move them into a single destination directory

i have 100s of directories with same filename of content.html along with other files.
I am trying to copy all these content.html files under 1 directory, but since they have same name, it overwrites each other
so how can i rename and move all these under 1 directory
card.png content.html note.xhtml quickLook.png snippet.txt
card.png content.html note.xhtml quickLook.png related snippet.txt
card.png content.html note.xhtml quickLook.png snippet.txt
command i tried:
rename content.html to content
find . -type f | grep content.html | while read f; do mv $f ${f/.html/}; done
append number to filename "content" to make it unique
find . -type f | grep content | while read f; do i=1; echo mv $f $f$i.html; i=i+1; done
MacBook-Pro$ find . -type f | grep content | while read f; do i=1; echo mv $f $f$i.html; i=i+1; done
mv ./0BD3D9D2-F8B1-4472-95C2-13319650A45C/content ./0BD3D9D2-F8B1-4472-95C2-13319650A45C/content1.html
mv ./0EA34DB4-CD56-42BE-91DA-F631E44FB6E0/content ./0EA34DB4-CD56-42BE-91DA-F631E44FB6E0/content1.html
mv ./1A33F29E-3938-4C2F-BA99-6B98FD045742/content ./1A33F29E-3938-4C2F-BA99-6B98FD045742/content1.html
once above step is successful, i should be able do this to achieve my desired output:
find . -type f | grep content | while read f; do mv $f ../; done
however, i am sure i can do this in 1 step command and also my step 2 is not working (incrementing i)
any idea why step2 is not working??
bash script:
find . -type f -name content.html | while IFS= read -r f; do
name=$(basename $f)
mv "$f" "for_content/${name%.*}$i.html"
replace for_content with your destination folder name
Suppose in your base directory, you create a folder named final for storing
content.html files, then do something like below
find . -path ./final -prune -o -name "content.html" -print0 |
while read -r -d '' name
mv "$name" "./final/content$(mktemp -u XXXX).html"
# mktemp with -u option just creates random characters, or it is just a dry run
At the end you'll get all the content.html files under ./final folder in the format contentXXXX.html where XXXX are random characters.
Note:-path ./final -prune -o in find prevents it from descending to our results folder.
The inode of the of the files should be unique and so you could use the following:
find $(pwd) -name "content.html" -printf %f" "%i" "%p"\n" | awk '{ system("mv "$3" <directorytomoveto>"$2$1) }'
I'd use something like this:
find . -type f -name 'test' | awk 'BEGIN{ cnt=0 }{ printf "mv %s ./output-dir/content_%03d.txt\n", $0, cnt++ }' | bash;
You can replace ./output-dir/ with your destination directory
[root#sl7-o2 test]# ls -R
1 2 3 output-dir
[root#sl7-o2 test]# find . -type f -name 'test' | awk 'BEGIN{ cnt=0 }{ printf "mv %s ./output-dir/content_%03d.txt\n", $0, cnt++ }' | bash;
[root#sl7-o2 test]# ls ./output-dir/
content_000.txt content_001.txt content_002.txt
You can use shopt -s globstar to grab all content.html files recursively and then use a loop to rename them:
set -o globstar
for f in **/content.html; do # pick up all content.html files
[[ -f "$f" ]] || continue # skip if not a regular file
mv "$f" "$dest_dir/content_$((++counter).html"

Bash : Find and Remove duplicate files from different folders

I have two folders with some common files, I want to delete duplicate files from xyz folder.
I want to compare both folders and remove duplicate from /xyz folder. Output should be: file5.csv
For now I am using :
find "/xyz" "/abc" "/abc" -printf '%P\n' | sort | uniq -u | -exec rm {} \;
But it failing with reason : if -exec is not a typo you can run the following command to lookup the package that contains the binary:
command-not-found -exec
-bash: -exec: command not found
-exec is an option to find, you've already exited the command find when you started the pipes.
Try xargs instead, it take all the data from stdin and appends to the program.
find "/xyz" "/abc" "/abc" -printf '%P\n' | sort | uniq -u | xargs rm
Find every file in 234 and 123 directory get filename by -printf, sort them, uniq -d give list of duplications, give back path by sed, using 123 directory to delete the duplications from, and pass files to xargs rm
find ./234 ./123 -type f -printf '%P\n' | sort | uniq -d | sed 's/^/.\/123\//g' | xargs rm
sed don't needed if you are in the ./123 directory and using full path for folders in find.
Another approach: just find the files in abc and attempt to remove them from xyz:
find /abc -type f -printf 'rm -f /xyz/%P' | sh
Remove Duplicate Files From Particular Directory
for D1 in $FileList ;do
if [[ -f $D1 ]]; then
for D2 in $FileList ;do
if [[ -f $D2 ]]; then
if [[ $D1 == $D2 ]]; then
: 'Skip Orignal File'
if [[ $(md5sum $D1 | cut -d'=' -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 1 ) == $(md5sum $D2 | cut -d'=' -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 1 ) ]]; then
echo "Duplicate File Found : $D2"
rm -rf $D2
fi #Detect Duplicate Using MD5
fi #Skip Orginal File
fi #D2 File available Then Next
fi #D1 File available Then Next

iterate over lines in file then find in directory

I am having trouble looping and searching. It seems that the loop is not waiting for the find to finish. What am I doing wrong?
I made a loop the reads a file line by line. I then want to use that "name" to search a directory looking to see if a folder has that name. If it exists copy it to a drive.
if [ -d $DIRFIND ]; then
while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
echo "$line"
FILE=`find "$DIRFIND" -type d -name "$line"`
if [ -n "$FILE" ]; then
echo "Found $FILE"
cp -a "$FILE" "$DIRCOPY"
echo "$line not found."
done < "$1"
echo "No such file or directory"
Have you tried xargs...
Proposed Solution
cat filenamelist | xargs -n1 -I {} find . -type d -name {} -print | xargs -n1 -I {} mv {} .
what the above does is pipe a list of filenames into find (one at a time), when found find prints the name and passes to xarg which moves the file...
file = yogo
yogo -> | xargs -n1 -I yogo find . -type d -name yogo -print | xargs -n1 -I {} mv ./<path>/yogo .
I hope the above helps, note that xargs has the advantage that you do not run out of command line buffer.

Is there a way to pipe from a variable?

I'm trying to find all files in a file structure above a certain file size, list them, then delete them. What I currently have looks like this:
filesToDelete=$(find $find $1 -type f -size +$2k -ls)
if [ -n "$filesToDelete" ];then
echo "Deleting files..."
echo $filesToDelete
$filesToDelete | xargs rm
echo "no files to delete"
Everything works, except the $filesToDelete | xargs rm, obviously. Is there a way to use pipe on a variable? Or is there another way I could do this? My google-fu didn't really find anything, so any help would be appreciated.
Edit: Thanks for the information everyone. I will post the working code here now for anyone else stumbling upon this question later:
if [ $(find $1 -type f -size +$2k | wc -l) -ge 1 ]; then
find $1 -type f -size +$2k -exec sh -c 'f={}; echo "deleting file $f"; rm $f' {} \;
echo "no files above" $2 "kb found"
As already pointed out, you don't need piping a var in this case. But just in case you needed it in some other situation, you can use
xargs rm <<< $filesToDelete
or, more portably
echo $filesToDelete | xargs rm
Beware of spaces in file names.
To also output the value together with piping it, use tee with process substitution:
echo "$x" | tee >( xargs rm )
You can directly use -exec to perform an action on the files that were found in find:
find $1 -type f -size +$2k -exec rm {} \;
The -exec trick makes find execute the command given for each one of the matches found. To refer the match itself we have to use {} \;.
If you want to perform more than one action, -exec sh -c "..." makes it. For example, here you can both print the name of the files are about to be removed... and remove them. Note the f={} thingy to store the name of the file, so that it can be used later on in echo and rm:
find $1 -type f -size +$2k -exec sh -c 'f={}; echo "removing $f"; rm $f' {} \;
In case you want to print a message if no matches were found, you can use wc -l to count the number of matches (if any) and do an if / else condition with it:
if [ $(find $1 -type f -size +$2k | wc -l) -ge 1 ]; then
find $1 -type f -size +$2k -exec rm {} \;
echo "no matches found"
wc is a command that does word count (see man wc for more info). Doing wc -l counts the number of lines. So command | wc -l counts the number of lines returned by command.
Then we use the if [ $(command | wc -l) -ge 1 ] check, which does an integer comparison: if the value is greater or equal to 1, then do what follows; otherwise, do what is in else.
Buuuut the previous approach was using find twice, which is a bit inefficient. As -exec sh -c is opening a sub-shell, we cannot rely on a variable to keep track of the number of files opened. Why? Because a sub-shell cannot assign values to its parent shell.
Instead, let's store the files that were deleted into a file, and then count it:
find . -name "*.txt" -exec sh -c 'f={}; echo "$f" >> /tmp/findtest; rm $f' {} \;
if [ -s /tmp/findtest ]; then #check if the file is empty
echo "file has $(wc -l < /tmp/findtest) lines"
# you can also `cat /tmp/findtest` here to show the deleted files
echo "no matches"
Note that you can cat /tmp/findtest to see the deleted files, or also use echo "$f" alone (without redirection) to indicate while removing. rm /tmp/findtest is also an option, to do once the process is finished.
You don't need to do all this. You can directly use find command to get the files over a particular size limit and delete it using xargs.
This should work:
if [ $(find $1 -type f -size +$2k | wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then
echo "No Files to delete"
echo "Deleting the following files"
find $1 -size +$2 -exec ls {} \+
find $1 -size +$2 -exec ls {} \+ | xargs rm -f
echo "Done"
