Convert rownum from Oracle in Postgres, in "having" clause - oracle

I need to convert a query from Oracle SQL to Postgres.
select count(*) from table1 group by column1 having max(rownum) = 4
If I replace "rownum" with "row_number() over()", I have an error message: "window functions are not allowed in HAVING".
Could you help me to get the same result in Postgres, as in Oracle?

The query below will do what your Oracle query is doing.
select count(*) from
(select column1, row_number() over () as x from table1) as t
group by column1 having max(t.x) = 6;
Neither oracle not postgres will guarantee the order in which records are read unless you specify an order by clause. So running the query multiple times is going to be inconsistent depending on how the database decides to process the query. Certainly in postgres any updates will change the underlying row order.
In the example below I've got an extra column of seq which is used to provide a consistent sort.
CREATE TABLE table1 (column1 int, seq int);
insert into table1 values (0,1),(0,2),(0,3),(1,4),(0,5),(1,6);
And a revised query which forces the order to be consistent:
select count(*) from
(select column1, row_number() over (order by seq) as x from table1) as t
group by column1 having max(t.x) = 6;


Oracle SQL -- Finding count of rows that match date maximum in table

I am trying to use a query to return the count from rows such that the date of the rows matches the maximum date for that column in the table.
Oracle SQL: version 11.2:
The following syntax would seem to be correct (to me), and it compiles and runs. However, instead of returning JUST the count for the maximum, it returns several counts more or less like the "HAIVNG" clause wasn't there.
Select ourDate, Count(1) as OUR_COUNT
from schema1.table1
group by ourDate
HAVING ourDate = max(ourDate) ;
How can this be fixed, please?
You can use:
SELECT MAX(ourDate) AS ourDate,
FROM schema1.table1
SELECT ourDate,
COUNT(*) AS our_count
SELECT ourDate,
FROM schema1.table1
WHERE rnk = 1
GROUP BY ourDate
Which, for the sample data:
CREATE TABLE table1 (ourDate) AS
Both output:
2022-06-28 13:35:01
db<>fiddle here
I don't know if I understand what you want. Try this:
Select x.ourDate, Count(1) as OUR_COUNT
from schema1.table1 x
where x.ourDate = (select max(y.ourDate) from schema1.table1 y)
group by x.ourDate
One option is to use a subquery which fetches maximum date:
select ourdate, count(*)
from table1
where ourdate = (select max(ourdate)
from table1)
group by ourdate;
Or, a more modern approach (if your database version supports it; 11g doesn't, though):
select ourdate, count(*)
from table1
group by ourdate
order by ourdate desc
fetch first 1 rows only;
You can use this SQL query:
select MAX(ourDate),COUNT(1) as OUR_COUNT
from schema1.table1
where ourDate = (select MAX(ourDate) from schema1.table1)
group by ourDate;

Query taking long when i use user defined function with order by in oracle select

I have a function, which will get greatest of three dates from the table.
create or replace FUNCTION fn_max_date_val(
pi_user_id IN number)
l_modified_dt DATE;
l_mod1_dt DATE;
l_mod2_dt DATE;
ret_user_id DATE;
SELECT MAX(last_modified_dt)
INTO l_modified_dt
FROM table1
WHERE id = pi_user_id;
-- this table contains a million records
SELECT nvl(MAX(last_modified_ts),sysdate-90)
INTO l_mod1_dt
FROM table2
WHERE table2_id=pi_user_id;
-- this table contains clob data, 800 000 records, the table 3 does not have user_id and has to fetched from table 2, as shown below
SELECT nvl(MAX(last_modified_dt),sysdate-90)
INTO l_mod2_dt
FROM table3
WHERE table2_id IN
(SELECT id FROM table2 WHERE table2_id=pi_user_id
execute immediate 'select greatest('''||l_modified_dt||''','''||l_mod1_dt||''','''||l_mod2_dt||''') from dual' into ret_user_id;
RETURN ret_user_id;
return SYSDATE;
this function works perfectly fine and executes within a second.
-- random user_id , just to test the functionality
SELECT fn_max_date_val(100) as max_date FROM DUAL
For reference purpose i have used the table name as table1,table2 and table3 but my business case is similar to what i stated below.
I need to get the details of the table1 along with the highest modified date among the three tables.
I did something like this.
SELECT,,a.value,fn_max_date_val(id) as max_date
FROM table1 a where status_id ='Active';
The above query execute perfectly fine and got result in millisecods. But the problem came when i tried to use order by.
SELECT,,a.value,a.status_id,last_modified_dt,fn_max_date_val(id) as max_date
FROM table1 where status_id ='Active' a
order by status_id desc,last_modified_dt desc ;
-- It took almost 300 seconds to complete
I tried using index also all the values of the status_id and last_modified, but no luck. Can this be done in a right way?
How about if your query is like this?
select a.*, fn_max_date_val(id) as max_date
FROM table1 where status_id ='Active' a
order by status_id desc,last_modified_dt desc) a;
What if you don't use the function and do something like this:
SELECT,,a.value,a.status_id,last_modified_dt x.max_date
FROM table1 a
select max(max_date) as max_date
from (
SELECT MAX(last_modified_dt) as max_date
FROM table1 t1
SELECT nvl(MAX(last_modified_ts),sysdate-90) as max_date
FROM table2 t2
) y
) x
where a.status_id ='Active'
order by status_id desc,last_modified_dt desc;
Syntax might contain errors, but something like that + the third table in the derived table too.

How do I get all table names and its column names in oracle?

How do I get all table names and its column names in oracle? The Table names should be printed first followed by all the column name, then the next table and its columns, and so on and so forth.
If you are dba you can see all tables in DB;
select * from all_tab_columns
order by table_name;
The query below, in the middle column (str), has the data the way you requested it. However, without the info in the first and/or the last column, it is not clear how you will know which values are table names and which are columns under them.
It would make a lot more sense to have table name in one column (repeated for each of its columns), then the column name and then the order. This would be just the second member of the union all operation.
The query below works for the tables in your schema. If you want to do this for all the tables you have access to, use all_tables and all_tab_columns; if you have DBA privileges, use dba_tables and dba_tab_columns (but in these cases, don't you need to know the schema/owner, not just the table name?)
select table_name as tbl, table_name as str, 0 as ord from user_tables
union all
select table_name, column_name, column_id from user_tab_columns
order by tbl, ord
SELECT table_name, column_name
FROM all_tab_cols
order by table_name, column_name

how to find the table row count in hive query using group by

Here my question: I have a table with some records like (name, date, type). Suppose I have three type a, b and c.Now I want to count percentage of each type mean COUNT(type)/COUNT(table row count)??
select type,COUNT(type) as counttype,counttype/(select COUNT(*) from xyz) from xyz group by xyz;
"(select COUNT(*) from xyz)" this giving me error.
How to find the table Row Count?
You can use below query :-
select A.type,A.type_cnt,(A.type_cnt/B.total_cnt) from
(Select type,count(type) as type_cnt from xyz group by type)A
(select count(*)as total_cnt from xyz)B
ON 1=1;
Without JOIN it is much faster, using analytic function:
select type,
count(type) as type_cnt,
count(type)/count(*) over() as pct
from xyz
group by type;

Converting rownum from Oracle to Postgres

I need to make a conversion from Oracle SQL to PostgreSQL.
select * from table1 inner join table2 on = table2.table1Id
where table1.col1 = 'TEST'
and rownum <=5
order by table2.col1
If I delete and rownum <=5 and put at the end limit 5, there are differences between the 2 dialects. In Oracle, first are selected the 5 elements, and after that, they are sorted by table2.col1 . In Postgres, first all the list is sorted, and AFTER there are selected the first 5 elements.
How can I obtain the same result in Postgres as in Oracle?
To get the behavior you desire, you can use a subquery like this:
SELECT table1.col1 as t1col1, table2.col1 as t2col1
FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON = table2.table1Id
WHERE table1.col1 = 'TEST'
) AS sub
ORDER BY t2col1;
I named the columns there because in your example both tables had a col1.
Note however that without any ordering on the inner query, the selection of 5 rows you get will be purely random and subject to change.
Depending on the version you are using, PostgreSQL 8.4 and above have Window functions. Window function ROW_NUMBER() is capable of implementing the functionality of Oracle pseudo column rownum.
select row_number() over() as rownum,* from table1 inner join table2 on = table2.table1Id where table1.col1 = 'TEST' and rownum <=5 order by table2.col1;
