Draw a circular segment progress in SWIFT - xcode

I would like to create a circular progress with slices where each slice is an arc.
I based my code on this answer:
Draw segments from a circle or donut
But I don't know how to copy it and rotate it 10 times.
And I would like to color it following a progress variable (in percent).
EDIT: I would like something like this
Any help please

You could use a circular path and set the strokeStart and StrokeEnd. Something like this:
let circlePath = UIBezierPath(ovalInRect: CGRect(x: 200, y: 200, width: 150, height: 150))
var segments: [CAShapeLayer] = []
let segmentAngle: CGFloat = (360 * 0.125) / 360
for var i = 0; i < 8; i++ {
let circleLayer = CAShapeLayer()
circleLayer.path = circlePath.CGPath
// start angle is number of segments * the segment angle
circleLayer.strokeStart = segmentAngle * CGFloat(i)
// end angle is the start plus one segment, minus a little to make a gap
// you'll have to play with this value to get it to look right at the size you need
let gapSize: CGFloat = 0.008
circleLayer.strokeEnd = circleLayer.strokeStart + segmentAngle - gapSize
circleLayer.lineWidth = 10
circleLayer.strokeColor = UIColor(red:0, green:0.004, blue:0.549, alpha:1).CGColor
circleLayer.fillColor = UIColor.clearColor().CGColor
// add the segment to the segments array and to the view
segments.insert(circleLayer, atIndex: i)


ThreeJS - THREE.BufferGeometry.computeBoundingSphere() Gives Error: NaN Position Values

I am creating a simple THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry using Threejs. The surface is a geologic surface in the earth.
This surface has local gaps or 'holes' in it represented by NaN's. I have read another similar, but older, post where the suggestion was to fill the position Z component with 'undefined' rather than NaN. I tried that but get this error:
THREE.BufferGeometry.computeBoundingSphere(): Computed radius is NaN. The "position" attribute is likely to have NaN values.
PlaneBufferGeometry {uuid: "8D8EFFBF-7F10-4ED5-956D-5AE1EAD4DD41", name: "", type: "PlaneBufferGeometry", index: Uint16BufferAttribute, attributes: Object, …}
Here is the TypeScript function that builds the surface:
AddSurfaces(result) {
let surfaces: Surface[] = result;
if (this.surfaceGroup == null) {
this.surfaceGroup = new THREE.Group();
surfaces.forEach(surface => {
var material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ color: 'blue', side: THREE.DoubleSide });
let mesh: Mesh2D = surface.arealMesh;
let values: number[][] = surface.values;
let geometry: PlaneBufferGeometry = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(mesh.width, mesh.height, mesh.nx - 1, mesh.ny - 1);
var positions = geometry.getAttribute('position');
let node: number = 0;
// Surfaces in Three JS are ordered from top left corner x going fastest left to right
// and then Y ('j') going from top to bottom. This is backwards in Y from how we do the
// modelling in the backend.
for (let j = mesh.ny - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
for (let i = 0; i < mesh.nx; i++) {
let value: number = values[i][j];
if(!isNaN(values[i][j])) {
positions.setZ(node, -values[i][j]);
else {
positions.setZ(node, undefined); /// This does not work? Any ideas?
var plane = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
plane.receiveShadow = true;
plane.castShadow = true;
let xOrigin: number = mesh.xOrigin;
let yOrigin: number = mesh.yOrigin;
let cx: number = xOrigin + (mesh.width / 2.0);
let cy: number = yOrigin + (mesh.height / 2.0);
// translate point to origin
let tempX: number = xOrigin - cx;
let tempY: number = yOrigin - cy;
let azi: number = mesh.azimuth;
let aziRad = azi * Math.PI / 180.0;
// now apply rotation
let rotatedX: number = tempX * Math.cos(aziRad) - tempY * Math.sin(aziRad);
let rotatedY: number = tempX * Math.sin(aziRad) + tempY * Math.cos(aziRad);
cx += (tempX - rotatedX);
cy += (tempY - rotatedY);
plane.position.set(cx, cy, 0.0);
I have read another similar, but older, post where the suggestion was to fill the position Z component with 'undefined' rather than NaN.
Using undefined will fail in the same way like using NaN. BufferGeometry.computeBoundingSphere() computes the radius based on Vector3.distanceToSquared(). If you call this method with a vector that contains no valid numerical data, NaN will be returned.
Hence, you can't represent the gaps in a geometry with NaN or undefined position data. The better way is to generate a geometry which actually represents the geometry of your geologic surface. Using ShapeBufferGeometry might be a better candidate since shapes do support the concept of holes.
three.js r117
THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry:: parameters: {
width: number;
height: number;
widthSegments: number;
heightSegments: number;
widthSegments or heightSegments should be greater 1 ,if widthSegments < 1 ,widthSegments may be equal 0 or nan.
In my case, it was happening when I tried to create a beveled shape based on a single vector or a bunch of identical vectors - so there was only a single point. Filtering out such shapes solved the issue.

Three JS - Scaling texture to fit a (any size) Plane perfectly

In essence, I want to replicate the behaviour of how the CSS, background-size: cover works.
Looking here you can see the image is being scaled keeping its aspect ratio, but it's not really working correctly, as the image does not fill the Plane, leaving margins either side - https://next.plnkr.co/edit/8650f9Ji6qWffTqE?preview
Code snippet (Lines 170 - 175) -
var geometryAspectRatio = 5/3;
var imageAspectRatio = 3264/2448;
textTile.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
textTile.repeat.x = geometryAspectRatio / imageAspectRatio;
textTile.offset.x = 0.5 * ( 1 - textTile.repeat.x );
What I want to happen is for it so scale-up and then reposition its self in the centre (much how cover works).
var repeatX, repeatY;
repeatX = w * this.textureHeight / (h * this.textureWidth);
if (repeatX > 1) {
//fill the width and adjust the height accordingly
repeatX = 1;
repeatY = h * this.textureWidth / (w * this.textureHeight);
mat.map.repeat.set(repeatX, repeatY);
mat.map.offset.y = (repeatY - 1) / 2 * -1;
} else {
//fill the height and adjust the width accordingly
repeatX = w * this.textureHeight / (h * this.textureWidth);
repeatY = 1;
mat.map.repeat.set(repeatX, repeatY);
mat.map.offset.x = (repeatX - 1) / 2 * -1;
Updated https://next.plnkr.co/edit/LUk37xLG2yvv6hgg?preview
For anyone confused by this as I was, the missing piece for me is that .repeat.x and .repeat.y properties of any texture can be values less than one, and scales up the image when is under 1 as the inverse of the scale. Think about it, when it's scale 2, in a way it repeats .5 times because you only see half of the image.
Something not supported by textures in THREE.js and common in some libraries, would be
.scaleX = 2; (not supported in THREE.js textures as of v1.30.1)
And the THREE.js texture equivalent would be
texture.repeat.x = .5;
To convert scale to "repeat", simply do the inverse of the scale
var desiredScaleX = 3;
var desiredRepeatX = 1 / desiredScaleX;
The repeat for scale 3 comes out to (1/3) = .3333; In other words a 3x image would be cropped and only show 1/3 of the image, so it repeats .3333 times.
As for scaling to fit to cover, generally choosing the larger scale of the two will do the trick, something like:
var fitScaleX = targetWidth / actualWidth;
var fitScaleY = targetHeight / actualHeight;
var fitCoverScale = Math.max(fitScaleX,fitScaleY);
var repeatX = 1 / fitCoverScale;
var repeatY = 1 / fitCoverScale;

during Spritenode animation and movement appear red large x

Here is problem in which I add zoombie sprite to the scene every one second. When I add another sub animated zoombie to the zoombie node, sometimes it loads animated texture, and other times appear red large X.
func addMonster() {
let zoombieSprite = SKSpriteNode(color: SKColor.greenColor(), size: CGSizeMake(40, 60))
// Determine where to spawn the monster along the Y axis
let actualY = randRange(lower: zoombieSprite.size.height, upper: size.height - zoombieSprite.size.height)
// Position the monster slightly off-screen along the right edge,
// and along a random position along the Y axis as calculated above
zoombieSprite.position = CGPoint(x: size.width + zoombieSprite.size.width/2, y: actualY)
zoombieSprite.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOfSize: zoombieSprite.size) // 1
zoombieSprite.physicsBody?.dynamic = true // 2
zoombieSprite.physicsBody?.categoryBitMask = PhysicsCategory.Monster // 3
zoombieSprite.physicsBody?.contactTestBitMask = PhysicsCategory.Projectile // 4
zoombieSprite.physicsBody?.collisionBitMask = PhysicsCategory.None // 5
let zoombieAnimation = SKAction.runBlock({
// Determine speed of the monster
let actualDuration = randRange(lower: 6.0, upper: 10.0)
//print("actualDuration = \(actualDuration)")
let actionMove = SKAction.moveTo(CGPoint(x: -zoombieSprite.size.width/2, y: actualY), duration: NSTimeInterval(actualDuration))
// Create the actions
let actionMoveDone = SKAction.removeFromParent()
zoombieSprite.runAction(SKAction.sequence([zoombieAnimation ,actionMove,actionMoveDone]))
func createAnimatedZoombie () -> SKSpriteNode {
let animatedZoobieNode = SKSpriteNode(texture: spriteArray[0])
let animationFrameAction = SKAction.animateWithTextures(spriteArray, timePerFrame: 0.2)
let durationTime = SKAction.waitForDuration(0.1)
let repeatAction = SKAction.repeatActionForever(animationFrameAction)
let quenceAction = SKAction.sequence([durationTime, repeatAction])
return animatedZoobieNode
Thanks very much my respectable brother Joseph Lord and Thank God i solved my problem by just dividing sprite kit atlas array count property by 2 because in this folder i had put both #2x and #3x images so when i used to get number of images from this atlas folder it used to return the number which was addition of #2x and #3x images.

Move SKSpriteNode until touches ended

I created this game in Spite Kit in Swift. I create a ship that I can determine its location be touching above or underneath the location of the ship. The ship will move towards the Y axis where I placed my finger. However at this point the ship will only move by a specific amount, in this case 30 or -30. How can I rewrite this code so the ship will keep on moving until my release of my finger?
func addShip() {
// Initializing spaceship node
ship = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "spaceship")
ship.zRotation = CGFloat(-M_PI/2)
// Adding SpriteKit physics body for collision detection
ship.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOfSize: ship.size)
ship.physicsBody?.categoryBitMask = UInt32(shipCategory)
ship.physicsBody?.affectedByGravity = false
ship.physicsBody?.dynamic = true
ship.physicsBody?.contactTestBitMask = UInt32(obstacleCategory)
ship.physicsBody?.contactTestBitMask = coinCategory
ship.physicsBody?.collisionBitMask = 0
ship.name = "ship"
ship.position = CGPointMake(120, 160)
actionMoveUp = SKAction.moveByX(0, y: 30, duration: 0.2)
actionMoveDown = SKAction.moveByX(0, y: -30, duration: 0.2)
i don't like to use SKActions for these types of things because they're really meant for one off simple animations.. However, it may be appropriate depending your game's requirements..
if you insist on using SKActions then instead of doing moveBy, why don't you just use moveTo utilizing touch location? The only thing you'd have to do is come up with a ratio based on the distance your sprite needs to travel so that your animation duration is correct. example:
let curPoint = self.sprite.position
let destinationPoint = touch.position
let diffPoint = CGPoint(
x: curPoint.x - destinationPoint.x,
y: curPoint.y - destinationPoint.y
let distance = sqrt(pow(diffPoint.x, 2) + pow(diffPoint.y, 2))
let durationRatio = distance / CGFloat(600)
let moveAction = SKAction.moveTo(point, duration: NSTimeInterval(durationRatio))
self.sprite.runAction(moveAction, withKey: "move")
then when you want to cancel the movement. in touchesEnded you do
using physics velocity
let curPoint = CGPoint(x: 10, y: 10)
let destinationPoint = CGPoint(x: 100, y: 100)
let diffPoint = CGPoint(
x: curPoint.x - destinationPoint.x,
y: curPoint.y - destinationPoint.y
let distance = sqrt(pow(diffPoint.x, 2) + pow(diffPoint.y, 2))
let normalizedVector = CGPoint(
x: diffPoint.x / distance,
y: diffPoint.y / distance
let speed = CGFloat(100)
let velocity = CGVector(
dx: normalizedVector.x * speed,
dy: normalizedVector.y * speed
self.sprite.physicsBody!.velocity = velocity
in touchesEnded you do
self.sprite.physicsBody!.velocity = CGVector(dx: 0.0, dy: 0.0)

Drawing linechart in Swift with 1000+ datapoints

So I have Custom view an I'm trying to draw line chart there. First I draw xGrid, yGrid and middleline. Here are my functions to do that:
var width: CGFloat = 400
var height: CGFloat = 200
var xLines: CGFloat = 20
var yLines: CGFloat = 10
let color = NSColor.blackColor()
func drawMiddleLine() {
let middleHeight = height / 2
var context = NSGraphicsContext.currentContext()?.CGContext
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, color.CGColor)
CGContextSetLineWidth(context, 2)
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, 0, middleHeight)
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, width, middleHeight)
func drawYGrid() {
let space = height / yLines
var context = NSGraphicsContext.currentContext()?.CGContext
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, color.CGColor)
for index in 0...Int(yLines) {
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, width, (CGFloat(index) * space))
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, 0, (CGFloat(index) * space))
func drawXGrid() {
let space = width / xLines
var context = NSGraphicsContext.currentContext()?.CGContext
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, color.CGColor)
for index in 0...Int(xLines) {
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, (CGFloat(index) * space), self.bounds.height)
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, CGFloat(index) * space, 0)
Now I have basic grid which width is two times height. Now I want to scale my y-axis, so I'm going to scale my data (In this example, I only take max positive number):
func getMaxValue(data: Array<CGFloat>) ->CGFloat {
let max = maxElement(data)
return max
And now I scale my y-Axis:
func scaleYAxis(data: Array<CGFloat>) ->Array<CGFloat> {
let maxValue = getMaxValue(data)
var factor = height / maxValue / 4
var scaledY = data.map({datum -> CGFloat in
var newValue = datum * factor
return newValue
return scaledY
But when I'm drawing my line with too many datapoints, my drawing will get messed up, because there is too many datapoints. It's ok when there is about 50 datapoints.
For example, I want to get something like this in results: JavaScript linechart with many many datapoints
Any ideas how can I manage to get that in Swift?
And my drawing method is something like that:
func drawLine(data: Array<CGFloat>) {
var path = CGPathCreateMutable()
var middleHeight = height / 2
CGPathMoveToPoint(path, nil, 0, middleHeight)
var scaledY = sclaleYAxis(data)
for index in 0..<data.count {
var xSpot = data[index]
var ySpot = middleHeight + scaledY[index]
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, xSpot, ySpot)
var layer = CAShapeLayer()
layer.frame = self.bounds
layer.path = path
layer.strokeColor = NSColor.greenColor().CGColor
layer.fillColor = nil
layer.lineWidth = 3
// I Have lineLayerStore and I delete all lines when it is needed
I cannot understand what the exact problem is without seeing a screenshot but visibility of the datapoints depends on the number of pixels on the screen.
You cannot display more datapoints than the number of pixels, without letting some datapoints share the same pixel column or downsampling the data.
You have 3 options:
Make X axis scrollable and set scrollview's contentSize width to the
number data points.
Keep X axis width fixed, downsample the data to reduce the number of
datapoints to be displayed, then draw the chart regarding the
downsampled data.
Do nothing, try to draw all the datapoints within the fixed width,
if your calculations are correct some datapoints will overlap and
share the same pixel column in the chart.
Explanation Edit for 3rd option:
For displaying 1000 datapoints on a 200 pixels wide X axis, there will be 5 datapoints per pixel. So;
Datapoints 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 will be drawn on 1st pixel column.
Datapoints 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 will be drawn on 2nd pixel column.
Datapoints 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 will be drawn on 3rd pixel column.
And so on.
For your example, there are 400 pixels and 1000 datapoints, it means 2.5 datapoint per pixel. So;
Datapoints 0, 1, 2 will be drawn on 1st pixel column.
Datapoints 3, 4 will be drawn on 2nd pixel column.
Datapoints 5, 6, 7 will be drawn on 3rd pixel column.
Datapoints 8, 9 will be drawn on 4th pixel column.
And going on like that.
