Whois CNAME record not forwarding to heroku custom domain - heroku

I've added a custom subdomain to my herokuapp as
pointing to
In my Whois CNAME records, I've added a new record as follows:
Zone id. XXXXXXX
Name subdomain.domain.com
Class IN
Status Active
Value example.herokuapp.com
TTL 28800
Creation Date 2015-08-08 19:14:54.753498
But this is still not resolving and accessing the url gives me
When I check my CLI with heroku domains, it gives me the list of domains I've added to the app.
How can I fix this?

You don't have access to subdomain.domain.com. Yours should be subdomain.herokuapp.com


DNS record validation using sendgrid with Domain.com

I have been unable to find any help of almost any kind for Domain.com.
I am trying to set up SendGrid domain authentication. All I get is errors.
SendGrid side:
Expected CNAME for "em.....[mywebsite].com" to match "..........sendgrid.net".
Expected CNAME for "s1._domainkey.[mywebsite].com" to match "s1.domainkey.........sendgrid.net".
Expected CNAME for "s2._domainkey.[mywebsite].com" to match "s2.domainkey...........sendgrid.net".
On the Domain.com side I set it up like this:
**Record** **Name** **Content**
CNAME em.... ..........sendgrid.net
CNAME s1._domainkey s1.domainkey...........sendgrid.net
CNAME s2._domainkey s2.domainkey...........sendgrid.net
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
Twilio SendGrid developer evangelist here.
If you lookup the DNS records for your domain you will see that there are no listed CNAME records. However, you will also see that your name servers are listed with Digital Ocean. So, making the changes in domain.com will not make a difference to your domain as they no longer control the name servers.
I recommend you log into Digital Ocean and set up the CNAME records for your domain there. Then you'll be well on your way to setting up your Domain Authentication with SendGrid.

Trouble connecting domain name to Heroku app

I have bought a domain name with Porkbun.com, I have added that domain to my herokuapp domains and received a DNS target. I have added an ALIAS record with host: 'mywebsite.domain' and target as the DNS target I received from Heroku.
When trying to access the domain I get 'bad Request (400)' error. I have then tried these three separate steps:
As instructed by Porkbun I added another ALIAS record with host: www.mywebsite.domain and target: 'mywebsite.domain'.
I deleted all the ALIAS records I had and added a CNAME record with host: 'www.mywebsite.domain' and target: 'mywebsite.herokuapp.com'.
Changed CNAME target to be the DNS record I received from Heroku.
In the three cases I receive a Heroku page saying 'There is nothing here' and titled 'no such app'.
Similar problem occurred to me yesterday when i tried to deploy a ghost app to heroku pointing to a custom domain name purchased through porkbun. After googling i found out that the IT TAKES ALMOST A DAY TO RESOLVE THE DNS POINTING TO THE CUSTOM DOMAIN in porkbun.
I changed the CNAME RECORD pointing to the herokuapp url;-"yourappname.heruko.com"
Add the host as WWW
You can also use ALIAS-CNAME RECORDING to point to the heroku app url.
heroku domains:add example.com
heroku domains:add www.example.com
heroku domains:add *.example.com
This is to point your domain name from heroku side
Check out this video its about connecting your domain name to godaddy. I think its the same way with porkbun youtube.com/watch?v=kKGSGT7mSnQ&t=75s
Please let me know if this does work for you

adding custom domain in heroku with big rock domain

I have a heroku app which i want to point to www.infoxpression.in
I added the domain name on heroku and added CNAME record in my bigrock DNS management but it is not working...
Big rock DNS management records:
Heroku dashboard:
Am i doing it wrong?
To connect your heroku hosting to big rock domain,
You have to open your big rock domain account and in the DNS Management page add in the cname the host: www and in the point to: your heroku url And in the heroku page in the settings add three domains:
1 *.xyz.com
2: xyz.com
3. www.xyz.com
This is to point your domain name from heroku side
heroku domains:add example.com
heroku domains:add www.example.com
heroku domains:add *.example.com
This should work :) Check this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKGSGT7mSnQ&feature=youtu.be
Please make sure that your bigrock account has default nameservers
like in the image:
Domain registration >> Name Servers
Do the domain forwarding as well.
Domain forwarding >> Manage domain forwarding >> add new
sub-domain prefix = (leave it blank if you have no subdomain)
destination URL = http://www.yourdoamin.com
URL masking is off
However, it will take 24-48 hours for updating.

Godaddy CNAME record does not work with heroku DNS target

I have bought the following domain www.rodrigoloza.com from GoDaddy. I have a Django application deployed in heroku https://rodrigo-blog-123456.herokuapp.com/
I wanted to add my www domain to my heroku app, so I edited the CNAME of my DNS and added the following information.
Name: www
Value: rodrigoloza.com.herokudns.com
TTL: 1 Hour
When I check heroku domains -a app_name I get that the domain name has been set to the DNS target www.rodrigoloza.com.herokudns.com but when I click on my domain I see the page cannot be found. I don't know what can be wrong.
Pd: I have waited for more than 48 hours so changes should have propagated by now.

Namecheap SPF record setup for SparkPost not working

I'm having trouble getting SparkPost SPF record setup correctly with my Namecheap domain.
I have the type set as TXT, host set as #, and the value set as v=spf1 include:sparkpostmail.com ~all and TTL set to 1min for quick testing and my TXT record but it still wont work. The TXT record is not propagating using this website to test. https://www.whatsmydns.net/#TXT
In namecheap, I have tried setting my "MAIL SETTINGS" to "email forwarding", no email service, and private email, cause I wasn't sure which mail settings to use either.
Turns out my problem was I had a CNAME record for the # root domain.
From Support:
In case you have a CNAME record configured for # (root domain), email will not work technically. The CNAME has the highest priority and suppresses all other records for the hostname (including MX Records which are responsible for mail delivery). The main difference between CNAME and ALIAS records is that the ALIAS record does not suppress A, MX, TXT, CAA records for the same host, unlike the CNAME record. In this case, I advise you to change the host type from CNAME # xxx.herokudns.com. to ALIAS # xxx.herokudns.com.
Looking at the heroku docs, it also apears they recommend using the ALIAS for namecheap.
