How do you switch between two different Xamarin Form pages? - xamarin

I'm trying to figure out how to switch between two different pages in Xamarin Forms.
I do not wish to use a NavigationPage (which has that little back arrow that is auto displayed.
I have a Login page (which is a ContentPage) and once the person has authenticated, I then need to navigate to my Dashboard page (which is a TabbedPage).
Next, one of the Tab's in the TabbedPage is the profile of the logged in user. As such, I need to log them out. So i'll have a button to log them out, which means I will need to navigate them back to the Login page (which was that ContentPage).
I feel like I have two modes the user might be in.
UnAuthorized. (ContentPage)
Authorized. (TabbedPage).
It's like I need to change the App's MainPage to be either one of those two?

To change MainPage to another just do:
App.Current.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new MyContentPage());
App.Current.MainPage = new MyContentPage();
BTW: You can use a NavigationPage and then HIDE the toolbar with:
NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false);

You can do navigation as usual by setting MainPage in your Application instance. Small sample.
namespace TestNavigation
public class App : Application
public App ()
// The root page of your application
MainPage = new MyPage1 ();
namespace TestNavigation
public class MyPage1 : ContentPage
public MyPage1 ()
var button = new Button () {
Text = "Click me"
button.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
Application.Current.MainPage = new MyPage2 ();
Content = new StackLayout {
Children = {
namespace TestNavigation
public class MyPage2 : ContentPage
public MyPage2 ()
Content = new StackLayout {
Children = {
new Label { Text = "Hello ContentPage" }
I submitted this answer but then I realised that I probably don't understand your problem.
Updated sample.

If you like to switch between the pages then you can simply do
Application.Current.MainPage=new YourPage();
How to Change MainPage in xamarin forms at runtime?
this is what i have done to get result

For a login page, the best practice is to use
await Navigation.PushModalAsync (new LoginPage());
Once you are on the LoginPage, you can use popModelAsync after the validation is passed:
await Navigation.PopModalAsync ();


ARCGis Xamarin - MapView from previous page displays after navigating to new page

I have a 'main' map page from which the user can either add data to the map or click on existing data to see the details. This is done with PushModalAsync() where I navigate to a new page. My problem is in both of those new pages I have a new map with a new MapView that is 'underneath' the MapView from the 'main' page. Both the MapView and Map itself are new objects on the secondary pages.
After navigating to my new pages, the previous MapView shows in the area of the screen where it existed (on 'main' page) where my new MapView also exists. In other words, on my new map pages my map is laid out differently and partially sits higher in the layout than the 'main' map does. The part that sits higher is the only part of the new map that is visible and I can interact with. The part that sits on the same area is the 'main' map view and I cannot interact with it and it blocks my new map.
I tried this with PushAsync as well (not modal) and nothing changed. How is one supposed to have multiple maps in an app across multiple pages? Is this even possible with ArcGIS? This app used to be with Google Maps/Apple and the exact same layout worked just fine.
Edit: Code here (with irrelevant parts removed) This page is navigated to from another page with a map on it wherein this map is covered if it is laid out in the same area of the first map. From this page I navigate to a 3rd page where both maps show up. Removal works successfully, however when I try to add I get an error saying I cannot add a null child to a view group:
public partial class EventDetails : ContentPage
public Xamarin.Forms.Grid MapGrid = new Xamarin.Forms.Grid()
RowDefinitions =
new RowDefinition { Height = 220 },
new RowDefinition { Height = GridLength.Auto }
ColumnDefinitions =
new ColumnDefinition { Width = 500 }
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center
public Map DetailMap;
public MapView MyDetailMapView = new MapView();
public EventDetails(MapLog eventDetails, string strMapType)
DetailMap = new Map(BasemapType.ImageryWithLabels, eventDetails.Latitude, eventDetails.Longitude, iMapDetail);
MyDetailMapView.Map = DetailMap;
MyDetailMapView.ViewpointChanged += MyMapView_ViewpointChanged;
var scrollView = new ScrollView
Content = mainStack
MapGrid.Children.Add(MyDetailMapView, 0, 0);
MapGrid.Children.Add(scrollView, 0, 1);
Content = MapGrid;
#if __ANDROID__
protected override void OnAppearing()
if (!MapGrid.Children.Contains(MyDetailMapView))
catch (Exception ex)
DisplayAlert("Err", ex.Message, "Ok");
protected override void OnDisappearing()
if (MapGrid.Children.Contains(MyDetailMapView))
EDIT*: I updated my Xamarin Forms version and ARCGIS Runtime and now the solution to remove/add the map does work without issue.
I had other similar problems with having two maps for android in Xamarin Forms ArcGIS and the solution was removing the MapView from the visual tree when you navigate to the new page.
You need to remove the MapView before you Navigate to the second page by:
[your parent layout].Children.Remove(MyMapView);
await Navigation.PushAsync(new SecondPage());
And in your first page you need to make sure to add the MapView back to the Visual Tree when you come back to the page:
protected override void OnAppearing()
if (!GridMap.Children.Contains(MyMapView))
That solved all my problems with two maps. Thanks to this post in ESRI forum
Navigation between 2 MapViews in Xamarin Android

Xamarin.Forms Pages are merging together

When I navigate to a new page, adding it to the stack, if it is not full height of the page, it shows part of that page and part of the previous page (like a modal). I have a Xamarin.Forms app which uses a master detail page. I have upgraded to Xamarin.Forms Nuget and am on the latest Xamarin version for Visual Studio.
I also checked the Navigation stack when going to a new page and everything looks correct. I have 1 master page which is the menu and the detail page has a navigation page with more pages in the stack, they just display partially on top of each other.
The only other thing I have changed is when I needed to initialize my App() constructor by setting the MainPage to a new MasterDetail page because it was failing if I did not do that in the constructor for Android. Any ideas?
Here is my App.cs:
public App()
var masterDetailPage = new MasterDetailPage
Master = new Page() { Title = "Title" },
Detail = new Page(),
IsPresented = false
App.Current.MainPage = masterDetailPage;
Then, when I figure out if the user is logged in or not, I reset the master detail page with this function:
public static void SetMainPage(Page newPage)
var rootPage = new NavigationPage(newPage) { BarBackgroundColor = Color.White};
App.Current.MainPage = new MasterDetailPage
Master = new Menu(),
Detail = rootPage,
BindingContext = new MowMagicMobileViewModelBase(),
IsPresented = false
Then from there I call Navigation PushAsync() to pop a page onto the stack.
Wow it was actually that I just did not set a background color at all. I guess if you do not explicitly set it for the page it is transparent, unless that gets inherited from somewhere?
I dont know if its the solution but i have masterdetail page too..
But my page is like this
Master = new MenuPage();// it is a content page
Detail = new NavigationPage(new HomePage());
try it to see
If you want to change background i did sth like that
public class NavigationPageBase:NavigationPage
public NavigationPageBase (ContentPage c):base(c)
/*if (c.GetType().Equals(typeof(LoginPage)))
SetHasNavigationBar(c, false);
SetHasNavigationBar(c, true);*/
SetHasNavigationBar(c, true);
BarBackgroundColor = Styles.toolbarColor;
BackgroundColor = Styles.bgPageColor;
and for detailpage you can use it for example like
Detail = new NavigationPageBase (new HomePage ());
And from your App() constructor you can do simply
MainPage = new MyMasterDetailPage();
Hope it helps

Xamarin PCL splash screen containing a web service call

I'd like to have a Xamarin PCL ContentPage that displays a welcome message and then loads data from a web service. I have the web service working but the problem is that in the following example nothing is displayed while it takes time to work.
What is the general strategy for: displaying a wait-type Splash page, waiting for a long-running task to complete, and then continuing with the rest of the application (say a Main Menu page)?
Hopefully the strategy will work in the PCL project so that I don't have to try and write iOS and Android versions? I've tried to put code in various override methods, but nothing seems to work. Thanks in advance for any advice.
// The following is called from the "App : Application" class.
public class SplashScreen : ContentPage
public SplashScreen()
Label lblWelcome = new Label { Text = "Hello. Please wait..." };
Content = new StackLayout
Children = { lblWelcome }
//TODO: Have the device display the above content before the following continues...
//TODO: Move on to display the Main Menu
This may do the trick:
public class SplashScreen : ContentPage
public SplashScreen()
Label lblWelcome = new Label { Text = "Hello. Please wait..." };
Content = new StackLayout
Children = { lblWelcome }
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () => {
//If awaitable
var response = await CallWebServiceToLoadParameters();
App.Current.MainPage = //Your main page.
A little bit ugly, the correct way will be with a ViewModel for each page.

Navigation on ViewModel in MVVM Light in Xamarin.Forms

I have a Xamarin.froms app in MVVM Light, i want to open another page on button click, but i only want to use this method of Page class
page.Navigation.PushModalAsync(new MyPage())
How to send "Page" class as reference on ViewModel class.
There are variety of ways to do this.
Easy way:
Pass the Page as a constructor parameter of View Model.
The useful way:
Write a Navigation Service. This can extend from a Content Page like this:
public class NavigationService : ContentPage
public static INavigation Navigation
get {
return Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation;
public static IReadOnlyList<Page> NavigationStack () {
return Navigation.NavigationStack;
Now you can use this Service in your ViewModel like this:
Page lastPage = Navigation.NavigationStack.Last;
XAML code
<Button Text="Help" Command="{Binding NavigateHelpPage}"/>
MVVM Hierarchical page navigation in Xamarin.forms
public ICommand NavigateHelpPage { get; }
private async Task NavigateToHelpPage()
await Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new HelpPage());
Inside Constructor:
NavigateHelpPage = new Command(async () => await NavigateToHelpPage());
MainPage you can set like :
Application.Current.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new Views.Dashboard.DashboardPage());

Xamarin.Forms removing a page

When my app first starts up I have it display a login page. In the login button if they are able to login I want to then remove the login page and navigate to a tabbed page. In this tabbed page I'll have a settings page that would allow me to get back to the login page if needed. Right now I have the following but it doesn't work. The HomePage is shown but the back arrow to the login page shows up and I don't want that.
public class LoginPage: ContentPage
public LoginPage() { // create controls here }
public btnLogin_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e){
Navigation.PopAsync(); // remove this page (doesn't work)
Navigation.PushAsync(new HomePage());
public class App : Application
public App()
MainPage = new NavigationPage(new LoginPage());
Xamarin.Forms 1.3 added the capability to add and remove pages resetting the root of the navigation stack as you suggest. Your code indicates that you are using at least version 1.3. However, calling PopAsync() right off the bat is not the method you want to use as it will not pop off a page if it is the only page in the stack. Instead use the INavigation interface's InsertPageBefore(newPage, pageToPutBefore) method first and then pop the login page off the end of the stack.
You can try code similar to this:
public async void btnLogin_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Do some login logic and if successful ...
Navigation.InsertPageBefore(new HomePage(), this);
await Navigation.PopAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
There are several new methods in Xamarin.Forms 1.3 that substantially improve the navigation capabilities. Another possible solution to the above problem would be to first add the HomePage to the end of the stack and then use the new RemovePage method to remove the login page from the start of the stack leaving the HomePage as the only page left. One thing you want to be careful of, if you are adding the new page using an asynchronous method like PushAsync you will need to await to call to ensure the new page is finished being added to the stack before removing the old page.
Yet another solution: Change MainPage property
in App.cs Constructor:
public App()
MainPage = new LoginPage();
in your Login method:
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
Application.Current.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new HomePage());
For your second point , the back arrow to the login page shows up and you don't want that >>
Use this NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(YourPage, false);
This will remove the Back Button from your navigation bar
As an example for your code above,
HomePage myHomePage = new HomePage();
NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(myHomePage , false);
You can explore more methods of NavigationPage - such as SetHasNavigationBar and many more, they are really good.
Please let me know if this helps.
