Is it possible to configure ckeditor create <p> on two Enters? - ckeditor

Is it possible to configure CKEditor to create <br> on Enter and <p> on Enter + Enter?
What consequences might be if I change CKEditor to work like this?


Not able to click a dropdown field which is designed in the DOJO Html using selenium

I am not able to click an arrow drop down filed in my application using selenium web driver.
I tried lot of XPath using class name and relative XPath
This is the code used for the problem
<span class="dijitReset dijitInline dijitIcon pentaho_dijitEditorIconExport"
Please add some more information from your HTML i just add some text and xpaths are like that
<span class="dijitReset dijitInline dijitIcon pentaho_dijitEditorIconExport"
Xpaths are:
//span[#class='dijitReset dijitInline dijitIcon pentaho_dijitEditorIconExport']
//span[#data-dojo-attach-point='iconNode' and #class='dijitReset dijitInline dijitIcon pentaho_dijitEditorIconExport']
Add some more informaton if you have any concern
dojo combo are basically <input type= "text">, once u click on it or type the first letter of the option you want to select, a <div> is attached to the html body which has following structure:-
<div resultname="option name" resultvalue="option value" class="dojoComboBoxItem dojoComboBoxItemEven ">Option Value</div>
now there are 3 steps to select from dojo
identify the input text
type the first few letters of the option you want to select
create dynamic xpath to select the option
the code goes as followes
String optionName = "Option You Want to Select";
WebElement dojoBox = driver.findElement(By.xpath("<provide the xpath here>"));
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='page-home']/span/div[#resultvalue='" + optionName + "']")).click();
if you are not sure about the dynamic xpath structure, then manually select the option, and inspect the div you have added, generally it should have the similar structure.

how to remove everything after specific text with xpath

I am trying to setup a Telegram Instant View for a website.
i have something like this code and want to remove everything after "remove from here" text
<p> sample text <p> test</p> remove from here <p>test text</p> </p>
how can i access every text/nodes after this specific text ("remove from here") and remove them?
i want to have this result:
<p> sample text <p> test</p> remove from here</p>
how can i access every text/nodes after this specific text
You can use following-sibling::* from XPath to access the nodes on the same level after the one you selected.
Then use #remove function from the Instant View DSL:
$selected_node: //*[self::text() and normalize-space()="remove from here"]
#remove: $selected_node/following-sibling::*
You may want to be more specific with the $selected_node. Depending on your needs, you may want to add predicates to remove only certain types of the following siblings, for example: following-sibling::*[self::node() or self::text()].

CKEditor unable to override styles on non-span tags?

I am trying to use CKEditor to edit some html created with a different tool (Quill) that has a different opinion on which tags one should place style attributes.
For example:
<strong style="color: rgb(230, 0, 0);">TEST</strong>
When one tries to use CKEditor (standalone V4.6) to change the color of this line of text one gets the following (which doesn't work due to the new color being overridden by the old color)
<span style="color:#00ffff;">
<strong style="color: rgb(230, 0, 0);">TEST</strong>
It seems obvious that any inner tags should get their color style removed when the color is set but I have been unable to find a way to configure CKEditor to do that. It seems like a bug that it doesn't. Is there any way to get CKEditor to do this? (this applies to all style properties, not just color)
If not, is there a way to get CKEditor to normalize the html on load so that all styles are extracted out to spans?

change image with jquery depending on alt tag

I am using an RSS feed to display weather from an external source on my website. I would like to be able to change/swap out the images in the feed for my own images. The only thing that makes each image unique is its Alt tag.
<img alt="Sunny" src="">
Sunny. Warm.
20 - 28
So, is there a way to recognize that the Alt tag is "Sunny", and replace this image with one of my own?
Don't be afraid to reference the manual.
$('img[alt="Sunny"]').attr('src', someUrl);

Selenium: Extracting only Text with out any sub elements from <p>

Below is the sample code
I want this Text
<sup> not this </sup>
.(Need this too).
<sup> and not this </sup>
Using Selenium RC, selenium.getText("//...") bring us the all the text including which are in < sup >.
Is there any way to get the text from <p> without <sup> tags ?
Please let me know. Thanks
Your only option is to get the text of the three elements and manipulate the parts you don't want away. That, or resort to using getEval() to run some JavaScript that get's the <P> element's innerHTML property, then remove the parts inside the <SUP> elements yourself.
