Use API on a nw.js application - google-api

I'm trying to consume YouTube Data API v3 from a desktop Node.js application built with nw.js, but I'm getting an access denied error even though I have enabled the API on Google Console and created a Client ID (for native application).
Can you help me?

I don't think you can use the API from local files since:
Applications that use JavaScript to access the YouTube Data API must
specify authorized JavaScript origins. The origins identify the
domains from which your application can send API requests.
As a workaround, you can open a web page hosted on your server, and as long as the page is on an authorized domain it should work.


Programmatically updating redirect_uris in a Google app OAuth client

I created an app in the Google Cloud console with an OAuth 2.0 client.
Can I programmatically update the list of allowed redirect URIs to allow different subdomains? (,, etc.)
The only way I was able to do it was via the GUI at which is not scalable.
I was looking for this same thing.
All I could find was this, but it is only for Identity Aware Proxy

Setting PowerApps CustomConnector to OAuth2/AzureAD

I am trying to use OAuth2 (Azure Active Directory) to authenticate against a web api that I wrote, which is secured by Azure Active Directory. I know my security is setup correctly because I wrote a different app to consume the API, and it works.
When I try to setup the PowerApps custom connector, I keep getting a 401 Unauthorized error. I believe that it is because I don't have my settings correct. However, I cannot figure out what the fields in the PowerApps security page are supposed to map to.
Here is a screen shot of the page in powerapps. Please advise...
The client id and client secrecy is that the property the client app you register in the app.
And the resource URL is the app id URI of the app which represents the web API. And you can decode it from the token which works for previews request.
More detail about authentication for the PowerApps for Azure Active Directory, you can refer the link below:
Use Azure Active Directory with a custom connector in PowerApps

using google API for user identification and authentication

I tried to build a mobile app (client(mobile) <-> server) and i'm going to use google API to authenticate and identify my user and to sync to my server.
which is the best method to achieve this?
I was thinking to use below method:
Mobile app get authorization code
send the code to server
server contact google server to get access token
both server and mobile client use the access token to access data from google. <-- is this access token generated portable? means: i can use it in server as well as in mobile app?
i'm not sure if above method is the right method that i should use, if it the right method, is there any reference that i can follow (esp. in python) - i tried to read but it's quite humongous type of API there and i got lost...
Thanks for the kind advise

Using OAuth 2.0 for Devices - Google API - Google Drive

I took a look in some docs at and some questions here in stackoverflow and I really would like to found an objective answer about use the Google OAuth Server to authenticate an application and grant access to download docs into a Google Drive account with NO BROWSER interaction.
As far as I could look, docs like "Using OAuth 2.0 for Server to Server Applications", "Using OAuth 2.0 for Devices", answers here, I couldn't found an article saying "Is possible to authorize an application to get files from a common Google Drive account in Devices with no browser...".
Anyone have tried and had success in this jorney?
The Devices flow is meant for applications that run on devices where no browser is present (fancy example could be a wristwatch that shows new G+ notifications) and requires the user to do manual steps on a device that has a browser. Also this is for getting access to data on the user's account.
As you say you have an embedded application running without a browser available and want to access data on behalf of a user, this is definitely the way to go. This however still needs the user to login (once) on another device with a browser. After you got an access token using this flow, you can then access the Google Drive API either manually or by using some library.
So you want to access data on Google Drive that belongs to a special account and only your application can access it without a browser involved?
A Service Account (the Server-to-Server flow) would be exactly what you need. These however are only for usage on a web server, as otherwise your private keyfile would have to be deployed to a client, where it could easily be extracted.
One thing you could do is use your own web server that fetches data from your Google account using a Service Account and have a client application that only connects to your own web server. This has of course also its downsides, especially when it comes to locking down your web server so no third party clients could access it.
It can be done, but a browser does need to be used. I've successfully gotten OAuth 2.0 working on an IBM i (AS/400, iSeries, System i, whatever the name is today) which doesn't have a browser. I've so far implemented the Calendar and Google Cloud Print APIs.
During the OAuth 2.0 negotiation you will be returned a URL and a code. You need to display the URL for the user to go to, then the code to enter to grant authority for that specific API/scope. I have an example in our documentation here:
But, the issue now is that the drive API is not yet available to devices. But, Google has said that soon it should be.

Making an OAuth connection from a Windows application to a Google App Engine application

We have a Windows 7 Task Tray application that needs to access services in our Google App Engine application, and we are having difficulty making the OAuth connection between them work. For some reason our OAuth libraries that work with the Twitter and Tumblr OAuth implementations do not seem to work in this scenario with Google. Google is returning a 400 bad request response to the last step in the OAuth authorization sequence.
To debug the problem I am trying to use Google's OAuth 1.0 Playground page ( But I can't figure out what should be entered for the "scope" in step 1. If I enter the name of our GAE server the sequence will fail with the error message "Invalid scope". Clearly, choosing one of the provided scopes (the Google API services) is not an option for us.
Can anybody tell me how the OAuth scope designation should be set when accessing Google App Engine hosted services?
just for reference look at this blog,looks helpful in your case
I think this Google Official Docs explains best how to set up an endpoint to your own appengine application. You question isn't very specific, but take note of the following that is being written in this document:
The scope of an authorization, how much the consumer is allowed to access, is for all of a single app. App Engine only supports whole-app scopes, and does not support more granular scope requests. When Google Accounts prompts the user to authorize a consumer, the prompt explains that the consumer is requesting permission to access the full app.
And did you set up OAuth on your domain?
The consumer performs OAuth actions using a set of standard web service endpoints. These endpoints use reserved paths on your app's domain. For example, if your app uses a Google Apps domain of, the endpoints for the OAuth protocol begin as follows:
