Migrating ansible version 1.5.4 to latest ansible version - ansible

I have been using ansible 1.5.4 for 8 month. Yesterday I found that login_port of mysql_repilcation module is not supported in 1.5.4 version.
It is a bug in that version, but they supported in latest version (>= 1.8 I think). But I already have more than 50 ansible script running in 1.5.4
which has been used in production side
What is the best possible scenario:
If I move 1.5.4 to latest version , will it impact on any existing
ansible script
Is it possible to achieve the desire outout by shell command.
I am stuck in the middle of ocean. please help me to out of this

If I move 1.5.4 to latest version , will it impact on any existing
ansible script
This highly depends on your playbook/roles, but I'm pretty sure it won't just work without changes. For example I read many times now that users have problems with sudo on role level:
- roles:
- role: whatever
sudo: yes
That was broken in 1.9.1. Officially it is fixed but I have read users have still problems. Generally sudo has been replaced with become. Even though the documentation claims sudo is still supported, it clearly isn't completely.
Another change I remember was related to ssh transport but you should only stumble about this issue if you reboot your host during play with Ansible.
I think the sudo/become change was the biggest one. If you want to avoid the hassle and do not necessarily need the very recent version you might just upgrade to a version before 1.9 and will have better chances of getting through without changes.
If you have the time though, I recommend you make your play compatible with the recent version. The Ansible 2.0 release is ahead and will introduce many new very useful features.
Is it possible to achieve the desire outout by shell command.
You mean to automatically convert your playbook/roles? No, not unless you find out exactly about the problems and write that script yourself. :)
I am stuck in the middle of ocean. please help me to out of this problem
Generally you should test every new version of Ansible on a testing/staging environment first. If you do not have testing hosts you can set up local VM's. There you can test and fix your play.

Since login_port of mysql_repilcation module is not supported in ansible 1.7 version. I found a way to achieve the result.
- name: "stop slaves of existing database server"
shell: >
mysql -uroot -p{{ mysql_exist_slave_database_password }} \
-P{{ default_port }} -h{{ default_host }} -e "stop slave" -s
- name: "Retrieve the Position and binary file number using slave
shell: >
mysql -uroot -p{{ mysql_exist_slave_database_password }} \
-P{{ default_port }} -h{{ default_host }} -e "show slave
status\G" -s
register: output
- name: "start slaves of existing database server"
shell: >
mysql -uroot -p{{ mysql_exist_slave_database_password }} -P{{
default_port }} -h{{ default_host }} -e "start slave" -s


LDAP Client installation using ansible

We need to install LDAP client over 156 machines. So we want to use ansible to complete this task.
apt-get install ldap-utils libpam-ldapd libnss-ldapd nscd
But when we install it asked lot of question in response (popup box) and we are facing issue how we can handle those response in playbook.
I have used expect module but it was working well when we see question/response on screen not in popup box like below:
- name: run command to install rubyencoder
chdir: /home/ubuntu/rubyencoder-evaluation/bin
command: /home/ubuntu/rubyencoder-evaluation/bin/rubyencoder
'.*Press return key to continue.*': ""
'.*type \"I AGREE\".*': "I AGREE"
'.*Your RubyEncoder profile e-mail.*': "abc#xyz.com"
'.*Your RubyEncoder profile password.*': ""
Above config handle response properly but same method is not working in ldap client installation.
I am using below playbook:
- hosts: test1
become: true
# remote_user: dagar
# sudo: yes
- name: install ldap client packages
command: apt-get install ldap-utils libpam-ldapd libnss-ldapd nscd
'.*Do you want to continue?.*': ""
'.*LDAP server URI.*': "Ok"
'.*LDAP server search base.*': "Ok"
'.*Name servives to configure.*': "Ok"
'.*Restart services during package upgrades without asking?.*': "No"
'.*Services to restart to make them use the new libraries.*': "Ok"
Can anybody please help me on above issue.
Any help or guidance will be appriciated.
This accepted answer may help: How to do an initial setup of slapd OLC with ldapmodify
It uses slapd and a heredoc to define the answers for debconf-set-selections to consume.
I run a one line command to join nodes to ldap (assuming the packages are installed and relevant services started. I use nslcd)
authconfig --enableldapauth --ldapserver="ldapserver.example.com" --ldapbasedn="dc=example,dc=com" --update
So Ansible method would be:
- name: This command will join a node to an LDAP server
cmd: authconfig --enableldapauth --ldapserver="ldapserver.example.com" --ldapbasedn="dc=example,dc=com" --update
That should also update /etc/nsswitch.conf, but if not, you can always replace the file with ansible
I'm not sure how to do this with only ansible, but since you are already using expect for automating script responses you could use something like autohotkeys or sikuli to answer popups. You could have ansible run your expect script to answer the scripted responses and run the autohotkeys script to answer the popup. Or perhaps you can just modify whatever script you are running for the install in order to not make a popup.
You can see more info:

Ansible : how to set recovery options in Windows services

I need to bring up the following service and configure recovery options as below using ansible,
rem Register windows services
"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\installutil.exe" "C:\myservice.exe"
rem Configure windows services recovery options
%SystemRoot%\System32\sc.exe failure myservice reset= 600 actions= restart/300000
%SystemRoot%\System32\sc.exe failureflag myservice 1
I can use win_service module to install service.
- name: Install Windows service
name: myservice
path: 'C:\myservice.exe'
How do I set recovery options in ansible ? I don't see any free-form text in below given link,
The link you have shared points out to the win_service module in ansible version 2.3 which is quite old.
Meanwhile, I just checked and there is nothing about recovery options either in the latest version of win_service (2.8 at time of writing)
However, there seems to be an ongoing pretty advanced PR that would introduce changes meeting your requirements. There are still some issues to fix and it missed 2.9 code freeze. But hopefully it could come out for the next version.
If you really can't wait you can try to install ansible from the above PR branch. But if you want to keep it safe, you will have to launch commands through the win_command module after installing the service until this PR is released.

Is it possible to upgrade Ansible itself with the modules of Ansible?

I came across a code as;
- pip: name=ansible version=<ansible_version> extra_args='--ignore-installed'
During my test I confirmed the upgrade of Ansible version.
I also tried this with raw module;
- raw: pip install ansible==<ansible_version>
but the following tasks after this fails during playbook execution. There are various types of errors:
ImportError: cannot import name AnsiblePlugin
TypeError: mkdtemp() takes at most 4 arguments (5 given)
or playbook execution even hangs on next task.
I wonder is it really possible to upgrade version of Ansible by using ansible-playbook execution itself. Would it be possible by reloading Ansible core modules somehow after Ansible version upgrade?
Ansible can be upgraded via pip module of Ansible itself, but any subsequent tasks might fail after the upgrade, this is a natural behavior.
Only exception is remote host here. If your installation or upgrade of Ansible is performed by an Ansible task which is executed on a remote host, it would proceed without causing a failure. Because in this scenario, actual installation of Ansible is done on remote host without updating any configuration of Ansible on localhost.

Running Oracle SQL scripts with Ansible playbook

A look at the core database modules in Ansible documentation shows no signs of a module for Oracle. What is the best way to handle SQL/PLSQL deployments via Ansible for Oracle databases?
Are we expected to use roles from Ansible Galaxy to handle this? Very few people seem to have downloaded roles listed on Galaxy for Oracle.
I have created a role to install apex 5 (where I first uninstall apex 4). I use modules like 'script' and 'shell'. I am not too happy about environment initialization but I am still learning. For any SQL/PLSQL task, sqlplus is the right tool. (perhaps SQLcl can do better..?)
- name: Determine apex version
become: yes
become_user: oracle
shell: source /etc/profile && sqlplus -S / as sysdba #"{{ temp_dir }}/apexver.sql"
register: apexver
executable: /bin/bash
changed_when: "'APEX_040000' in apexver.stdout"
- name: oracle apex remove
become: yes
become_user: oracle
script: apex_remove.sh {{ item }}
- 'XE'
ignore_errors: yes
register: result
when: "'APEX_040000' in apexver.stdout"
22:18 $ cat apex_remove.sh
# set oracle environment
. /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/bin/oracle_env.sh
sqlplus -s /nolog <<EOF
connect / as sysdba
I'm not sure if this is related to your question, but I originally was looking for Ansible modules to Start/Stop and get the Status of an Oracle database. I couldn't find anything suitable so I wrote my own ansible modules. Modules give you the power to define a standard interface, with OK/Failed/Changed responses to tasks, while performing as much low-level activity/commands as you need (in this way they are much more flexible than the simple shell/command modules). I wrote the modules to be idempotent -- they won't attempt to start databases that are already started, and won't attempt to stop databases that are already stopped. And if a stop/stop function isn't successful, it returns Failed with stdout/stderr.
Along with Oracle databases, I've also written modules to provide interfaces for Business Objects and Weblogic services. The modules are significant up-front work, but once they are stable they can be used in a wide range of playbooks.
I haven't looked at Galaxy to see if there is anything else like this, and unfortunately due to the nature of my client/contract I'm not sure that I can share the modules that we have developed. I just thought I'd offer this as a possible avenue for you to explore.

Running Cassandra on Mac OS X

I am trying to run Cassandra on my mac.
I installed it following the steps detailed here: http://www.datastax.com/docs/1.0/getting_started/install_singlenode_root
but when I run:
bin/nodetool ring –h localhost
I get the following error message:
Class JavaLaunchHelper is implemented in both
/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_25.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java and
/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_25.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/libinstrument.dylib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
How can I make cassandra work?
Many thanks
You are using ancient docs. On a recent version of Cassandra, run the command like this:
bin/nodetool -h localhost ring (see http://www.datastax.com/documentation/cassandra/2.1/cassandra/tools/toolsRing.html)
If you installed vnodes (the default), use nodetool status for an easier-to-read output.
Please use these docs or the docs that match your installation, I doubt you installed Cassandra 1.0. Please check the installation instructions that match the version you downloaded.
CORRECTION: the nodetool ring command worked for me using options in any position on 2.0.10:
bin/nodetool -h localhost ring
bin/nodetool ring -h localhost
and using --h instead of -h
It is a known bug in the JDK but it is not going to stop you from running Cassandra.
What you can do is to set JAVA_HOME variable explicitly.
It will not solve the bug, but it might remedy the error.
This is problem with jdk version, so you have to do the following
unset JAVA_HOME from your terminal.
edit nodetool and assign JAVA variable with jdk version less than jdk7.
JAVA = /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.6.0_xx.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java
then run nodetool, you should be able to go without any issue.
