Now in new versión of Swiffy v7.3.0 anyone knows how to make Transparent Background???
Before in previuos version this works:
#swiffycontainer div {background-color: transparent !important;}
add it before stage.start()
How can i optimize the background image for any screen size in a phonegap application?
Thanks in Advance.
You can use SVG as image and in CSS use this:
background-image: url('...');
background-size: 100vw 100vh;
Assuming your image layout to be always same.
IE8 transparent background of hint bug(tooltip show under content)
modification only: white-space: pre-wrap; (because of multilines)
Bug is also in developer examples (with IE8)
You can't have a background color transparent in ie8.
What you can do is set a background image and make that transparent.
transparent background issue IE8, IE7
Try Internet Explorer - Alpha Filter !!
Here is the syntax:
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(parameters);
For IE-8
filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=<Opacity Value>)";
Reference:Alpha Filter
I need use a modal plugin and colorbox looks great.
How do I load it w/o the rounded borders?
Given my page size, the thick border taking too much space.
Anyway to hide it or make it thinner and hide the border if needed on some calls?
You can hide the borders in easy way:
and add class with border style if you want with this way :
.thin_border {
border: 10px solid blue;
border-radius: 10px;
margin: 10px;
box-shadow: 0 0 25px blue;
and then add it with jquery
I think colorbox isn't actually using the property "border" to get that huge black border going around. It seems like its being incased in a 3 x 3 div which uses images to create that border. Im sure you could remove it but its going to require messing with the actual colorbox javascript. You could try messing with the CSS as well.
You consider looking into a diffrent plugin like lightbox2 or shadowbox? I personally use slimbox (nice little clone of lightbox). If you want to mess with the code go for it. Otherwise I would just pick a diffrent plugin.
Lets say I have a div element, with a background in position: 0%; how would I change the position to e.g position: 100%; but with keyframes on hover
I can't seem to use keyframes properly, it never works and I have all the latest browsers.
If you just want to animate background position on hover it's a lot easier to use a transition instead of keyframe animations. See this fiddle for an example:
If you want to put in the extra effort of making it an animation you'll have to set the animation-play-state on the div to 'paused' and change it to 'running' on hover. See the spec on pausing animations here:
EDIT: I was bored so here's the same thing using keyframe animations:
Obviously, the fiddle has the problem that when you aren't hovering over the div the animation pauses which is probably not the desired effect.
Some Code, looks like webkit only at this point in time.
.box {
background:url('') no-repeat;
-webkit-transition:background-position 1s ease;
More here:
is it possible to change the background-color of e.g. the first icon of this site with CSS3, or WebKit’s CSS extensions?
I'm new to this and would appreciate some help. A link or an example would be great.
Thank you in advance.
Although you can style an Image, but changing color of Icon is not possible in CSS3 as it requires Blending modes.
You can achieve this with HTML5 Canvas
// Color
var over = someCanvas.getContext('2d');
// Icon
var under = anotherCanvas.getContext('2d');
over.blendOnto( under, 'screen', {destX:30,destY:15} );
use for achieving this.
If the icon image had a transparent background, then you could set the CSS background colour behind the image like this:
background: #c00 url(kombine-iphone-icons.png); /* Puts a red background behind the icon image */
Unfortunately, there’s nothing in CSS 3 (or any of WebKit’s CSS extensions) that lets you change the colour of images.
img {
background-color: #FF00FF;
Yes, you can style an image with css3. But something tells me that you question is actually more specific that it looks like..