Swagger UI REST URL suffix (.json) 404 error - ruby

I have deployed a test Grape REST API and I am trying to test it with Swagger UI.
The problem is that when Swagger UI loads the API specification it adds parenthesis to the suffix: http://arcane-shore-2642.herokuapp.com/api/v1/todos(.json)
This causes a 404 error since (.json) suffix is not valid.
The URL it calls should look like this: http://arcane-shore-2642.herokuapp.com/api/v1/todos
Or this: http://arcane-shore-2642.herokuapp.com/api/v1/todos.json
How can I fix this?
My Swagger UI installation
More valid routes:

I have encountered the same problem today. It's because original API spec data came from grape-swagger gem has the "(.json)" (or format) suffix.
apiVersion: "0.1",
swaggerVersion: "1.2",
resourcePath: "/hotels",
produces: [
apis: [
path: "/hotels.{format}",
operations: [
There's a configuration setting hide_format to the add_swagger_documentation which can hide the format suffix. However, option hide_format still has issue in latest released version of grape-swagger (0.10.1) with latest grape (0.12.0).
So we need to specify the developing grape-swagger and then set hide_format.
gem 'grape-swagger', github: "tim-vandecasteele/grape-swagger"
Your root API
add_swagger_documentation hide_format: true


Minima theme build shows "Liquid Exception: Invalid syntax for include tag. File contains invalid characters or sequences"

Here's a link to my website Facey's Thoughts and here's a link to the GitHub Pages project.
Cloning the (working) repository to my local machine and trying to run jekyll build fails with this error:
Liquid Exception: Invalid syntax for include tag. File contains invalid characters or sequences: social-icons/.svg Valid syntax: {% include file.ext param='value' param2='value' %} in assets/minima-social-ico.html
The Jekyll version is still the same as what's specified in my Gemfile:
jekyll 4.3.1. I have no idea what's changed.
I've tried removing the minima-social-ico.svg file; I've tried removing the posts that I was trying to add; I've tried searching Online for something similar to this issue without luck.
I tried jekyll build with local files, cloning my GitHub pages repo to a new directory, and that repo for sure built last night, and I've tried removing any new .markdown files that I made since the last time it successfully built.
I tried the following:
If I comment out social_links from my _config.yml file, it will build, I assume because it's not using the minima_social_icons.svg file. Why did it work and now it doesn't?
The problem is more with using the remote theme without locking to a specific commit/tag. (Since the v3.0 is still in development, any breaking change added to the main branch will break the build as well, if we refer to the latest changes always.)
One can lock to a specific commit/tag as: (in _config.yml file)
remote_theme: jekyll/minima#<insert-commit-hash_or_tag>
This time the breaking change was #686. Using social links more explicitly, as mentioned by Yshmarov should resolve the issue.
- { platform: github, user_url: "https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll" }
- { platform: twitter, user_url: "https://twitter.com/jekyllrb" }
Updating social links to be more explicit solved it for me:
- { platform: rss, user_url: "/feed.xml" }
- { platform: github, user_url: "https://github.com/yshmarov/" }
- { platform: twitter, user_url: "https://twitter.com/yarotheslav" }
- { platform: linkedin, user_url: "https://www.linkedin.com/in/yshmarov/" }

Nuxt3 Vite support for Cypress coverage instrumentation

I am building a Nuxt3 app and trying to integrate Cypress. As I'm aware Nuxt3 uses Vite instead and not babel, I was trying to instrument the project code using vite-plugin-istanbul npm package.
Here's my nuxt.config.ts after installing vite-plugin-istanbul package:
vite: {
vue: {
template: {
transformAssetUrls: true
plugins: [
exclude: ['node_modules', 'test/', 'coverage/'],
extension: [ '.js', '.ts', '.vue' ],
cypress: true
When I'm trying to run the server using npm run dev and visit the localhost URL, the following error is thrown at terminal:
[nuxt] [request error] [unhandled] [500] window is not defined
at cov_1291n0zka8 (./.nuxt/dist/server/server.mjs:3623:191)
at $id_Sv05hbOoTf (./.nuxt/dist/server/server.mjs:3624:75)
at async __instantiateModule__ (./.nuxt/dist/server/server.mjs:40418:3)
It seems the plugin is instrumenting the server-side rendered code and window object isn't defined there. I need to have SSR enabled in my app and I'm not sure of how to handle this error.
This issue has been resolved by the plugin authors.
TLDR version
Just update the vite-plugin-istanbul package to the latest version and the issue should get resolved.
Long version
There are two parts to this error:
The package was originally configured to transform all the files. The plugin authors have now added a condition that checks whether the SSR has been enabled or not. This is done via options.ssr property within the transform function. Please upgrade to the latest version of vite-plugin-istanbul. The plugin no longer instruments the SSR files, hence the window object error no longer exists in there. Follow this thread if you need more details.
After getting this error resolved, I was still facing another issue where the code instrumentation was impacting the proper app compilation and throwing a hydration mismatch error. The plugin authors came to the rescue again and fixed this error. Please upgrade to the latest version of vite-plugin-istanbul. Follow this GitHub thread if you need more details.
The package authors are really awesome and helpful. It's great to see such people in the open source community!

How to use HTTP in hyperstack

I have made a basic install of a hyperstack rails app using hyperstack.org's installation instructions, trying to add a HTTP.get request in an after_mount callback.
Not really sure what else I could try, thought HTTP would be a standard option
class App < HyperComponent
include Hyperstack::Router
after_mount do
render do
DIV() do
# NodeDisplay
# define routes using the Route psuedo component. Examples:
# Route('/foo', mounts: Foo) : match the path beginning with /foo and mount component Foo here
# Route('/foo') { Foo(...) } : display the contents of the block
# Route('/', exact: true, mounts: Home) : match the exact path / and mount the Home component
# Route('/user/:id/name', mounts: UserName) : path segments beginning with a colon will be captured in the match param
# see the hyper-router gem documentation for more details
the error received is:
Uncaught error: HTTP: uninitialized constant App::HTTP
in App (created by Hyperstack::Internal::Component::TopLevelRailsComponent)
in Hyperstack::Internal::Component::TopLevelRailsComponent
Simple answer: The HTTP library is not by default included in Opal or Hyperstack.
You can include it as part of the Opal jQuery wrapper, or with a minimal Opal Browser::HTTP library.
To add the jQuery wrapper to your Hyperstack application do the following:
Import the Hypestack jquery wrapper by adding
import 'hyperstack/component/jquery', client_only: true
to your config/initializers/hyperstack.rb file.
Then include the actual jquery javascript code in your assets:
If using webpacker run yarn add jquery in your terminal, and then add this line to the javascripts/packs/client_only.js file:
jQuery = require('jquery');
If not using webpacker instead add import 'jquery', client_only: true to the hyperstack initializer file.
If you just want to use the more minimal Browser::HTTP module, add
import 'browser/http
to your config/initializers/hyperstack.rb file.
After changing your hyperstack.rb you will have to clear the rails tmp cache by running rm -rf tmp/cache
Note: When using the browser version you will need to use Browser::HTTP instead of simply HTTP.

don't have related_posts.rb or one of its dependencies installed

I am trying to implement related_posts-jekyll_plugin plugin to show the related post based on post tag on jekyll blog. When running jekyll server I got following error, how can I solve it?
$ jekyll serve
Configuration file: D:/git/blog/_config.yml
Dependency Error: Yikes! It looks like you don't have D:/git/blog/_plugins/related_posts.rb or one of its dependencies installed. In order to use Jekyll as currently configured, you'll need to install this gem. The full error message from Ruby is: 'cannot load such file -- jekyll/post' If you run into trouble, you can find helpful resources at https://jekyllrb.com/help/!
jekyll 3.6.0 | Error: D:/git/blog/_plugins/related_posts.rb
My _config.yml file contains following content.
title: Kiran's blog | Kiran Shahi is a .NET developer from Nepal
email: mail#example.com
description: > # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
Welcome to kiran's blog. Kiran Shahi is a .NET guy. He is passionate about technology.
baseurl: "/blog" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. http://example.com
twitter_username: itskirans
github_username: kiranshahi
future: true
paginate: 5
# Build settings
markdown: kramdown
- jekyll-feed
- jekyll-paginate
- Gemfile
- Gemfile.lock
Although we can't see your config file, It Looks like you have related_posts.rb in your gem list in your config file. As this plugin is not a gem but just a plugin file you do not need to list it there. Just remove it from that section.

How do I setup the Date URLs Plugin for DocPad?

I've recently converted from Octopress to Docpad and couldn't be happier. I like everything, but one thing bothers me. At the moment all paths on my site are built directly from the filename, e.g. www.site.com/posts/yyyy-mm-dd-title/. What I want to get is www.site.com/posts/yyyy/title. I found the Date URLs plugin, but cannot understand how to set it up. I tried inserting the relevant part into docpad.coffee as follows:
docpadConfig =
cleanurl: true
trailingSlashes: true
collectionName: 'posts'
dateFormat: '/YYYY'
But nothing seems to change. The collection is defined as follows:
posts: ->
#getCollection("html").findAllLive({relativeOutDirPath:'blog'},[date:-1]).on "add", (model) ->
EDIT (in response to Lukasz Gornicki)
A sample of metadata from the blog folder:
title: "Les Sapeurs"
date: 2014-09-25 07:39
comments: false
language: english
tags: video
keywords: anton zujev, antzoo, zujev, sapeurs, style, congo
description: Les Sapeurs are fashionistas from Congo, whose style is a political and social outcry.
A sample of metadata from the cast folder:
title: "Utan 7"
date: 2015-02-27 06:52
podfeed: utan
comments: true
I didn't try the debug mode before. Now I did, but I don't see anything special in the log. Here's the log file.
I've installed the plugin on my blog to check it out. I think there is a bug in documentation or it is just supper misleading. Documentation doesn't explicitly say that the url is build against the date metadata with dateFormat configuration and file basename without the date. I copied your configuration use it agains my blog with post 2015-02-16-test-test.html.md with metadata: date: 2014-09-25 9:49.
result url: http://localhost:9778/2014/test-test/
So the plugin works. Do you think that docpad doesn't pick up any configuration for the plugin? If you are configuring docpad with docpad.coffee I suggest you to validate the file, if it is created according to coffeescript rules and you have right indentation. Some time ago I had a situation that my config file grew a lot and some of the config was not picked up because of indentation.
Or just give access to the project so I can see and tell you what is wrong.
Filename can have a date. The plugin uses regex to take just the string out of the filename - basename.
Locally I've commented out your hook into the renderBefore event, installed the plugin, added your config and all works as expected if it comes to the urls. So I get a URL like /2014/movie-quotes/
On the other hand it works when the server is started, but when I look on the out dir and try to generate the static content, it looks like the plugin doesn't work. Is this what you mean when saying that plugin doesn't work?
