How to pull code (after wrongly running the push and delete commands) - xcode

I am new to Git. I wrongly uploaded my code into GitHub repository with push command using Xcode source control. Then I asked a question that how can I delete the content of the master, because I thought that deleting files is enough to have a fresh start. (NB: I cannot delete the repository and create a new one) so I deleted every single file in repository with push command and the repository is empty now. When I try to pull my local working copy this time, my local working copy got deleted.
Does anyone know how can I pull my code?

There are two ways to go about fixing this problem.
Rewrite your history and push the rewrite to master (not recommended, because it will screw up everyone else's history as well, but has the benefit if making it appear that you never made a mistake)
Make a new commit reverting your changes and push this new commit. This keeps your old code in the repository but removes it from subsequent versions. It also has the added benefit of not screwing up everyone else's history.
To accomplish #1, simply run git log and find the commit ID number, then run git reset NUMBER to revert your tree to the working state. Then push your changes with git push RemoteName BranchName --force
As I mentioned, I strongly recommend against doing that unless you have some major privacy concerns over your mistake. A much better way to handle the problem is to run git revert CommitID to create a new commit that "undoes" your previous mistake. Check out this Atlassian blurb for a bit on how to do that.


can't pull without push commit

I working on project in bitbucket and I tried to pull my partner commit put I got this
You (or the editor) have made local change, so you cannot simply pull.
If you want to discard any local change, then before pull, reset all files by typing
git reset --hard
If you want to save these changes, then commit it, pull, and then resolve conflicts if there is any.
If you are not sure or not familiar with git, backup the two files indicated to somewhere else, and use 1. to reset them.
In my opinion, if you do not remember any change you made, simply use 1.

Exclude in git deleted important file

I have 2 branches master, testing. I git checkout testing and added an exclusion in .git/info/exclude
I added this into exclude: MyProject/MyProject.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
I did this so it wouldnt prompt me to add it and commit it everytime because it changes whenever I change tab or stuff like that.
I committed this to testing and pushed, then I git checkout master and git merge testing.
In the terminal it said this: delete mode 100644 MyProject/MyProject.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
And after this I cant open my xcode project anymore, it says cannot be opened because it is missing its project.pbxproj file
And now I cant seem to get it back, I cant find it in my github under commits. ;_;
Usually you put this stuff in your .gitignore rather than .git/info/exclude.
To get it back you could check out the commit right before removing it (assuming there is such a commit), move it someplace safe, and then re-add it after switching back to master.
If it's a file that is needed in the repository, then making git ignore it doesn't really make any sense (think of the guy cloning a fresh copy). Perhaps you'll have to live with either committing changes to it all the time, or get into the habit of leaving that file unstaged most of the time.

Files lost in Git repo download! Overwrote my work

I think I've done something rather stupid which may have cost me a couple of days of work. What follows is a question not so much about GIT itself as how to recover some files I have lost in the process of trying to use Git on a Mac.
I have been using Atlassian Sourcetree to make Git commits and pushes and to work with other members on a team. I have only been committing, pushing and pulling from Git.
As I've mentioned, I've been using SourceTree, but I wanted to evaluate Github for Mac as well.
At the time, I had made some changes to the files in my Git repo, representing about six hours of work. I did NOT commit or push these changes.
After I installed Github, I stupidly set Github to clone the repo to the same folder on my Mac as I had been making my changes in... essentially, Github downloaded the repo and overwrote all of my changes.
There were some files that were overwritten, and some new files that I created that were deleted.
Is there is a way to retrieve these files, either by some Git-based voodoo or some aspect of Mac OS X journaling that I'm not aware of? I would really appreciate hearing about it if there is.
So, from what I remember from having my life destroyed by my stupidity with git, it has a place where you can find your old code.
Go to your main repo folder and then type cd .git/lost-found/other/ or cd .git/lost-found/
You should be able to find a set of files that were older and you can then manually get them back by copying them in.
Here's some more links on it :
Recovering added file after doing git reset --hard HEAD^
Undo a git pull

GitHub for Mac Issue - Pushed to HEAD branch then switched

I have an emergency issue at hand.
First off, yes, I realize this was a very silly mistake.
Earlier on, I had a sync conflict, solved it correctly, and moved on. I just put in about 4 hours of work, saved everything fine, and then went to push to GitHub (using GitHub for Mac client). When I did so, it said there was an error, and I noticed I was on a branch called "HEAD". I then clicked to switch branches, and immediately panicked as I realized all of my changes were gone (since I had switched branches).
Is there ANY way I can switch back to this and recover my information??
If anyone could please help, it'd be greatly appreciated!
Based on the very good explanation on what happened from master branch and 'origin/master' have diverged, how to 'undiverge' branches'? give the following merge a try:
Check out a new branch based on you HEAD
git checkout -b local_changes HEAD
and try to merge the remote branch
git merge origin/ryan
You may experience some merge conflicts that you have to resolve depending on what changed on both sides. If all is fine bring the merges back into you ryan branch again.
git checkout ryan
git merge local_changes
If everything works you should have all the changes in place be able to push again to your remote.

Submitting a pull request with a Visual Studio ?

I'm studying art, but decided to take a course in programming. We were recently given a github URL, cloning it produced an empty folder(except .git). We were instructed to submit a solution to homework as pull requests on that project.
I don't want to mess up such a simple task, so I'd appreciate an advice on how to do the pull request. One of the things that bothers me are what parts of my folders and files do I need to include. I have folders like _ReSharper.Classes and packages (from NuGet), how do I handle those?
This is a good starting point for understanding Pull Requests:
Basically on Github, hit the fork button:
This will create your own clone of the repository. Commit your code in the new repo (if you're completely clueless with git, check out a getting started guide like this).
When you're done, hit the Pull Request button:
Enter an explaination of your changes and submit.
As per Alex's answer, first you fork the github repo to create your own copy, though it is still on github.
Second you should clone that copy onto your own PC/laptop so that you can work on it.
Once you have the clone locally you should create yourself a branch to work in - this keeps the master branch available for reference.
Also use branches when trying new things so that you can keep the 'mistakes' separate from the good stuff before merging (often simply 'fast forwarding').
At suitable intervals push your repo back to github as a backup - check up on whether it is public (relative to any course restrictions)
