404 error when using https with signalR - https

I am using signalR over https and I have seeming done everything off this site:
Yet, I am still getting a 404 error when I signalr is trying to connect.
https://localhost:9000//negotiate?clientProtocol=1.5&connectionData=%5B%7B%22name%22%3A%22logshub%22%7D%5D&_=1438785507850 404 (Not Found)
This is my OWIN startup program starting on https://*:9000
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string dbFile = "logDB.sqlite";
if (!File.Exists(dbFile))
IDataProvider provider = new SQLiteDataProvider("Data Source=logdb.sqlite;Version=3;PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;Pooling=True;Max Pool Size=100;");
LogsModule.Provider = provider;
using (WebApp.Start<Startup>("https://*:9000/"))
Console.WriteLine("Launched site on Port 9000");
Console.WriteLine("Press [enter] to quit...");
And here the javascript that is supposed to allow it to connect over https.
var hubUrl = "https://localhost:9000/signalr";
$.connection.hub.url = hubUrl;
$.connection.hub.logging = true;
I also created a cert using makecert and bound it to the endpoint

Had a similar issue where I had to run the program as administrator.

For anyone else that comes across this.
The hubUrl should normally be:
var hubUrl = "https://localhost:9000/signalr/hubs";
This is even shown in the link provided.
Also, needs to ensure that the hub script is loaded prior to this script:
<script src='https://localhost:9000/signalr/hubs'></script>


PostAsync hanging in Xamarin Forms works on emulator but hangs on actual Mobile phone

I have Xamarin Forms project where I'm trying to POST and GET data to/from a Web API but when I'm making an async/await call, it works on the emulator (not without its original problems!) but when I try it on my actual phone mobile (Samsung S8+), it just hangs indefinitely.
Note that I'm only concentrating on the Android part right now, not iOS, not that the problem should make any difference in either.
This is the code I'm using:
Task<TResponse> PostDataAsync<TRequest, TResponse>(string uri, TRequest data)
where TRequest : class
where TResponse : class;
public async Task<TResponse> PostDataAsync<TRequest, TResponse>(string
additionalUri, TRequest data)
where TRequest : class
where TResponse : class
return await WebClient
.PostData<TRequest, TResponse>
(string.Concat(this.Uri, additionalUri), data);
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var jsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data);
using (var response = await client.PostAsync(
new StringContent(jsonData,
"application/json" )))
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TResponse>(content);
Method 1:
public DelegateCommand SignInCommand => _signInCommand ??
(this._signInCommand = new DelegateCommand(SignInCommandAction));
private async void SignInCommandAction()
var user = await this._dataService
LoginResponseDto>(#"Accounts/Login", loginRequestDto);
public DelegateCommand SignInCommand => _signInCommand ??
(this._signInCommand =
new DelegateCommand(async () => await SignInCommandAction()));
private async Task SignInCommandAction()
var user = await this._dataService
LoginResponseDto>(#"Accounts/Login", loginRequestDto);
The PostDataAsync works with both methods when I call my local web API i.e. but both methods still hangs when calling external my web service from web provider i.e. http://myapp-123-site.atempurl.com/api/ which is a temp url for testing purpose.
The same apply to my GetDataAsync which is not demonstrated in question but I just thought I'd mention it.
Based on the above, you would think that my async/await code is correct since it works when calling the local web api but then what's causing it to hang when calling the remote web api.
As mentioned, I did enable my INTERNET permission in the manifest.
Any suggestions welcomed?
Note that I've just tried to call a GET opertation within the same function and this is working in the emulator but hanging with the actual mobile.
using (var client = new HttpClient())
using (var response = await client.GetAsync(uri))
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert
This is somehow working and I have no idea why! The only thing that comes to mind is that I upgraded my libraries. This included PRISM which may have been at the source of the problem but I have no idea.
Sorry I can't provide more details. I could role back my code and try to see if it's hanging again but I just don't have the time to go and experiment some more considering the amount of time I've already spent on this. Sorry.
The requested url is an IP or a domain name.
If it is ip, only the IP of the public network can be accessed by devices on multiple network segments.
If it is a domain name, it needs to support the domain name resolution service.
If you do not have these environments for a while, you need the IP of the device and the IP of the server on the same network segment.
The PostDataAsync works with both methods when I call my local web API i.e. but both methods still hangs when calling external my web service from web provider i.e. http://myapp-123-site.atempurl.com/api/ which is a temp url for testing purpose.
From this phenomenon , the reason should be the temp url. From this domain name (myapp-123-site.atempurl.com) can not find the right local IP ( when you test in local network , I guess this will work.However the network of actual mobile can be not the same with local network , such as using 3G/4G network , then this will not working.

Connecting to localhost with Restsharp on Android

I created a Web API and would like to access it in my Android XAMARIN App. It's a XAMARIN Forms App, which references a .NET Standard 2.0 library with the newest RestSharp nuget package installed.
Unfortunately I get the error:
Error: ConnectFailure (No route to host)
whenever I do the following:
public async Task<List<ETFPortfolio>> GetPortfolios()
var client = new RestClient("");
var request = new RestRequest("portfolio", Method.GET);
request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json");
var response = client.Execute(request); // Result with the error stated above
throw new Exception();
My WebAPI controller is set up like this:
public class PortfolioController : Controller
// GET api/portfolio
public async Task<IActionResult> Get()
var handler = new MyHandler();
var portfolioList = await handler.Handle();
return Ok(portfolioList);
catch (Exception ex)
return BadRequest(ex.Message);
I found a similar question, unfortunately there were no answers yet.
Error: ConnectFailure (No route to host)
Is there anything I'm missing here or could check out to make this work?
Since you are using a real device, your API url should not be a localhost but an IP address of the computer on which you have the API running.
localhost will work only on the emulator running on the same machine with your API.
P.S.: I wrote a blogpost on this topic, you might be interested in checking it as well.

Google Play Warning: How to fix incorrect implementation of HostnameVerifier

Today I just received this email from Google:
Your app(s) listed at the end of this email have an unsafe
implementation of the HostnameVerifier interface, which accepts all
hostnames when establishing an HTTPS connection to a remote host with
the setDefaultHostnameVerifier API, thereby making your app vulnerable
to man-in-the-middle attacks. An attacker could read transmitted data
(such as login credentials), and even change the data transmitted on
the HTTPS connection.
Sadly, I searched all my code and found no use of HostnameVerifier, nor setDefaultHostnameVerifier or even any HTTPS connections!
I'm using Google's compatibility libraries in its latest version: 25.0.1, and in some of my apps the Google Ads 9.8.0. Will upgrade Ads to 10.0.1, as I can only assume the culprit is in there?!
Did anyone received this alert and if so how did you solve it?
Same here - Insecure Hostname Verifier Detected in APK
Your app is using an unsafe implementation of HostnameVerifier. Please
see this Google Help Center article for details, including the
deadline for fixing the vulnerability. Im not using HostnameVerifier
and not calling setDefaultHostnameVerifier. Moreover - Im using OKHTTP
lib for http-requests. I hope that defining TrustManager will solve
this issue.
Since I'm not subclassing HostnameVerifier or calling setDefaultHostnameVerifier() I assume it relies to some 3rd party lib. Since I can't detect such lib I think I will try to add a class with following code
HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier(new HostnameVerifier() {
public boolean verify(final String hostname, final SSLSession session) {
if (check if SSL is really valid)
return true;
return false;
to my project and will see if it fixes the issue.
So I did it and additionally to every webView I've added overridden method
public void onReceivedSslError(WebView view, final SslErrorHandler handler, SslError error) {
// the main thing is to show dialog informing user
// that SSL cert is invalid and prompt him to continue without
// protection: handler.proceed();
// or cancel: handler.cancel();
String message;
switch(error.getPrimaryError()) {
message = ResHelper.getString(R.string.ssl_cert_error_date_invalid);
case SslError.SSL_EXPIRED:
message = ResHelper.getString(R.string.ssl_cert_error_expired);
message = ResHelper.getString(R.string.ssl_cert_error_idmismatch);
case SslError.SSL_INVALID:
message = ResHelper.getString(R.string.ssl_cert_error_invalid);
message = ResHelper.getString(R.string.ssl_cert_error_not_yet_valid);
case SslError.SSL_UNTRUSTED:
message = ResHelper.getString(R.string.ssl_cert_error_untrusted);
message = ResHelper.getString(R.string.ssl_cert_error_cert_invalid);
mSSLConnectionDialog = new MaterialDialog.Builder(getParentActivity())
.onPositive(new MaterialDialog.SingleButtonCallback() {
public void onClick(MaterialDialog materialDialog, DialogAction dialogAction) {
.onNegative(new MaterialDialog.SingleButtonCallback() {
public void onClick(MaterialDialog materialDialog, DialogAction dialogAction) {
to the
mWebView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
... // other corresponding overridden methods
And finally Google says:
No known vulnerabilities were detected for APK 158.
However I'm not sure what code made it, HostNameVerifier or onReceivedSslError() of mWebView.setWebViewClient.
As per the mail received from Google, there can be two possibilities for this issue:
Primarily you have to check your package name is not using any keywords restricted by Google. For example "com.companyname.android", .android is not allowed. Secondary is to check for HostNameVerifier
HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier(new HostnameVerifier() {
public boolean verify(final String hostname, final SSLSession session) {
if (/* check if SSL is really valid */)
return true;
return false;

RestSharp - when a test runs for the first time, it fails. When I debug, it passes. what's going on?

Pretty basic test:
public class ApiClientTest
private RestClient _client;
public virtual void TestInitialize()
_client = new RestClient("http://localhost:24144");
_client.CookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer();
public void ApiClientTestCRUD()
// 1. Log out twice. Verify Unauthorized.
var response = LogOut();
response = LogOut();
Assert.AreEqual(response.StatusCode, HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
// Error here:
Result Message: Assert.AreEqual failed. Expected:<0>.
Actual:< Unauthorized >.
I get <0>, which isn't even something that my WebAPI returns.
I think the issue is with my use of RestSharp, because if I debug one time it passes, and then subsequent runs pass. Any clue what's going on?
To be clear - this occurs when I open up my solution and attempt to run the test for the first time. I can fix it by debugging once, watching it pass, and then running without debugging as much as I want. I can reproduce this by closing VS and opening up the solution again - and running the test without debugging first.
Here's the LogOut method in my WebAPI:
public HttpResponseMessage LogOut()
if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "logged out successfully.");
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Conflict, "already done.");
catch (Exception e)
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, e);
I ended up running the tests with Trace.WriteLine:
// 1. Log out twice. Verify Unauthorized.
var response = LogOut();
Trace.WriteLine("Content: " + response.Content);
Trace.WriteLine("ErrorMessage: " + response.ErrorMessage);
Trace.WriteLine("ResponseStatus: " + response.ResponseStatus);
Trace.WriteLine("StatusCode: " + response.StatusCode);
Trace.WriteLine("StatusDescription: " + response.StatusDescription);
response = LogOut();
Assert.AreEqual(response.StatusCode, HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
And I found the following:
ErrorMessage: Unable to connect to the remote server
ResponseStatus: Error
StatusCode: 0
My solution has a test project with this RestSharp test, and a WebAPI project that's supposed to be accepting these requests. If I debug, the RestClient connects. If not, it times out. Any tips?
When debugging is not possible to solve the problem go to the old fashion way.
Add Trace.WriteLine (or even append text to a C:\temp.txt file).
Write some string before every return in the LogOut method, then try writing some more information (if it's the last return then write the Exception message, if it's the second return write the Identity information.
Hope this helps.
How are you hosting the server? I see this that you're using port 24144. Maybe in debug mode you're running the express IIS Web Server and that's the port, but in non-debug mode it's not?

HttpWebRequest and WebClient returning NotFound on Windows Phone 7 but not i normal console application

I'm trying to download a regular JSON string from this url https://valueboxtest.lb.dk/mobile/categories from a Windows Phone 7 Application.
I have tried to both use WebClient and HttpWebRequest. They both throw an exception
“The remote server returned an error: NotFound”
This is the code for using the WebClient
var webClient = new WebClient();
webClient.DownloadStringCompleted += (client_DownloadStringCompleted);
webClient.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri("https://valueboxtest.lb.dk/mobile/categories"));
The eventhandler then just show the content, but e.Result throws the above mentioned exception:
void client_DownloadStringCompleted(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error == null && !e.Cancelled) MessageBox.Show(e.Result);
For the HttpWebRequest my code looks as follows:
var httpReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(new Uri("https://valueboxtest.lb.dk/mobile/categories"));
httpReq.BeginGetResponse(HTTPWebRequestCallBack, httpReq);
With the following callback:
private void HTTPWebRequestCallBack(IAsyncResult result)
var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)result.AsyncState;
var response = httpRequest.EndGetResponse(result);
var stream = response.GetResponseStream();
var reader = new StreamReader(stream);
new delegateUpdate(update),
new Object[] { reader.ReadToEnd() }
And with the delegate method
delegate void delegateUpdate(string content);
private void update(string content)
Running it in a console application
Everything works just fine and the JSON string is returned with no problems and I am able to print the result to the console.
Different URL does work on WP7
The weird thing is that the URL http://mobiforge.com/rssfeed actually works fine in both of the above mentioned scenarios.
This issue occurs both in the Emulator and on an actual device.
What could be wrong? Is the REST service returning the data in misbehaving way? I really hope you can help me!
Note: I'm not running Fiddler2 at the same time!
The reason is because that site does not have a valid certificate. Just try it on Mobile Internet Explorer and you'll get the prompt about an issue with the certificate.
How to ignore SSL certificates
Mobile devices are stricter when it comes to SSL certificates.
If you want to get this app into a production environment, you'll either need to write a wrapper for this server (if it's not your own), or get a valid certificate. In the short-term, for testing, you can add a certificate into your device.
Here's a tool which might help you install a certificate.
