Out of Memory Exception in mvc 5? - model-view-controller

I need to display 40,000 records, I got system out of memory exception in MVC 5. Sometimes 70,000 records loads correctly and sometimes not even 40,000 records load. I need to display all records and export these records to the MS-Excel.
I used kendo grid to display the records.
I saw somewhere kendo grid doesn't load huge number of records.

From the Telerik forum:
When OpenAccess executes a query the actual retrieval of results is split into chunks. There is a fetch size that determines the number of records that are read from the database in a single pass. With a query that returns a lot of records this means that the fetch size is not exceeded and not all 40 000 records will be retrieved at one time in memory. Iterating over the result data you will get several reads from the database until the iteration is over. However, when you iterate over the result set subsequent reads are accumulated when you keep references to the objects that are iterated.
An out of memory exception may be caused when you operate with all the records from the grid. The way to avoid such an error would be to work with the data in chunks. For example, a paging for the grid and an option that exports data sequentially from all pages will achieve this. The goal is to try to reduce the objects kept in-memory at a time and let the garbage collection free unneeded memory. A LINQ query with Skip() and Take() is ideal in such cases where having all the data in-memory is costly.
and from http://docs.telerik.com/devtools/aspnet-ajax/controls/grid/functionality/exporting/overview
We strongly recommend not to export large amounts of data since there is a chance to encounter an exception(Timeout or OutOfMemory) if more than one user tries to export the same data simultaneously. RadGrid is not suitable for such scenarios and therefore we suggest that you limit the number of columns and rows. Also it is important to note that the hierarchy and the nested controls have a considerable effect on the performance in this scenario.
What the above is basically saying, is to reduce your result set via paging and/or reducing the number of columns that are fetched from the db to show only what is actually needed.
Not really sure what else you could do. You have too much data, and you're running out of memory. Gotta reduce the data to reduce the memory used.

Please go for the paging.And try to export all 40000 records without loding on to page. Which clears you that load data takes time and goes to memory out of exception.


What is the capacity of a BluePrism Internal Work Queue?

I am working in BluePrism Robotics Process Automation and trying to load an excel sheet with more than 100k records (It might go upwards of 300k in some cases).
I am trying to load internal work queue of BluePrism, but I get an error as quoted below:
'Load Data Into Queue' ERROR: Internal : Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.
Is there a way to avoid this problem, in the way where I can free up more memory?
I plan to process records one by one from queue, and put them into new excel sheets categorically. Loading all that data in a collection and looping over it may be memory consuming, so I am trying to find out a more efficient way.
I welcome any and all help/tips.
Basic Solution:
Break up the number of Excel rows you are pulling into your Collection data item at any one time. The thresholds for this will depend on your resource system memory and architecture, as well as structure and size of the data in the Excel Worksheet. I've been able to quickly move 50k 10-column-rows from Excel to a Collection and then into the Blue Prism queue very quickly.
You can set this up by specifying the Excel Worksheet range to pull into the Collection data item, and then shift that range each time the Collection has been successfully added to the queue.
After each successful addition to the queue and/or before you shift the range and/or at a predefined count limit you can then run a Clean Up or Garbage Collection action to free up memory.
You can do all of this with the provided Excel VBO and an additional Clean Up object.
Keep in mind:
Even breaking it up, looping over a Collection this large to amend the data will be extremely expensive and slow. The most efficient way to make changes to the data will be at the Excel Workbook level or when it is already in the Blue Prism queue.
Best Bet: esqew's alternative solution is the most elegant and probably your best bet.
Jarrick hit it on the nose in that Work Queue items should provide the bot with information on what they are to be working on and a Control Room feedback space, but not the actual work data to be implemented/manipulated.
In this case you would want to just use the items Worksheet row number and/or some unique identifier from a single Worksheet column as the queue item data so that the bot can provide Control Room feedback on the status of the item. If this information is predictable enough in format there should be no need to move any data from the Excel Worksheet to a Collection and then into a Work Queue, but rather simply build the queue based on that data predictability.
Conversely you can also have the bot build the queue "as it happens", in that once it grabs the single row data from the Excel Worksheet to work it, can as well add a queue item with the row number of the data. This will then enable Control Room feedback and tracking. However, this would, in almost every case, be a bad practice as it would not prevent a row from being worked multiple times unless the bot checked the queue first, at which point you've negated the speed gains you were looking to achieve in cutting out the initial queue building in the first place. It would also be impossible to scale the process for multiple bots to work the Excel Worksheet data efficiently.
This is a common issue for RPA, especially if working with large excel files. As far as I know, there are no 100% solutions, but only methods reduce the symptoms. I have run into this problem several times and these are the ways I would try to handle them:
Disable or Errors only for stage logging.
Don`t log parameters on action stages (especially ones that work with the excel files)
Run Garbage collection process
See if it is possible to avoid reading excel files into BP collections and use OLEDB to query the file
See if it is possible to increase the Ram memory on the machines
If they’re using the 32-bit version of the app, then it doesn’t really matter how much memory you feed it, Blue Prism will cap out at 2 GB.
This is may be because of BP Server as the memory is shared between Processes and Work queue.Better option is to use two bots and multiple queues to avoid Memory Error.
If you're using Excel documents or CSV files, you can use the OLEDB object to connect and query against it as if it were a database. You can use the SQL syntax to limit the amount of rows that are returned at a time and paginate through them until you've reached the end of the document.
For starters, you are making incorrect use of the Work Queue in Blue Prism. The Work Queue should not be used to store this type and amount of data. (please read the BP documentation on Work Queues thoroughly).
Solving the issue at hand, being the misuse requires 2 changes:
Only store references in your Item Data which point to the Excel file containing the data.
If you're consulting this much data many times, perhaps convert the file into a CSV, write a VBO that queries the data directly in the CSV.
The first change is not just a recommendation, but as your project progresses and IT Architecture and InfoSec comes into play, it will be mandatory.
As for the CSV VBO, take a look at C#, it will make your life a lot easier than loading all this data into BP (time consuming, unreliable, ...).

Multiple small inserts in clickhouse

I have an event table (MergeTree) in clickhouse and want to run a lot of small inserts at the same time. However the server becomes overloaded and unresponsive. Moreover, some of the inserts are lost. There are a lot of records in clickhouse error log:
01:43:01.668 [ 16 ] <Error> events (Merger): Part 201 61109_20161109_240760_266738_51 intersects previous part
Is there a way to optimize such queries? I know I can use bulk insert for some types of events. Basically, running one insert with many records, which clickhouse handles pretty well. However, some of the events, such as clicks or opens could not be handled in this way.
The other question: why clickhouse decides that similar records exist, when they don't? There are similar records at the time of insert, which have the same fields as in index, but other fields are different.
From time to time I also receive the following error:
Caused by: ru.yandex.clickhouse.except.ClickHouseUnknownException: ClickHouse exception, message: Connect to localhost:8123 [ip6-localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1] timed out, host: localhost, port: 8123; Connect to ip6-localhost:8123 [ip6-localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1] timed out
... 36 more
Mostly during project build when test against clickhouse database are run.
Clickhouse has special type of tables for this - Buffer. It's stored in memory and allow many small inserts with out problem. We have near 200 different inserts per second - it works fine.
Buffer table:
CREATE TABLE logs.log_buffer (rid String, created DateTime, some String, d Date MATERIALIZED toDate(created))
ENGINE = Buffer('logs', 'log_main', 16, 5, 30, 1000, 10000, 1000000, 10000000);
Main table:
CREATE TABLE logs.log_main (rid String, created DateTime, some String, d Date)
ENGINE = MergeTree(d, sipHash128(rid), (created, sipHash128(rid)), 8192);
Details in manual: https://clickhouse.yandex/docs/en/operations/table_engines/buffer/
This is known issue when processing large number of small inserts into (non-replicated) MergeTree.
This is a bug, we need to investigate and fix.
For workaround, you should send inserts in larger batches, as recommended: about one batch per second: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/introduction/performance/#performance-when-inserting-data.
I've had a similar problem, although not as bad - making ~20 inserts per second caused the server to reach a high loadavg, memory consumption and CPU use. I created a Buffer table which buffers the inserts in memory, and then they are flushed periodically to the "real" on-disk table. And just like magic, everything went quite: loadavg, memory and CPU usage came down to normal levels. The nice thing is that you can run queries against the buffer table, and get back matching rows from both memory and disk - so clients are unaffected by the buffering. See https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/engines/table-engines/special/buffer/
Alternatively, you can use something like https://github.com/nikepan/clickhouse-bulk: it will buffer multiple inserts and flush them all together according to user policy.
The design of clickhouse MergeEngines is not meant to take small writes concurrently. The MergeTree as much as I understands merges the parts of data written to a table into based on partitions and then re-organize the parts for better aggregated reads. If we do small writes often you would encounter another exception that Merge
Error: 500: Code: 252, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Too many parts (300). Merges are processing significantly slow
When you would try to understand why the above exception is thrown the idea will be a lot clearer. CH needs to merge data and there is an upper limit as to how many parts can exist! And every write in a batch is added as a new part and then eventually merged with the partitioned table.
table, count() as cnt
FROM system.parts
WHERE database = 'dbname' GROUP BY `table` order by cnt desc
The above query can help you monitor parts, observe while writing how the parts would increase and eventually merge down.
My best bet for the above would be buffering the data set and periodically flushing it to DB, but then that means no real-time analytics.
Using buffer is good, however please consider these points:
If the server is restarted abnormally, the data in the buffer is lost.
FINAL and SAMPLE do not work correctly for Buffer tables. These conditions are passed to the destination table, but are not used for processing data in the buffer
When adding data to a Buffer, one of the buffers is locked. (So no reads)
If the destination table is replicated, some expected characteristics of replicated tables are lost when writing to a Buffer table. (no deduplication)
Please read throughly, it's a special case engine: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/engines/table-engines/special/buffer/

Delphi: ClientDataSet is not working with big tables in Oracle

We have a TDBGrid that connected to TClientDataSet via TDataSetProvider in Delphi 7 with Oracle database.
It goes fine to show content of small tables, but the program hangs when you try to open a table with many rows (for ex 2 million rows) because TClientDataSet tries to load the whole table in memory.
I tried to set "FetchOnDemand" to True for our TClientDataSet and "poFetchDetailsOnDemand" to True in Options for TDataSetProvider, but it does not help to solve the problem. Any ides?
My solution is:
TClientDataSet.FetchOnDemand = T
TDataSetProvider.Options.poFetchDetailsOnDemand = T
TClientDataSet.PacketRecords = 500
I succeeded to solve the problem by setting the "PacketRecords" property for TCustomClientDataSet. This property indicates the number or type of records in a single data packet. PacketRecords is automatically set to -1, meaning that a single packet should contain all records in the dataset, but I changed it to 500 rows.
When working with RDBMS, and especially with large datasets, trying to access a whole table is exactly what you shouldn't do. That's a typical newbie mistake, or a borrowing from old file based small database engines.
When working with RDBMS, you should load the rows you're interested in only, display/modify/update/insert, and send back changes to the database. That means a SELECT with a proper WHERE clause and also an ORDER BY - remember row ordering is never assured when you issue a SELECT without an OREDER BY, a database engine is free to retrieve rows in the order it sees fit for a given query.
If you have to perform bulk changes, you need to do them in SQL and have them processed on the server, not load a whole table client side, modify it, and send changes row by row to the database.
Loading large datasets client side may fali for several reasons, lack of memory (especially 32 bit applications), memory fragmentation, etc. etc., you will flood the network probably with data you don't need, force the database to perform a full scan, maybe flloding the database cache as well, and so on.
Thereby client datasets are not designed to handle millions of billions of rows. They are designed to cache the rows you need client side, and then apply changes to the remote data. You need to change your application logic.

How to optimize data fetching in SQL Developer?

I am working on Oracle SQL Developer and have created tables with Wikipedia data, so size of data is very huge and have 7 tables. I have created a search engine which fetches and display data using JSP, but the problem is that for each query the application has to access 4 tables making my application very time consuming.
I have added indexes to all tables but still it takes more time, so any suggestion on how to optimize my app and reduce time it is taking to display result.
There are several approaches you can take to tune your application. And it could be either tuning at the database end, front end or a combination of the two.
At the database end you could be looking at say a materialized view to summarize the more commonly searched data. This could either be for your search purposes only or to reduce the size and complexity of the resultset. You might also look at tuning the query itself - perhaps placing indexes on the relevant WHERE clauses of your search or look at denormalizing your tables.
At the application end - the retrieval of vast recordsets - can always cause problems where a single record is large (multi-columned) and the number or records in the resultset - numerous.
What you are probably looking for is a rapid response time from your application so your user doesn't feel they are waiting ... and waiting.
A technique I have seen and used is to retrieve the resultset either as
1) a recordset of ROWIDs and to page through these ROWIDs on the display
2) a simulated "paged" recordset. Retrieving the recordset in chunks.

JSP Struts Performance/Memory Tips

I am working on a basic Struts based application that is experience major spikes in memory. We have a monitoring tool that will notice one request per user adding 3MB to the JVM heap memory. Are there any tips to encourage earlier garbage collection, free up memory or improve performance?
The application is a basic Struts application but there are a lot of rows in the JSP report, so there may be a lot of objects created. But it isn't stuff you haven't seen before.
Perform a set of database query.
Create an serialized POJO object bean. This represents a row.
Add a row to an array list.
Set the array list to the form object when the action is invoked.
The JSP logic will iterate through the list from the ActionForm and the data is displayed to the user.
1. The form is in session scope and possibly that array list of data (maybe this is an issue).
2. The POJO bean contains 20 or so fields, a mix of String or BigDecimal data.
The report can have 300 to 1200 or so rows. So there are at least that many objects created.
Given the information you provide, I'd estimate that you're typically loading 1 to 2 megabytes of data for a result: 750 rows * 20 fields * 100 bytes per field = 1.4 Mb. Now consider all of the temporary objects needed between the database and the final markup. 3 Mb isn't surprising.
I'd only be concerned if that memory seems to have leaked; i.e., the next garbage collection of the young generation space doesn't collect all of those objects.
List item
When desiging reports to be rendered in web application, consider the number of records fetched from database.
If the number of records is high and the overall recordset is taking lot of memory, then consider using pagination of report.
As far as possible donot invoke garbage collector explicitly. This is so because of two reasons:
Garbage collection is costly process
as it scans whole of the memory.
Most of the production servers would
be tuned at JVM level to avoid
explicit garabage collection
I believe the problem is the arraylist in the ActionForm that needs to allocate a huge chunk of memory space. I would write the query results directly to the response: read the row from the resultset, write to response, read next row, write etc. Maybe it's not MVC but it would be better for your heap :-)
ActionForms are fine for CRUD operations, but for reports ... I don't think so.
Note: if the ActionForm has scope=session the instance will be alive (along with the huge arraylist) until session expires. If scope=request the instance will be available for the GC.
