Cant locate desired local directory while using SCP on Mac - macos

I'm trying to copy a local directory to the root directory of my 1and1 server. I'm on a mac and I've ssh'ed into the server just fine. I looked online and saw numerous examples all along the same lines. I tried:
scp -r ~/Desktop/Projects/resume
The result in my terminal was:
I'm not sure where Kuden/homepages/29/d401405832/htdocs came from, I thought the ~ would take me to the macbook user directory
Any help would be appreciated, I'm not sure if I'm just missing something simple.
Thanks in advance

To scp, issue the command on your Mac, don't SSH into 1and1.
The error message is telling you that ~/Desktop/Projects/resume is not on the 1and1 server, which you know - because you're working to put it there.
More ...
scp myfile myuser#myserver:~/mypath/myuploadedfile
You would read this as:
scp myfile to myserver, logging in as myuser and place it under the mypath directory of the myuser account, with the name myuploadedfile


SCP file from ssh session to localhost

I have a headless file server on which I store and manage downloads and media, but occasionally I have to transfer small files back to my computer (Mac, using bash shell). The problem is that some files have more user-friendly names and commonly have spaces in them, and they are buried in the file directory hierarchy I have set up on my server.
When I'm using scp from my local machine, I don't have tab completion, so I have to manually type out the entire path and name with spaces escaped. When I ssh into the server first, the command:
scp /home/me/files/file\ name\ with\ spaces.png Me#localhost:/Users/Me/MyDirectory
fails with the error "Permission denied, please try again" even though I'm entering my local machine user password properly.
I've learned a little bit of sftp since I've been told that may be a better tool for file transfer. However, the utility seems outdated and I still don't have tab completion after establishing a connection to the server (on my Terminal when pressing Tab I just get a tab character).
My question is this: what can I do to allow tab completion while using scp from my Mac? Or am I using incorrect syntax for scp while in an ssh session, and is there something in that command I should fix? Or, is there a (better? newer?) tool other than sftp that would offer tab completion on a server?
Finally, if none of these problems have simple solutions, is there some package I could install (e.g. a completion package from Homebrew or the like) that would facilitate better tab-completion with any of these commands?
Looks to me like this is some incorrect scping.
This is the format of the command
scp ./localFile.txt remoteUser#remoteHost:/remoteFile.txt
You were so close, but you have localhost set where you should have your remoteHost.
localhost is the name that resolves to the machine that you are currently on - so in your workflow, you are sshing to a machine, and then trying to scp that file to the same machine you are already sshd into.
What you need to do, is figure out the IP address, or the physical host name of the computer that you are trying to connect to, and use that instead.
scp ./localFile.txt remoteUser#
# where would be the IP of your Mac
I am assuming the reason you were getting permission denied, was because you were using your the login credentials for you mac, but unknowingly trying to login again to your headless machine.

Transferring a file to an amazon ec2 instance using scp always gives me permission denied (publickey,gssapi-with-mic)

I am trying to transfer a file to an ec2 instance. I followed the Amazon's documentation, this is what my command looked like:
scp -i [the key's location] Documents/[the file's location] ec2-user#[public dns]:[home/[destination]]
where I replaced all the variables with the proper things, I am sure it's the correct key and it has permission 400. When I call the command, it tells me the RSA key fingerprint, asks me if I want to continue connecting. I type yes and it replies with
Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-with-mic)
lost connection
I have looked at many of the other similar questions on stack overflow and can't find a correct way to do it.
Also ssh traffic is enabled on port 22.
The example amazon provided is correct. It sounds like a folder permissions issue. If you created the folder you are trying to copy to with another user or another user created it, chances are you don't have permissions to copy to it or edit it.
If you have sudo abilities, you can try opening access for yourself. Though not recommended to be left this way, you could try this command:
sudo chmod 777 /folderlocation
That gives complete read/write/executable permissions to anyone (hence why you shouldn't leave it at 777) but it will give you the chance to test your scp command to rule out permissions.
Afterwards if you aren't familiar with permissions, I suggest you read up on it. this is an example: It is generally suggested you lock down the folder as much as possible depending on the type of information held within.
If that was not the cause some other things you might want to check:
are you in the directory of your key when executing the 'scp -i keyname' command?
do you have permissions to use the folder you are transferring from?
Best of luck.
The problem may be the user name. I copied a file to my Amazon instance and first tried to use the command:
scp -r -i ../.ssh/Amazon_server_key_pair.pem ./empty.test
and got the error:Permission denied (publickey).
I then realized that my instance is an Ubuntu environment and the user user is then "ubuntu" the correct command that worked for me is then:
scp -r -i ../.ssh/Amazon_server_key_pair.pem ./empty.test
The file "empty.test" is a text file containing the text "testing ...". Replace the address of your virtual server with the correct address to your instance's Public DNS. I have replaced the ip to my instance with
I have to use ubuntu# instead of ec2-user# because when i ssh i was seeing ubuntu# in my terminal, try changing to the name you see at your terminal
Also you have to set permission for pem file in your computer
chmod 400 /path/my-key-pair.pem
The below code will copy file from your computer to Ec2 instance.
scp -i ~/location_of_your_ec2_key_pair.pem ~/location_of_transfer_file/sample.txt
The below code will copy file from Ec2 instance to your computer
scp -i ~/location_of_your_ec2_key_pair.pem ~/folder_to_which_it_needs_to_be_copied
I was facing the same problem. Hope this will work for you.
scp -rp -i yourfile.pem ~/local_directory username#instance_url:directory
Permission should also be correct to make this work.
Might be ones uses wrong username. Happened to me, was the same error msg -> Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic).
lost connection

How to upload files and folders to AWS EC2 instance?

I use SSH to connect to my Ubuntu instance. With SSH I can administer files and folders on the instance, but how do I upload files and folders from my local machine to the instance?
Is it possible to do right from SSH session, without using SFTP clients?
Just to add a bit more detail to the scp command (included in OSx and most linux/unix):
scp -i myssh.pem local_file username#
Obviously - replace the pem file with the one used for ssh access. Obviously replace "username" and "200.200.200.." with valid values for your setup.
You can try kitten utility which is a wrapper around boto3. You can easily upload/download files and run commands on EC2 server or on multiple servers at once for that matter.
kitten put -i ~/.ssh/key.pem cat.jpg /tmp [SERVER NAME][SERVER IP]
Where server name is e.g ubuntu or ec2-user etc.
This will upload cat.jpg file to /tmp directory of server
As mentioned already, I've used WinSCP, which logs me in as "ec2-user" - then make sure to adjust that user's permissions via SSH. Example:
chown -R ec2-user /path/to/files
(Authenticate as the root user first.)
Whatever folder or files you need to edit via WinSCP, allow permissions on them (otherwise you will get a permission denied error when trying to upload/edit files in WinSCP).
you cannot copy files using ssh. you can use scp/sftp.
scp if you are on linux or winscp if you are on windows
You can use this:
scp -i yourkeypair.pem source destination
This Works Fine
scp -r -i myssh.pem /local/directory remote_username#
-r for recursive
You could also install and set up an FTP Server, which will allow you to set up users, and directories for them to upload to. That being said, I've upvoted the above because scp/sftp is the ideal method.
The easiest way is to install webmin and user the file manager (java plugin) from your browser.
//Go to home folder
cd ~
//Download the latest version
sudo rpm -U webmin-1.660-1.noarch.rpm
//Change default password of root user
Finally, open port 10000 in the security groups
Then, log into
with user:root password:what_you_set_before

Cronjob not executing the Shell Script completely

This is Srikanth from Hyderabad.
I the Linux Administrator in one of the corporate company. We have a squid server, So i prepared a Backup squid server, so that when LIVE Squid server goes down i can put the backup server into LIVE.
My squid servers are configured with Centos 5.5. I have prepared a script to take backup of all configuration files in /etc/squid/ of LIVE server to the backup server. i.e It will copy all files from Live server's /etc/squid/ to backup server's /etc/squid/
Here's the script saved as in the directory /opt/ with permission 755(rwxr-xr-x)
#! /bin/sh
host="Server IP"
expect -c "
spawn /usr/bin/scp -r <username>#Server IP:/etc/squid /etc/
expect {
send $password\r;
** Kindly note that this will be executed in the backup server that will check for the user which is mentioned in the script. I have created a user in the live server and given the same in the script too.
When i execute this command using the below command
[root#localhost ~]# sh /opt/
Everything works fine till now, this script downloads all the files from the directory /etc/squid/ of LIVE server to the location /etc/squid/ of Backup server
Now the problem raises, If i set this in crontab like below or with other timings
50 23 * * * sh /opt/
Dont know what's wrong, it is not downloading all files. i.e Cronjob is downloading only few files from /etc/squid/ of LIVE server to the /etc/squid/ of backup server.
**Only few files are downloaded when cron executes the script, If i run this script manually then it is downloading all files perfectly with out any errors or warnings.
If you have any more questions, Please go ahead to post it.
Now i kindly request to give if any solutions are available.
Please Please, Thank you in advance.
thanks for your interest. I have tried what you have said, it show like below, but previously i use to get the same output to mail of the User in the squid backup server.
Even in cron logs it show the same, but i was not able to understand what was the exact error from the below lines.
Please note that only few files are getting downloaded with cron.
spawn /usr/bin/scp -r <username>#ServerIP:/etc/squid /etc/
<username>#ServerIP's password:
Kindly check if you can suggest any thing else.
Try the simple options first. Capture the stdout and stderr as shown below. These files should point to the problem.
Looking at the script, you need to specify the location of expect. That could be an issue.
50 23 * * * sh /opt/ >/tmp/cronout.log 2>&1

Moving a folder from Desktop to the server?

I have a folder in my Desktop. I want to copy it to my server in Terminal.
I tried this unsuccessfully
[~/bin]# cp -r /Users/Sam/Desktop/tig-0.14.1 ~/bin/
cp: cannot stat `/Users/Sam/Desktop/tig-0.14.1': No such file or directory
I run the command in my server. The problem seems to be in the fact that "/Users/Sam/Desktop/tig-0.14.1" is a folder in my Mac, not in my server.
Perhaps, I cannot move the folder so simply to my server because my server do not know where my folder locates.
I have always moved the folder by GUI. Is the same possible also just in terminal?
From the server:
scp -r username#A.B.C.D:~/Desktop/tig-0.14.1/ ~/bin/
username is your shortname on your local mac.
A.B.C.D is the IP address of your local mac as seen by the server.
You will be prompted for your password.
Or if you wanted to push from your local client:
scp -r ~/Desktop/tig-0.14.1/ serveruser#W.X.Y.Z:~/bin/
serveruser is the user on the server whose ~/bin you want to copy into.
W.X.Y.Z is the IP address of the server as seen by your client.
You will be prompted to enter serveruser's password.
scp is part of ssh. See 'man scp' (from the terminal) for more info.
From your Mac (not the server):
# scp -r ~/Desktop/tig-0.14.1 myUsername#myServerName:~/bin
replace myUsername and myServerName appropriately.
cp is not the correct command. Try scp instead; it has similar use and you can use it like this: (see the manual for reference)
from linux client:
scp user1#host1://Users/Sam/Desktop/tig-0.14.1 ~/bin/
if you use a windows client you can use winscp to do this in "drag&drop" style
cp: cannot stat/Users/Sam/Desktop/tig-0.14.1': No such file or directory`
That's the problem, alright: the file you're trying to copy is not where you thought, or not named what you typed. As suggested in comments you can try using tab completion at the prompt to make sure you have everything correct:
# cp /Users/Sam/Desk<TAB>
# cp /Users/Sam/Desktop/tig<TAB>
# cp /Users/Sam/Desktop/tig-0.14.1.tar.gz
Note that tig-0.14.1.tar.gz is probably the actual file name, as found in the wild...
