OS pop-up in Jmeter selenium webdriver to attach a file? - jmeter

I have to automate a workflow which talks about attaching a file using JMeter selenium Webdriver. Not able to deal with the OS pop-up. Can somebody provide me the solution specific to JMeter Selenium Webdriver?

It should be as simple as:
Also it worth seeing The WebDriver Sampler: Your Top 10 Questions Answered guide for how-to's on the most frequently asked questions on the WebDriver Sampler.


Any option to use Ruby-Cucumber-selenium scripts for recording Jmeter scripts?

For my functional tests I have Ruby -Cucumber scripts which used selenium webdriver.
For my performance testing instead of manually recording the script for the website navigation, I want to use existing function test automation.
Is there any way to integrate this?
Is there any plug-in or way to integrate them?
Thanks in advance!
Tried before: Have used one jemeyer session, with Blazemeter plugin in this session, started recording, in second Jmeter session opened, in that used simple selenium scripts to execute to open chrome browser, navigation to the website.
But with this approach there was some bizarre error which didn’t go anywhere so looking for altérnate approach.

Blank Browser page is getting displayed in the Badboy Software. Can any one help me out to solve this?

I'm getting blank browser page in the Badboy to record the JMeter script. can anyone help me out to find out what will be the issues.
I don't think you should be using Badboy for recording a JMeter test because:
https://www.badboy.com.au website doesn't even open
the latest Badboy release is dated 2011 year which means JMeter 2.5.1 or lower and according to JMeter Best Practices you should always be using the latest version of JMeter
So consider switching to the supported way of recording a JMeter test which is using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder or alternatively JMeter Chrome Extension

How to make jmeter behave like a browser

I'm new to JMeter and I've already read some guidelines and all. Now i wanna focus on making my JMeter behave more like a browser. I've already set up everything according to this guide, but I'd like to know if there are any more advanced settings I could apply. Haven't found anything else so far. I'm greatful for any advice!
You can run jmeter in java code and use html in response to open in browser using desktop

Automate GUI designed in Flash using Selenium RC

I have a question on Flash Automation. I want to automate my website which is in flash. where i have to login, create users , scroll down and find users.
Can i Automate it using selenium RC if not please suggest some good open source tools.
If you don't manage to pull off what you want to do using Selenium RC. Try using Sikuli (found at http://www.sikuli.org/ ). You can use the Sikuli IDE, which works a lot like Selenium IDE, or try using the libs with java per example. They've got some examples on the site where you'll see how to use the image recognition to find certain elements and add/edit the data present there. Hope this helps.

what are the advantages of selenium webdriver over selenium RC

Can anyone help me in understanding the difference between Selenium RC and WebDriver and which one is better and why?
Selenium uses JavaScript to automate web pages. This lets it interact very tightly with web content, and was one of the first automation tools to support Ajax and other heavily dynamic pages. However, this also means Selenium runs inside the JavaScript sandbox. This means you need to run the Selenium-RC server to get around the same-origin policy, which can sometimes cause issues with browser setup.
WebDriver on the other hand uses native automation from each language. While this means it takes longer to support new browsers/languages, it does offer a much closer ‘feel’ to the browser. If you’re happy with WebDriver, stick with it, it’s the future. There are limitations and bugs right now, but if they’re not stopping you, go for it.
Selenium Benefits over WebDriver
Supports many browsers and many languages, WebDriver needs native implementations for each new languagte/browser combo.
Very mature and complete API
Currently (Sept 2010) supports JavaScript alerts and confirms better
Benefits of WebDriver Compared to Selenium
Native automation faster and a little less prone to error and browser configuration
Does not Requires Selenium-RC Server to be running
Access to headlessHTMLUnit can allow really fast tests
Great API
It's explained here.
Selenium-RC uses JavaScript to automate web pages. Therefore it is constrained by what you can do with JavaScript, specifically, it is constrained to the JavaScript sandbox. It also requires the Selenium-RC server. It supports many browsers and many languages.
WebDriver uses native automation and does not have the sandbox constraints of Selenium-RC. It's a little faster and does not require a server.
