performSegueWithIdentifier opens a new window in OS X - macos

I am working on OS X application using Storyboard.
I have 2 view controllers LaunchViewController and MainViewController. WindowController has LaunchViewController as window content. LaunchViewController does some checks and then segues to MainViewController. I would expect to show MainViewController in first Window but instead I see 2 windows one showing LaunchViewController and other using MainViewController.
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:kSegueToContentView sender:self];
Is this expected behaviour? Should I use ContainerView instead of calling performSegue?

I advise using a custom segue in order to avoid opening new view controllers in a new window.
This Code example may help you...


Load WebView URL inside Notification Bar NSPopover

I'm a noob OSX Developer having issues getting a WebView to load a URL when inside of a Custom View using NSPopover...My NSPopover is activated when a notification bar item is clicked.
This code is in my application delegate under
"- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification":
NSURL*url=[NSURL URLWithString:#""];
NSURLRequest*request=[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
[[_webView mainFrame] loadRequest:request];
It works just fine if I move the WebView to any other window, but the WebView in my Custom View for this NSPopover displays as a blank page. Any ideas why? Any additional information you might need? Limitation of the CustomView?
You have created the Outlet in IB for the UIWebView in your Custom View ? and strung it together?

Xcode Webview Output "null"

I'm developing an iPad app that supposed to output a website to another view, but when the second view loads, it comes up null. I'm using storyboard to link a button to push the web view controller and load the webpage into that view. The code works fine in the first view (indicated by NSLog), but NSURL never makes it to the second view (NSLog "Null").
Code in IBAction on first view:
self.sanctuaryWebViewController = [[SanctuaryWebViewController alloc]init];
self.sanctuaryWebViewController.URL = [NSURL URLWithString:#""];
Code in ViewDidLoad Second View Controller:
NSURLRequest *requestObject = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:URL];
[webView loadRequest:requestObject];
I have done this in an Iphone app fine declaring a nav delegate to push the view, but not sure if using storyboard or splitview has anything to do with the problem. I spent hours searching for help and tried several different ways to code, but no go. I think I'm close, but not quite there. Using Xcode 4.4 and running on OS 10.8; IOS 5.1
Thanks for any suggestions
Can you show us more of the second view controller's code? I'm assuming you are using ARC? I assume you mean the result is coming up nil rather than NSNull (there is a difference)? Have you connected the webView in the second view controller to the UIWebView in the Storyboard/IB?
Good luck!
I was declaring UIWebview twice. "webview" and "_webview". I removed the instant variable declared in .h and kept the property. Made sure "_webview" was used. Also, Since I linked a segue to a button, I got rid of the IBAction method and replaced it with the prepareForSegue method, which calls the segue. Really had know idea what I was doing using storyboard. I knew about the segue methods, but did not realize they are not linked to the button like IBAction methods. They seem to be used in similar way as calling xib files, but calling segues.

xcode 4.2 storyboard, segue by code

I'm trying to make the segue between a button created by coding and a view created in storyboard?
(the button is not in the storyboard, it's made inside the viewcontroller .m class)
please help if you know the solution
If the current view controller (the one that owns the button) came from the storyboard, you can just use the performSegueWithIdentifier:sender: method of UIViewController, like this:
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"mySegue" sender:sender];

iPad: Launch MainWindow.xib's primary view without using InterfaceBuilder confi

I get really confused using InterfaceBuilder to setup the main window xib file's primary controller view. Is there a good example or simple way to launch the ViewController I want to show by default in the Application Delegate instead of setting it up in InterfaceBuilder's MainWindow.xib file?
you can show your view by code as
FirstViewController *fvc = [[FirstViewController alloc] init];
[window addSubView:fvc];

How do I use multiple views in my iPad app?

I am trying to build an fairly simple iPad app that requires me to navigate through multiple views. What I want to do is have some sort of main menu view with multiple buttons on it, and when you click one of the buttons the new view appears and then you work with that. I'm new to iPad development, so I have a few questions about the best way to get this done.
1) If I build the views in Interface Builder, how do I make them aware of each other in Xcode? I can't seem to figure out what I need to do in order to code a button to say "Open View 'Foo'"
2) When I open the views, how should I be adding them in relation to the main menu view? Should I add the new view as a subview of the main menu view, or should I close the main menu view, open the new view, and then reopen the main menu upon closing the first view? I imagine both ways are possible, but are there any performance implications I should be aware of?
I'm making an assumption that it's more or less the same between iPhone and iPad. I haven't started iPad development yet.
You make view controllers aware of each other by importing their headers in your implementation files
#import "SecondViewController.h"
If you're going for a navigation-style app, you should embed your top level view controller in a navigation controller, then you advance to the next one by calling
SecondViewController *secondVC = [[SecondViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"SecondViewController" bundle:nil];
//set any properties
[self.navigationController pushViewController:secondVC animated:YES];
[secondVC release];
